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File: 251 KB, 1280x1280, hairull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52621468 No.52621468 [Reply] [Original]

i wish work was done only by child free people
i wish all prisoners were castrated
whats the catch?
... there is none
there, final solution

>> No.52621568

>those tits
Should’ve had sex w her instead homo

>> No.52621613

>how to guarantee overpopulation and mass unemployment at the same time

>> No.52621641

What terrible "art"
The stiff posing, the action figure tier male body and the porn star type female body, the dead face of Perseus expressing nothing but self satisfaction and enjoyment of base pleasures, the covering of the penis, the nonsense drapings placed there because "le classical art-flowly clothes", the gauche sentiments of the pleading medusa. Saying abolsutly nothing, an expression of a shallow culture obsessed with base violence and sex
Perfect representation of the mind virus behind so called "traditonalist" imbeciles that populate the internet, displaying their dilettante understanding of art and subhuman soul

>> No.52621664

And why would anyone work ?

>> No.52621698

I couldn't have said it better, this whole thing reeks of modernism trying to larp as "tradition"

>> No.52621712

also this

>> No.52621736

Yep, if he had a raging cock and a turban on his head it would immediately become a real art.
Also, golden tattoos on gorgona's hip would look neat.

>> No.52621742

i think you can see the dick from different angle, not sure why its important to you senpai

>> No.52621778
File: 510 KB, 1920x2400, doc-zenith-medusaandperseusmarble-shot5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from different angle

>> No.52621798

noooooooo not my heckin based gayreek statuinos!

>> No.52621807
File: 719 KB, 1920x2400, doc-zenith-medusaandperseusmarble-shot4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can kinda see his balls here

>> No.52621851

why did the greeks only make statues of dudes

Like wouldn't it be nicer to have statues of women with titties everywhere
that would be the modern day west with its advertising kinda

>> No.52621865

Because they weren’t nigger cattle yet

>> No.52621925
File: 2.17 MB, 2497x3468, Theodor Fritsch strikes a jew with Thor's hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>52621468 >>52621568 >>52621613 >>52621641 >>52621664 >>52621698 >>52621712 >>52621736 >>52621742 >>52621778 >>52621798 >>52621807 >>52621851 >>52621865

>> No.52622003


>> No.52622053
File: 533 KB, 1280x853, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to art

>> No.52622074

So to rephrase, you want every parent to be subsidized by the government even more. Guess who's going to have a lot more kids? Das rite
>prisoners were castrated
That doesn't even make sense but assuming it does, what do you do to female criminals? Genital mutilation?

>> No.52622081

Let's be honest you're only upset because her tits are too big and that doesn't look very classy

>> No.52622101

>what do you do to female criminals?
tying tubes,
>every parent to be subsidized by the government
once the kid turns 16 the free rent and food coupons end
also everyone over 16 forced to work, no upper age limit

>> No.52622109
File: 903 KB, 3899x2051, AFA0BA38-09EB-4E7E-8E76-1DBFAFB6058D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that’s terrible, there’s talks of removing the Perseus/Medusa statue because she din du nuffin.

Pic related. Right side is Medusa with Perseus’s head. Statue in Manhattan I believe.

>> No.52622117

get a load of this faggot

>> No.52622120

>everyone over 16 forced to work
>work was done only by child free people
Do you see the flaw in your plan there. Are you drunk right now, be honest?

>> No.52622146

no, have kids or go to the wagie cagie

>> No.52622148

Nobody values your opinion on the internet or in real life. You'll be better off when you realize this FACT.

>> No.52622162

She doesn't need to cut off heads, she turns people to stone.

>> No.52622165

this pretty adequately represents my dislike of this. This makes medusa way more sympathetic and portrays perseus more of a monster than a hero. Medusa clearly isn't very threatening, Perseus can even look upon her directly without turning to stone.

>> No.52622226


>> No.52622515

Friendly reminder that Medusa is an allegory for childless feminist spinsters.

>> No.52622730

It’s an asshurt ugly woman thing to make statues like that, sponsored by kikes to shit on European past.

>> No.52622810

Do not dare decapitate her before a titfuck.

>> No.52622966

Do you not know what Medusa is? You turn to stone when she looks at you.

