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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 675x454, images (66).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52539197 No.52539197 [Reply] [Original]

insider here
Coinbase has "lost" 600k bitcoins since it started to due mismanagement and not understanding how to survive a bear market. They are scrambling to raise capital and will fail. You will see them announce this shortly. Greyscale has already started damage control via Twitter over the weekend.

You have been warned.

>> No.52539225
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>Coinbase has "lost" 600k bitcoins uhh
how does that even happen ?
whoops sent it all to the wrong address ?
its going to crash to fucking absolute zero and never bounce back


>> No.52539234

Lol coinbase has been through the bear market before

>> No.52539240

meh dont care
im all in on LINK

>> No.52539254

Ok, so this is it, USDC and USDT will crash at the same time, bringing crypto to its end. This is the wish of the global elites. The only true value of BTC is 1 BTC = 1 BTC.

>> No.52539276

If this is true it was probably them using customer BTC to buy shitcoins just like FTX.

>> No.52539278


>> No.52539287

lol is this why GBTC is literally cut in half already?

holy shit it's actually over if this is real, coinbase custodies Grayscale assets in "cold storage"

>> No.52539297

"Greyscale" lol

>> No.52539347

Don't care not withdrawing my LINK to my ledger until I get to 1k
If Goybase goes down crypto is dead forever anyways

>> No.52539371
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They claim they have the bitcoin but for "security reasons" will not reveal the wallet address. The boat is sinking. The VC firm that started Coinbase has said a huge crash is coming very soon. Stripe CEO (same vc firm) says tether will DEPEG soon.

>> No.52539416
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>damage control via Twitter
Gotta link?

>> No.52539419

except it's true. it IS a security issue to show the wallet. If they dont have the btc there, barry silbert is doing 20+ years in prison, he's not that stupid.

>> No.52539452

Cope. We know satoshis wallet which has far more Bitcoin than grayscale. 0 hacks.

>> No.52539493

This, but eth.

>> No.52539554
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>> No.52539561

>images (66)
do better

>> No.52539572


>> No.52539589

>insider here
I was inside your mom last night she said buy the dip kek.

>> No.52539612

They are heavily regulated because they're based in the USA. They're also audited and basically backed by the government.
While you should self custody your Crypto, it must be pointed out that you are a lying sack of shit spreading fud.

>> No.52539711

So everyone is short on bitcoin to the tune of millions of bitcoin across all exchanges, but you think the price goes down?

Naked shorts blow up and the price hits ATH next year

>> No.52539732

absolute bobopocalypse if true

>> No.52539733
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>> No.52539750
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>a cryptographic Proof-of-Reserve, or other advanced cryptographic accounting procedure
Just state the address, dumbass motherfuckers. Do these people even know what BTC is? Hello?!

>> No.52539757

The only one who gets it
Short term damage shouldn’t matter unless you’re leveraged up

>> No.52539760
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>> No.52539765
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>> No.52539779
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scam exchange literally created 2 years ago trying to FUD coinbase which has been around since 2012

>> No.52539795


>t. retard

>> No.52539827
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Oh please be true. I have not slurped in MONTHS!

>> No.52539858

>thinking there's recovery after a tether implosion

>> No.52539884

Nice try you dirty chink. Coinbase has 0 exposure to your tether scam. The west will win the blockchain wars and bankrupt the east.

>> No.52539897

Surely this is THE end of crypto. The news station even says so!

>> No.52539930

Is this why the BTC price has been so fucked lately on Coinbase? It literally will not show me my dollar amount..guess it's time to find a new place for my trading funds.....

>> No.52540011


>> No.52540390

heckin mother of dragons

>> No.52540435

hopefully they stay solvent long enough to give me my flare airdrop

>> No.52540461

Gestalt on
and how it relates to
Many thanks!

>> No.52540465



Bring it all down, nothing but ponzi scams.

>> No.52540554

Okay schizo. Post one piece of information that isn't public and complete speculation. Let alone proof that you're an actual insider

>> No.52540564

>absolutely no source on this stupid information
I hate anyone who gives this an ounce of belief

>> No.52540587

Gbtc custody's at Coinbase and only holds like 50% of their fund.

Chinese exchanges are the future of finance after the Jews blew up America's chance

>> No.52540590

Big if true. I need one more “Bitcoin is dead” event before I buy back in.

>> No.52540839

Looks like its tracking BTC

>> No.52541179

I hope so.
It means blackrock are dead.

>> No.52541636

jesus fucking christ rescale your goddamned .jpg file you fucking dunce.
holy fucking shit these shillbots and their shitter screencaps infect every corner of the internet. god fucking damn.

