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52537317 No.52537317 [Reply] [Original]

Co founder of Y Combinator...

>> No.52537366

rip Tether

>> No.52537395

yup this is the big one. jews are doing their 'don't come into the office tomorrow' rounds.

>> No.52537430
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...gave millions of dollars to DREAM WORLD.

>> No.52537441

This cock suckers tweet is crashing the market

>> No.52537465

He is talking about patio11. That guy has been doomsdaying Tether for literal years and hasn't been right yet.

>> No.52537494

The prophecies of old are true... my god.

>> No.52537661

I kinda like patio11 in a way. He seems like a pure autist in terms of motivation. I imagine he just genuinely thinks he's right. He's not angry and bitter like most of that little group of fudsters

>> No.52537846
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Thank me later anon.

>> No.52537880

what a fucking retard

>> No.52537903
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>> No.52538032
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oh no, and everything was going so well.

>> No.52538102
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Was nice knowing y'all gentelman

>> No.52538128

No shit. people think FTX is the risk. Wait till Grayscale tips over.

>> No.52538140

Grayscale is fine
This guy is late to the party or just trying to get some extra followers

>> No.52538198

>sam is rugging and fleeing to the bahamas who now have all the e-gold and are basically a pirate state of blacks and jews and floridians off the coast of the USA
>"bitcoin is about to get FUCKED"
Oh, you don't say.

>> No.52538235

What sort of systemic risk would be knowable in advance? It can only be regulatory, right?

>> No.52538261

>I will now post that someone told me shit is fucked but I'll not say what or who
Fucking nothingburger

>> No.52538274


Literally absolutely without a shred of doubt FUCKING WHO?

>> No.52538289

The only thing substantial enough to cause systemic risk at this point is Tether's implosion.

>> No.52538295

Tether being insolvent would be one. Just drum up a bank run and see them scramble to come up with the money.

>> No.52538297

Wht would be a systemic risk for crypto

>> No.52538298

they're trying to keep us from buying the bottom

>> No.52538323

>co founder of Literally Who?

>> No.52538326

You have to be joking here.
If he's actually talking about a patio11 this is fucking hilarious.
I literally had him reply to me on hn shitting on btc in 2013.
The guy knows nothing about crypto.
PG wouldn't be stupid enough to make this post based off some patio11 shitpost, would he?
btw all these people suck in various ways and hn is a fucking joke

>> No.52538335

Ok fine.......time to sell at a loss...........AGAIN

>> No.52538346

I mean they're super cringe, but
>literally who

>> No.52538363

holy shit. There's a systemic risk on the blockchain. DO NOT REDEEM, SIRS

>> No.52538384

You can always spot a midwit pseud trying to sound smarter than they actually are when they use jargon incorrectly like in that tweet. ‘System risk’ has a specific meaning in finance that makes no sense in the context of that statement. He just heard that phrase and thought he’d sound cool but is using the individual words literally instead of the technical meaning when they are combined like that.

>> No.52538415

those days on hn talked me out of buying bitcoin. fuck patio11

>> No.52538486

What would actually occur in a Tether worst case scenario? Every exchange could simultaneously halt all USDT pairs, instantly wiping out the effective value of tether to zero. On the other hand if the collapse was prolonged, there might be enough time for people to convert their Tether to crypto. This would result in skyrocketing prices on the USDT pairs and plummeting prices on other pairs like USDC

>> No.52538492

He obviously means the tether fraud is getting exposed

BTC = $50 at best you HAVE been warned

>> No.52538525

They wouldn't halt it at first. It would lose its dollar peg. People's savings in Tether would lose 5%. Then 10%. Then 20%. Then 50%. Then 75%. Etc. A mad rush would occur with people trying to dump it. From there, who knows what would happen.

>> No.52538590
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Slowly at first, then all at once,

>> No.52538614

If you don’t know what YC is you need to go back to buying dog coins
>t. YC founder whose company failed miserably

>> No.52538752
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>> No.52538785

I don't listen to irrelevant twitterfags. No more relevant than that copeshit co-founder of DOGE who sold all his coins and has been a twatter copefag ever since

>> No.52538802
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>> No.52538822

Something has to actually break in the system for it to collapse

All this fud over stable coins and jewish ponzi is really meaningless.

