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52615388 No.52615388 [Reply] [Original]

I am mentally Ill but because of my schizoid lifestyle, bull and bear crypto cycles didn’t effect me much

My normatypical coworkers would have panicsold their bags because they would have feared losing their gfs/financing their life

I am already used to wasting the most precious years of my youth baghodlign and not making experiences. Should I give that up by going to through therapy? This would lead me to finding a gf, and she would probably sabotage my grind

>> No.52615419
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too long to read fuck off

>> No.52615430

just take your meds schizo-faggot

>> No.52615488

>work out
>eat clean
>buy some bluechip shitcoins
>take some profits along the way
be happy, simple as that

>> No.52615819

Which shitcoins are bluechip?

>> No.52616630
File: 1.35 MB, 800x500, UkranianFreedomFIghter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feds make these threads because they understand we are bagholding schizos who are severely mentally ill and stay inside all day and are sad mostly and alone mostly. They know we're going to kill ourselves or be killed or just wallow to death, amounting to nothing. Being sociopaths, they come here to pile it on and larp as us to mock and belittle us further. Knowing they are immune from actual scrutiny and someone actually checking them physically in real life, these threads give them massive enjoyment and data mining opportunity. The truth is, they don't the day they will die, they don't know what's coming after death either, but we do :) These kikes are going to fry for eternity and won't be blessed with reincarnation. Sucks to suck little glownigger.

>> No.52616672



>> No.52616729

Your entire life revolves around crypto wtf are you talking about

>> No.52616811


>> No.52616833

>heh it's the government agencies that want me to think I'm a schizo
Is there unironically a more schizo thing to post

>> No.52617281
File: 573 KB, 2000x1333, superareepsteinmaxwelldog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

government agencies work for companies and weapons/energy interests abroad so ofc it's agencies that want people to become more demoralized and schizo because if you can do that to people that's a form of warfare. it's like you don't even think the people you are actively trying to harm try and defend themselves with knowledge? Knowledge is the only defense against you because it's not like I can fight you, all I can do is hope you don't kill me or make me kill myself. All I can do is try and live a life, that is all I can do. ANd that is just an untenable position for you to allow me to have.