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52521458 No.52521458 [Reply] [Original]

Would Hitler have approved of cryptocurrency?

>> No.52521481



>> No.52521482

On one hand it goes against the Jewish system of international finance, on the other it is universal and is easy to transfer money out of Germany. Probably not.

>> No.52521496
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Only NEO.

>> No.52521551


>> No.52521684

Bitcoin + Bartering = Dead bankers

>> No.52521698

only centralized versions of them

>> No.52521896

in retaliation against kikes? yea
if he was in charge? no

>> No.52521963
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Yes, but certainly not "crypto" as in random coins and shitcoins etc. It would be a coin designed to serve the People somehow. It probably wouldn't be totally anonymous like XMR. I can imagine it would be something like a Bitcoin-like (as in a finite supply, no inflation possible) version of a CBDC and in some ways similar to LINK and BSV tech-wise (fuck craig).

>> No.52522084

absolutely not. Bitcoin is pro-liberty. A fascist would never allow it. They may support a CBDC type system with absolute control by the state to eavesdrop, monitor, censor, and freeze funds.

>> No.52522094

he would have been a bitcoiner

>> No.52522143

Absolutely not.
He was a socialist faggot.

>> No.52522157

As a tool to rid ourselves of the jew dollar, yes. As a replacement of a sovereign currency, no.

>> No.52522158

Kill all socialist subhuman animals.

>> No.52522173

Ah the libertarian, the jew's meekest of all prey

>> No.52522186
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>> No.52522243

Nazis and communists are literally the same.
I know this fact makes you economic illiterates seethe with bloody rage but it's true.

There's a reason jews do everything in their power to discredit our ideology but in terms of economics, they SUPPORT yours.

>> No.52522278 [DELETED] 
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"Centralization" with regards to Natsoc is mostly a meme and was only really a thing in the beginning out of necessity in order to quickly achieve positive changes. Natsoc was always intended to be very decentralized in many ways, not just financially.

The whole point of Natsoc economics is to minimize usury and other forms of income not earned through one's own work. Decentralized helps more with this than a debt-based fiat currency scam in which the state has to borrow its money supply from a privately owned central bank and pay it back with interest. The Natsocs wanted to empower the people itself, hence why they lifted many restrictions on gun ownership (whereas the jewish "Weimar Republic" had introduced super tough gun control laws similar to the USSR), supported Raiffeisen-style banking and housing cooperatives (as opposed to the state-owned housing in Communism and landlord-owned housing in Capitalism) and made it easier than ever for couples with children to become home owners and lowered the taxes for low-income workers (even during wartime).

JlDF likes to claim Hitler was pro central banking (hence implying he was pro usury and pro a debt-based economy), while in reality Hitler kicked out the international bankers from the Reichsbank's board of directors and nationalized it so that the central bank would actually serve the German people instead of just being a tool to pilfer the wealth of the population and put it into the pockets of its foreign shareholders.

> "The Natsoc Economy", a decent documentary about the Natsoc economy:

> "The Truth about Adolf Hitler":

Related, about Natsoc being intended to become decentralized:


>> No.52522288

>Nazis and communists are literally the same.
Friend, they couldn't be more different. I'd encourage you to read into the Nazi government, the party's motivations, and who the movement benefited. You'll find that they were the polar opposite of the jewish communists

>> No.52522291


>> No.52522296

He would have bought ICP - $2000 EOY

>> No.52522302

>Nazis and communists are literally the same
- Least retarded american

>> No.52522315

Probably a CBDC and MAYBE BTC if it was necessary for some pragmatic economic reason.

>> No.52522325

Go back to /pol/ and stop brainwashing people with your economic illiteracy.
You WILL call me a jew because you have no argument. Lets watch.

>hey couldn't be more different.
They're all collectivist state bootlicking manchildren who want to nationalize most or all industry. There are very minor differences between them.
>I'd encourage you to read into the Nazi government,
I did, read this book.

You're going to end up broke, lonely and homeless and it will be your own fault.

>> No.52522342
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>> No.52522367
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>Written by Günter Reimann, a german-jewish communist.
Kek, you trolling bastard

>> No.52522372
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sorry i dont talk to leftists

>> No.52522383 [DELETED] 
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"Centralization" with regards to Natsoc is mostly a meme and was only really a thing in the beginning out of necessity in order to quickly achieve positive changes. Natsoc was always intended to be very decentralized in many ways, not just financially.

