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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52566879 No.52566879 [Reply] [Original]

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC (Karma2003)
>exCo Director of IC3 joined up with Ted Yin and invented Avalanche Consensus
>close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>is for decentralization and Censorship resistance

Avalanche protocol:
>third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW & Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>highest Nakamoto coefficient
>Node hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking on nodes & delegating to nodes
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned (also when Subnets, Blockchains & other assets are created)
>9% APY + delegator reward% + Subnet Rewards
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 90% node uptime

>sub networks can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>"Blockchain as a Service" to tokenize all the Assets in the World
>Chainlink Subnet is in the works but also 900 other subnets from gaming to finance to CBDCs to payment providers everything is possible on Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn additional rewards from them all!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>C-Chain (EVM) Subnet is constantly developed further and made more efficient
>C-Chain mirrored the best parts of the entire ETH ecosystem and improved on many ideas giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

right now it trades for $12.23

>> No.52566988
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https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-3 pic related proves that nobody is using your roach chain. Do you still get paid when i destroy your threads?

>> No.52567008
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Please stop making me coom.

>> No.52567102
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Avalanche is doing fine.

you pic is just proof that Subnet scaling works.

was already debunked months ago. its an ICP shill site making up shit to throw at the competition.
now ICP isnt really competition for Avalanche, they have no DeFi, no TVL, no smart contracts and its not permissionless or decentralized and it cant scale.

buy the AVAX coomer bro

>> No.52567109

Sauce on catgirl in the pic

>> No.52567124
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I made it with Stable Diffusion

>> No.52567196

Avalanches can only go down and its hanging by a thread. The pic proves that no one is using the roach chain. crypto leaks is legit, the first article was about SBF, look at him now. And how can you debunk videos of avax employ's spilling the beans, he even quit after this. Also you didn't answer so i will ask again, DO YOU STILL GET PAID WHEN I DESTROY YOUR THREADS?
> buy the AVAX coomer bro
The desperation and fear is unreal

>> No.52567261
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>The pic proves that no one is using the roach chain
thats wrong, see
for more accurate data.

>crypto leaks is legit
Its an ICP shill outlet. there is nothing legit about them. they are mad at Avalanche because Avalanche kills their ghostchain.
>the first article was about SBF, look at him now
everyone already knew what was gonna happen.
>avax employ's
Kyle wasnt working for Ava Labs also Ava Labs was actually against some of Roche Freedmans Lawsuits and tried to stop them (like the one against Solana).
yes Emin Gün Sirer pays me $40000 a month to post threads on /biz/.
thank you for bumping. everytime I reply to you I get paid.

>> No.52567265

Holy shit...they actually did it. They solved the trilemma. AVAX now scales infinitely. Thanks bro for the chart. Gonna buy more AVAX

>> No.52567285

Leave le roaches alone kek he has to put food on the table

>> No.52567312

No actually that doesn't seem to be the case, looking at Avax activity, its not at an "all time" high but its still pretty high.
Seems you've got the wrong idea about this chain. Why don't you buy some and recognise your mistake?
Or are you...by chance...a paid fudder?

>> No.52567372

AI made this wtf

>> No.52567400


>> No.52567501

fud debunked

now post more AVAX catgirls

>> No.52567600
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>> No.52567766
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the AVAX token is needed for Staking and for Delegating. Every Avalanche Node has to lock up 2000 AVAX.
AVAX is also hardcapped like Bitcoin and deflationary as all fees are burned.

>> No.52567869

From 1000 avax to nothing at all.
Please lemme some time to buy it all back

>> No.52567878
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you better hurry up fren

>> No.52567996

Didn't read any of this but please post more flat chested cat girls

>> No.52568013

Howdy, that's great! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have you tried Bspin?

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair BTCs games
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>Trustworthy / Lightning fast performance / Champion minded team of experts

>> No.52568045

Is Subnets, the official Avalanche scaling solution, stolen?

Here’s what’s alleged:

- Zero.Exchange submitted a proposal for funding a multi-blockchain subnets to Emin
- Emin loved the idea and encouraged them to provide all the info they could so he could appraise the project in full
- Weeks go by; no feedback from Emin
- Suddenly, all contact is broken off
- The next day, Subnets is announced
- Zero.Exchange, fearing the worst, launch by building their own Polkadot parachain
- AVAX team and Subnets devs start gaslighting the community, by first lying that Zero.Exchange is a scam, then pretending it doesn’t exist
- Subnets launches, taking down Avalanche and crashing the price from $60 to $30
- Zero.Exchange accelerate integration with Polkadot to mitigate the risk of being stuck on Avalanche and the apparent risk it now entails
- Zero.Exchange rapidly iterates, integrating additional blockchains such as BSC, leaving Subnets in the dust as a second rate also-ran

Can anyone refute these claims? What’s most concerning is Zero.Exchange is clearly the better app and the ZERO team are certainly smarter and harder working, so the allegations are entirely plausible.

I think AVAX holders deserve an explanation.

