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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52564088 No.52564088 [Reply] [Original]

interlinked >>>>52525023
news and updates:
>Rabbis proposal is up for voting, Vote YES, and redelegate your staked LunaClassic to Vadidators who voted YES
>vegas's community assets distribution proposal
>gcr closed his short
>zaradar's proposal
>binance will burn offchain transactions fees of 0.1%

official tr discord:
>discord (dot) gg (slash) 9cyVTVcM
if you have the time, help other anons by calling out the kikery in there

/tlcg/approved and based validators:
please try to stake with validators with lower voting power for decentralization

other validators that seem fine:
>interstellar lounge
>lunc nymph

/tlcg/ blacklisted validators: (REDELEGATE IF YOU STAKE WITH THEM!)
>luna station 88
>tc core dev
>lunc dao
>btc secure
>autism staking

exchanges supporting offchain burns:

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>Terra Finder for Classic
>How to stake on Terra Station
>Staking rewards calculator
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>alex forshaw
>ed kim (probably)

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)

>> No.52564340
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is the frens discord still a thing? lunchads?

>> No.52564380


>> No.52564385
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LUNC OG here, started buying in July but I've been out of the loop for weeks now, just staking and not giving a fuck. Two questions: why is ed kim BIGJACK and why in luna station 88 blacklisted?

>> No.52564404

Was a fun gamble but as usual, the house always wins

>> No.52564417

do i have to speak friend and show foreskin to enter?

ed has been wishy washy over the months and supported several of Alex's jewish tricks. he isn't a bad sort, he's just been tagged as weak link. luna 88 just recently voted NO on /our guy/ The Rabbi's proposal.

>> No.52564443
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Thanks, gonna redelegate away from them then

>> No.52564476
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>> No.52564478

In this case the house is CZ and this play is far from over.

>> No.52564482
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>> No.52564509

Been away for a long while, FTX crashed and everything’s dumping…
What’s the hopium for LUNC…?

>> No.52564522
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This chink never loses, remember that

>> No.52564587


I hope you're right anon.

>> No.52564615

>Staking rewards calculator
This site is not fucking accurate.

>> No.52564872
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>back below 15 and all the meme dates passed

it’s over, unironically. im a dumb baggie now

>> No.52564986

Were you not planning to hold your lunch money bags for a few years? You thought we were gonna 1000x in a month?

>> No.52565012

WLUNA enthusiasts, timing is key

>> No.52565038 [DELETED] 

The only project I'm using rn is Bspin. coz:

>Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Huge amount of games, slots, LIVE, spins etc.

>> No.52565249

WLUNA still a thing? Isn't that unsupported now?

>> No.52565477
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Rabbis proposal is up for voting, if you want your lambo faster, vote YES on rabbi's proposal (proposal #10940)

>> No.52566235

no proof cz owns trillions of lunc
that’s like saying “coinbase owns trillions of lunc”
it’s an exchange. of course it’s going to have lunc

>> No.52566265

Of course a casino has all the chips.....

>> No.52566352

poweful image.

>> No.52566581

It's accurate enough

>> No.52567064
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Nice try, demoralization bitch. Still reopening IBCs and still enabling swaps. Two of the biggest “meme dates” haven’t happened yet.

>> No.52567113

are they still not reverting the burn rate lowering?

>> No.52567222

Guys I'm really getting demoralized. I didn't expect $1 Eoy i know it was a meme I'm not a retard

But will I really need to hold bag for years to see any improvement? I'm not asking for much, just some decent upward movement.

No hope for december? Give some hopium I'm tired of all the negativity and "hold until 2025 to see any improvement"

This is crypto ffs things move fast. We have momentum now , you don't know what trends will be in that far in the future, who knows

Luna Classic has meme power I believe it can make some decent moves even in the near future.

>> No.52567411

The market is still reeling from FTX going under and you are posting a wordier version of “wen lambo sirs.” Save the estrogen posting for your diary next time.

