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52543241 No.52543241 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52543255

it's a data company that has a 10 year head start on developing a driverless car, which would disrupt several industries at once.

>> No.52543267

Apple vs Samsung, LG, Motorola,etc

>> No.52543289

>Elon Musk

There you go

>> No.52543303

Robinhood. Before those cunts removed the API that was showing stock ownership of users, Tesla was by far number one.

>> No.52543331

14 years of ultra low interest rates

>> No.52543362

Tesla makes 8x the profit per car vs the other guys.

>> No.52543610

Tesla probably isn't a bad stock to load up on if you're planning to hold for awhile

>> No.52543620

Now compare the market cap of useless crypto to those companies lmao

>> No.52543640

>has a 10 year head start on developing a driverless car
Muskoids actually believe this LOL

>> No.52543669

It’s a fucking amazing stock to load up on.

It’s literally going to be responsible for everything we know.


>> No.52543673

They are coping because they are already down 50% and soon to be down 90%

>> No.52543709
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>Tesla probably isn't a bad stock to load up on if you're planning to hold for awhile

BASE case for Tesla is 7X PRESENT value in seven years.
Average estimate is 13X in seven years.
BULL case is so high I would feel stupid writing it.

A single person could retire on Tesla in seven years with 1000 shares.

>> No.52543721

>average estimate
>market cap higher than apple + Microsoft combined
I look forward to the seething when Tesla is a 100 billion dollar company like it should be

>> No.52543725
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A couple reasons
Traditional car companies refuse to innovate because they want you to buy a new car every 5 years
Tesla has the lead in AI driving which has huge potential
But the biggest underlying reason is fiat and high inflation reward the riskiest investors most
Investors need growth stocks because inflation requires it
Fiat rewards those who get rid of it fastest
That’s why debt queens like Bezos, Gates and Mush rule the world

>> No.52543769

You will get pure brainlet takes here.
The real reason is because the European stock market works differently. You don't buy a European stock for it to grow in value and then sell, you buy European stocks to receive Dividend.
That's why most American companies have these hyperinflated market caps. They have to grow a compound % year after year to make up for the missing dividends.

>> No.52543800

That’s because dividends are sell pressure
Most divi stock holders cash out instead of reinvesting
I bet if you added up the dividends on euro car stocks, you wouldn’t reach the appreciation value on Tesla

>> No.52543892

Don't they have a carbon credits grift that is mostly propping up their profits and boosting the share price?

>> No.52543933

watch their AI day videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33q3FDjPeUk

>> No.52543957

All of the car makers have a driverless program and not just yesterday

>> No.52543965

part of the us tech bubble. the others aren't.

>> No.52543979
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Dumb retail investors buying the hype. It's going to deflate whatsoever

>> No.52543991
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>Don't they have a carbon credits grift that is mostly propping up their profits and boosting the share price?

YES... yes they do

Starting in 2023 the USA government will start enforcing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
They will give a $7500 Electric Vehicle (EV) tax credit to qualifying EVs (Tesla model Y and 3 qualify).
The IRA will also give battery makers a tax credit for producing batteries in North America with North American materials.
Tesla's new 4680 batteries (for their EVs) qualify.

Right now the Tesla model Y is on track to become the most popular selling car in the world in 2023.

Starting in 2023 the USA government will GIVE Tesla a tax break on Model Ys and model 3s AND start PAYING them to make the batteries they put int he cars.

Tesla is about to increase their profitability by HUGE amounts.

>> No.52544008

what qualifies an ev vs not?

>> No.52544010

None of them are as used as Tesla
I’m not saying Tesla will win the AI battle but you’re retarded if you don’t know they’re in the lead

>> No.52544020

They have an AI just for driving data, Project Dojo. No other auto maker has that on planet earth. Search for their AI day and Project Dojo videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3RSNkDubg0

>> No.52544022

>what qualifies an ev vs not?