The whole point of Natsoc economics is to minimize usury and other forms of income not earned through one's own work. Decentralization helps that aim, as opposed to a centralized debt-based currency scam in which the state has to borrow its money supply from a private central bank and pay it back with interest. The Natsocs wanted to empower the people itself, hence why they lifted many restrictions on gun ownership (whereas the jewish "Weimar Republic" had introduced super tough gun control laws similar to the USSR), supported Raiffeisen-style banking and housing cooperatives (as opposed to the state-owned housing in Communism and landlord-owned housing in Capitalism) and made it easier than ever for couples with children to become home owners and lowered the taxes for low-income workers (even during wartime).

JlDF likes to claim Hitler was pro central banking (hence implying he was pro usury and pro a debt-based economy), while in reality Hitler kicked out the international bankers from the Reichsbank's board of directors and nationalized it so that the central bank would actually serve the German people instead of just being a tool to pilfer the wealth of the population and put it into the pockets of its foreign shareholders.

> "The Natsoc Economy", a decent documentary about the Natsoc economy:

> "The Truth about Adolf Hitler":

Related, about Natsoc being intended to become decentralized:


>> No.52522392

>literal who

>> No.52522403
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>>Written by Günter Reimann, a german-jewish communist.
Cry more. He was barely a communist. He wrote from a free market perspective showing how ungodly difficult it was to do business in nazi germany because the state controlled most things.

lmao you support the state monopolizing most production you leftist manbaby

retard bot

>> No.52522406

How do libertarians cope with the fact that they’re the ORIGINAL leftists (left wing of the French National Assembly during the revolution)
Bro you aren’t right wing you serve a revolutionary modernist ideology which destroys all traditions, morals, peoples, and cultures for the sake of profits.

>> No.52522423

>How do libertarians cope with the fact that they’re the ORIGINAL leftists
The term has widely changed since then you absolute retard.
Nobody gives a shit.
>Bro you aren’t right wing
You people are almost exactly communists in terms of economics, you're the only leftists here.

>traditions, morals, peoples, and cultures for the sake of profits.
Imagine being this brainwashed and wanting your own people to suffer just so the state can have more power lmao

>> No.52522440

I'd imagine that it would be quite difficult for a Jew to do business in the third Reich. Why do you think this would be though? What could have caused the nazi government to give jewish merchants such a hard time?

>> No.52522442
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>> No.52522444

Ah so that’s how libertarians cope
They lie

>> No.52522454

if he knew it was a gateway to blow and hookers? definitely

>> No.52522463

If it suited him

>> No.52522465 [DELETED] 
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"Centralization" with regards to Natsoc is mostly a meme and was only really a thing in the beginning out of necessity in order to quickly achieve positive changes. Natsoc was always intended to be very decentralized in many ways, not just financially.

The whole point of Natsoc economics is to minimize usury and other forms of income not earned through one's own work. Decentralization helps that aim, as opposed to a centralized debt-based currency scam in which the state has to borrow its money supply from a private central bank and pay it back with interest. The Natsocs wanted to empower the people itself, hence why they lifted many restrictions on gun ownership (whereas the jewish "Weimar Republic" had introduced super tough gun control laws similar to the USSR), supported Raiffeisen-style banking and housing cooperatives (as opposed to the state-owned housing in Communism and landlord-owned housing in Capitalism) and made it easier than ever for couples with children to become home owners and lowered the taxes for low-income workers (even during wartime).

JlDF likes to claim Hitler was pro central banking (hence implying he was pro usury and pro a debt-based economy), while in reality Hitler kicked out the international bankers from the Reichsbank's board of directors and nationalized it so that the central bank would actually serve the German people instead of just being a tool to pilfer the wealth of the population and put it into the pockets of its foreign shareholders.

> "The Natsoc Economy", a decent documentary about the Natsoc economy:
> "The Truth about Adolf Hitler":

Related, about Natsoc being intended to become decentralized:


>> No.52522483
File: 918 KB, 2100x750, 1659174518221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Centralization" with regards to Natsoc is mostly a meme and was only really a thing in the beginning out of necessity in order to quickly achieve positive changes. Natsoc was always intended to be very decentralized in many ways, not just financially.

The whole point of Natsoc economics is to minimize usury and other forms of income not earned through one's own work. Decentralization helps that aim, as opposed to a centralized debt-based currency scam in which the state has to borrow its money supply from a private central bank and pay it back with interest. The Natsocs wanted to empower the people itself, hence why they lifted many restrictions on gun ownership (whereas the jewish "Weimar Republic" had introduced super tough gun control laws similar to the USSR), supported Raiffeisen-style banking and housing cooperatives (as opposed to the state-owned housing in Communism and landlord-owned housing in Capitalism) and made it easier than ever for couples with children to become home owners and lowered the taxes for low-income workers (even during wartime).

