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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52567026 No.52567026 [Reply] [Original]

This kike has exploited several protocols and made tens of millions doing so. Currently he is trying to exploit aave. Previously he banked more than 15m USD exploiting Mango. Cant get more jewier than that

>> No.52567686

He probably lurks this board. Only became news after mango markets. But he's a lying piece of shit.

>> No.52568667

please stop posting this ugly kike's face
he's one of gcr's goons

>> No.52568957 [DELETED] 

The fact that this kike isn't in prison is proof of ZOG

>> No.52568983 [DELETED] 

g-d's chosen don't need to follow the same laws as goyim

>> No.52569164

he is absolutely based ofc

>> No.52569191

these so called save and robust protocols eg curve, aave, etc are ripe for exploiting.
just shows how delusional 'this space' still is.
That's right: ZERO

>> No.52569219

he is a devilish kike but he isnt really doing anything wrong . im actually keeping him in mind because i have some ideas for good exploits and he has the money to fund them

>> No.52569239

Who is grc?

>> No.52569255

is GCR a kike too?

>> No.52569256

hes a based jew looks like hes plotting on AAVE right now

probably mossad / idf

>> No.52569257

what are you talking about. Biz mentions Avraham nonstop. mostly in PNK breads. he literally killed PNK.

>> No.52569284
File: 41 KB, 579x663, 1568091903977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he honestly acted in the most noble way possible with the mango thing, most hackers would have just kept it all and everyone would be fucked. he returned 100% of the money to depositors and only took the insurance fund from the site.

>> No.52569332

Gigantic Rebirth. He is anon but probably Jewish. One of the best traders in the entire industry. You guys are living under a rock by not following crypto twitter.

>> No.52569515

>You guys are living under a rock by not following crypto twitter
and you do and it has improved your life?

>> No.52569565

can someone pill me on his current shenanigans? is he shorting crv or aave?

>> No.52569582

He literally got btfo when he attacked Kleros moron lol

>> No.52569588

Putting on a pink dress and getting fucked in the ass by a ginger jew isn't an exploit for your virginity

>> No.52569606

Actually Kleros seems to be the only protocol that thwarted him thus far. PNK is fine

>> No.52569613

Yeah im really missing out on the parasocial relationships or Mr. DefiKing.eth and his new partnership with Crypto Darling (few)

>> No.52569632 [DELETED] 

No matter how much money he makes he will always be a hideous kikel with a pube beard and jowls.

That's the thing about jews. They can never actually achieve happiness because they will always be disgusting. It's not even lack of self awareness. They just know it's no hope so they don't even try.

>> No.52569688

It improved my life during the bull run. I made money off coins that were never mentioned on /biz/ like rdpx.

people tend to post higher quality content when it's associated with their reputation

>> No.52569722

>made money in a bull run!
you mean when everything pumps? Fucking retarded faggot, go back.

>> No.52570182

This guy literally IS gcr. Check wallets, etc.

He also instigated the LUNA shit on Curve with the initial minor depeg. Not sure if he was involved with the full blown one later though.

>> No.52570583
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 8188301C-E500-4153-A979-17A0503F72CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter how much money he makes he will always be a hideous kikel with a pube beard and jowls.

That's the thing about jews. They can never actually achieve happiness because they will always be disgusting. It's not even lack of self awareness. They just know it's no hope so they don't even try.

>> No.52570603

Post proof ser

>> No.52570609
File: 35 KB, 605x650, 6BCE0FCC-38EE-4671-97B0-84A23C0F58A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter how much money he makes he will always be a hideous kikel with a pube beard and jowls.

>That's the thing about jews. They can never actually achieve happiness because they will always be disgusting. It's not even lack of self awareness. They just know it's no hope so they don't even try.

>> No.52570646 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 1672x979, 1668177036030963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kike triggered so hard he makes a typo and then double posts. You love to see it.

>> No.52570841

Devon Stacks/Black Pilled is my favorite streamer. Have to say he's a good dude.