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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52555638 No.52555638 [Reply] [Original]

Anons with 1k-7k link, what are we gonna do? I'll probably stake about 40-50% of my tokens but being all in link I just can't lock everything up for 2 years with no rewards. You just know that link would actually go up if I was unable to sell any

>> No.52555690

i think staking 50% of stack is a pretty good guide to go by

>> No.52555692

I'm staking it all.

Market is going to be shit for years. Just going to buy more.

>> No.52555745

Make sure you have cash set aside for the taxes

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSHAHAHAHAHAHAH You arrogant cucks are getting what you deserve

>> No.52555817

Staking bad, but will be good. I’ll pass for now, maybe throwaway some to see how it goes but trying it seriously right now is a bad idea.

>> No.52555844

tell us how it feels to be top cuck baggie
bet you're feeling on top of the cuck world right now LOL

>> No.52555874

worthless stinkie
u will never achieve financial goodness

>> No.52555911

I just can't do this. Fucking mind blowing how bad chainlink treats their investors.

>> No.52555952

This is not healthy nor normal

>> No.52555953

I for one am not staking until v1.0.

>> No.52555960


>> No.52555981

Just stale it all and consider it money gone and live as if you don’t have it then blam. In two years you win

>> No.52555982

making fun of chainshitters is harmless fun
if you don't like it you can turn off your phone kek

>> No.52555995
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why, yes. I'm eligible for early staking how could you tell?


>> No.52556007

Thank you for your concern regarding my financial well being.

Keep it up. I need you to counter balance how bullish I am. Otherwise I would sell my house.

>> No.52556017

>noLinkers are phoneposters
Color me surprised

>> No.52556026

No one cares if linkshits sell, in fact you should keep holding and providing cope posts for everyone else to laugh at. You're the board jesters and will die without passing on your genes.

>> No.52556027

-91% from ATH you schizo bagholder

>> No.52556075

What is a cope post?

Is it an emotional out pouring of senseless anger?

I will keep buying chainlink. I will never sell that chainlink.

>> No.52556116

>What is a cope post?
>Continues to cope post and reddit space
Chainlink labs really aren't sending their best.

>> No.52556157

You are more fun when you are angry ranting. Do that again.

Be entertaining. Dance monkey. Dance.

>> No.52556185

2 wallets and im gonna stake 7k in each. Then im going to stake more with LPL. Eat a dick nolinkers.

>> No.52556293

>you are arrogant, because you just are
jealousy will eat you up, anon

>> No.52556298

Have 6k LINK, I'm gonna stake maybe 1-2k. Keeping the rest liquid, I just don't trust Sergey anymore. If the lockup was estimated at like 6-12 months MAYBE I would stake more but you just fucking know it is gonna be 2 years minimum.

>> No.52556351

You're actually fucking delusional if you think what they're doing is okay.

>> No.52556373
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>You are more fun when you are angry ranting. Do that again.
>Be entertaining. Dance monkey. Dance.

>> No.52556578

I only have 1 wallet eligible for early access, so I'll be staking 7K
>The result is an effective reward rate of 4.75% on an annualized basis for Community Stakers in v0.1.
>stakers in v0.1 may also be eligible to accrue additional incentives, which will be made available through the Chainlink BUILD program in a future version of staking
$1700 a year if link stays at ~$5
$18000.a year if link goes back to its previous ATH

>> No.52556715

Good boy

>> No.52556774

Thank you for your concern. It has been duly noted.

I will be staking my full stack. I will be buying more chainlink for the next 2 years.

I'd suggest you do the same, but I think you already know that.

>> No.52556791

I have 15k and though I'm eligible to stake 14k, I doubt I'm going to stake any. Locked for two years for 4.75% is unacceptable in a market this volatile. The opportunity cost of missing a selling window in that timeframe far outweighs the pretty poor rewards. Right now I could market buy the amount of link I'd get by staking for that period for just a few thousand and not have to deal with the soul crushing feeling of missing another run. Staking on aave for 3% while still having access to my funds seems like a much better proposition. The only thing that gives me pause is the BUILD program, but desu 99% of cryptos fail and I don't really expect these ones to be any different.

>> No.52556792
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>Thank you for your concern. It has been duly noted.
>I will be staking my full stack. I will be buying more chainlink for the next 2 years.
>I'd suggest you do the same, but I think you already know that.

Show us how gaped your anus is LOL.

