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File: 1.49 MB, 1220x730, eloncuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52540444 No.52540444 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Elon so cringe? Even Dorsey's faux-Buddhist enlightenment shtick was better than this.

>> No.52540463

He's a light-hearted old nerd guy. From back when things were good.

>> No.52540474

Twitter is actually kind of based right now

>> No.52540506

It's pretty obvious he's in full blown panic mode, anyone can read through the cool-guy persona when you're tanking your 44 billion dollar purchase.

>> No.52540526

>He's a light-hearted old nerd guy. From back when things were good.
He's trying so fucking hard to be seen as the 'cool' billionaire again that it's real sad. Dude's rich he shouldn't give a shit about other people's thoughts

>> No.52540529
File: 512 KB, 850x855, Screenshot 2022-11-20 195152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love this.

>> No.52540557
File: 300 KB, 985x985, 1667182787793423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're either mentally retarded or you spin a dreidel if you don't think Twitter has gotten 1000x better in the past 24 hours

>> No.52540559


Their traffic is actually through the roof right now. People want to be where the action's happening.

>> No.52540575

But how is he going to make money off that?

>> No.52540577

Sick own: life-failure art student pleb ridicules billionaire CEO for launching rockets into space.

>> No.52540580


No fucking joke dude. I just got back on there after like a 3 year hiatus. 99% of the posts that are getting promoted onto my feed that are critical of Elon are the same fucking account with a palette swap: some (((blue checkmark))) with a snarky ass passive aggressive comment about him and his team lol

>> No.52540605


Engagement draws advertisers draws revenue. Old Twitter was not focused on engagement anymore, they were focused on their preferred status quo and order. They were happy to ban off 30% of their userbase, shut up another 40% to satisfy the remaining chosen 30%. Twitter didn't grow in this context. It grew when it was totally free and people were posting literally whatever because that's what people want to hear.

>> No.52540609

Tons of whinging jews getting told to shut the fuck up by people from all walks of life. It's really great to see. I spun up an account for the first time in years today.

>> No.52540610

Elon Derangement Syndrome

>> No.52540631

>Their traffic is actually through the roof right now.
And how is that going to salvage the enormous yearly interest he needs to pay from the deal? Advertisers aren't coming back, and even if people were to pay for that moronic $8 Twitter Blue, the people in charge of it left the company. They need to get new, probably shitter people to make it happen now which will make things take longer and Elon really can't afford to kick profitability down the road

>> No.52540644

>Engagement draws advertisers
lmao. When you go full cesspit which is Elon's aim the advertisers that are interested are going to be limited

>> No.52540663



It's actually fun for once. You thought people wanted a fucking museum when they actually wanted their old wild west message board back. Clutch more pearls faggot!

I'm no Elon dickrider but I like what he's doing here. He took it private too to make sure capital flows couldn't interfere with the process.

>> No.52540667
File: 6 KB, 267x66, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh actually it's not profitable
No shit. When someone buys a propaganda outlet they don't do it to make money on the propaganda business, they do it to make money on everything else

>> No.52540909

apparently that's the viz media floor lel

>> No.52541008
File: 486 KB, 1125x1580, C918F5ED-195E-4387-9DF9-A897ED8BBCD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey

>> No.52541029
File: 13 KB, 592x216, 1668990313828603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52541059


a whole lot of Greenblatt's, Leavitt's, Kleinfeld's, Goldstein's, Roth's, and Cohen's are not very happy about the recent developments on there

>> No.52541484

That's the most based comment I've seen him make. I'm impressed with that one.

>> No.52541640

how is this real



>> No.52541726


>> No.52541776

holy fuck is this real? Unfathomably based if true.

>> No.52541782

Are you Americans finally waking up to the jew? My God, a whole new timeline is ooening up.

>> No.52541794

its not wild west though, theres more bans than ever

>> No.52542239

Soooo much this
What a freaking katen!!!!!!

>> No.52542274

Trump only got 16,000 likes?
Is that his new social media?