>> No.52541866

>not understanding how to survive a bear market
>coinbase has been around since 2012

you realize how retarded that sounds faggot?

>> No.52541868

Coinbase will halt transactions and you will be happy

>> No.52541879 [DELETED] 

Jannies are NIGGERS

>> No.52542207
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Just don't leave your money on the exchange and don't make large transactions all at once. In the last 2 years like 4-5 exchanges I use have had holds or blocked US accounts. I haven't lost a cent.

>> No.52542245

Some exchange literally sent a large amount to a wrong address not long ago, forgot who it was

>> No.52542316

If you didn't slurp alrdy after a 53K cut, you'll never slurp.

>> No.52542332

i'm a poverty stricken white male and probably gay. I work a job where my employer pays me under the table in usdc via coinbase. Part of my job is using my coinbase card for business expenses for 1-4% cash back in some random shitcoin. I spent $1k usd in usdc this past weekend for business expenses.

Still receiving cashback rewards.
Still able to market sell those rewards to usdc and spend them via my coinbase card.
Literally no signs whatsoever of coinbase slowing down or restricting services. If coinbase goes down we truly are at the end times.

Greyscale hiding their wallet addresses is a completely legitimate security move. Its probably split up a million ways anyway.
on one hand, I have yet to see any impact from the FTX fallout on coinbase. On the other hand, I have my doubts that coinbase can avoid collateral damage even if they didn't have direct exposure.

Its funny that biz constantly shits on goybase for being the normie exchange and yet it's one of the only ones left standing in the ongoing cryptopocolypse. Even Blockfi fell. Probably a bunch of eurofag and chink posters.

>> No.52542349

wow it's real. i just saw a coinbase lost btc unclaimed on the block chain but someone claimed it before i could get to it. how does the largest regulated exchange in the US have unclaimed btc?

>> No.52542377


>>>>>>>>unclaimed haircombs

>> No.52542390
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>> No.52542423
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>> No.52542429
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These were not the one of coinbase but mine. I forgot to wrap them and you claim them. Can you please put them back on the blockchain.

>> No.52542436
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>The goobermint protects investors
lol. lmao.

>> No.52542477

i didn't get them. someone else claimed them faster than i could. i think they were half wrapped though. they didnt completely fall off the blockchain. that's why i assumed it was one of the btc coinbase lost. maybe their wrapping algorithm did complete the wrap successfully because of the 600k volume of wraps

>> No.52542499

>insider here
Stopped reading there.

>> No.52542547

Low IQ fudQ

>> No.52542550

stop being gay and tell me about your garloid. Verification not required.

>> No.52542553

>run on tether
>crypto prices go up

>> No.52542576

Big if true. I will personally slaughter coinbase employees if they moved any of my crypto out of 'my' vault.

I will skin armstrong alive if he fucked with my corn.

>> No.52542628

idk what garloid is. ive been earning passive income for 5 years surfing the blockchain for unclaimed coins and claiming them. it's just a side hustle.

>> No.52542671
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no worry. It happen.....it s the crypto....one time i lost a bitcoin wrap at 75%

>> No.52542714

this is it bye

>> No.52542732

what the fuck is happening in this thread

>> No.52542751
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i just claimed a unwrap ETH just now. That s 1k tonight. Why don t more people do it ?

>> No.52542930

Cope. The asiatic horde wins again, while all the white boys become trannies

>> No.52542992

If coinbase doesn't have 600k bitcoin that is bullish as fuck for bitcoin.

>> No.52543046


go back

>> No.52543089
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>source: my ass

>> No.52543102
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1621907013161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $7 in BTC on Coinbase right now. Should I be concerned?

>> No.52543167

people had 7 dollars in btc on mtgox. you know the rest, right now would be way more. but the thing with this is if 7 dollars you can just work and reget it you fuck i don't know how these mtgoxers didn't rebuy if they had a salary for fuck sake it is like the btc pizza guy i think he maybe bought more btc in th elong way i hope i dont fucking know these stories fuck me up like there is always something fishy if they didnt rebuy.

>> No.52543224
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you means 6.5 dollar now ?

>> No.52543228
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Pic related

>> No.52543240
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It was $10 when I bought. I'm getting fucking destroyed over here.

>> No.52543262

>backed by government
Lmao what a dumb faggot.

>> No.52543282

they didnt rebuy because its internet funny money
i sold in 2014 and didnt rebuy until 2020

>> No.52543284

where can I 100x short COIN sirs

>> No.52543379
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it was 65k when i bought

>> No.52543390
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put COIN (1 put = 100 shares)

>> No.52543516

lol such an obvious as fuck scam and we're all sit back and go "what a nice set of humans, sending money back and such."