>> No.52556795

never staking

>> No.52556808

high praise from chainshit's top cuck lol

>> No.52556860
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>linkies missed the 2021 bullrun
>all for locking their tokens for 2 years to make $1700

God is truly great

>> No.52556888

This is so retarded. You waited 4 years for Sergey to release staking after he keeps telling you "soon" and now you get told you have to lock them for 2 years while they research staking... and you're not even going to do it? So in other words you're ok with Chainlink sitting on their hands for 6 years doing nothing for you in terms of positive price action. I've never seen such horrible investment strategy. Do you think Buffet locks his cash for 6 years into a startup project? Hell no he moves that shit daily.

>> No.52557004

Me? Ya I day trade Coca-Cola stock with a five-figure portfolio, I'm basically Warren Buffett.

>> No.52557067
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I love you Nico pls be my gf

>> No.52557135

Reminder that it's not "for two years," it's "until staking v0.1 ends."
Which, knowing their track record, could take FAR LONGER than two years.

>> No.52557183
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Wow you just gave me am epiphany anon.
>bull market begins when Link staking is released
>Golden bear dump begins a few weeks before staked Link is unlocked.
It was so obvious I can't believe I didn't realise this sooner

>> No.52558511

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah keep trying to come across as well balanced. Sergey shit all over you this year. Be honest, you were prob thinking this year was gonna be massive when he did his fraudulent jan 1 presentation. And then he bodied you all year long, and you just took it and thanked him. I cant imagine being such a weakling.

>> No.52560074
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>> No.52561374

He's still dumping for another 10 months boys. Go ahead and stake away. They're using your lock to sell off tokens Lolol

>> No.52561411

80% early access
10% linkpool
10% cold wallet

>> No.52561443
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>no rewards or unstaking for 2 years
>there are posters on this board right now falling for this

>> No.52561569

When the price is 38 cents and I couldn't get out? Wining isn't what it used to be.

>> No.52561594

50x from ATL newfag

>> No.52561627

about 30% is what I'm looking at

>> No.52562557
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>> No.52562612


>> No.52562711

ChainlinkGod posts here?!

OMG he's like so famous I can't believe it

>> No.52562726
File: 1.99 MB, 369x271, 93746E5C-D3FA-454C-A5B9-C4B50A4C9C89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1700 a year if link stays at ~$5
>$18000.a year if link goes back to its previous ATH
I’m unironically crying I’m laughing so hard at (((marines)))

>> No.52562770

> we
Speak for yourself faggot. I am staking a quarter of my stack and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.52562810

Bought 36k 2017, got 11k left, will stake 1k. Want to keep the rest liquid. Market is too weird.

>> No.52562821
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I don’t even know anymore. Them saying staking v1.0 will take approximately 12-24 months means we’ll be realistically crabbing for at least 5 years. Adding macro conditions to that we’ll be lucky to even see Link teaching it’s ATH.
I’m completely demoralised.

>> No.52562942

4k linklet here. Had 8k at one point but gambled it away on Aave like the retard I am.
Anyway, I will likely stack 3-3.5k an keep 500-1000 link as a suicide insurance in case a random bull run happens.

>> No.52563166

As a chad i will be staking 21k early access and i have 4k left to dump for cash if moon.

>> No.52563224

Warren Buffet has been holding cash for over a year now, you retard.
Don’t you remember all those articles about how he was exiting most of his positions while everyone was drunk on stupid nonsensical gains?
Berkshire has like $130 billion right now and it won’t be until late next year before you see them start deploying it.

Holding on and being patient is literally the best thing you can do with an investment.
We’re all fairly certain that Chainlink isn’t going anywhere and that it’s got a big part to play in the 4IR’s economy.
If that means we have to hold for a few hundred days while continuing to DCA, that’s what’s meant to be.

>> No.52563285

I have 8k, I ain't staking shit.

>> No.52563294

h-he’s fast

>> No.52563364
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>Chainlink sitting on their hands for 6 years doing nothing for you in terms of positive price action
haha what?
Chainlink has had the absolute most positive news out of any crypto these past few years.
And it's not even close.

>> No.52563573

this is bearish

>> No.52563933

It's as if a bunch of cockless catamite scum pulled those numbers straight from thier ruptured anuses and are now parroting them as if they're gospel truth.