>> No.52622983
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, 1668996765830111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stiff posing, the action figure tier male body and the porn star type female body, the dead face of Perseus expressing nothing but self satisfaction and enjoyment of base pleasures,
That's Greece and most of the Balkans for you, faggot.
Welcome to the Balkans, cunt, stay the fuck out.

>> No.52623001

This, totally ruined Greek mythology because Medusa was a tough bitch and killing her was like dropping a fucking demon.
>TLDR, Americans are stupid.

>> No.52623049

hey op, i am in the middle of reading "how to read a book" by mortimer j adler, and i would like to try to understand your post

>i wish work was done only by child free people
what do you mean by work exactly? are you talking about a 9-5 jobs and that only childess people would have these jobs, essentially as a servant class? what about business owners or people that work for themselves. I would think the opposite is true, that only people who have children CAN work. people without children literally have no reason to do anything and so they cannot work. they usually just do the bare minimum to survive. the best wage slaves are people with children because they have to work.

>i wish all prisoners were castrated
i get where you are coming from with this ie. we should make bad people unable to have children then they would be our servants. but what about someone who has been wrongfully imprisoned?

>> No.52623103
File: 178 KB, 787x586, 1594066288389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not having kids.
Fuck you. You and what army?

>> No.52623312

its not about getting best wage slaves, but about raising better next generation
parents that dont have to work, have time to spend with theirs kids
like a maternal leave, but 17 years long
to get the money we remove the retirement and you work until you die
thats investing in the better future for us all

>> No.52623339

I wish we would go back to the days of mostly men in the work force with women staying at home.Colleges are useless now days, go back to apprenticeships. Also no diversity hire bullshit, if you have the skills & expertise you get the job.
>workforce shrinks
>job pay goes up for skilled labor
>shit gets done

>> No.52623417

>thats investing in the better future for us all
i think the problem is the people with the most power do not want a better future for everyone. they want permenant debt slaves, "you will own nothing and like it, goy!".

>> No.52623452

they have forced labor by debt for house owners (?)
just make forced labor for childfree and were gucci

>> No.52624024
File: 174 KB, 650x365, photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody should get a house at age of 17, then house is repossesed when you die

>> No.52625165

hmmm child free people do make better workers. family types have too much fear and anxiety always worried about the rest of their day n shit.

>> No.52625925

>paper bag

>> No.52626634

I can fix her

>> No.52627017

you would get radicalized echoes rather than well adjusted citizens. the industrialized citizen was invented to serve a purpose, it works.

poor people don't get to raise their kids and that's for the best.

>> No.52629234


>> No.52629266
File: 70 KB, 375x455, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the covering of the penis

>> No.52630209

medusa kinda did shit. she was a whore and tuned people into stone.

this modern facebook revisionist mythos of medusa being le victim and athena being le female empowerment saviour is retarded

>> No.52630985

its the poor AND stupid people who have the most kids now, having kids is not profitable at all now

>> No.52631001
File: 522 KB, 1500x971, sisley moret au coucher du soleil octobre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52632505

I'm already rock hard bby

>> No.52632622

It's the other way around. You turn to stone when you look at her because she's so radically ugly. Perseus got around that by looking at her reflection in a shiny shield.

>> No.52632638

why dont the snake hair bite his arm

>> No.52632926

While cringe tryhard, I agree. Forgot to mention the mutt face and Zyzz haircut.

The right one looks like 3d printed shit. Absolutely zero aesthetic appeal.

>> No.52633530

ugly society glorifies ugly things (I don't mean physically, I mean inside you, as a character, person, the individual. It's why so many negative things and vices are now glorified to the maximum)

>> No.52633586


>> No.52633589

no tits

>> No.52633675

Most women were fucking tradesmen and their neighbours while their husbands were out at work anon.
Women should be able to work, but only in wholesome environments where there are no men.

>> No.52633812

corny garbage

>> No.52634326
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1664289560438846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it, three faggot incels who simp on onlyfans and play vidya all day critiquing an amazing work of Art.
You faggots work at wage jobs, produce nothing and have zero fucking talent or skills, yet you want to shit on culture that you will never see or experience because you don't leave your house.
Top fucking kek.
You niggers need to kys instead of giving your shitskin opinions of things you clearly do not understand.