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52541686 No.52541686 [Reply] [Original]

Your kids will do the same thing in 2070 when the next emerging tech comes around

>> No.52541704

Nearly everyone could see the utility of the internet immediately.
This is a lie.

>> No.52541707
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>people made fun of these unrelated tings which means btc will go up

>> No.52541733

BS lmao

>> No.52541738

Btc is modern day beanie babies.

>> No.52541745

if you invested in internet and mobile phone stocks in the 90s and early 2000s you would have lost everything

>> No.52541752

ive said it before and ill say it again, that if you cant picture the usecase for a smart contract, then you are utterly fucking stupid
and anyway when the internet was dial up it was a cringey giganerd thing that only losers and geeks were interested in
it wasnt until smartphones that it became normalised

>> No.52541761

People made fun of buying cyborg sex dolls
I am dead by then

>> No.52541763

>t. Zoomer

>> No.52541767

No, a huge number of people thought it was a fad. It was pretty much nothing but porn and scams until 2000-ish.

>> No.52541778

Blockchain and smart contracts are a solution looking for a problem.

Cope techie

>> No.52541780

God no, this is so wrong.

>> No.52541784

Bitcoin is the AoL of crypto. One day it will be made obsolete, probably by government backed crypto.

>> No.52541793

Nugget what

>> No.52541801

oh look a 1pbti bait post retard. Here's (you)

>> No.52541807

>t. low/middle management desperate to stay relevant

>> No.52541810

No. My dad asked me to teach him how to use it. He figured it out pretty quick and he and my mom met a lot of people on there and we travelled to different states meeting the people they met online.

My boomer Dad loved the internet. RIP

>> No.52541811
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Tell that to these countries.

>> No.52541815

Why would I listen to a guy admitting he makes bad decisions and is a normie?

>> No.52541822

Nice try faggot you wish I had a job

>> No.52541833

stop posting all these cringe faggots that nobody's ever heard of.

>> No.52541835

checked and based

>> No.52541841

>people made fun of tulips, they were right
>people made fun of beanie babies, they were right
Uhh i can do this too

>> No.52541844
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Who made fun of mobile phones?I'm pretty sure they were highly more preferable to pagers.

>> No.52541867

I remember in grade school around 2000 one of our teachers quit to become a "day trader" and claimed to make thousand of dollars a day. Then we had this month long contest where we had paper stock trading account and competed against each other to see who would be the best trader. I just bought the companies my parents worked for and got BTFO. The winner bought various .com bullshit.

>> No.52541873
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>I bet a lot of you fags in here have dads
My dad loved computers and considered introducing me to them a very important cultural value for educating me into the world that we currently inhabit
He just died young of unnatural circumstances and I have had to scrape by with a modest living in every year since, without any clue how to navigate the adult world because he chose to build a family with a TradWife 10 years his junior who has basically experience outside of her childhood or marital home, to bequeath upon me.

>> No.52541884

Who the fuck cares what pic was posted. It wouldn’t matter even if I posted a pic of a piece of shit. Think about the IDEA

>> No.52541888

Na when they were twice the length of your head and weight ~2kg you got laughed at for calling them the future

>> No.52541889

early mobile phones were utter dogshit

>> No.52541923

People shouldn’t be allowed to comment on Bitcoin’s utility until they show a clear understanding of fiat currency, quantitative easing, and fractional reserve banking.

If you don’t have an understanding of those 3 terms, you don’t know what Bitcoin is even used for.

>> No.52541927

>It was pretty much nothing but porn and scams until 2000-ish.

still is

>> No.52542015

Maybe those people were right.

>> No.52542722

Sounds like you were born in the mid 90s or later

>> No.52542744

the internet is poison and so is digital money

>> No.52542772

t. 18 y/o nigger

>> No.52542801

>see the utility of the internet in the 90s
>invest in AOL/netzero/whatever else the fuck
>fast forward twenty years
>lose all your money, but the internet still managed to get huge
Do you see how this can be possible?

>> No.52542821

fucking kek’d. in the 90s normies were mocking the nerds who talked about thebinternet. then they fomo’d into the dotcom bubble, got burned and a lot of them went back to mocking nerds

>> No.52542842

the internet was a government project released on the world. cbdcs are a co-opting of crypto. btc, xmr, and a few others will necessarily gain in value as cbdc rolls out.

>> No.52542872
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True. Crypto baggies spew the stupidest cope. Crypto has been around for over a decade and is still just a gimmick for scammers and gambling addict. The Internet was an everyday thing within a decade of consumer adoption.