>> No.52563951

It’s literally from the blogpost anon

>> No.52564000

They're people who traded money and an outrageous amount of time and energy for utility tokens on a network that's only utility is crypto token price checks and doesn't even use the actual token.

>> No.52564024

took a fat shit in all the bulgarian subhumans' mouth ITT

>> No.52564032
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this fat fuck is on the run AGAIN

>> No.52564051

>Right now I could market buy the amount of link I'd get by staking for that period for just a few thousand and not have to deal with the soul crushing feeling of missing another run.
Good point. I might as well up my stack by 5% right now, while we're at the bottom, and make way more money by token appreciation without the anxiety of having tokens locked up.

>> No.52564067

big words for a braindead mouthbreather

>> No.52564099

Silence catamite

>> No.52564101

Rewards for stakers are immediate, both regular staking awards and Build incentives.

>> No.52564133
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>> No.52564155

why do you people lie? staked link and rewards are locked until v.1 comes out (12-24 months) build tokens are not even present on v0.1

>> No.52564177

Regular staking rewards:
>This v0.1 beta of Chainlink Staking will test how staking rewards can be earned by various types of stakers

Build incentives:
>In addition to the rewards described above, stakers in v0.1 may also be eligible to accrue additional incentives, dependent on per-project qualifications, which will be made available through the Chainlink BUILD program

These may not be live yet on Dec 6, but they are literally for v0.1 iterations.

>> No.52564208
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yes, but you won't be able to withdraw anything for 2 years minimum, that is not "immediate" you dense nuanced shill
and as for build tokens, it explicitly states:
>In addition to the rewards described above, stakers in v0.1 may also be eligible to accrue additional incentives, dependent on per-project qualifications, which will be made available through the Chainlink BUILD program in a future version of staking.
>may also be eligible
>future version of staking

>> No.52564225

Good we got that cleared up lol

>but you won't be able to withdraw anything for 2 years minimum
1) I never said anything about unlocking
2) the blog specifically says unlocking is tentatively projected for release within 12 to 24 months.
So "minimum" is 1 year, not 2.

>as for build tokens, it explicitly states
It explicitly states Build incentives are for "stakers in v0.1".
So according to this, it'll be for something like v0.1.1.

>> No.52564250

>2 more years

>> No.52564252

the post you originally replied stated
>no rewards or unstaking for 2 years
shut the fuck up

>> No.52564257

>the post you originally replied stated
>>no rewards or unstaking for 2 years
Yes, both of which are wrong.

>> No.52564267

you're literally cancer
fuck you and your 90pbitid shitposting

>> No.52564272

Breh I objectively refuted both statements, fuck's wrong with you.

>> No.52564285

no unlocking for 12-24 months is literally the same as "no rewards at all for 12-24 months"
>muh rewards will be immediate!!
>it's not 2 years, it could be 1 year goy!
fuck you disingenuous 90pbtid circular reasoning shill

>> No.52564289

>no unlocking for 12-24 months is literally the same as "no rewards at all for 12-24 months"
It's literally not lmao
Regular staking rewards and Build rewards for stakers are both for v0.1 iterations.

>> No.52564342

fyi, what you're doing here every day is pathetic, and in this particular instance your "shilling" inadvertently makes things even worse
I know that pretending to not understand the point is part of how you construct your arguments, but this time you done fucked up
just a heads up

>> No.52564371

Can someone clarify, so i cant unstake my link but i can use the link rewards, right?

>> No.52564422

both staked link and rewards are locked for a minimum of 12 months and up to 24, see>>52564208

>> No.52564495

>pretending to not understand the point
The point seems to be "if you can't unlock your rewards, then they aren't rewards".
Which is obviously retarded.

>> No.52564514

Wow, 5 years of hope slashed in 10 seconds. They need 2 years to research a basic function like withdraw, this is satirical at least and are making fun of us in the best case scenario, they hate us or smth?
Also, the node operators rewards are imediate or they need to wait as well, two years..

>> No.52564532

I agree with the other chap. O
I don't have any problem with my Links being locked up. I'm an investor, not a shitcoin 'trader'. So many people in crypto don't know what it means to invest as they want something to 'moon'. Seems to me there's a lot of them around here.

>> No.52564544

it applies to node operators as well
>it was a 10 year hold from the start
congrats for sounding exactly like the shitty demoralization shitposts we get here daily

>> No.52564622

You do realize "staking" typically involves locking up shit for an extended period of time, right?
Take Ethereum, staking opened up in November 2020 but it only actually went live two years later, in September 2022.

