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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52539891 No.52539891 [Reply] [Original]

Do I have to spell it out for you?

>> No.52539902

Not that hard really.

>> No.52539906 [DELETED] 
File: 557 KB, 1125x740, 4B379F74-268B-4BF2-BAF3-2D7B0B4CC05B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies won’t do SHIT

>> No.52539931

That's the Black Swan event we have been waiting for.

>> No.52539941

If Coinbase dies it dies.
Shouldn't have been bad actors.

>> No.52539992

Yes you do, how do you know he was tweeting about these people?

>> No.52540010

He wouldn’t say that about one of his own imo
He’s talking about tether

>> No.52540096

This. Brian saying something about Coinbase is insider info. Stupid way to go to prison for.

>> No.52540147

Ding ding ding

>> No.52540581

if paul graham really wants to protect people he should be a bit more specific. hard to trust people when they say vague things. not saying he's wrong just saying i wish he would tell us what he knows if he knows anything.

>> No.52541294
File: 29 KB, 480x327, WP133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silvergate is the crypto bank that is going to fail.

>> No.52541342

>November 20, 2022
Old news

>> No.52541365


>> No.52541934
File: 43 KB, 593x601, 2ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silvergate is the systemic risk. It's not even a secret. FTX, Tether/Bitfinex and Microstrategy are all using Silvergate for banking.

>> No.52541990
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>> No.52542010

I am a very powerful magician. Your ID is green!

>> No.52542595

the only "systemic risk" would be a pole shift or solar flare that makes all electronics obsolete

tether collapsing is not a "systemic risk"

if he had any insider info about tether he wouldnt need to be coy about it, he can just post a massive usdt short position.

what people say is irrelevant, how they allocate their money is the only thing worth noting. those unwilling to reveal their positions simply have no conviction in what they say

>> No.52543231

if this were to happen it would truly be over

>> No.52543272


>> No.52543296

It's Tether
They have been minting USDT out of thin air and they know it
They have been giving people USDT that is in fact NOT backed by an actual dollar
Everyone knew this, but we said nothing, because them doing so pumped all of our bags collectively. It was one aspect of the industry that nobody really wanted to talk about because it was beneficial.
Now it's gonna come crashing down.