>> No.52567461

Wasted digits. Go whine on reddit

>> No.52567664

>222 GET on 11/22/22
i will check your digits and remind you to stop being a faggot because the entire market is in the shitter not just LUNC. paperhanded niggerfaggots who freakout about poor short term performance are not going to make it, so shape up and get serious or just sell now and leave these threads forever, ranjeev.

>> No.52567949

You want to speed things up? Talk some "reason" to Alex.

>> No.52568090

You are a fucking fag, just sell and leave.

>> No.52568264

Paper handed jeets and nigger loving trannies should just kys. This thing pumps when you fags cry and sell. We all get tired, we all get demoralised, but only chads with iron grip and the will to continue will see the end of this. You are only a chosen one if you choose to be.

>> No.52568511

This, feels amazing just being at true peace

>> No.52568549


nvm.. this shit will go down again to 0.000145

>> No.52569111

:) $ROPE

>> No.52569445
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>number go down me sad
I’m sorry you were late anons, but Lunc is still available RIGHT now at discount prices. If you have a bag just fucking sit on it

>> No.52569533
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Just heard a rumor that Alex got a little too rough last night and bit off Ed’s foreskin. Apparently he’s stressed about the Rabbi’s proposal and took it out on Ed’s tight Asian hips.

>> No.52569538

That’s a praying mantis looking bitch

>> No.52569550

lol, no
WLUNA is the high iq opportunity of the year

>> No.52569562 [DELETED] 

mates, throw away your ideas. They're shit. join Bspin.

> Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency.
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool.
> Fast deposits with variety ways

>> No.52569716

>death by snu snu
I'm OK with that

>> No.52569718

How is rabbis proposal doing?

>> No.52569735

Getting rick rolled by faggots

>> No.52569737

You can check on terra station

>> No.52569745

don't let our Rabbi down, all the faggy people voted no, don't let those normie faggots win, if they win , then your lambos are farther away!
call out the faggy validators that voted no

>> No.52569785

the WLUNA fud was not from people helping the community

>> No.52569813
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Still got more votes to go

>> No.52569881
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Frens it's time to get off your asses and WORK for your bags! Validators are being cunts yet again...
We're not gonna get Rabbi's proposal passed if we leave things to chance... and it's currently the best bet we have of delivering funds to TR so they can work on LUNC faster - if you want the coin to pump, do this:

>DM validators and politely ask them to vote YES on prop 10940, mention that Zaradar endorses it
>use Twitter to directly post on validator pages about 10940 and ask them to vote YES
>write a short e-mail to large and mid-tier validators and point them to prop 10940
>engage validators and community members on TR's discord about prop 10940
>any validator who votes NO (like Luna Station 88 did) needs to be CALLED OUT PUBLICLY!!! SHAME THEM!!!
>any validator who votes NO (like Luna Station 88 did) should get an e-mail from your saying you just re-delegated away from them!

Ways to apply pressure to disloyal validators into compliance!
>"Why are you voting against community wishes'"
>"Why don't you want our developers to get paid?"
>"What do you stand to gain from delaying the $4M payout??"
etc. etc. etc. (use your own wording, don't copy-paste like idiots!!)

Now get out there and do WORK if you want your bags pumped!
We can shitpost and sit around once this prop passes...

>> No.52570017
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0.001 by beginning of next year
Hodl lads $1 is inevitable

>> No.52570074

Anytime the link is posted it just takes me to the main terra station page and then i cant seem to find it under the proposals. Only one i see is some catapult shit.

>> No.52570081
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Also a reminder to spamfuck your local validator on saying Yes to prop 10940. Those who say no are obviously against the community’s wish and possibly in collaboration with bad actors

>> No.52570113
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No with veto

>> No.52570228

Damn not looking good so far. Kinda feel like it wont even hit quorum. Kinda gay how much time we are spending on this $4 million, when likely nothing ever even comes of it

>> No.52570260


>> No.52570263

Fuck that need to call out End Labs publicly and inform all their customers what they’re doing with their money. A few businesses emails to their investors should do it. Gotta chop off the head or Alex and gang is going to keep coming back and lobbying validators.