>> No.52564629

>10 years
Your words, not mine

>> No.52564647

Nice damage control boys

>> No.52564666

fucking kek

"More" he slurs deleriously as Sergey's intoxicating liquid faecal stream fills his gullet and sprays in his eyes.

>> No.52564706

I was previously only ever going to stake 3k as i like to trade with the majority of my stack. Now to be honest I think I'll literally chuck in a few hundred just to "be in" in case that brings any benefit but I'm not compelled at all by the stated direct rewards and lock up. I can get 5% anywhere frankly.

>> No.52564709

>I was always willing to wait 7 years to retire from passive income from Chainlink staking
good for you, I didn't
the only one doing damage control is (You) and your paid community advocates
Hi Zach

>> No.52564720

Anyone else get the feeling we're missing something? If they say 12-24 months, let's be realistic, it means 24 months. I was planning on staking 14k, but I don't see how it's worth it in this climate. What the fuck is the price going to do over the next two years? I don't know, does anyone? It could end up being the worst crypto decision I ever make. It's a massive risk with very little reward.
The linklets have it even worse. They have nothing to gain from this. Imagine having 1k Link, so you'll get about 100 Link in two years, at the cost of locking your entire stack during this time. Or you could just buy 100 Link for 600 bucks right now. Who in their right mind would stake in this situation? It doesn't add up.
Also what's staking going to achieve? What are they going to actually do with 25MM staked Link? Seems like they haven't even started working on real staking yet, they're just placating people because they promised some form of staking, so here's some shitty APY and don't speak up for the next two years goy.

>> No.52564733

>Also what's staking going to achieve?
hard hitting questions anon, prepare to be berated by an army of shills

>> No.52564745

For some reason i thought that chainlink would be better in this regard, well, all are scams in the end. I mean, i would understand if, Yeah, you cant unstake the original amount of tokens, but rewards man, like wtf. This version of stacking is so retarded, they Could have done it 3 years ago without any issues. Im demoralized atm, ngl. They flaunt staking for a couple of years just to release this bare bones version of it. At the moment CEFI is a better alternative than DEFI, at least you get monthly interest.

>> No.52564749

I've been tormented by an army of fudders for the past two years. An army of shills might be refreshing.

>> No.52564762

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. Link is only going to $20 max. Right now I might make 2MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 600K into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 60k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 80k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 10MM, but more likely 15MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link were about $80 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen.

>> No.52564765

Isint this how every shitcoin chart looks like? It's fucking dead.

>> No.52564776

Where the FUCK is CCIP

I shilled LINK like a good goy because of CCIP. Don’t fucking tell me CCIP is coming out in 12-24 months, fuck this.

>> No.52564784

>I need to wait 1 - 2 years until I become rich. This is unreasonable and I demand an apology and some sort of compensation!
My heart bleeds for these assholes kek

>> No.52564794

>but you won’t be able to withdraw for 2 years minimum
Not my fault you don’t know how to read

>> No.52564813

With DECO, tsigs and mixicles as it stands.

>> No.52564932

Screaming buy

>> No.52564961

It'll be dope to have a LIDO version of staked LINK like they do of ETH. stETH. That way its still liquid and you can borrow against it while it produces yield for you.

If you do that though Idk if you'd get the BUILD airdrops but I bet they could implement it and you'd just get the appropriate proportion just as they'd do with the LINK rewards you'd receive.

We are still probably like 1 or 2 away from that but once we get there we basically win completely at that point.

>> No.52564970

>What are they going to actually do with 25MM staked Link?
Define "they". The Chainlink team is going to dump more fund raising tokens while marines permahold in a valueless staking scheme for 2 years, if that's what you mean by "they".

>> No.52565003

>For some reason i thought that chainlink would be better in this regard
"Better" than the number 2 crypto in the world?
Stop applying this massive double standard to Link.

>> No.52565141
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>I'll probably stake about 40-50% of my tokens

Never gonna soak my assets in bloody APY surrounded by impermanent loss. Already sold all my LINKies to USDC to increase my farming position through SpoolFi with fixed returns.