>> No.52543878

This would have crazy effect on the crypto market, with the recent fud around CEXes increasing it's only logical to sit in stables for now and probably leverage on yield farming tools like SpoolFi to earn yields.

>> No.52545328

Dubs of truth

>> No.52545376

newfag here. how do I short crypto?

>> No.52545402

The slurps get juicer the further down they are.

>> No.52545459

Defi doesnt acct for liquidity......tax fraud all day.

>> No.52545469
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CZ exit scam is the truth.
Taiwan is about to be invaded

>> No.52547204
File: 2.39 MB, 6480x8658, grayscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.52547511

I'm a cyber security researcher and I've found a bug a bug on coinbase that can fuck around with another user's email and advertisement configurations...told it to them and those fuckers still did'nt pay me. FUCK COINBASE

>> No.52547549

It's going down next. CZ is going to exit scam us. only bybit shall remain.

>> No.52548029

30 year old boomer here. Personally lost coins on Mt.Gox, hard drive wallet and the original silk road. When it hit 1kish in 2013 heaps of chinks were buying it like crazy and I thought there's no way this will last. Plenty of time to buy and you know the rest. I couldn't bear to look at its runup and price especially after 2017 and never bought back in.

>> No.52549465

buy USD fiat

>> No.52549667
File: 3.69 MB, 480x360, ezgif-4-030aa4e8981f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always a good feeling to see a gif you created get reposted on 4chan, thank you anon for appreciating my gif

>> No.52549735

Funny how robinhood escapes this mess. Kinda like they already played thier fed op part. This was scripted

>> No.52549745

I got all my money out. I am few who made money on crypto

>> No.52549783

Those slack jawed monkey fuckers kept deleting my account because I visited Hawaii 2 years ago. I hope they burn in a volcano.

>> No.52549823
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>le insider
These threads are like the new "except this time it's the leader speaking" bait, dumb but fun.
>300+ replies every time

>> No.52549883

Hahaha nice try loser
Go watch your anime porn and fuck off

>> No.52549962

If USDT and USDC depeg, every single stablecoin trading pair on binance will collapse, which is like over 90% of their volume. Meanwhile, the mad rush to liquidate to actual USD will ensue, collapsing the price even more.

You have been warned. HODLing is for patsys and dupes.

>> No.52550042

But SBF and Friedberg *are* that stupid? Bro, the whole thing is a leveraged-to-the-tits house of cards with no central bank backstop.
Imagine the stock market in 2008 if the fed didn't bail out all the banks. Lol you ain't see anything yet.

>> No.52550052

biz warned me of an exchange going bust before
and it was legit :)

>> No.52550123
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its just too hard too do, they have
to scan them sperately due to the interferrence

>> No.52550163

It's the blockchain. Can't people infer what the fucking address is anyway? What's the fucking point of crypto if it's not decentralized and verifiable by independent 3rd parties, not paid-for-rubber-stamp "auditors" (that aren't really doing audits)...
Clown world, dawg.

>> No.52550216

only for some coins. the ones getting used by banks and corporations

speaking of getting used by banks, did you see that a former Ripple board member is leading the Federal Reserve's digital assets oversight and another one is leading the digital dollar trial between the NY Fed and Wall Street banks? crazy right

>> No.52550248

he moves good for a big boy

>> No.52550264

if third parties do it then they just claim
>nooo we got it on a coldwallet somewhere
basically they are full of shit coinbased, FTX and Tether
are rotten enron to the core

>> No.52550302

XRP is clearly the chosen coin. People would have to be retarded to not hold a 1k sui stack when they can buy it for a few hundred dollars.
>Any mention of xrp summons shillbots. Enjoy the fuddin' show!

>> No.52550310
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We need to just ban kikes from the banking system. I like that crypto lets people place their money in the custody of degens to gamble with it when all parties are aware of the risk. You can't have custodial services that are supposed to be secure like FTX and Coinbase spinning their dreidel with the customer's segregated accounts.
Every newbie needs to learn, "NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR FUCKING COINS". It's the first rule of crypto.

>> No.52550382

>Its probably split up a million ways anyway
Some On Chain guys on Twitter found the BTC Wallets, they have around 450 wallets

>> No.52550411

turns out the suicide stack is actually the threshold at which you commit suicide if you hold that much.

