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52544252 No.52544252 [Reply] [Original]

Disney CEO Chepak wasn’t woke enough and lost his $26 million salary. Iger made $66 million a year before retiring in 2021.
Disney stock keeps bleeding

>> No.52544281

Wasn't Disney that company that made a couple good kids' movies in the 90s? Man, whatever happened to them I thought the Aladdin and the Lion King were pretty racist and cool.

>> No.52544293
File: 26 KB, 454x305, 6C774C92-54BB-4E4B-B20F-D09F82520553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more overt racism but they still have subliminal sex messages for the children

>> No.52544297

Remember when the artists would hide cocks in scenes?

>> No.52544302

Haha yeah, I remember when they would hide them

>> No.52544651

Guess where they would hide the cocks on the live action kids shows
Britney Spears knows

>> No.52544666

Disney actively campaigning for trannies and gays is something I would have never expected. wtf man you audience is parents with kids, how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.52544766

Disney has always been satanic

>> No.52544792

It's Ogre.
>Reedy Creek is a swamp. It is being drained.

>> No.52544797

Wtf was racist in those? The lion king was about fucking animals.

>> No.52544839

Disney villains back in the day used to have a dark color scheme which obviously is racist, chud

>> No.52544920

The hyenas were a little racist sounding
They chose cholos and blacks to voice those characters for a reason

>> No.52545678

mufasa was also voiced by a black guy

>> No.52545829

FTX went down, the dems must fall back to their previous, more laboring source of income

>> No.52545881

He just hope he cancels phase 5 or whatever of the capeshitverse.

>> No.52546008

Iger is super woke moron.
He literally campaigned for the nigger in chief Obummer and went after Trump every chance he got.
It's no difference, probably worse.
Good for crypto though.

>> No.52546013

so his book is just meaningless now?

>> No.52546245


>> No.52548530

Disney is now working on a remake of Cinderella, where the prince is a fat black trans woman and the ball is a drag queen story hour.

>> No.52548565


So was Simba lol, I thought basically all the VAs in Lion King were nogs

>> No.52548618

Yeah lol

>> No.52548845
File: 24 KB, 399x399, 1668949789212382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Igers first name started with an N
N. Iger

>> No.52549338

Maybe stop being woke goomers. A bunch of their employees were booked in a child sex sting too.

>> No.52549429

No. Simba was JTT/Matthew Broderick. You must be a retarded zoomer.

>> No.52549436

get with the times old man, that's what kids watch today

>> No.52549514

you are now aware that there is a country in africa called Niger

>> No.52549570

KEK I'm not even mad bros, just embrace the darkness... Have a drink and a laugh at the clown show

>> No.52549763
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 1548507680923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Crash Bandicoot villain.

>> No.52549981

>mfw troons will still insist that woke=not broke

>> No.52550005

Television is cratering in views kek. The kids who troon out have liberal parents. It's an entire generation of liberal kids wiping themselves out. I wouldn't say it'll fix things but if you really push back you can right some wrongs.