>> No.52538834


>> No.52538883

I would actually buy 8,000 btc if this happened and I could manage to deposit my money fast enough

>> No.52538903

didnt they fund worldcoin lmao

>> No.52538956

I despise HN.

>> No.52538962

i see crippling regulations (can;t cash out) as bigger fud than tether

>> No.52538973

Thread full of zoomers who don't know who Paul Graham is, this place really has gone to shit

>> No.52538982

A grifter.

>> No.52539001
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>omg le reddit investor Paul Graham says something big is brewing but he doesn't know what it is

>> No.52539037

BTC was at 20K before Tether was even relevant

>> No.52539061

the entire 2017 pump was correlated with 100s of millions of tether prints

>> No.52539062

$60 billion imploding doesn't seem that much

>> No.52539073

Systemic is a made up word by women who chopped their vaginas off in thr name of feminism and niggers.

>> No.52539121

Grayscale is fine
Assets are fine

>> No.52539156
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>Systemic is a made up word by women who chopped their vaginas off in thr name of feminism and niggers.

>> No.52539157
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>thing happens
>tourists flood /biz/
>they get bored with the thing
>they stare at tether for a week waiting for it to collapse
>they leave

>> No.52539194
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>> No.52539203

big brain take

>> No.52539215


>> No.52539243

go back to pol you stupid mongoloid

>> No.52539253

It is a gay sounding word that means nothing really. A CEX just collapsed, is that systemic or not? Who knows the word is too vague to say really

>> No.52539294

Systematic = done carefully in compliance with a set or rules or methods
Systemic = relating to an entrenched feature that affects an entire system

>> No.52539332

thanks this is completely new information to me which i definitely did not already know

>> No.52539354

>A CEX just collapsed, is that systemic or not?
It's "systemic" if it affects the entire system. The vagueness is only in which 'system'. Just the crypto ecosystem... or the global financial system?

No problem, happy to help.

>> No.52539432

(((sam))) doesn't have a single bitcoin

>> No.52539445

Go back you fucking zoomer redditor

>> No.52539451

hello im the CEO of W combinator

don't come to bitcoin market tomorrow

Best regards,
Cucky O'connell

>> No.52539462

your bitcoins were worthless from the start. you’re poor because your greed made you retarded.

>> No.52539471

Absolutely fucking go back and take the pajeets with you

>> No.52539491

His company helped start Coinbase and stripe, zoom zoom

>> No.52539528

so he is a fed
opinion discarded

>> No.52539564
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personally, i blame your rabbi

>> No.52539620

is that sam in the middle?

>> No.52539695

>t. YC founder whose company failed miserably
At least you got to talk to Paul and hopefully learned lots. Best wishes on your future endeavors.
t. TechStars reject

>> No.52539713

Systematic means "done according to a system"
>A systematic audit
Systemic means "relating to a system"
>As credit dried up, there was a systemic collapse

>> No.52539727
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70 replies and not one of you autists realises that he’s talking about Brian Armstrong? Ngmi

>> No.52539763

>Implying he doesn't know many plausible candidates
Vague warnings of doom are useless though, when they're accurate they're too vague and when they're specific they're wrong.

>> No.52539772
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>> No.52539809
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And microstrategy. Saylor just started to sell...

>> No.52539831

Lol poor guy. Coinbase might be the first stock in my poorfolio that actually gets delisted next year

>> No.52539860

fud is at an all time high. im buying again

>> No.52539862

Coinbase will be the last exchange standing, unless it gets regulated out of existence

>> No.52539872

>”A person I have known for more than **10 years**”
>Coinbase joins YC in 2012
>Prior to that, Brian Armstrong worked at Airbnb. Another YC company

>> No.52539904

>It's "systemic" if it affects the entire system
Yeah that's the problem, everything affects everything doesn't it. Does a CEX collapsing affect the entire system? Well yeah, everything dumped 20% just now, if I was the system I'd say I just got affected in a pretty major way. So I guess that qualifies for a systemic collapse doesn't it.

>> No.52539955

Tether, Coinbase, something else?

>> No.52539977

He's 58. "More than 10 years ago" is 83% of his life. You're making the mistake of looking to confirm what you're focusing on instead of thinking about how many other options there are.