>> No.52544033

>For example, if you purchased a Ford F-150 Lightning and owed say, $3,500 in income tax this year, then that is the federal tax credit you would receive. If you owed $10,000 in federal income tax, then you would qualify for the full $7,500 credit.
>It’s important to note that any unused portion of the $7,500 is not available as a refund, nor as a credit for next year’s taxes. Bummer.
poors btfo

>> No.52544184

Thats because of legislation, as always, europe is being retarded, cant imagine the nightmare to roll out a driverless test on public streets, probably easier to build a nuclear plant

>> No.52544224
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It's a bubble based on a personality cult around its CEO.

And it's about to burst.

>> No.52544229


Can anyone else in this thread even name the heads of those other companies or tell me what those boomers are doing right now?

>> No.52544257

10 year head start? even if that were true, it's not, that doesn't make a lick of difference when someone with more skill than their workforce can dump something like comma.ai out in a few years.

>> No.52544283

I don't get it, how the fuck do crypto coins like BTC and ETH have MORE mcap than almost century-old companies

>> No.52544339

It's inflated hype. BTC was a pioneer and first of it's kind, but unless it gets government backing (which I don't see anytime soon), it'll not be all that stable.

>> No.52544357
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>how the fuck do crypto coins like BTC and ETH have MORE mcap than almost century-old companies

Because everyone has heard the stories of the guy that put in $1000 and pulled out $1,000,000.
He told a few of his friends and they also got super rich super quick.
Everyone wants to be THAT MAN.
Most of the people 'investing' in this have NO IDEA what cryptocurrency and believe that there is something "backing" the coin giving it real worth.

>> No.52544362

unironically retail and retarded big money, every retail app you download has Tesla in the default watch list, it's one of maybe 3 stocks zoomers even know, every clickbait finance Youtuber and every viral stock market basics video with stock picks includes Tesla. Now that's probably also true for Amazon and Apple but Tesla is the only car company that has that privilege. Elon musk is a viral memer and to boomers with money but who don't follow markets he's the only big name they probably know, and yeah retail has that power, there's probably 100 million zoomers who invest in stocks and if they invest like 100$ a month and a big pile of that goes into Tesla that's a couple billion a month in passive buy pressure no matter the state of the company, all alongside passive ETF investing

>> No.52544400

It's the hardest money ever created. It's being adopted by countries as legal tender and the only viable out from the dollar system and all the bullshit that entails. Stocks like Ford etc aren't viable mediums of exchange and are vehicles of speculation controlled by a central entity and still completely under the control of the US empire and its legislation.

>> No.52544416

Bitcoin doesn’t compete against companies it competes against nations and commodities. It’s in a higher tier than any company

>> No.52544453

>controlled by a central entity and still completely under the control of the US empire and its legislation
No shit. That's what gives it value. There are plenty of reasons why a decentralized medium would be more efficient and come with less bullshit than fiat, but reality is knocking and wants you to realize that there isn't a chance in hell that the US government, the EU, China, or any other heavily industrialized entity (which are the unquestionable gears of the economy we're acting in) will willfully give up their ability to control and supervise exchange. Ain't gonna happen.

>> No.52544472
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>It's being adopted by countries as legal tender

El Salvador and Central African Republic
Maybe Zimbabwe will join in.

>> No.52544635

SpaceX and neurolink are closed companies that are deeply tied to tesla. It's a lot more than cars.

>> No.52544668

retards pumping the stock price because number go up.

>> No.52544694

Stock brokers naked short their customers funds
Like FTX

>> No.52544735

They have a con man who tricked people into believing they have a 10 year head start.

>> No.52544961

I don't know a single person who intend a Tesla. It's all fake funny money and can't wait until the house of cards collapses.

>> No.52544976

Owns* a Tesla

>> No.52544994

They have to actually build and sell multiple thousands of cars, it costs money to do that. Tesla does something else, see the "Cybertrrrk".

>> No.52545003

- best self driving ai
- best electric car
- solar
- batteries
- catgirl robot

volkswagen etc:
- normal gasoline cars as always
- biggest innovation in last 20 years was Air Conditioning

>> No.52545019

Elon has managed substantially higher profit margins than other car companies.

IMO this is mostly because of goverment EV gibs.

