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52557905 No.52557905 [Reply] [Original]

So financially speaking..

How do I get my hands on a lethal dosis of morphine living in the middle of Europe

>> No.52558507

Get a tank of helium or nitrogen and hook it up to a gas mask. It's painless, you just fall asleep.

>> No.52559104
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I really do wonder where all the manlet hate is coming from and why other women gatekeep other women with stupid shit like height. My personal theory is that older roasties seethe at their younger competition and so then foster the hate for manlets socially knowing damn well most men are not even close to over 6 feet tall. These older bitter roasties are truly evil scum. Notice older men are historically sources of wisdom and try to pitch game to the younger generations. Meanwhile older women do nothing but try and hamstring the younger gen out of spite and bitterness.

To my manlets, stay strong. Whenever you feel the sting coming from a roastie always remember no matter how hot and young they are and how much societal status they have at the moment, that they will grow old and useless and ugly. Nothing should make a manlet smile more than knowing a deluded roastie will expire sooner rather than later and her entire world will soon demise like a biological bomb from god.

>> No.52559216

>I really do wonder where all the manlet hate is coming from
Most manlet hate comes from the USA where the country worships 7' tall BBC basketball players. In America they even call rich people "ballers". That's how much it has infected their culture.

>> No.52559284

I’m autistic and have always been honest about my height (5’9”) and recently tape measured my three friends who all claimed to be 6’1”/2” and they were all 5’11”.

>> No.52559320
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>> No.52559327
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Imagine not being able to donate sperm

>> No.52559340

just od on meth, easier to get

>> No.52559359

$125 to betray your People to the jew who will use it to miscegenate.

>> No.52559445

silk road

>> No.52559530

Anon was talking about how in Japan they have sex clubs right out in the open where men can just go buy what they want when they want it.
That seems very civilized. Men don't have to be thirsty.
They can be more selective about who they will accept in a relationship when that isn't the only way to get laid.

I've always wondered if the manlet thing was libshits playing divide and conquer/demoralization with their clear enemy of heterosexual males.
Manlets are superior to women in just about every way if you remove sex from the accounting.

>> No.52559578

Legalizing prostitution would 100% alleviate the massive whoredom and contingent simpiry in the west. If men could get their sexual urges taken care of from time to time by paying for it in a regulated environment the market for roasties would drop dramatically.

Unfortunately conservatives in the USA would never allow it to be lagalized

>> No.52559617

>t. will never spread his seed
I only the other hand will father 25 kids a year until I'm 30

>> No.52559686

> choosing to allow a lefty roastie to decide what gender your sons will be based on what's socially in vogue in 12 years....

pathetic...stop stroking the flames of globohomo you clown. Stop supporting roastie culture. Let those scumbag roastie have to work for you seed you idiot. Imagine contributing to the destruction of the west and being proud of it. Btw let's be real here you aren't getting accepted by them either the cattle (((banks))) are very picky.

>> No.52559732

Yeah I'm not reading your sperg out weirdo

>> No.52559735

Give it 10 more years when the real boomers die off and genX in power figure out that one way to fix the west is what you suggested over mass immigration. No way the cuntservatives choose pajeets over legalized prostitution a decade from now when the social evidence is too much to bare. Boomers are already waking up and noticing the fucked up generation of young men rn.

>> No.52559767
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kys roastie scum enabler

>> No.52559805
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Literally half the words you use are incel good speak grow up or kys

>> No.52559806

To add on to this, it is often way easier to get liquid nitrogen than the gaseous version and you do not require a gas mask to use it. Liquid nitrogen is available at any restaurant supply outlet or medical supplies outlet and you only need about 40 liters.

Move to a small confined room and slowly heat up the liquid nitrogen using any heater. The process will take a little bit of time so I'd recommend you get a good book to read while you're waiting.

>> No.52559815

I hope you’re right anon. The number of young professional men I know with a good healthy life but 6/10 or below face that haven’t had a GF in years or ever is staggering. The threshold for being an incel is rising every year. Having a giant population of men with 0 motivation to achieve anything since their chances at a decent woman are near zero won’t end well.

>> No.52559920

I'm 6'1" as measured at my doctor's office, and it's insane how many people lie about their height. I've had guys try to say they're 6'1" and will absurdly claim I must be like 6'4" to back up their bullshit. Its literally delusion

>> No.52559929
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When you finally hear problems that any male who isn't a brainlet could easily see the last 5-6 years, spill out unto mainstream boomer media then you know shit has reached critical levels.


A generation of young men with no skin in the game of society is the most dangerous thing for all of us. Only roasties and onion bois don't seem to understand this.

>> No.52559934

I know a jamal

>> No.52560130

Agree completely. It’s especially worrying that this ticking bomb of a population is also open season for hate and ridicule. Every other marginalized group is given all the sympathy and consideration in the world but sexless men get none of that and instead open vitriol and spite. Won’t end well

>> No.52560146

No manlets kek

>> No.52560843


You sound mentally disturbed. Are you talking about fucking manlet men instead of women?

>> No.52561126

>Legalizing prostitution would 100% alleviate the massive whoredom and contingent simpiry in the west
>If men could get their sexual urges taken care of from time to time by paying for it in a regulated environment the market for roasties would drop dramatically.
Prostitution is legal and regulated in Australia and roasties still run the show.

>> No.52561257

Sorry Aussie bro but American innovation and social culture influence is too powerful to ignore. You likely have mom and pop whore houses full of asian fresh off the boat. Meanwhile what America will offer is akin to the bunny ranch in Reno or wherever it's at. It will be corporatized aka sanitized of all slime same as the marijuana and gambling industry and thus making it mainstream and socially acceptable.

That's the key.

Once it is socially acceptable two things happen.
1. men on the fence who don't need it right now will decide its better than dealing with roastie

2. women who end up hating roastie culture will have an avenue to make real money and get respect from even the women hating incels rn.

Both of those two things will cause the roasties to have to adjust as they lose more and more societal power and hoeflation will finally start coming down. Imagine wasting time with a 6/10 that thinks she's an 8/10 when you can pay for an 8/10 who will treat you well. Yes I know what you're thinking, this is not how prostitution works now but you don't understand capitalism. The cream of the crop will rise and make millions which will make other sex workers copy and adapt eventually there will be a layer of well meaning sex workers who will end up unironically more humane than the 6/10 roastie on tinder today is.

>> No.52561511

Are you ESL? Improve you’re reading comprehension.


>> No.52561534

Everyone slightly below 6'0 rounds to 6'0 or like slightly above

>> No.52561574

congrats anon you are now 5'11!

Everyone lies. Most don't even know their true height and women are delusional about their height as well. Most people believe they are 2 inches taller than they actually are.

>> No.52561619
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I’m 6’5” and I learned that even tall men lie about their height when another dude insisted that I must be taller than 6’5” because “he is 6’5”” and I’m taller than him. Dude is 6’4” and still insecure about his height

>> No.52561646

I doubt it's insecurity. Most people do not know their actual heights. They measure with shoes on, or incorrectly years ago and stick with whatever they came too. No one other than autist take it seriously like a an engineer measuring some beam would. It's not that serious.