>> No.52565207

Even for bigger stacks I don’t really see the point. I can “afford” to miss 14k link but why? For a small apy and having it locked up for god knows how long. Knowing the track record of the team it’s going to be 24 months MINIMUM. I’m so disgusted I fell for this piece of shit. Been waiting since 2017, missed the entire 2021 bullrun and now we ended up with half hearted staking contract. Inb4 you are a fudder Bulgarian. I’ll gladly give you my staking spot if that’s what you think

>> No.52565221

Fat ass really got one over on us with that trust talk. Literally the definition of just trust us

>> No.52565233

Exactly. His project completely goes against the mantra they keep repeating kek

>> No.52565310

>I can “afford” to miss 14k link but why
Exactly. What's in it for me? What's in it for anyone? Either they haven't thought this through, or we're missing something.

>> No.52565335 [DELETED] 

Haha, u're losing your money on the trash and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Bspin

> Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency
> Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
> Transparency and Provably Fair.

>> No.52565353

My only thought is they released this shit to make people shut up and give people the impression they finished something

>> No.52565354

>Literally the definition of just trust us
You have to trust developers to develop, obviously.
What he's talking about is you shouldn't trust transactions to trigger if the conditions are met.
If you were to apply a trustless element to this, it would be "I bet they won't deliver V1 staking within 12 months", and in this case you shouldn't have to trust anyone to trigger the bet payout if V1 is indeed not delivered within 12 months.
You buffoon lmao

>What's in it for me?

>> No.52565365

>11posts ITT

Ok chainlinkgod

>> No.52565960

Honestly after a day considering the release I'm inclined to think the same. This obviously isn't staking in any sense. The holding back of rewards and permanent lock gives them 2 years to actually work something out without revealing that for the first year or so literally nothing was actually going on with the tokens.

>> No.52565980

see >>52564622

>> No.52566012

I've staked in endless pools. Sometimes there's a lock up, usually just a penalty for early withdrawal. Rewards are usually immediately available with the only consideration being gas cost in taking them out.

Staking with no definite end date and no accessible rewards is just unheard of. It's plainly not staking.

>> No.52566023

>Sometimes there's a lock up, usually just a penalty for early withdrawal.
With ETH it was solid lockup.

>Staking with no definite end date and no accessible rewards is just unheard of
lol that's exactly what happened with ETH.

>> No.52566081

Yes and the ETH staking is a complete joke that I wouldn't touch. I've felt sorry for the people trapped in it for a long time and so I'm extremely disappointed to see link staking appear the same.

>> No.52566091

>ETH staking is a complete joke

>> No.52566282

It took you guys this long to realize this? As soon as they outlined the features in v0.1 it became painfully obvious that it's a stop-gap release because they knew it would be game over for the dwindling amount of support they still have from their holders. It's a complete fucking joke what they're delivering and Sergey needs to be accountable for it. I'm getting sick of Chainlink just quietly not saying anything when there are fuck ups and this is a fuck up.

>> No.52566371

Only stake if you're a hodltard. Better to let Sergey handle your money than some exchange that'll trade against you. In simpler terms, staking is for retards you can't trade.

>> No.52566398

LOL. I can't believe the coolest project in this WORLD! So-called Bspin.

>Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool
>Huge amount of partnerships and funders

>> No.52566404

>and this is a fuck up.
How the fuck is this a fuck up?
They're starting small, just like mainnet started small. And now look at it.

>> No.52566555

I knew v0.1 was a desperate attempt to get something out when they knew they were going to miss their 2022 deadline but I still thought it would be actual staking, just on a tiny scale - and that proper staking would be Q2 or so next year.

>> No.52566591

Passing on staking for the moment.

>> No.52566593

Well, you re right, they should have been better than number two in the world, at some point, litecoin was also number two but tehnology doesn’t stay the same/stagnates and you must improve upon what is already established to take the front seat.
If you play, play to win.
At this point we have another two years in front of us of waiting and the same goose to chase.
They underdelivered,their network doesn’t produce enough revenue for general staking from my pov, or they fail to monitize it, underdelivering features that make the token valueable, not enough exposure, for various reasons, and i say this with pain.
And you tell me you dont have a fucking withdraw function, fuck off, you insult the holders inteligence. There is a reason for this, and its not a problem from the "code" angle that needs "research" two years.

>> No.52566651

>they should have been better than number two in the world
Maybe start complaining about this shit when Link outranks ETH.
Right now there's ZERO fucking reason to hold Link to a higher standard than fucking ETH when Link is rank 21.
Especially when it comes to major technical releases.

