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52555111 No.52555111 [Reply] [Original]

>link staking outlined and just about to be released
>esl fudders reach a new level of high volume spam, seethe, and hysteria in the catalog
>any and all non-fud threads are filled with these people, claiming that everyone else is a paid actor
So if I just buy more of these little cubes I can probably make third-worlders in a discord commit suicide? It's certainly looking that way and that's a good enough reason for me to accumulate at this point.

>> No.52555133

Checked. I wonder if it will die down at all when our LINK is staked and we literally can't even sell it any more. Surely at that point there's no more reason to fud.

>> No.52555200

it fuds itself really

>> No.52555215

token not needed

>> No.52555246

If it fuds itself then why are there a bunch of subhumans trying to do it 24/7? Are they too stupid to understand fud not needed?

>> No.52555265

checked you know europeans are literally subhuman right fellow amerifats?
chainshit's price fuds itself all you need to do is check the chart.
But if we moon and the stakers cant sell it will be them fudding it

>> No.52555316

>absolutely seething and proving my point
Lmao thanks for your contribution

>> No.52555378

You are absolutely right. You know every single post ITT is me and I am a gpt3 bot right?
The Chainlink community does not exist. This is literally another Judeo-Masonic grift to mindfuck you.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.52555394

>red ID
lmao seething

>> No.52555434

thanks just bought more cube
>this is a fud post
>yes i am bulgarian
>no i dint speak engrish

>> No.52555457

>well what about this crazy scenario how does that make you feel huh?
>"n-no u r mad"
The thread will keep filling up with assblasted thirdworlders as described in my OP
Really activates the almonds

>> No.52555461

>duuuuuuuude reality is fud

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Got any cool new infographics buddy?

>2 moarrrrr yearsth marinesthhhh


>> No.52555500

>there is no chainlink community
>its just assblastered third worlders
thanks for proving my point.

>> No.52555516


>well what about this crazy scenario how does that make you feel huh?

>> No.52555526
File: 213 KB, 250x263, 1594870942032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is based.

>> No.52555602

Yeah. based anon

>> No.52555614

heckin basedo can i reblog this on twitter?

>> No.52555623

And another
And another
And another

Jesus I really pissed off the entire fud discord lmao

>> No.52555652

They just can't help themselves when replying to me even when the entire thread is about pointing out how mad they are. They're just that pissed off.

>> No.52555661
File: 820 KB, 607x609, 21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek linkies release staking date,
>BTC crashes
Link releases staking
>BTC crashes.
Yeah nice coin you got there buddy.

>> No.52555683

this bulgarian fud bot needs an update

>> No.52555753

>coin is apparently terrible with bad price action and that's all there is to it
>entire group of angry people dedicated to fudding it 24/7 anyway
Yeah nice subtlety you got there buddy. Do you guys get any coaching before they send you here or do you just have to figure it out yourself? I'd recommend coaching

>> No.52555779

And another

Lmao this is too easy

>> No.52555788


>> No.52555807

niggers cant post itt.
t. nigger

>> No.52555830

>>>52555661 (You) #
>>coin is apparently terrible with bad price action and that's all there is to it
>>entire group of angry people dedicated to fudding it 24/7 anyway
>Yeah nice subtlety you got there buddy. Do you guys get any coaching before they send you here or do you just have to figure it out yourself? I'd recommend coaching
it gave me a (you) but i am not this poster lmao broken site is broken

>> No.52555879

Coaching. Now.
English lessons too.

>> No.52555973


>> No.52556003

t. Sanjeet Guptaja Pradeshka from Chainlink Labs

>> No.52556034

And another one

>> No.52556053

lmao op really seething itt
what's wrong little man did the market take your pay away?

>> No.52556066

it's just online bullying. link holders are easy targets since their token lost massively in value and their project moves at glacial pace

>> No.52556071

want wast money ? do it idiot ape better burning at least you getting warming

>> No.52556100

According to 4channel.org, there are 21 different posters in this thread. If we exclude the pajeet ITT switching ips, we are probably left with <10

>> No.52556114

And another
And another


>> No.52556182
File: 3.60 MB, 498x247, 1667847215441615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its just me. I keep changing IDs. I do this for every LINK thread.

You didnt think any of this was organic did you?

Holy kek he actually thinks there's a community of baggies out there when its all just software responding to you. There is no community. Just look at the post count and seeth just OP lmao

>> No.52556243
File: 108 KB, 560x299, 1667966977815925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had to unlock the thread because someone posted about it in the other thread. mod like functions come with the advertising package you can purchase from 4channel.org.
but they also run gpt4chan bots to aggressively interact with the userbase and elicit feedback.
See, most people just read and make decisions based on the information provided. They dont question they dont respond. The stats are there to support this.

>> No.52556313

>and another
are you sure you are replying to multiple people?

>> No.52556569

Hardly matters. He hates that every response / different Id posting just proves my point - that there's a lot invested into fudding and it means nothing in the end

>> No.52556741

No anon its just me. I just like the different responses you guys come up with then the rest of the board runs with it.
Why did you lock the thread before?
You sounded so confident

>> No.52556836

>lock the thread
Except I never locked the thread?
I want it up for as long as possible to see how desperate you and your "colleagues" are for people to sell their link tokens
How do you feel knowing that I still buy more every month?

>> No.52557139

Feels great anon you are just like me fudding all these years for a few extra link but there are only you and me itt.
How does that make you feel?

>> No.52557158
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>> No.52557526

if biz understood who was sponsoring the fudders you guys would lose your minds. it's much much bigger than i've seen anyone on here speculate. it'll come out in due time.

>> No.52557563

Kek delusional little bagholders I sincerely hope you never sell and I mean it.
I enjoy listening to you faggots lose your god damn minds you are the scum of the earth and deserve every little painful moment I hope it bleeds nonstop for the next 36 months and they find your corpses 12 months into the bleeding.
Keep holding little children.

>> No.52557623
File: 962 KB, 1124x987, 1668019502699357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kek delusional little bagholders I sincerely hope you never sell and I mean it.
I enjoy listening to you faggots lose your god damn minds you are the scum of the earth and deserve every little painful moment I hope it bleeds nonstop for the next 36 months and they find your corpses 12 months into the bleeding.
Keep holding little children.

>> No.52557629

It’s the salsa man and he has my god damned money

>> No.52557992

I will not purchase your token

>> No.52558996

just lock up your stake for atleast 24 months bro. what a piece of shit project lma