FAG lmao

>> No.52542894



Prior to that disc people got in the mail with AOL online and dial up internet. The internet was around for like 10 years before that. And it had a lot of ups and downs.

Internet wasn't REALLY mainstream until like 1996.

>> No.52543226
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>> No.52543294

try to think beyond yourself boy

>> No.52543546

As someone who worked for a company of retarded boomers addicted to sending faxes back and forth well into the 2000s, I disagree.

>> No.52543586

People shouldn't be allowed to comment on Bitcoin until they can explain why I have made more money stuffing USD into a mattress and burying it in my backyard last year rather than exchanging it for btc. If USDMATTRESS outperforms your investment consider suicide.

>> No.52543598

This. Also no one laughed at cell phones either. Whoever the tweetard is they are completely retarded.

>> No.52543667

The idea is retarded.
The guy who posted it is retarded.
You're retarded dragging this trash here and asking people to think about it.
All the zoomers itt thinking they know dick about what anyone thought in the 90s and 2000s are retarded.
Go back >>>/twitter/ and take the zoomer retards with you.

>> No.52543708

Do you understand the point I'm making well enough to refute it?

>> No.52543819

People made fun of Beanie Babies in the 90's. I was there.

>> No.52544082

retard argument
you would have made more money in USDMATTRESS over the last year than almost literally any investment including real estate, market indices, and precious metals.

>> No.52544161

Bullshit, I went to help a friend of mine set up a repeater to get a connection in the mechanic shop on his dad's property. His dad scoffed and asked "well what's that gonna get ya?" as if the 100 year old land line running out there was enough and all the customers they could ever get were certainly only reaching out by phone. This was in fucking 2018.

>> No.52544175

>Not investing in AI-generated metamask dildo NFTs

You will always be poor

>> No.52544176


>> No.52544182

It was a much better place without normies and thirdies like you

>> No.52544192

My dad was/is a computer scientist and showed me how to download anything I wanted in the 90s when I was like 10 years old. But he somehow thought crypto was a scam until last year when he got obsessed with it.

>> No.52544198

See the comic book guy from the Simpsons. That was the common perception of the internet until like 2005.

>> No.52544207

>2 things with clear cut usecases versus 1 thing without a usecase.

>> No.52544216
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what happened to his backpaw

>> No.52544230

Nobody made fun of the internet around me and everyone mocked phones not because they were seen as a dumb thing, we mocked early adopters

>> No.52544243

Learn your history you zoom zoom fuck. Alternatively stop mouthing off about shit you clearly don't know anything about. If you have never heard the dialup tone in real life then you need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.52544250

You’re parents were swingers

>> No.52544270

I see you’ve been thoroughly told off already but here is some good proof.


>> No.52544401
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Have you ever heard of gold?

>> No.52544426

funny but I don't remember anyone making fun of mobile phones in the 2000s, there were only people complaining about prices

>> No.52544435

whoever wrote that post is pseud of the highest degree

>> No.52544485
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That is the progressive version of the slippery slope fallacy; utter retardation

>> No.52544529

People made fun of him in the gay bars,
People made fun of him in the gay baths,
And he keeps on sucking.

>> No.52544539

>early phones were heavy and bad
>in the 2000s
holy zoomers
as soon as year 2000, mobile phones were light and widely available. actually lighter than today bloated smartphones
everyone in middle school had one. flipphones were the epitome of cool

>> No.52544541


The zoomer is right

What is crypto good for? Gambling on other crypto? Turning people into baggies? Useless "smart contracts" that improve on nothing and a whole galaxy of film-flam merchants.

14 years after crypto's arrival and this is its impact. 14 years after the Internet had been invented it had turbocharged academic research, created new avenues of commerce, and brought the world a bit closer through email, chat, etc. Nothing in the crypto space comes close to that, it's all garbage and hucksters.

Posted with my Western Robotics 14.4 kbps modem

>> No.52544542

He does it for change.

>> No.52544556

Are you retarded? What do you think the point of stocks is? Is there a site where smart people hang out? I should start spending my time there instead

>> No.52544604

It unironically isnt. My boomer parents got the internet as soon as they could. The ability to have unlimited information at your finger tips is a pretty obvious benefit of the internet. What exactly does crypto offer normies? Dont get me wrong I see the benefits for crypto in certain use cases, but at times it seems completely over hyped

>> No.52544677

Whats it like being born into a world without hijacking for ransom?

>> No.52544692

No it wasn't you stupid fucking nigger retard. Literally everyone was using internet by 1996 and e-commerce was huge immediately.
Fucking retards all need to kill themselves.