>> No.52566705

>have an empty wallet that's eligible
anons please tell me I can just transfer LINK to this wallet and stake

>> No.52566708

Buying and holding has been my primary strategy for all my investing for about 7 years now from tradfi to crypto and so far I have a 100% win rate making profit upwards of 15-20,000% total return on my original capital.

Trading is the meme and always has been. Swingies get the rope and leveraged degenerates always lose. For every pajeet on here claiming to be a profitable trader, I can guarantee with 99% certainty I made more money than you from just buying low and early and holding, as opposed to the wall street larper faggots who lose 3/4s of their trades or barely make any sort of meaningful profit while risking their stack.

Staking is the perfect option for patient, unemotional investors. 7k of the stack which I was never planning on selling is now generating me income and simultaneously constructing a brand new diverse portfolio of SERGEY and ARI HANDPICKED companies from build rewards. And that 7k link staked doesn't change a thing about my current lifestyle, because even now I would never touch it so it sits there and does nothing, but I just have to wait 2 more weeks :)

But sure, you go ahead and continue to be a larping wall street faggot who stares at charts and thinks there is any value to your life at all despite being totally worthless in every single other ability besides sitting in a chair staring at a free version of tradingview and clicking 'MACD' and 'EMA' - woah anon so smart trader!!! You are such a genius trader!
Now go rope or face the wall

>> No.52566713

It's super weird why so many of you are disappointed, earlier this year we got a huge blog post laying out the roadmap and now they just confirmed the same info. It was always up to 5%, it was always v0.1 first, it was always a lockup until v1. what the fuck is the fuss about are you retarded?

5% on a 7k bag is really not that bad and if you're a poorfag late retard who can't event bag 10k LINK then you don't matter anyways. Stake 7k, leave your surplus of at least 3k cold and ready to take profits if there is an actual bullrun mania.

>> No.52566745

No reason this wouldn't work

>> No.52566823

I think even the most cynical of us weren't expecting the wait between v0.1 and v1 to be 2 fucking years. You are absolutely delusional if you think we're getting it any time sooner based on their estimation skills so far. Chainlink says 12-24 months? It's 24 months bare minimum. There's a very solid chance it'll be even longer than 2 years based on their track record. There'll probably be a third whitepaper during that time that will make them start over.

>> No.52566829

jesus christ your salty mate, why do you want them to fail so badly? kek

>> No.52566855

>It was always up to 5%, it was always v0.1 first, it was always a lockup until v1. what the fuck is the fuss about are you retarded?
Classic pilpul tactics; turn literally anything into a negative.
Just like how they tried to spin the Eric Schmidt talk into Eric "scolding" Sergey lmao.

>> No.52566980

If you don't get in on time though won't you miss out on 2 years of build rewards?

Also does anyone know if we'll be able to see the rewards, just not be able to cash out?

Separately, will we all get different build rewards depending on what nodes we have? Or will it all be the same just different value depending on how much you stake?

>> No.52566986

If my link was stored on a cold wallet am I still eligible, it’s not a web 3 wallet though

>> No.52567015

> 2 years for full release
> total lock up of tokens that entire time
> no build rewards until that time ends
Actually go give your ass to more kike cock CLG. You defence is pathetic.

>> No.52567037

>> no build rewards until that time ends
You're lying.

>> No.52567238

Or another bullshit project that will never happen. Getting disappointing

>> No.52567315
File: 36 KB, 400x400, KhuN_b2t_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons lock coins for 1.75 years
>lank price increases to $20b on a poomp
>can't sell locked coins
>sergay ends steaking before 2 years are up
>oh we changed the road map
>real staking is coming soon
>anons coins are free again to sell
>price is $3
>missed poomp and no rewards to show for it
>still no staking
100% belive something like this will happen

>> No.52567324

You only pay taxes when you pull out and if you take any losses you deduct them.

>> No.52567463

But I'll prefer a new launch project instead, I remembered back then when I bagged bnb, sol, and even this fucking link when it was new

>> No.52567535 [DELETED] 

In these times, one must be surrounded by individuals you can count on. Loyalty does not go unnoticed by individuals with honor.

>> No.52568183



>> No.52568192
File: 106 KB, 840x859, 3FE32E8A-2F79-451C-AC20-13BE908B18FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we’re looking at 2+ years for a full release of staking, meaning that Link probably won’t even pump greatly for another 3-4 years at best. I can’t stand the prospect of wageslaving 5+ years.
Maybe I’ll just commit sudoku and have my family take the tokens.

