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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52614644 No.52614644 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, Anon is coming out of his cave. You know what I'm thankful for this year, anon? My real estate portfolio! How about that Bigcoin proving to be the scam it always was, huh? My 5 condos and vacation homes are all booked out!

>> No.52614656
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You shut down the economy and printed $5 trillion dollars because of a fucking FLU

>> No.52614696
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How the fuck do those old fucks stay winning after all this time??

>> No.52614698

They’ll burn in a hell they made by inviting all the niggers and spics in.

>> No.52614699

Anon, your grandfather and I could have died. Sure we don't contribute any value, and we are kept alive by the organs of the young people we run over, but it needed to be done. Stop being self-centered. Now could you pour me another glass of the "good stuff" and go scrape the ice of my Escalade?

>> No.52614727
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>"Sorry anon, I forgot the pic. Also could be a dear and grab me my orthopedic socks and my scooter? I told you to put it on the charger it needs it, going to have to put it in ludacris mode after all that turkey!"

>> No.52614744
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roll for what you'll get next bullrun

>> No.52614751
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>"Luck doesn't exist anon. All I had to do was barge in the door, look the president of the company dead in the eye, squeeze his fucking hand until he winced and DEMAND a job. Now tomorrow walk on down to [the local factory] and do the same. Sure they have gotten rid of the pensions and ESOP after I retired lol and there are a lot more colored folk around, but you can also own a real estate portfolio."

>> No.52614764

please god I need 1

>> No.52614771


>> No.52614773
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Roll but dubs get this absolute unit of a boomer.

>> No.52614777

Covid-19 isn't a flu, you embarrassing mongoloid.

>> No.52614785
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>> No.52614786

you're right, the china virus is even LESS harmful than the flu to children. we shut down the economy over what amounts to a cold for most healthy people.

>> No.52614794
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>"Anon don't listen to these out of touch bozos. I launched an NFT the other week and we have a roadmap and everything. I can't go into detail about everything right now but you're going to want to stay tuned. I can get you in right now for 0.08 eth and pay you in shitcoins to be my discord mod. Our native coin is backed by debt from irl loan sharks. If the debt gets close to defaulting we get the nft holders to beat the shit out of them."

>> No.52614800

Only in your dreams.

>> No.52614815

He sounds like he’s got a good plan.

>> No.52614820

Did anyone even have some big family get together over thanksgiving this year. Nobody I know is traveling to see family anymore, it stopped with the pandemic and nobody seems to be picking it back up. Five years ago you could ask anyone and they’d go into enthusiastic detail about how they planned to prepare the turkey. This year, about half the people I ask tell me they’re not sure they’ll care about a turkey. It seems the American spirit has been finally broken.

>> No.52614831
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>28 years old
>no gf
>they still put my chair at the kids table

>> No.52614844
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>"Uncle Anon, I bought NFTs from the Paul brothers and Nelk boys and people keep saying they rugged us."

>> No.52614846

You are right, it’s the common cold.

>> No.52614849
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1 or 2
>tfw too old to sit on the kids table and flirt with the lolis

>> No.52614861

How come 98% of flu cases disappeared then when Covid around??? Rhetorical question. They rebranded the flu.

>> No.52614871
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>> No.52614893

Kek I love these threads

>> No.52614899


>> No.52614936
File: 203 KB, 297x239, tg5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wow Anon, you're clearly brainwashed from Donald Trump and Joe Rogan. I've taken 15 vaccines and 12 boosters so far and I'm fine. Never gotten covid. I've never tested positive in the 5 times I've tested myself in the last two years."

>"Hey Anon, we're making fun of your brother's Bigcoin? How's your Bigcoin doing! I bet it's worse than our retirement plans! Ahaha we're all talking about working for 3 more years because this time it's different and the bottom of the bull market is in RIGHT NOW!"

>> No.52614958


>> No.52614964

Hey anon, I heard you lost some money. I know, man. I started DCA’n, even if this is half way through the bottom we will still be very well off in 25 years. There’s always hope

>> No.52614976
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>> No.52614983
File: 181 KB, 255x233, tg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon you need to stop getting suckered into these get rich quick schemes like Bigcoin. I buckled down on my business. Got a $5 million dollar ppp loan and now we're doing better than ever. Yea it was forgiven too! Hard work pays off!"

>> No.52614988

Be so pee poo

>> No.52615000

>"those gosh darn democrats and their student loan nonsense -- YOU TAKE OUT A LOAN, YOU PAY IT BACK! IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT!'

>> No.52615006
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>> No.52615013


>> No.52615921

Because masks work, dumbshit.

>> No.52615947

i have sometimes more fun shittalking with the teenagers rather than the boomers

>> No.52616785
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>> No.52616891

>My 5 condos and vacation homes are all booked out!

>> No.52616912

that guy is probably like 35

>> No.52616947

I want to fuck middle one on the left table... needs to fill in a bit first maybe

>> No.52616971

Yea what about the payment. The maintenance. Renting residential is an immense pain in the ass. No thank you .

>> No.52616994
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>"Anon! Grandpa and Grandma are paying us $20 a day to help clean out the houses! We're going to be rich like you!"

