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52544561 No.52544561 [Reply] [Original]

I just understood what PoW means.
Crypto is literally based on ponzi if signals are to be compared. The last person who bought is fucked, because there is nothing except exchanging rewards for dollars on systems that have no use except to repeat the same cycle with fresh money.

Tokens that do have use keeps crypto's ecosystems working in kinky ways. The whole thing is a $3 trillion sham.

Most investors can't even explain it.

>> No.52544601 [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 600x900, 1668839268016459.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are programmed to chose the best of the best, otherwise your mom will have no problem dating a midget, ugly guy and you would look even worse. where do you think those pretty girls you see in college and magazines come from? read about evolution

>> No.52544603

And how exactly does this relate to Pow?

>> No.52544643

You sound stupid and your shit's all retarded. As usual OP is a faggot.

>> No.52544678

Women are taught to deny men until they get old then no one wants them

>> No.52544702
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PoW is not scam, but pretty much all crypto is.

Proof of Work is useful for consensus finding, because it signals skin in the game, a measure of ability to procure resources (to do PoW) and can not be faked.

>> No.52544708

"women are taught by the jewish elite to..." classic incel shitpost

My grandfather told me that women have always been like this, and he was born in the 40s.
So don't give me that bullshit


>> No.52544712 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 589x641, 1613292550272 Chad 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, women are just programmed to choose the best available genetics for their offspring. No woman would deny a man looking like this.

See >>52544601

>> No.52544731

I never mentioned Jews or said that women back in the old days weren’t taught the same thing
What the fuck is wrong with you chud?
Learn to read

This isn’t just human females either. Makes usually put more effort into attracting a mate
You’re mad at nature not me

>> No.52544733

To make a PoW anaology to mating, animals usually show off a skill or a dance or some ritual that indicates their prowess. IIRC polar bear males must chase the female for hours on end and if she outlasts him she doesn't want him, as she considers him to be too weak to produce strong offspring.

Human females are just fucked up for some reason atm, many refuse their biology in favour of "wokeness" or some shit. But not all are like this and men who SIMP are also at fault. Men need to dump shitty women, easy.

>> No.52544743

Even Harvey Weinstein got better pussy than this guy
Women want resources in a male, males value beauty and youth

Everyone knows this

>> No.52544744


>> No.52544754

Even Top G Andrew Tate gets rejected sometimes. Bitches are dumb.

>> No.52544755

That's a man wearing a wig

>> No.52544757


These articles are always the same:

>ugly washed up whore has hit the wall and refuses to accept that she isn't everyone's darling little princess anymore
>all men are the problem

>> No.52544763

women this beautiful should never have to labor a single day in their life. her entire life should be dedicated to conserving her beauty and raising my children with love and kindness

>> No.52544775

Tate is ugly and retarded, suck his cock more moron.

>> No.52544788
File: 134 KB, 1200x1200, Madonna_Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women this beautiful should never have to labor a single day in their life. her entire life should be dedicated to conserving her beauty and raising my children with love and kindness

Beauty is fleeting.

>> No.52544802


Delusional or trolling. No amount of money, status or any other cope will get you true love from women, you need good genetics (looks) for that and Tate obviously lacks it.

>> No.52544812

>Beauty is fleeting.
Ngl Madonna aged like milk in the sun holy fuck it's bad

>> No.52544821


>No jaw
>High pitched, ugly, voice
>Scam artist

Yeah can't imagine women not falling for that shit.

>> No.52544829

This is “Chad” in America.
Amerimutt 10 is like a European 7 lol

>> No.52544841

>he doesn’t know women are money and fame hungry whores

Grow up kid

>> No.52544886

are you serious?
hot women get with old fat rich dudes everyday
were you just born

>> No.52544904
File: 72 KB, 578x746, Laughing_Gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ngl Madonna aged like milk in the sun holy fuck it's bad

Males age like wine!

>> No.52544989

Did you even read my reply. Yes rich ugly dudes can have hot women but they will never get this reaction from them. https://youtu.be/i5h3r-gBnOA

>> No.52545004

Women don’t want a pretty boy fag
Sorry chudley
men get more desirable as they age, women become less desirable

>> No.52545020
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Women are fine, it's the men who consider living as middle class an achievement, they should be more ambitious let me explain:
in the old days women could not hunt because other tribes could kidnap them, hunting weapons were heavy and there was the possibility of confronting another individual so they considered a male as "superior" to the one who does those tasks efficiently.

Nowadays women can fend for themselves and that is good but they cannot create something original in the capitalist system and they literally get old when they are presented with too much complexity to solve a problem, they also get stressed by risk and unpredictability whereas a man who cultivates himself can naturally master these fears and women will recognize him as a superior male.

The problem is that most men have mediocre standards for themselves and if females were to sleep with them in the long run the human species would degenerate, that's why women today wait forever for the ubersmench who has mastered himself, they would even have no problem sharing him.

>Yes, I'm telling you to get rich and have more self-esteem.

>> No.52545036
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>> No.52545038

Madonna was never atttractive

>> No.52545058

why do I only see videos of men on /biz/ with make-ups? Stop the fraud

>> No.52545063

I could break a fuckboy's legs in a heartbeat, i wonder if girls will still respect him after that.

>> No.52545065
File: 123 KB, 859x423, CBB46AF6-8673-4460-A0C3-CD6E440669CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women want money
Men want looks
This is how it’s always been

>> No.52545074

This might be the dumbest shit I ever read. You think humans aren't degenerating right now? You think women are selecting men who can solve complex problems? Fucking kek

>> No.52545103

A woman would rather have a quadriplegic chad than you.

>> No.52545105

you need to solve complex problems to have a stable and high income business in excess of one million dollars

besides that women mate with men who demonstrate skills that they cannot do

>> No.52545112

I'm sick of needing "proof of work" at my 9 to 5. I wish I could "proof of stake" it instead (show up and collect money)

>> No.52545138
File: 715 KB, 1920x1080, Zrzut ekranu (24189).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? In what shithole do you live that you have to fight for your life on the street. Normal people don't do physical fights in their daily lives.

>> No.52545139

need some incel to draw the lines

>> No.52545247

hell it's just a thought, I'd beat him in a hand to hand. pretty boys are terrible husbands in the long run.

I can assure you to god that a 40 year old guy with money and personality can patiently seduce any of those slutty teens.


>> No.52545313
File: 39 KB, 452x361, 1616223004756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can assure you to god that a 40 year old guy with money and personality can patiently seduce any of those slutty teens.

Keep dreaming anon

>> No.52545322

> pretty boys are terrible husbands in the long run
smells like terrible cope

>> No.52545329

>hunting weapons were heavy

They were just spears and bow and arrows. What's really are the animals that got hunted.

>> No.52545336

So a dwarf woman should want Chad and deserves to be with him?

Women need to learn to want their equivalent. Period.

>> No.52545344

The true redpill is that the problem is men, not women.
If men were willing to marry the girls that fall in love with them instead of postponing it, we wouldn’t be in this mess. There are an excess availability of attractive single men.

This can be solved with mandatory conscription between ages of 19-23 for men.