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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 309 KB, 828x1071, 19AE89DD-9A68-448C-A3A5-FDE0A1857E31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52606496 No.52606496 [Reply] [Original]

Twetch just announced the release of their iOS beta. It’s the world’s first first fully functioning on-chain micro transaction powered social media app and it’s available through the App Store.
What are the financial implications of an app launching that offers the exact functionality Elon and SBF claimed was impossible?

>> No.52606515
File: 1.04 MB, 828x1266, E766CE53-D3E5-432C-9A96-76453CEC6FD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda surreal getting notifications for micropayments. It’s like getting pelted with pennies but more euphoric

>> No.52606541

What are the financial implications with all of these on-chain social media attempts having dogshit naming conventions?


Can people not see that giving your killer app a fucking generic brand name like that means normies are going to be turned off?

"Man I could go for some Ore-O's right about now!" said no-one but the utter most poor nigger and white trash.
Same shit applies here.

>> No.52606547

Jeet tier garbage

>> No.52606613

>fuck it here's the link
What kind of low IQ joke is this?

>> No.52606614
File: 74 KB, 500x506, 91DBDD4A-6AF5-48DC-8C64-3DCE55BD8DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jeet tier garbage
American made ingenuity*. All the owners are burgers and pretty based. They frequently call out the globohomo
Jack and Elon shill confirmed. 100k active users don’t seem to mind but that’s alright, non-frens aren’t allowed.

>> No.52606874

Shut up nigger

>> No.52606880
File: 322 KB, 828x1676, CB7B81A2-4C91-4F3C-9C26-75C9E9AA1793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twetch is a different breed anon. Going through the app now and they even have an in-app browser with wallet interoperability

>> No.52606953

All running on the world's fastest and most robust blockchain. Stiff sisters keep winning.

>> No.52607223

Didn't know it existed...but am on it now...loaded my BSV as well.

>> No.52607243

Twetch is in the google play store as well.
>impossible per sbf and em
What is that?

>> No.52607249

It's odd to have something so new so polished..

>> No.52607253

So, just curious, what is the plan when users misbehave, like asking about the Holocaust?

>> No.52607264


>> No.52607377

Paid shill thread

>> No.52607381

Not sure if it's the first, but it's working for me...try it...unless you're a dirty LIBRAL who doesn't want their ideas changed!

>> No.52607407

What happens when any socialized forums or communications ecosystem becomes mysterious bombarded with highly illegal content? Any sort of governance handling banning of said content will just mean the bot armies control sentiment game over. Also bottom of their website is registered ® for 2021 sheeeesh.

>> No.52607455

DragonChain already did it.
Zoomer retards.

>> No.52607457

Where is the app?

>> No.52607490
File: 17 KB, 336x336, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your posts are forever archived on the blockchain

No way in hell am I touching that piece of shit. I wouldn't touch that shit with a 20 foot pole.

>> No.52607523

normies don't care, they don't even give a fuck about how sql databases work, most of them will give up their privacy to thirst trap

>> No.52607524

>implying anything online is temporary

>> No.52607549


iOS apps are controlled by apple, dont trust this

>> No.52607671
File: 106 KB, 481x1010, BCA37DCC-79CE-48D7-BEDA-950C7BB9F68C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome fren!
>impossible per Elon and SBF
During the Twitter vs Musk lawsuit texts came out in discovery. When taking to his step-brother about SBF investing Elon said he liked the idea but that “blockchain twitter is impossible”
>pic related
>asking about the Holocaust
Go ahead! The only thing not allowed is pornography
>he doesn’t know /biz/ posts are archived

>> No.52607718
File: 63 KB, 483x573, stiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I just hear a stiff? STIFF

>> No.52607761

Alright, is this a scam?

>> No.52607802
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>> No.52607811


>> No.52607899

Fuck it, I'll clue you in.

>> No.52607909

>EM likes BC social media, but believes impossible
Maybe at scale...but I'm sure there's a way.
>unpopular opinions
I'm sure it's going to be tested...seems like @4 has the power to delete comments.

