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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52608406 No.52608406 [Reply] [Original]

Why are crypto-fags so against regulations?
You wouldn't keep on losing your lifesavings to conmen like SBF

>> No.52608424

I didn't lose shit bitch nigga

>> No.52608502

Regulations bring stability
Stability brings much less volatility
Less volatility means they can't make a lot of money in short periods of time

>> No.52609033

People here did not give their keys to Celsius, bancor and ftx and the ones that did it here deserved it for giving their keys to jews
And luna was a Twitter hype

>> No.52609038

They're conservacucks that think simping for corporations will make their lives less shitty

>> No.52609116



>> No.52609368

Do punishing laws prevent illegal behaviors? Not from motivated people. Regs didnt prevent madoff to run a ponzi, and dont prevent motivated people to kill

>> No.52609760

The 2008 financial crisis, which occurred entirely in regulated financial instruments and markets, almost destroyed the global economy.

The fact is, regulations act to shift profits from the masses to the privileged few, especially those with the resources to find loopholes.

>> No.52609788
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>> No.52609791


>> No.52609808

Do you want crypto to follow the stock market IPO model? Individual investors will be locked out of the most profitable transactions by law, serving only to be bagholders for the wealthy and well connected.

>> No.52609815
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If crypto becomes an immitation of the stock market, then why buy internet money when you can buy shares of a company that creates real value.

>> No.52609824

Regulations are anti- libertarian ..limit your investment opportunities, slow down the ability to act on an investment swiftly to KYC bullshit , reduce profits, create admin compliance headaches, lead to unintended consequences that are worse than pre regulation..worst of all they allow the government [government is NEVER your friend] to track your transaction history and the finally charge you criminally for some over site.. Fraud and theft are alteady illegal ..ask yourself why the haven’t arrested that scumbag already ..I’m sure it’s nothing to do with being 2nd largest dems doner and coming from connected family

>> No.52609871
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>> No.52609874

Because man, being conned is AWESOME! Plus sometimes you can get rich if you're early enough in the con. For real though, how else would I escape the Jewish banking system? Plus I love the fact that every single transaction on the Blockchain is traceable to which address sent and received said money, making a completely decentralized marketplace, free of government. AWESOME!

>> No.52609931

>SBF steals users funds
>The resulting legislation bans '""unhosted"" wallets', 'privacy' and DeFi.
I am against regulations on crypto because the people making the regulations are against crypto. You're an idiot if you think they have your best interests at heart.

>> No.52609956
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>short periods of time
/biz/ is 90% nigger mentality because they CLEARLY CAN'T READ A FUCKING BOOK.

>> No.52609976

Remember that this is how braindead the average normie actually is.
How would regulation help, you mindless subhuman parasite? Be specific, actually say something.

>> No.52610036
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show us on the doll where the corporations touched you

>> No.52612972

Crypto is suppose to be decentralized prakesh, regulations only means no more freedom, no more privacy and more govt involvement which never ends well.

>> No.52612999

They want the ponzi to keep going. Only buy regulation compliant coins from here on like xrp, algo, xlm etc.

>> No.52614998

>I am leftycuck that thinks simping for government will make my life less shitty.

Wrong board retard, this is not /lgbt/

>> No.52615038

>Jews set up a money laundering scheme
>Blows up in their faces, """lose""" a bunch of goy money
>Oy vey why don't you like regulations?

>> No.52615175
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>Glowie Jew bait
Thanks no!

>> No.52615184

you have yo be 18 years or older to post on this board lil guy

>> No.52615256

cexs are anti crypto though

>> No.52616014
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Cex is not crypto. Cex need regulations, crypto does not.

>> No.52616446


this muthaf___kn, Anon knows


maybe onto something

shits over, bro.


XRP skiiitzzzoE muh Swift, brodudes.

>> No.52617283

"Regulate crypto" is one of the dumbest statements in the english language. The only thing "crypto" does is regulate human behavior. What it adds is the ability to regulate the mobsters you retards are asking to be controlled by.

>> No.52617291

I didn't lose shit cause im on chain using self custody. If I ever do actually sell/swap my assets I'd use a DEX.

>> No.52617458

Creating your own "currency" is already illegal in most countries, tokenized contracts representing future value like FTT are regulated for a century.
People tried issuing tokens for general use many times before bitcoin, they were always shut down by governments. Since they couldn't do that easily with bitcoin the confusion about "crypto" emerged. Retards issuing tokens meant to be used to buy coffee or represent currency in any way are doing things they would have been arrested for before Bitcoin.