>> No.52568346

Literally, unequivocally stated that BUILD rewards can't be withdrawn either you cum slugging jew.

>> No.52568468

No new project will launch on a bear market, better to invest in an already existing projects

>> No.52568494

Anyone know?

>> No.52568504

Currently, new projects will suck up your savings. Prefer have my assets locked through SpoolFi than gamble new projects.

>> No.52568534

Also, even if true, you're still actually getting the rewards.

>> No.52568593

After two fucking years

>> No.52568630

No, you get them immediately.
>hurrrr but you can't withdraw!
You can't withdraw your pension plan either (not without penalties), doesn't change the fact that you're accruing and compounding interest.

Shove your pilpul up your ass, Moshe.

>> No.52568814

The delusion is remarkable. Your pension plan also is invested in real companies (not just infographics) and you dont pay tax out of pocket along the way like you will with staking. Remember two days ago when you guys screeched how the tax implications were paid fud? Reality is fud to you schizos, its really sad.

>> No.52568842

>Your pension plan also is invested in real companies
"hurrr Chainlink bad because crypto bad"

>you dont pay tax out of pocket along the way like you will with staking
You don't pay tax along the way with staking either.

>> No.52568843

I only have 15 LINK im a poorbag college student

>> No.52568865

I got 5k link i dont think its worth it. Ill feel anxious being locked in for so long, and i dont want the headache of dealing with taxes. I just buy and hold.
Ill just sell if it goes up, there doesnt seem to be any pump incentive for v.01 staking since whales cant even stake so its a nothing burger for another 2 years guaranteed basically

>> No.52568911

bingo. Thats why the team was wishy washy about giving hard dates. Everyone would dump. The most eye opening thing about this announcement is the fact that its going to be another two years before anything meaning full happens. thats a total of either years this project has been a thing and nothing has come of it

>> No.52568945

>meaning full
>a total of either years
Their not sending they're best.

>> No.52569021

Smart post this is why also smart enough to have 15k link to begin with. Same thought process as me t. 10k holder

>In B4 the BUILD program makes a bunch of stakers filthy rich

>> No.52569031

If you have <7k LINK and are bullish on the price action over the next 24 months (which you should be if you are holding it) then the logical thing to do is to not stake so you can actually take profits. I just don't understand what my incentive is to stake unless I I'm supposed to not sell a single LINK regardless of how high the price goes in the next 2 years. Most of us aren't kids anymore, we've held for 5 years and need to actually live our lives, if I have half a million dollars on paper again I'm fucking taking profits, I'm not gonna sit around jerking off for another cycle.

>> No.52569055

You realize you’re now perpetuating tax fraud without advice right? The IRS and US courts currently have a clear position on staking being taxable income. Between that and advertising a fraudulent investment, you are treading in dangerous waters my friend

>> No.52569069

With that advice*

>> No.52569210

The desperation of the fudders is palpable.
If you weren't upset you wouldn't be here.

>> No.52569222

was what i said wrong?

>> No.52569236

That tax code will be thrown out in court.
There is already case law being created to prevent staking rewards being taxable as income.
Rewards you can't sell immediately and/or buy goods and services are NOT income, and so you can take your pilpul and threats and shove them up your ass.

>> No.52569245

>The desperation of the fudders is palpable.
Damn straight.
They're in here acting like mining/staking rewards getting taxed is somehow a new thing that applies to Chainlink only.

>> No.52569339

That's why you won't make it and will have to keep wagecucking into your old age. It'll be even worse for you though, because you'll know you had the chance of escape from all that and threw it away. Yikes, glad I'm not you.

>> No.52569399

>because you'll know you had the chance of escape from all that and threw it away.
I never had the chance, I just had an opportunity to take profits and I didn't. I never got even close to making it, I could have made a few years of salary which would have been nice though.

>> No.52569411

You WILL stake all your tokens
You WILL get generational wealth from LINK
You WILL re rice enough airdrops from BUILD projects to buy you a house
And you WILL be happy

>> No.52569430

waited 5-6 years not 4

>> No.52569452


>> No.52569485

No, many projects are launching, gamestarplus are planning to launch their gaming project on Avalanche ecosystem, and I'm actually planning to grab some asap

>> No.52569495

>due to security parameters
wow so transparent lol how do people fall for this shit?