>> No.52544722

Where the fuck do you lying shits come from. In the 90s, most people with mobile communication need used pagers.
If you actually had a cell phone you were very well off. It was considered peak luxury. You would be blown away seeing someone who actually owned a cell phone.
Late 90s everyone started to have cell phones, and flip phones/camera phones were extremely trendy by the early 00s. No one fuckjng mocked them. Normies had cell phones long before the iPhone came out.
Crypto fags keep holding on to their bags like retards because they bought jewish tulips which now haven't appreciated in value since 2017, kek

>> No.52544765

This retard is so fucking wrong. If people were aware of the internet in the 90s they were using it. I don't remember anyone mocking it. Fucking email and global conversations on irc, wtf is there to mock?

Phones were clunky early to mid 90s, but still very little mockery if any. Late 90s mobile phones were very far from mocked. Late 90s successful rappers were jabbing about them 'they get jealous when they see you with your mobile phone'. No-one fucking mocked mobile phones in the 2000s wtf is this fucker smoking.

>> No.52544808

ITT: We pretend to be in it for the tech and not to make fat stacks of money

>> No.52544856

And in 2000 all that "booming e-commerce" burned and fell like the Hindenburg because it turned out that nine out of ten businesses in it were bleeding like a cut femoral. Almost nobody had any idea how to actually profit on the internet in the 90s. The crash wrecked investment in the sector until the social media and smartphone boom in the late '00s.
The public did actual think of internet users as wizards and nerds until Apple put a Fisher Price experience in their hand. All the people saying otherwise got their company folded in half by cold hard reality when the loans and VC money dried up. To this day, phone traffic is the most important experience to optimize for on your website. It has the most users, and it has by a landslide the most easy marks.

>> No.52545157

More like 2003
Only like 10% of people in the first world had Internet in 1996 and then they didn't do much on it

>> No.52546283

Telling people you were interested in computer/tech or playing pc video games in high school was shunned in the 90s and 00s. Meanwhile for zoomers many tech products and having a gaming rig is seen as status symbol.

>> No.52546290


>> No.52546337
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to be fair even the most intelligent economist on earth couldn't see internet for anything more than a short-term fad. it's a miracle + dumb luck that it ever worked out.

>> No.52546353

30 years is short

>> No.52546368

Gold is worthless in any and all of those countries.
You can't spend it, you hold it at an insane personal risk, and to sell it you need to pay insane fees in extremely shady establishments that could very well sell you off to criminals as a target to be robbed. Meanwhile I can spend my USDT online on many vendors, for those that don't accept it I can use reputable financial companies, all online, I will have my paper cash equivalent waiting at my door in under half an hour.

Gold is only good if you are a central banker.
t. Shitholer

>> No.52546376

My dad was into computers well before internet came along
Miss that nigga

>> No.52546398

retard. logistics has almost 0 transparency. blockchain is literally a Godsend. its fucking 2022 and we still don't have full transparency over stock, container location, cargo releases, etc. its about to change completely thanks to chad satoshi.

t. expeditor

>> No.52546421

how to profit from this ?

>> No.52546427

he gave his finger to the hashashin

>> No.52546432
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PM markets have the exact same issues FTX did
(they sold over 90,000 non-existant BTC they only had in their books), but with crypto it is going to be fixed as people are going to be more careful and storing your own keys will also become easier in the future. for gold it just cannot be solved it will always be infinitely easier to store and transport 12 word mnemonic securely (which can encode any amount of crypto) than tons of precious metals. the overwhelming majority of the supply will always be "stored" at (((secure deposits))) and the owners of those deposits will play with the price as they wish

>> No.52546533
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the only reason FTX ever ended up collapsing and couldn't just keep printing out non-existent crypto and manipulating the markets for all eternity is that crypto, unlike PMs, can actually be withdrawn in significant amounts in practice too.

>> No.52546623

People made fun of fidget spinners and Juiceros when they came out too, but any day now we'll see who has the last laugh (me)

>> No.52546775

you do realise the tech for internet started in 1969 ? It took 30 years.
Pretty sure blockchain isn't a fad if you look at the WEF plans.
The only real question is will bitcoin and ethereum be yahoo and AOL ?

It's because you're comparing tech and infrastructure to user end. What use is the internet to normies ? zero. What use is google and websites to normies ? a lot.
basically crypto is still in the tech phase, web3 will be great for normies but user interface and applications just don't exist yet.