>> No.52540008
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The gubment selling all the btc they seized from that chink who hacked silkroad? 3.3B worth of bitcorn, can be brutal while the liquidity is as low as it is rn.

>> No.52540036

>doomposting on twitter at 58
what a fucking loser

>> No.52540041

For some systems. For others, effects may stay local. The collapse of the Mayan civilization had no systemic effects on the global economy because pre-contact there was no connection. Obviously finance and crypto are highly interconnected and most things have systemic consequences, but for example one day trader gambling himself to ruin won't measurably affect everyone else, even if it does in theory, a butterfly flaps its wings yadda yadda.

>> No.52540072

>hey, some of you goys are alright, dont come to bitcoin tomorrow.

>> No.52540133

That sounds survivable, and so does coinbase going down.
I think tether going pop will be left for the next bull market. No reason to do it now.

>> No.52540184

I guess they could take two exits, into fiat and into bitcoin
>my God, they're taking the fiat exit aren't theysr4pt

>> No.52540283

they are less relevant than they used to be but everyone uses Orange Site.

>> No.52540404
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Let me guess, a fortnight?

>> No.52540613
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his friend exited at 0.08, almost the ethbtc top

>> No.52540625


>> No.52540637

hearoors gonna hear

>> No.52540670

Does this guy have down syndrome?

His friends said this his friends said that this is not advice

>> No.52540685
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it s the first time i hear someone saying that. I m selling NOW

>> No.52540783

he's obviously psyoping and tries to buy as much crypto as he can

>> No.52540846

Fuck him and fuck ycombinator. Crypto hating fucks, reddit-wonna-be.

>> No.52540898


>> No.52540918
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Based swiftness

>> No.52541069

RIP CZ. He just died reading your comment

>> No.52541116
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>> No.52541149

I will irresponsibly abuse this power. I have the Langford basilisk and the world will never be the same.

>> No.52541245

That reads like ESL word salad. Come to think of it, it reminds me of Ethereum's spaghetti code.

>> No.52541543

all the crypto fud comes from boomers who are too scared to make an email address

>> No.52541652

I'm actually curious: what part of it doesn't parse for you?

>> No.52541682

>everything affects everything doesn't it
lol you wish baggie

>> No.52541770

Be honest: you are the ESL pupil, no?

It all parses just fine.

>> No.52541859

The mass realization that crypto is inherently worthless.

>> No.52541864

Jannies are NIGGERS

>> No.52542032

its why brian sold his stock... to scoop the crypto lows

>> No.52542067

> the words Jason,

>> No.52542139

Thanks anon, best wishes to your future endeavors too. I actually got rejected from TechStars kek

>> No.52542351

Here's the thing.

1. Coinbase is a regulated company. Furthermore it has little influence on crypto much less could ever be classified as a "systemic risk". Binance has 10x more volume than Coinbase!

2. This retard tweeting that he got insider information from someone in the know and you implying it's Brain Armstrong if right would implicate both the twitter fag and brian amstrong. They would literally have their words put against them in a court of law. Furthermore the retard tweeter knows this very well so he would never go on twitter and imply that he knows something that could hold him liable in court later on.

Just stop and think you brainlets you clearly aren't an autist.

>> No.52542646

>incurable autist
>moved to japan
>found beautiful asian wife
>makes shitloads working for stripe
>still takes time out of his busy day to write autistic blogposts
I genuinely appreciate the guy. I think he's wrong about this one, but his autism is pure, not coming from a place of hate.

>> No.52542857

Tether is a hot potato game. shit is getting hot and Jews no longer want to play :(. goyims will be left holding hot potato. auchie!

>> No.52542870

>not coming from a place of hate.
which devalues the entertainment you cringy redditnigger

>> No.52543104

they're justifying not doing any research to themselves. this is the same instinct that got them to dump all their money in crypto and is going to wipe them out. fuck if paul graham is hearing stuff he's pretty connected
agreed, they're ngmi

>> No.52543309

>look mom I spotted the ESL!!

>> No.52543332

Absolutely worthless "information".

>> No.52543926
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>I have an announcement to make on a sunday, when the volume is at its lowest, also when crypto price have already been decimated.
So it was true then, too much people withdrawn their coins from exchanges to the extent that exchange shareholders need to tank the price as hard as they can so their fractional reserve exchange can redeem their fake IOUs and avoid bankruptcy.