>> No.52550770

COIN puts are so overpriced now

>> No.52550832

there are too many people watching it now that its giving the main support level its first tough. it will likely bounce and then go through the 2nd or 3rd touch.

too many eyes

>> No.52550883
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>'my' vault

>> No.52550892

My dad who works at Nintendo says crypto is dumb and graded and authenticated Pokemon cards are the only true store of value.

>> No.52551104


>> No.52551347

>Coinbase has "lost" 600k bitcoins since it started to due mismanagement
That would have to disclose that to investors immediately, so no. That didn't happen.

>> No.52551414

>/biz/ spams coinbase fud for weeks on end
>FTX collapses and /biz/ goes wild for a week
>/biz/ goes right back to spamming coinbase fud

>> No.52551438

Holy fuck that's some nuclear tier fud. Please tell me the truth: it's over isn't it?

>> No.52551778

hit a 5 year low earlier today and bounced. You're saying it'll retest?

>> No.52553128

Can I still move bitcoin to ledger to protect investment before cashing out ?
or just sell and pay to move usd to bank ?

>> No.52554110

Post proof or get the fuck out.

>> No.52554240

this is not about any bear market dimwit

>> No.52554281

PSA: Silbert is a jewish name.

>> No.52554297

it's complete bullshit. coinbase has the 600k btc of gbtc in deep cold storage. if they didnt they would face 20 years of prison

>> No.52554328

unironically kill yourself, you retard larping nose.

>> No.52554364
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even their ceo is dumping lol

>> No.52554501

Coinbase has already survived the last bear market you dumbass

>> No.52554583

>and not understanding how to survive a bear market
what is up with this low IQ fud LMAO. As if the company founded in 2012 has no idea how to survive this predictable ass bear market that came right on schedule.

>> No.52554612

look at these kikes

>> No.52554613

USDC is the stablecoin of choice of globohomo

>> No.52554644

That’s strange. As of last week, the only insider action I saw in Nov was one director buying a bunch of six figure $ chunks. It’s not like Coinbase hasn’t struggled. They chose to inject more capital this year. But they don’t seem to be worrying; their technology budget has increased substantially.

>> No.52555030

I'm bored of typing this out. Coinbase is regulated as fuck. They're in the US. They're a publicly listed company. They won't implode like FTX.

Coinbase are losing $500M a quarter and may fail to survive as a company, but any end is a year or two off and will be nothing but the final stop on a spectacularly dull decline.

I know this is a bizarre thing to hear, given the history of crypto, but exchanges don't HAVE to die by blowing up with every user's funds 'hacked' or stolen. They can just shut down over a period of time. If Coinbase runs out of money, they'll simply wind down the business, giving users a month or two to withdraw assets, close positions, etc. European, HK, and Japanese exchanges have done this in the past. Same applies to Gemini (less Gemini Earn) and Kraken.

>Not a Coinbase shill btw (Coinmetro bagholder)

>> No.52555192

OP WAS a faggot today

Not a faggot

>> No.52555610

Is this real? How can people be so broke

>> No.52555810

glad someone here still has brains

>> No.52555833

pick one

>> No.52555980

binance can do it

>> No.52556028
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retard greyscale is sueing the sec to become a spot etf which means they have the coins 1-1 ratio.

>> No.52556233

>last shares
bs, it's like 2% of his shares or something

>> No.52556307
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The coinbasecope in here is cringe. I own one share of COIN. Had owned it since november of 2021 back when it meant something. Even i am facing the reality of coinbase going belly up in 2023. It's literally the only exchange now competing with binance and they are lagging so dramatically behind. They don't even have their own bnb discount token and their fees still suck ass AND they're trying to compete with binance in europe with ZERO marketing strategy. Armstrong is literally the bob chapek of crypto. Crypto dot com will even likely surpass the success of coinbase at this point. By the way, i emptied my coinbase wallet last month. It's over

>> No.52556314

exchanges still dont have enough usd if everybody tries to withdraw at the same time

>> No.52556393

CZ always wins baby

>> No.52556436

This just proves exchanges were a mistake and Bitcoin will remain a pure P2P system

>> No.52557856

money doesn't disappear , It moves it changes hands. To who and how many does it change is the question, yah?

>> No.52557932


I would just want to move assets off chain to cold storage
If all the exchange does is charge a fee to send/rec/hold and does not gamble on users assets things should square up
operating expense for that model should be pretty small

>> No.52559640

Moved my 20 Linkies off the exchange. Can't take any chances, no sirree.

>> No.52559802

All these things mean are that investors lost confidence in them. It doesn’t make Coinbase lose money, it just makes it that much more expensive to raise debt and equity for their company. If they run skinny they can run on operating profit.

>> No.52559843

>tfw coinbase bases purchases on valuables they haven't mined