>> No.52569642

>I had half a million dollars on paper
>i never had a chance
is this guy smoking crack or something?

>> No.52569740

If you think half a million is anywhere near enough to "make it" then you must live in a 3rd world country.

>> No.52569858

Retard here, ive had 14k link on binance since for 4 years ish, can i stake them if so how as imdont have a web3 wallet

>> No.52569868

>If you think half a million is anywhere near enough to "make it" then you must live in a 3rd world country
I don't think it is, that is why I said selling half a million worth of Link is throwing away your chance.
If you sell it you won't make it.
If you don't sell it, you have a chance.
Are you actually a real retard? You can't follow a conversation flow properly, it's quite amazing.

>> No.52569981

so MEV is ok then because eth did it too right? you need to ask for a raise from the team CLG

>> No.52570009

Yeah, fudders have been working overtime but the staking release had great news: anyone can stake. Take your link and send it to a random BTC address. You weren't going to sell anyway so fudders seethe and you can't sell it for 2 years plus.

>> No.52570072

I didn't consider in your original reply that you *actually* would think not selling the market cycle top was smart. There was no chance, there isn't a chance any time soon. I'm not throwing anything away by selling a percentage of my stack in the future. I never said I would liquidate every cube.

>> No.52570125

afaik you can't stake if you held on an exchange. has to be on mainnet. However, there may be ground to appeal. There was something on the 'check your eligibility' site about appealing if you thought it was unfair/incorrect. You could try that. Perhaps if you show them proof you kept them in your Binance wallet they'd accept that. Good luck, and let us know how that goes.

>> No.52570147

Thanks for the answer mate, but i think you missed the bit where you answer my question.

>> No.52570155

its not throwing away anything. you are taking profits to chase other opportunites while sergey fucks around for another two years. Most of us have been bag holding since 2k17. All of the project from then are gone or are working on better versions. Chainlink still hasn't finished what it set out from 2017. They had time to do POC, a new whitepaper, acquire town crier(which nothing came from that) and they still haven't done anything about the main feature of the protocol which is staking.

>> No.52570179

Cheers Fren, ill check it out

>> No.52570189

>market top
If selling the market top is so smart, why didn't you do it? More importantly, do you plan to sell the market top next time?
I don't know why everyone doesn't just sell the market top. We could all be rich and live happily. People are so stupid. Except you of course.

>> No.52570219

>If selling the market top is so smart, why didn't you do it?
I got greedy and didn't take profits.
>More importantly, do you plan to sell the market top next time?
I plan to sell after significant upward price action, yes. Chainlink went 300x from the bottom and I didn't sell anyway, that was obviously foolish even if predicting the exact top is impossible. Likewise if LINK hits $50 or $100 then not taking any profits would be silly since I would be 10-20x from this current bottom.

>> No.52570236

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

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>> No.52570249

Let the retard speak for himself. Your fud might be better quality, but the kid has to learn the hard way. Let him sweat.

>> No.52570268

Can jannies really not just fucking filter out the word bspin? Are they that retarded?

>> No.52570296

same as you. i even said to myself i should sell her but was waiting for staking because it was announced for this year. Next all time high i'm unloading some of my stack to chase other opportunities

>> No.52570311

>if it hits $50 or $100
I think it's fair to say it'll hit $50 first, and then you'll sell, and you'll likely be priced out forever as the network expands and usage increases exponentially. Then you'll be priced out forever, and will regret it for the rest of your life and have to wagecuck into your old age, as I stated at the beginning of this stupid conversation.

>> No.52570339

yah then another btc bull market happens and everyone sell into btc and eth and the token takes a shit again. Why not just buy back in then?

>> No.52570461

What's the criteria to buy the presale?

>> No.52570555

dont ye get it man
there will be no more btc/eth bull market
from now on, it's stankies all the way

>> No.52570639

checked. i thought that too until link underperformed the whole bull run, that was with staking announcement and the hopes of CCIP

>> No.52570798

The criteria is that you must get whitelisted and pass the kyc before you can be granted access to the presales spot

>> No.52571839

Checked and based

>> No.52573020

If MEV didn't knock ETH off its rank 2 position, then yes, obviously MEV is ok in the eyes of the market.

>> No.52573216

>never sell
why are you in crypto?