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52525235 No.52525235 [Reply] [Original]

Haven’t seen one of these in awhile. I’m about to graduate this sprint with a bachelors in software engineering and my plan is to comfy wagey and dump every paycheck in eth for the next 4 years. Any flaws to this plan?

>> No.52525281

yes, its called a recession
gl, kid

>> No.52525323
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Right now I'm getting an associates in computer programming then transfering to a well known college for college for comp sci. Using the GI bill so I'm getting $3,100 for the next 36 months while working part time 30/hr. Don't think I'll escape the wage cage ever, but maybe at least be comfortable eventually

>> No.52525357

i unironically need a software engineer rn, drop your telegram or something

>> No.52525358

>bachelors of -software engineering-

Yeah, I'm thinking the top is in..

>> No.52525453

Major: high school dropout
Job: software engineer, Linux sysadmin, virtualization engineer, storage engineer, network engineer

>> No.52525459

why software engineering instead of computer science? you can learn software eng easily if you have a cs degree, not so much the other way around

>> No.52525505

im a swe working in fagman looking for a side hustle, do you have discord? can do full stack shit, although i prefer scripting cli stuff instead of wrangling shitty js frameworks. also have aws and some web3 exp

>> No.52525697

i don't, every time i try to create an account it says 'verification required' but never sends the email, just grab a telegram and message me @x88888888888x

>> No.52525759
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Math [Bunch of stats/CompSci classes for data science]
I want to eventually become a Machine Learning Engineer. What's the fastest way there? A business consultation company is imterested in me and I'm hoping to pick up the necessary skills while I am there

>> No.52525846

Business undergraduate senior with a double major in Information Systems and Business Analytics.
Have just been mass applying on Indeed for analyst and marketing jobs. My IS degree and working an internship convinced I don't want to touch IT work like infrastructure or troubleshooting.

>> No.52525878

I have no major. I work a trade job for $40/hr, 60hr/wk + $1000/wk per diem and gas paid for. I live in a camper and just save everything I earn, which amounts to about $3000-3500/wk

>> No.52525894

bs and ms in cs here. employers care less for degrees. a 3 month internship giving coffee to software engineers is more valuable than a ms cs with thesis. its a clown world. drop out and do hack reactor just look on linkedin people with biology degrees work at uber just cuz hack reactor. i cant even get an interview at uber

>> No.52525907

Wagie here, 20 and not sure what to do with my life. I know I don't have the body for trades after a back injury. Any recommendations?

>> No.52525983
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unemployed 29 year old, used to work in the casino but covid fucked my job up. dont know what to do next, im really lost in the midwest, i need help

>> No.52526020

>BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
>MSc Construction Project Management
>Graduate quantity surveyor

>> No.52526202

Why are math majors always insufferable faggots online?

>> No.52526488

I was a physics major and now I'm a data analyst at literally a business consulting firm. I have the same goal of becoming a MLE. My job is wfh and very comfy, but I haven't really done too much yet. No valuable skills learned so far, but I teach myself python on the side (pandas, seaborn, and some ML shit).

>> No.52526492

Not all trades are body destroying. For instance, I inspect power plants without any degree or training that my company didn't provide. The only tough part about the job is working night shifts, but we only do 3-6 hours of actual inspections and get paid for 10, 7 days a week. The work itself is physically easy

>> No.52526586
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Cool! That's the exact kind of gig I am going for. How are you liking it so far? What's your work day like doing wfh?

>> No.52526594

What type of job anon?
Nigga call Swift and go drive a truck.

>> No.52526623

>he thinks your major dictates what you’ll end up doing as a job

Fucking child.
I have a bachelors in physics and work as a wagie govie doing environmental work. 70k/yr in Commiefornia

>> No.52526631

Stfu zogbot

>> No.52526655
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Why do you choose to live in poverty?

>> No.52526677

69 get

>> No.52526727

I made 600k off chainlink because I had no bills when I was 20. Thanks for paying for my college

>> No.52526731
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student CRNA
I fucking hate the healthcare industry bros but im in too deep to pull out.

>> No.52526845

I work in nuclear plants. Refueling, mods, inspections.

>> No.52526898

But none of those things are engines?
t. real engineer

>> No.52527161

Sex haver.

You will be fine in 2-3 years but right now you are like me in the past, graduating into a downturn in your industry.

>> No.52527213
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I'm graduating next semester with a bachelors of Economics. I only did it so my mom wouldn't kick me out and that it's a high paying field. Already getting job offers for 76 grand a year. In reality I want to be a writer and have spent the last summer writing my novel. I'm halfway done but I keep getting distracted by porn and video games.

>> No.52527780

What led you to the position you're in and how did you get it?
I feel like a big part of what holds me back is that I don't know too much about the world and this do not know much about myself. I was a shut-in through my adolescence and had childish interests that never actually got me anywhere

>> No.52527817

what is the point of an autistic gf? she is not into sex and cuddling

>> No.52528549
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>Economics. I only did it so my mom wouldn't kick me out and that it's a high paying field.
econ is a high paying field? doing what?

>> No.52528612

i would fuck her if she permitted me to if you know what i mean haha

>> No.52528636

Pharmacist here. Do NOT go to pharmacy school. This job is terrible and keeps getting worse. It is not worth the 8 years of college or the 300k in debt.

>> No.52528750

because we are better than you

>> No.52529597

because they are unemployed

>> No.52529857

been underemployed since graduating 8 years ago. typically get jobs washing dishes or mowing lawns when i do work.

>> No.52530175

>software engineering
Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.52530329

>Dude you're helping people
>Dude you save lives
>Dude dude duuuuuude
I'm glad you see through the bs.
The nurses I respect are jaded

>> No.52530344

Would pharmacy assistant be better?
My cousin works in it and basically says it's hell where you're both a disrespected retail wagie and a nurse who gets spat on.
He likes it for some reason

>> No.52531237

taught myself some web dev. react javascript etc. can't seem to find entry level jobs. any ideas on maybe breaking into the field as a freelancer? can't even get jobs on fiverr

>> No.52531362

How old are you bros? Is 22 too old to start learning math and programming?

>> No.52531447
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it's never too late, i once had a 40+ y old coworker who bootcamped his way from being a bus driver to my software consulting company

>> No.52532961


I was 23 when I went to Uni for 5 years.

Now I have a BSc in Geophysics, and an MSc in Exploration Geophysics

COVID killed the oil industry, but the maths/coding/problem solving has landed me a cushy R&D job in the Civil Service, with LOADS of training in Data Analytics/Data Sci/Machine Learning

The Oil, Gas and Mining industries are sorely needing Data Sci types, so I plan to hop back in a year or so, with a combo of experience and geophysics domain knowledge.

In short, go for it! Just make sure you learn practical/applied skills to give you the ability to bounce back if something throws you