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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52548009 No.52548009 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked are you right now?

>> No.52548024
File: 127 KB, 1071x768, 1669042680622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-w-we promise we do. We just won't tell you our wallet addresses okay?

>> No.52548033
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>> No.52548061

this looks very bad indeed
where short??

>> No.52548113


>> No.52548115

Two more weeks
Post nose
jews salting the earth because their leo frank ie ftx was put to death

>> No.52548221
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When will they learn

>> No.52548227

Bullish for crypto
They just paper trade

>> No.52548236

transparency of a curryhouse toilet
the signs of collapse are there
no smoke where theres no fire

>> No.52548260

doesnt mean shit, gbtc discount has been happening for like a year

>> No.52548445

Stop the fear and FUD
>GBTC fund if liquidated would be sold OTC to the buyer
>GBTC Custody is Coinbase which do not lend their customer funds like retard sbf
>Not all companies are run by the retards like sbf and his weaselchipmunk gf.
>Cryptotwitter is full of attention seeking fear mongering retards speculation on every exchange going like ftx. Farming retards for likes and retail for their shorts.

>> No.52548666

Have a nice evening sers!

>> No.52548693

These kind of bad news are only possible thanks to blockchain, self sabotaging

>> No.52548710

>These kind of bad news are only possible thanks to
.......niggers buying fake paper coins.
Vishnu bless you ser!

>> No.52548719

Explain in Football terms.

>> No.52548761

Satan is a pajeet!

>> No.52548777
File: 902 KB, 1196x1232, 1648923634638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is literally every crypto company littered with incompetence? you would think a multi trillion dollar market would bring in some competent people but it's no different than it was from the beginning. just a bunch of nerds getting high off their own farts and who think they are the smartest people in the room and then proceed to fuck up the most basic aspects of finance

>> No.52548810

>why is literally every crypto company littered with incompetence?
Have you ever had a job that paid you regardless of whether you work hard or do nothing. That is the situation most of these people are in. THey made billions while being incompetant. Of course that made them complacent.

>> No.52548815

every crypto is a ponzi scheme and your greed is why you keep getting involved with them.

>> No.52548829

Theyre not incompetent theyre kikes selling fake paper bitcoin

>> No.52548830


>> No.52548831

Explain it in boating terms.

>> No.52548834

>GBTC Custody is Coinbase which do not lend their customer funds like retard sbf
That doesn't prevent Grayscale from borrowing against those assets. If DCG is insolvent, 635,235 bitcoins will get dumped into the open market.

>> No.52548943

dcg owning both grayscale and genesis potentially allows for some ftx tier fuckery with loans and leverage going between the two entities. genesis is the main lender for institutions and exchanges and they now have a billion dollar hole in their balance sheet. if they have some internal exposure to gbtc that nobody knows about then fuck the underlying assets. bankruptcy proceedings followed by liquidation and gbtc holders would be lucky to get back 50 cents on the dollar

>> No.52549162

Based pajeet satan trips! All jew belongs to a pole IN MINECRAFT sers!

>> No.52549183

The don't have 630k Bitcoin, maybe 400k at best and even those have liabilities taken out against them

Playing fiat games with Bitcoin never works

>> No.52549291

Football terms? I'll try -

1. Nigger
2. Niggernigger
3. N......

>> No.52549315

So buy GBTC then?

>> No.52549330

Irrational emotional unfounded speculation nothing more

>> No.52549336

So the Bears thought they were trading for Tom Brady, but as it turns out they were trading for Rex Grossman.

>> No.52549378


No. Just buy btc and store on personal wallet

>> No.52549422

Why would anyone believe these clowns actually have 630k bitcoin? Seems like this will be the domino to fall that could actually take tether down too once all “trust me bro” in crypto turns out to be nothing but Ponzi schemes when people show and say “fuck that I want my money”

>> No.52549573

FTX/Alameda were shady companies operating out of the Bahamas and effectively excluded from the US regulatory system. Greyscale (or Coinbase) absolutely is not that.

>> No.52549579

I could educate you. But that would be pointless.

Don't any of you guys understand how the securities market works? Fucking hell... you are all the dumbest people on the planet. There is plenty of info out there but you don't pay attention. Fucking retards. Tbh I just come here for the dumb low-brow takes from time to time to get a sense of how smart I am on a relative basis.

Carry on, making shit up and posting it. Call me Barry. I'll call you poors.

>> No.52549604

>bad news
Are we reading the same thing? I for one consider this excellent news.

>> No.52549647

if 1:1 redemption is a certainty in the event of a bankrupcy like you say, you should remortgage your house and buy as much gbtc as you can while it’s trading 50% below the spot price. guaranteed money, right?

>> No.52549687

because there is no way to competent steal a billion dollars and then not run away

>> No.52549852

No argument detected.

>> No.52549985
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>> No.52549993

You're so cool and smart I wish I could be like you

>> No.52550007

Coin base literally confirmed they have reserves this morning dumb ass
Duck off

>> No.52550047
File: 34 KB, 600x600, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is so bearish after FTX. In any other day you would all say damn Grayscale is so nice for not sharing my keys with every person in the planet. But now everyone is screaming like little bitches with a dildo up their ass. Grow up and thank you for confirming the bottom sheep faggots

>> No.52550121


Oh they wouldn't lie would they? FTX didn't li... OH.