>> No.52546871

Also people here are unable to understand the big picture. You're all laughing thinking he's dumb and no one mocks mobile phones ?

Yet you're mocking this shit to this day. Boomers mocked young people playing video games and hanging out on internet instead of going outside, you're mocking zoomers who spend their day glued to their phones and TikTok.

What you don't get is we're moving further from the real world into the digital world. Those zoomers with their phones ? Yeah they're spending most of their time on the internet instead of living real life, blockchain technology and NFTs that you mock bring property ownership into the digital world. We can mock the metaverse all we want but that's why blockchain will be a revolution bigger than the internet.

If you thought sending emails was a revolution compared to letters, wait till you teleport to your office in the metaverse to work instead of commuting.

>> No.52546891

>"people made fun of mobile phones in 2000s"
Made fun of them how? I don't remember that.

>> No.52546925


It's just baggie cope

>> No.52547187
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Tethers are virtually worthless (only 4% backed by USD and the rest of the assets backing it are dubious at best), Alameda Research was the biggest holder of tethers and tethers bank is next door to FTX/Alameda in the Bahamas
Bitcoins are a worthless mirage.
Hope this helps

>> No.52547322

I agree with you; many people believe that the public nature of the blockchain makes it unsafe and non-confidential to conduct transactions on it.

>> No.52547342

Heh yeah

>> No.52547385

could easily say that about gold
>but my electronics
if that was the sole driver of gold price it would be trading at $400

>> No.52547680
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>> No.52547695 [DELETED] 

The only project I'm using now is Bspin. because:

>Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Huge amount of games, slots, LIVE, spins etc.

>> No.52548003

Same way fags do not believe that web3 will bridge web2 to web3 so that normies can access their wallets with social media accounts

>> No.52548096
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>> No.52548178
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Golds biggest market is jewelry. Because of golds exquisite physical beauty, many people are compelled to buy it and adorn themselves. This is impossible with bitcoin because it doesn't exist. It is a mirage. The only demand for bitcoin is to gamble and speculate that someone will pay more in the future. And to a much lesser extent, to buy drugs on the darknet, but I hear it's being gradually replaced by Monero.

>> No.52548684

>Everyone was using intern by 1996
Doubt that. Suburban middle class here. We didn't have a computer at home til 2001

>> No.52548909
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That’s just anecdotal evidence. Plus, all the information in the world was not available on the early internet. It was a lot of homemade content. Many people were predicting that the internet as a consumer destination would be very short lived. We didn’t even have secure transactions for commerce at the start.

>> No.52548924

Yeah but investing in BTC isn't the same as investing in smart contracts when they finally become useful.

>> No.52548958

Textbook example of survivorship bias.
People also made fun of a million other things that did in fact turn out to be useless jokes.

>> No.52549283

Oh how I wish this was true. If my parents had that mindset back then me and my sister wouldn't have to wageslave now.

>> No.52549434

>people laughed at the internet or mobile phones
things that never happened for 500

>> No.52549599


>CTO Larsson excretes mouth diarrhea "Be the change!"

Translation: Buy my bags

>> No.52549685

One anecdote about your lower class connections?

>> No.52549703

You tv soaked mutt

>> No.52549737

In my 40s in tech since 2000, you weren't there, you were in diapers

>> No.52549797

>praise the "tech" that will enslave you more and more
sure buddy! all in the name of protecting our "freedom" right? lmfao

>> No.52549819

holy cope

>> No.52550019

This here; hell plenty of new things can even be popular for a time & then crash. For example, the Nintendo Wii was a huge hit, and lead many into thinking motion controls were the future of gaming - see the Sony Move & Microsoft Kinnect those companies came out with to compete. Yet motion controls turned out to be a short lived fad. 3D televisions did something similar - they had a major boom after the Avatar movie got released, but fizzled out a few years latter.

>> No.52550027
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people didn't make fun of the Internet in the 1990's. it took me all night to download 4 full size pics of porn but i still had hopes for the future lol
>i was there
people did not make fun of mobile phones in 2000's. everyone i knew literally cooomed since they saw Neo's cell phone in The Matrix and couldn't wait to ditch their beepers
>i was there
people ARE making fun of bitcoin and crypto now. everybody in the media, in /biz/ side chuckles at the concept. only autists like saylor and bukele are dead serious about it
>i'm here

truth hurts, faggots

>> No.52550429

not possible to profit since they will all be using private blockchains unless these companies start to build their dapp on a network that can scale.

>> No.52550478

You weren't there. You aren't conscious of anything so you're never anywhere.

>> No.52550592

people is needin mo stimmy