>> No.52608118

distrikt has been in the app store for like a year

>> No.52608497
File: 158 KB, 2048x1294, 6BF87FEB-ACF1-4CF0-9B2D-8D1D7BEBB4BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a scam at all, give it a try anon! All frens are welcome

>> No.52609062

just made an account, it was surprising easy and smooth, overall it looks quite polished

Does anyone know if there is a way to use their interface but to sign transactions myself? the problem for me is that I have to use the keys that twetch generates for me, I don't want to trust Twetch with my keys.

if any Twetch devs are reading this, have you not considered allowing the user to read the blockchain using your apps (like a blockexplorer) and to give them the option to sign their own transactions. if I make any action (posting, liking, commenting, etc), then twetch prepares and formats the transaction, but lets me sign it using my own signer, and I provide twetch with the fully signed transaction and my keys stay secret

also strange that twetch doesn't allow you to read public posts without having a twetch account, strange since it's all on a public chain, making twetch a permissioned-blockchain explorer (must have an account or can't read people's posts, boooo)

>> No.52611748

On chain? is it hosted by the World Computer? If not it's just another AWS NOT-ON-CHAIN scam.

>> No.52611788

fake screenshot

>> No.52612098

Icp has the first on chain social media dapps and the first dapps running completely on a blockchain. Fuck this other shit

>> No.52612134

So this is like Reddit upvotes on steroids?

>> No.52612746
File: 290 KB, 828x929, 17D277FC-AD41-4A89-8399-EC9F41093F92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twetch has been around since before ICP was even a twinkle in your favorite VC’s eye anon. Catch up
Good morning and welcome fren! Sorry for the delay in replying. Currently there is no way to sign the transaction yourself but you can use the Twetch wallet extension (Firefox, Chrome, Brave) to import your own keys. There are plans to expand to enable third party signing but I don’t have any insider info on that one.
>Twetch doesn’t allow you to read public posts
If you look at the bottom of the input field for new posts you’ll see a lock icon. If you click the lock so it’s not highlighted it will be made public and can be viewed by anyone who has the URL regardless of whether or not they have an account :)
>is it really on-chain?
Check for yourself fren. Pic related

>> No.52612762

What' with the name? Not only is it a rip off, but it reminds me of vomit

>> No.52612814

Twitch but pronounced in a gay australian accent (because it's associated with scamtoshi)

>> No.52612871


Elon is right

BSV is centralized piece of shit

>> No.52612990

Already been done by Bastion...

>> No.52613020


>> No.52613650
File: 252 KB, 1643x1166, 2F4FEF83-9856-4FCB-8616-51ACD84AB003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake screenshot
Real screenshot, real texts.

>> No.52613675

distrikt has been out for over a year

>> No.52614307

Yup a scam it is

>> No.52615308

Twetch is three years old anon lol

>> No.52615390

Dont touch something with a name like this.

>> No.52616520

Kek its literally
>4 cents has been deposited into your shill account

>> No.52616749

This is terrible. Make an internet identity and try https://dscvr.one/..

Your shit is a joke and beyond amateurish

>> No.52617277 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 4BDBD033-6B97-4E1F-A15C-D452FB33B8B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only FUD is the name

>> No.52617494
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1A346B4D-0C72-4180-A4C1-D397D07B6F06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only FUD is the name

>> No.52618846 [DELETED] 

How long has Twetch been around? This is too polished to have been an overnight thing

>> No.52618874

Twetch is a scam. Gtfo.

>> No.52619558
File: 33 KB, 319x475, 32302C61-ADD5-4A43-9BD3-A24B486DA530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP fags on suicide watch
Just made an account. UI is sleek and users have been welcoming enough they’ve added features in the two hours I’ve been on which is nice

>> No.52620595

with the most retarded logo ever

>> No.52621616

you mean the most sacred logo ever

>> No.52622360

you are worse than the social security boomers addicted to slot machines. Christ is king praise God repent today Moshe

>> No.52622473

Fucking god awful name

>> No.52622550

bitcoin cash did this 5 years ago. the niggercattle doesnt care, they dont want financial freedom.

>> No.52622701

Pretty sure ICP did this first, but whatever.

>> No.52622710

>flower of life one of the most sacred symbols ever
Your brain on jews. What’s the point of this app though and what are the odds it’s a scam to steal my bitcorns?

>> No.52624260


>> No.52624427

Perfect now i can post my usual homophobic comments without the perma bans