>> No.52570393


>> No.52570496

Based. Doing my part anon.

>> No.52570579

Already emailed 7 validators (medium and large)

>> No.52571204

Validators are fucking us hard. Those retards are either covering for Alex since they were promised a spot on his buttfuck committee, or they're in favor of taking months to sort out the money. In either case they need to be called out on their bullshit and attacked hard!

>> No.52571317
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>we're going up

>> No.52571372


>> No.52571395

this shitcoin is dead and this is a meme thread

you fucking retard

>> No.52571434

then why is it poompa?
you picked the wrong time to FUD ranjeesh

>> No.52571436
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>what chart are you not looking at

>> No.52571460

It is pumping. I just got a trustwallet notification that we are up 8%.

>> No.52571524
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Why are you telling me? I was the one who called it.

>> No.52571544

Phone posting bro. Meant to hit this fag>>52571395

>> No.52571655
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>muh luunaa baboonaa

>> No.52571670

Did you think we were memeing when we said 31 years left?

>> No.52571729

I dont see how zaradar endorsing the deal helps us since the deal specifically gives him money. Of course he would support that. Also I genuinely believe rabbi (and the other "names" involved with the prop) are holding us back. I mean its not like they are vague about the meme names.

>> No.52571778
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Let the circus of devs either kill it or puuuuuummmp it, anon (it's the latter). >baboona unavoidability is inevitable.

>> No.52571780

nice try Alex/TCCD fags, you will not win this

>> No.52571797 [DELETED] 

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

>Casino with BTC main currency
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Up to 20% CashBack bonus and top benefits.

>> No.52571826

I sort of agree. As good as the proposal is, he should have made an alt account. It ultimately boils down to bad optics. Validators cuck out because normies see an antisemitic parody account and instantly oppose it

>> No.52571830
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>> No.52571909

he's a real rabbi, the validators are just antisemitic

>> No.52572022


I'll buy your bag m8.

Redelegate erry day

>> No.52572091


Mate, if it goes $1 in 20 years then we will be rich and middle aged.

Idgaf about waiting, I will just keep contributing to the community and helping boost LUNC

Even if we only ended up making X10 in years of waiting...Fucking it, fraw your LUNC and sell them. You have made a profit!

Now is the dip to fill out bags

>> No.52572124



>> No.52572401


>> No.52572466

>people cant join threads at different times
Fuck off faggot i dont check these generals but once a week. Its a good proposal but it being put forth by a bunch of anti semetic meme accounts is likely harmful. Essentially what this anon is saying >>52571826

Oh come on his name is literally very "on the nose" no one can actually believe he is a rabbi

>> No.52572521
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I pointed out this Nazi bullshit was hurting the asset way back but the muh fud tards called me names as usual. Now you see.

>> No.52572635

You're doing G-d's work anon!

>> No.52572670

Thanks anon. I hit 30 of them now. I'm done for now. some of the other faggots need to do something.

>> No.52572705

>Its a good proposal but it being put forth by a bunch of anti semetic meme accounts is likely harmful.
the fuck you talking about? people love Rabbi!

>> No.52573220

I'll be dead in 20 years, anon. I can't wait that long.

>> No.52573226

Yeah here and on discord people love Rabbi. Like dont get me wrong I throughly enjoyed watching Rabbi slowly dismantle Alex and Co. credibility. But 4chan and discord are pretty specific and a relatively small subset of people. But i think we all obviously want LUNC to succesfully revive and become a major force in crypto and surely you can see how having proposals published by people with names like Rabbi Shekelstein and Noseberg Associates might hurt the credibility when it comes to normies and major investment firms/VCs etc.

I mean I hope I am wrong and worrying about nothing... but idk.