>> No.52617025
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>dont get invited to thanksgiving dinner
>brother feels bad about it so drops off some leftovers
>he asks me how it is and i explain the turkey was cooked well but the gravy was too herb forward
>he tells me i'm an asshole and that's why nobody likes me

>> No.52617558
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i m no longer invited. not sure why

>> No.52617565

Who cares Anon you’re fucking free my god! Do you know how many envy you

>> No.52617573


>> No.52617586
File: 1.45 MB, 608x1080, shit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could had got a PPP loan

>> No.52617593
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>> No.52618150

>he asks me how it is and i explain the turkey was cooked well but the gravy was too herb forward

>> No.52618965


>> No.52618980

That's nice Stacy but I don't really care kek

>> No.52618997
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>> No.52619156

do you know how fucking small a virus is compared to woven cloth? that's like thinking you'll keep out mosquitos with a chainlink fence

>> No.52619166

But wasn’t Bitcoin a hedge against inflation?

>> No.52619211

bigcoin? I don't think it's getting much bigger anon

>> No.52619215

Get a load of this retard.

>> No.52619311

Uncle Joe.... how about that "eviction moratorium" and "rent forgiveness" ? and did you hear they passed a law that allows low-income housing to be built next to your properties?

>> No.52619470

so fucking relatable. I mean im not autistic so I keep this shit to myself but god damn I be thinking the same thing. GFs mom absolutely butchered the turkey. Not even gravy saved it, had to chase it with water.

>"yeah so I cooked the turkey last night and sliced it then reheated it today anon, how is it"
>me, still chewing minutes later desperately trying not to choke "its fantastic!"

how fucking hard is it to butcher it raw and cook the individual sections correctly?? You're just gonna throw a fucking 10 lb animal in an oven and hope it works out?

>> No.52619667

>"yeah so I cooked the turkey last night and sliced it then reheated it today anon, how is it"
Who the fuck cooks turkey the day before then reheats it as thanksgiving day? Jesus Christ not even niggers stoop this low.
Lol. Dude you meant well, but like the other anon said, you have to keep harsh opinions like that to yourself. The older you get, the more honest you can be with people.

>> No.52620168

I know dude it was painful. White midwestern boomers are the fucking worst cooks. When I heard that shit it instantly became 40% harder to eat

>> No.52620259

the only productive thing I did (financially) was to get a holoclear reward, I don't expect anything else but to taste bobo's monster condom until january at least

>> No.52620760

Protip: you can level up your role in holiday parties.
>have gf let it be known that you've taken up cooking
>volunteer to bring a side dish to christmas
>if it's good people will enthusiastically tell you, if it's bad you'll have lots of leftovers
>once you get the green light on the side offer to bring a main dish (or come early and prep onsite)
>if it goes well by next year you can wear a fancy apron and hat and dominate the holiday kitchen

>> No.52620795

I literally did this. I'm a chef by trade so its kindof cheating. I brought green bean casserole made from scratch and deviled eggs. There were no leftovers and literally only 2 of the people there were fond of deviled eggs at all. I know I sound like a pretentious faggot but they should really just let me handle the cooking for gatherings I've spent all of my short life learning how to do it and it is one of the only things I derive pleasure from anyways. I'll tell you one thing though I will not be convinced otherwise, I am making the fucking turkey next year

>> No.52620837

Do it, just don't be a sperg and say it's because last year's turkey sucked ass. Say it's some new recipe you want to try or something, just put a positive spin on it. Let the woman "assist" you if she feels her position is threatened, and even give her some of the credit if it won't go to her head and make her try to seize power again.

Good luck and godspeed, chef.

>> No.52620850

I know it's fake, but god those lines riled me up to a boil....

>> No.52620861

He's closet to or past 40

>> No.52620864

what the hell is wrong people like this?!

>> No.52621241

Viruses don't float freely in the air. They're bound to other, larger particles like droplets.

>> No.52621265

what the hell fucking camera points like that?

>> No.52622291


>> No.52622417
File: 25 KB, 497x471, Winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get up two and a half million dollars, any asshole in the world knows what to do: you get a house with a 25 year roof, an indestructible Jap-economy shitbox, you put the rest into the system at three to five percent to pay your taxes and that's your base, get me? That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink. That's all I have to say to anybody on any social level. Did your grandfather take risks?

>> No.52622442
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>21 years old
>still at the kids table

>> No.52622461

I will fucking kill this fat bitch if she ever tried to make some retarded and deprecating boomer comment to my face

>> No.52622491
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People = havemoney
Me = nohavemoney

>> No.52622561

Based old fat man

>> No.52622564

Heavenly trips confirm it’s not a flu, it’s a bad cold. Neck yourself and get your room temp IQ out of the Gene-Pool.

>> No.52622606

The lack of diversity is stunning

>> No.52622749
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>>21 years old
>>still at the kids table

>> No.52623150

>Anyone who tells the truth must kill himself
Nice one, retard.

>> No.52624043
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took me a moment but I knew it was there somewhere

>> No.52624702

the funny thing is their portfolios be hurting too