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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52531485 No.52531485 [Reply] [Original]

Guys do I collect my rewards or do I let it marinate?

The more crypto crashes the better it is for hbar as the only ppl left investing are companies actually building on DLTs and retards who bought high and DCAing until death.

The chasm that is left after the next few dominos fall will only be able to be bridged via tokens that have usecases.

Mance has spoken;
>here's just a little observation the crypto winner this version this cycle this cycle of crypto winner really started in what late spring I mean it started earlier this year maybe sometime in q1 and accelerated through the middle of the spring and into the summer over that same period the number of applications that I'm aware of projects underway with Enterprises that our council members or other organizations associated with our council members has skyrocketed it's like it's the inverse of the the crypto Market token you know the aggregate token price so what I'm seeing firsthand is sort of an inflection point in actual interest in building use cases outside of what's mainstream crypto and that comes at the same time as the crypto meltdown so it's a really interesting juxtaposition between the two
and it's a fair question to ask is everything that's happening now with FTX and all the Fallout that's still going to happen over the next two months we're not out of this yet right FTX is just a big Domino it's going to start another whole row of dominoes falling just like Tara Luna and and so it's going to be interesting to see what happens over the next couple months but again the two worlds are kind of independent of each
other and and I don't anticipate there being any problems

>> No.52531496

Hebrew cashgrab

>> No.52531546

funnily enough both founders aren't Jews. :)

>> No.52531558

I just collect whenever I check hashpack

>> No.52531709
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>gives you false hopium (step function promises, atma 1b transactions before EOY, muh coupons revolution) and dumps 25 billion more tokens on a dead network with 0 working live enterprise usecases to show for it
Heh, nothing personal hbaggies

>> No.52531944
File: 20 KB, 400x400, Leemon (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing false about the face of this absolute legend anon. You better hope that our lord Leemon won't smite you

>> No.52531964

Nice discord raid trannies. Saw you made this one for another coin as well.

>> No.52531972
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Just got an amazing idea of what kind of game would be perfect on Hedera

>> No.52531974

shitty NFT art, pumped by zoomers and boomers who have 0 artistic taste which is the case with 99% of NFT markets.
>Chudd all-stars and Byz Punks are way better but alas NFTs are a waste of money

Shitty pajeet music NO ONE ever cared about or will EVER care about
>TuneFM can be good if the musicians other than Jai Paul move into web3

Gay ass DEX that isn't needed.
>Sauce+Hashpack trumps all dexes on ALL platforms

"collect rewards" is the new "likes" dopamine hit

Now I await the Matic shill with the 53k Dapps pasta

>> No.52531997

I only do HBAR threads you retard

agreed, live horses with (multiple users at once) like at a casino would be LIT!

>> No.52532009
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Already on open beta in Lucky Token Discord

>> No.52532022

ya I saw but I'm not wasting my tokens. I'll let other peopel burn theirs. :) 7777

>> No.52532061
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Well keep making games untill you have no choice but to spend tokens

>> No.52532103
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if the math checks out and gambling remains addictive, I'll spend the tokens on a down payment for a house and a used 124.

>> No.52532164

What went wrong. $1 EOY?

>> No.52532348

More ways ro gamble than the vegas way.
It's all about that risk/reward

>> No.52534190
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SAUCE will mint millionaires before HBAR

>> No.52534424
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>> No.52534462

someone post the exshill sheet

>> No.52534901

When the fuck does Single sided staking launch
Ive got 60hashiesh as a reward waiting to be collected but I only wanna do it once a month for tax reasons and it's easier to track in my excel.
Also ledger staking when God damn it

>> No.52534984
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its slated to the last of this month

>> No.52535008

Cheers anon.
Got 60k sauce
165k hashies
Never selling ill ride this one out

>> No.52535792

I can smell the curry from here

>> No.52536978

What wrong with curry?

>> No.52537496

How are people still talking about this inflationary vaporware scam? You will never have an exit pump that will make you break even. The warning signs that this is dumping to 1c have been there forever. Cut your losses before you lose everything

>> No.52537548
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>> No.52537845
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You have no idea what's about to be discovered on the Hashgraph