However, as time goes by and more of the market will be EV, this advantage will dry up, and people will realize that Tesla is not bigger and better than all other car companies combined.

Most people who I know who are currently invested in Tesla are narcissistic Elon boot licking morons, with barely any experience in investing. I am going to enjoy watching them lose everything.

>> No.52545083

I know several people that own Teslas and they're all decently well off. Not "we weekend in Greenwich" wealthy, but definitely above middle class. I see them pretty frequently too - more than any other electric vehicles and more then when Prius was even a big thing.

>> No.52545093

More than anything else, it's probably going to be the batteries that saves Tesla and gives them the market edge

>> No.52545108

Tesloids and musk cumguzzlers have to be amongst the most pathetic and least worthy of living creatures on this planet, right next to anaerobic bacteria.

>> No.52545114

Because its fake and unregulated.

>> No.52545129

Poor fag detected
Where do you live? Alabama?

>> No.52545163

The only people I "know" that own Teslas are your average city slicker urbanite bootlickers. Every normal rich or middle class guy will just get a hybrid here in Munich because you get to farm the gov gibs for that but still enjoy a gasoline guzzler, in fact you even waste more energy as the two motors (battery + combustion) are significantly heavier than a single one. Then there are also others who buy electric classic carmakers' models. The longer Tesla exists and the higher the competition, the less appealing Teslas will seem, because in the end, theyre still a US-made car, and people in Europe notice the absolute lack of QC and the cheapness immediately.

>> No.52545194


>t. Cum loving poorass faggot

>> No.52545197

Lmao, stop it dude, nobody is adopting it other than that El Salvador millenial homo dictator, because Max Keiser sucks his balls.
Bitcoin is digital nothings, just numbers on a ledger without any value being produced at all, its a decentralized ponzi scheme: I will double your money every cycle! But: you are not allowed to take it out before you waited for 4 years, otherwise, you may lose 90% of it ;))

>> No.52545243

Kek, Muskrat must have stolen this eurofag's boyfriend or something. It's like he has a personal vendetta against him.

>> No.52545293

They have apple style margins, litterally 10x the competitors, and if you expect their sales to be as large as them then you can extrapolate this ridiculous mcap. also every climate cuck in the world gives them free money

>> No.52545609

musk is a glownigger plant

>> No.52545670


Apple doesn't get subsidized like crazy though

>> No.52545749

Market caps aren't comparable between different asset classes in my opinion. Crypto market caps are more of a network valuation. Question: what's the market cap of HTTPS?

>> No.52545764

>Tesla makes 8x the profit per car vs the other guys.
absolute bs

>> No.52546066


>> No.52546134

I used to work for a massive Tesla bull (no, is not Cathie) so i could explain some of your questions.

But comparing Tesla with Automakers is a bad start for several reasons, since they are different business with different strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.52546146


>> No.52546170

your net worth is your network anon.

>> No.52546191
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>> No.52546201

I've lived in Europe and South America. I know people from all over the world. Not a single one owned a Tesla.

>> No.52546284

Bagholding that is

>> No.52546289

Tesla doesn't either. The credit thing is not a goverment giving Tesla money but the rest of the auto industry (specially Stellantis)

>> No.52546379
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The correct answer is right here in the second post and all the other rambling ITT is dumb as fuck. Big kek at anybody who's unironically confused at how Tesla can out-value a basket of zombie corps who are all rushing out products as fast as they can to copy it. Musk fanboyism can be pretty cringe sometimes but if you fell for the "he's just a dumb grifter" meme you're ngmi.

>> No.52546484


Governments are paying 5-10k per car to encourage EV usage. As soon as all the car manufacturers become mostly EV, Tesla's edge will diminish.

>but other people are getting subsidized as well

Yes, but not as much as Tesla.

>> No.52546505

[citation so fucking badly needed]

>> No.52546537

Apple literally makes half of the world's smartphones
Tesla is barely even 1/8th of the GLOBAL ELECTRIC CAR MARKET, never mind the rest of the cars sold that still run on combustion engines