>> No.52544434
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>brutally mocks paul

>> No.52544455


>> No.52544586

>he doesn't know about decentralized trading platforms where you don't need kyc

>> No.52544618

Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me

>> No.52544659



>> No.52544723


>> No.52544746

honestly this is cope.
Paul is connected to the policymaking Jews.
They really do have inside info.

If governments decide to start cracking down and normiebucks started drying up, things could get bad.

>> No.52544761
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The systemic risk is obvious to anyone with a brain.
1) Satoshi
2) The industry itself as it is scam and incompetence ridden

>> No.52544795

>trust the Russian twink
>USDT, the main in/out of crypto not about to collapse

>> No.52544809
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Exit scam

>> No.52544872

I can tell you have an IQ barely over room temperature just by the fact that you draw the inference System Risk + Brian Armstrong => Coinbase is the system risk. Who else thinks about systemic risks to crypto more than the CEO of literally the largest exchange and has, coincidentally, known Paul Graham for just over 10 years? It’s obvious the origin of the risk is exogenous to Coinbase but affects the entire industry.

>> No.52544939

Kek, this autistic skeleton has a sense of humor

>> No.52544983

It would be shame if ...
He'd be such a faggot...

Oh, wait...

>> No.52544991



armstrong is shitting himself because he knows one of the major players in the "industry" (its not an industry so much as a grift) is about to get fucked. That's bad for armstrong/coinbase because, despite playing by all the rules, they'll get fucked over as normies and others lose interest in crypto. Of course the perma bull tards think normies will buy back after losing literally all their money in scam after scam kek

ive never seen a group so frequently getting things wrong yet still confidently making assertions as crypto baggies.

>> No.52545014

could have something to do with greyscale refusing audit

>> No.52545119
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He seems pretty buttblasted after being called out in his BS.

>> No.52545349

Bagholder fragility

>> No.52545486

Vitalik is right

>> No.52545507

why is a 60 year old typing like a zoomer lmao

>> No.52546122

>is typing like boomer
Hurr, durr, boomer talking, blah, blah.

>> No.52546494

riveting content

>> No.52546499

graham, please

>> No.52546791

Suck it dry, no spitting. Schlop, schlop.

>> No.52546822

I'd also be concerned if he were exposed

>> No.52546856

Gonna go with Paul on this one, I mean "big happening in two more weeks" is a bullshit tweet, but vitalik has a huge vested financial interest in this and is an unlikeable fuckwit. Also he has a massive scam premine and made baggies of all the people who staked their eth. Also eth is cancer.

>> No.52546862

source: a trusted dude

>> No.52546886

most it professionals are anti-crypto
its understandable because a lot of crypto fans are retards

what they miss is that two can be retarded

>> No.52546898

Attempting to manipulate the market is illegal. Someone tell this fear mongering retard.

>> No.52547044

It's not illegal. It's part of the game

>> No.52547078

how much are you guys getting paid for this dud campain? where can i get the same job?

>> No.52547112

he's definitely referring to Brian Armstrong. Coinbase is custodian to GBTC funds though, so I assume the systemic risk he's talking about has to do with that.

>> No.52547125

So you're saying Coinbase falsified the assets they're holding for grayscale to auditors??

>> No.52547149

the tweet was pretty uncharacteristic of graham, which is why I wouldn't just brush it off. he probably does know something big is about to happen, but can't come right out and say it.

>> No.52547167

>boomer comes across his first tether fud on facebook
omg better warn the young ones

>> No.52547170

no, but maybe they are trying to withdraw now in order to liquidate. there's certainly going to be conversations happening with coinbase about these funds if anything is our of order...cause it's a fuck ton of btc

>> No.52547172

Are you acting on the tweet? Like what's the move here?

>> No.52547181

>Load ze silicon valley fud
go back, never return.

>> No.52547212

I was already positioned before this tweet. the uncertainty around GBTC is massive and not something you should fade anon.

>> No.52547297

So I should sell all of it at a loss now?

>> No.52547310

i dont belive it to be the case. Coinbase walks on egg shells. They didn't peruse yeild farming scheming because the asked the SEC first. you have to be retarded to believe this paid campaign going on right now