>> No.52568049
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please read and buy AVAX, if you dont buy AVAX catgirls will suffer from poverty. you dont want that do you?

>> No.52568067


>> No.52568084
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Rust developers can now easily build their own Avalanche Virtual Machine with the new Rust SDK.

>The Rust SDK provides a set of libraries that simplifies VM and tool development

>Bundling and abstracting away consensus, networking, RPCs, etc, greatly reduces development time.

Learn more here:

>> No.52568098

Here’s a regard that bought +$80 for AVAX and is cope bagholding to zero

>> No.52568114
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>> No.52568134
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dont be so hard on yourself buddy, dont call yourself a retard just because you bought the top, just DCA and soon you will make it.

>> No.52568342
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Avalanche broke 450 million total transactions today!

>Exactly a year ago, Avalanche processed nearly 28 million total transactions.

>Total transactions increased by 1507% on Avalanche from November 2021 to November 2022.

Source: https://stats.avax.network

>> No.52568414
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Emin is fucking pissing me off.

>we cant just copy solanas VM and get all the solana dapps to copy/paste onto our subnet that would be predatory!
>literally did exactly that with Eth and the C chain

>> No.52568545
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>we cant just copy solanas VM and get all the solana dapps to copy/paste onto our subnet that would be predatory!
What Emin actually is trying to say: Solana Ecosystem is TRASH
>shitty tech
>lack of good values (no decentralized/funded by SBF jew)
>wide practice of manipulating token design to juice mkt caps (1 guy pretending to be 11 developers kek)
>developers lying all the time
>relatively high use of closed source
>much less focus on security
>Mango (died in Oct hack) press S
>UXD (basically moving to Eth (and probably soon to Avalanche Subnet)
>custodial tokenized securities (caught up in FTX fraud)
>Sol Pay (dead on arrival)

its dead, better to start from scratch

>> No.52568619

the Jew Analtoy probably left in some patented proprietary vishnu on the Solana blockchain to try and bait avalabs into a gay judaistic legal battle.
Smart man Emin and a practicioner of taqwaa upon the Book, the Sunnah, the Seerah of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).

>> No.52568706

Someone else will probably do it, once subnets have taken off. Ava Labs doing it would endorse a competitor and make them seem weak. EVM is different, it was the standard, Solana not being able to on-board Ethereum devs proved to be a thorn in its balls, Emin rightly knew this early.

>> No.52568853

Things just keep getting better and better for AVAX
Pretty sure we crack the Top 5 when the bull run returns

>> No.52568884
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in a couple years Avalanche Subnets will dominate the entire top 100 and AVAX will be #1.

>> No.52568986
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I always tried to warn solana fags their shitcoin was ngmi. If only they had listened to me.

>> No.52569017

That shit coin was being propped up only by SBFs stolen funds
That shit is going to die

>> No.52569061

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.52569128

Their plan to deal with state growth is to go straight to Google for a solution, how many warning signs do people need, warning sign 482 that they are centralized. Meanwhile Ava Labs has Ted Yin, one of the biggest giga-brains in the space, working night and day on Mangrove DB.

>> No.52570229


>> No.52570259

Kek, stop losing your money anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair Bitcoins games
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool
>Transparency And Provably Fair

>> No.52570466

hey nigger kill yourself

>> No.52570607
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Stable Diffusion anon
my computer literally exploded wen I downloaded the latest patch, been on mobile the past three days
I literally have to buy a new computer fuck me
Go on without me.. avaxchan

>> No.52570876

How to run this, it's not exe so you need to do something else than installing?

>> No.52571063

>4500 REAL TPS

false. it isn't real. C-Chain isn't scalable

>> No.52571444
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>my computer literally exploded
why? what happened? GPU ded?

>it isn't real.
its real and actually these numbers can be pumped up. the C-Chain is also getting constantly developed further. its the best EVM.
>C-Chain isn't scalable
Avalanche scales through Subnets and Avalanche can serve an unlimited amount of Subnets, it can scale to Millions of Validators.

>> No.52571789

Do you recommend any tutorials on how to run Stable Diffusion?

>> No.52571891
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check out this thread on /g/

>> No.52571976

Thank you

>> No.52571982
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no problem

>> No.52572230

it uses your computers processing power to generate images
the SD gen in /g/ has a solid guide
my graphics card couldnt handle it lol
would often hear it be 10x louder than usual until it finally imploded, such is the price of waifus
It's weird since everythin still lights up, just doesnt register to any source
Built it in 2017 so at least it lasted awhile

>> No.52572244
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thats weird.
did you monitor the temps? were they normal or megahot? or did it just randomly died?

>> No.52572317

Yup, I have AVAX now

>> No.52572357
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very good

>> No.52572832

Was just old and over-worked I think
Ionno how long computers are supposed to last
I only ever guage temps by when it starts randomly shutting down, but it usually isnt a prollem
Cba trying to figure out buying various individual parts trial and error to dissect what is wrong with it, so i'll just smash it and get some shitass laptop or something