JlDF likes to claim Hitler was pro central banking (hence implying he was pro usury and pro a debt-based economy), while in reality Hitler kicked out the international bankers from the Reichsbank's board of directors and nationalized it so that the central bank would actually serve the German people instead of just being a tool to pilfer the wealth of the population and put it into the pockets of its foreign shareholders.

> "The Natsoc Economy", a decent documentary about the Natsoc economy:
> "The Truth about Adolf Hitler":

Related, about Natsoc being intended to become decentralized:


>> No.52522495
File: 119 KB, 389x639, main-qimg-7ccf895b2deed4f3f4a92565037a6c25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in this image is true. :)

>I'd imagine that it would be quite difficult for a Jew to do business in the third Reich.
He didn't try to do business, retard. He documented how difficult it was for everyone else to do business unless they weren't a massive mega corporation. pic related
You're so clueless it hurts.
Imagine being a communist.

>> No.52522506

>They lie
You subhumans are the only liars here. You can't actually debate like men and can only accuse anyone disagreeing with you of being a jew.

Your entire ideology is a meme. You're just socialists but with whites only. If you weren't white nationalists you would support AOC and bernie.

>> No.52522521
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And about gun control:

The Nationalsocialist gun law was less restrictive than most state and local laws in the United States were before the current campaign to nullify the Second Amendment shifted into high gear in 1993. More significantly, it ameliorated a law which had been enacted ten years earlier by a Left-Center government hostile to the Nationalsocialists (the government headed by Wilhelm Marx and consisting of a coalition of Socialists and Catholic Centrists). The 1938 law irritated the Jews by pointedly excluding them from the firearms business, but it clearly was not a law aimed at preventing the ownership or use of firearms, including handguns, for either sporting or self-defense purposes by German citizens. As noted above, it actually relaxed or eliminated the provisions of a pre-existing law.

>> No.52522527

Man OP, you really are just a shillbotted clown.
What's even more clowned is the fact that we got white supremacists goyims itt who haven't even studied the holocaust or even flipped on the Tube. Which is apparent by their braindead answers.
Of course Adolf Hitler would NOT because it's not made by Germans.
Also, if you honestly wanted a good answer to this why the fuck does it have to be Hitler you fucking shitstain, OP

>> No.52522531

I don’t debate libertarians
If you’re still a libertarian in 2022 you are terminally retarded and incapable of reason
Better to just mock you retards while your ideology continues to die out

>> No.52522538
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The Nationalsocialist government of Germany did not fear its citizens. Adolf Hitler was the most popular leader Germany has ever had.

The spirit of Nationalsocialism was one of manliness, and individual self-defense and self-reliance were central to the Nationalsocialist view of the way a citizen should behave. The notion of banning firearms ownership was alien to Nationalsocialism.

Gun registration and licensing (for long guns as well as for handguns) were legislated by an anti-Nationalsocialist government in Germany five years before the Nationalsocialists gained power. Five years after they gained power they got around to rewriting the gun law enacted by their predecessors, substantially ameliorating it in the process (for example, long guns were exempted from the requirement for a purchase permit; the legal age for gun ownership was lowered from 20 to 18 years; and the period of validity of a permit to carry weapons was extended from one to three years). They may be criticized for leaving certain restrictions and licensing requirements in the law, but they had no intention of preventing law-abiding Germans from keeping or bearing arms.

>> No.52522540

He'd probably use it to launder money/finance his regime, but I don't think he'd like ordinary people using it.

>> No.52522545

no since he couldn't control its supply at will

>> No.52522546

>I don’t debate libertarians
because you always fucking lose when you do lol

>If you’re still a libertarian in 2022 you are terminally retarded and incapable of reason
Not an argument. We've been proven correct about everything especially central banking yet here you are supporting it.

>Better to just mock
kek you retards get mocked more than us

>> No.52522547

Cryptocurrency wouldn't be necessary within a white ethnostate, but he would support the concept to evade sanctions and as a weapon against international jewish bankers.

>> No.52522548

All authoritarians who are ideologically driven are the same, horseshoe theory is real. Only centrist authoritarians like Napoleon are different.

>> No.52522549
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The highlights of the 1938 German Weapons Law (which in its entirety fills 12 pages of the Reichsgesetzblatt with legalese), especially as it applied to ordinary citizens rather than manufacturers or dealers, follow:

> Handguns may be sold or purchased only on submission of a Weapons Acquisition Permit (Waffenerwerbschein), which must be used within one year from the date of issue. Muzzle-loading handguns are exempted from the permit requirement.

> Holders of a permit to carry weapons (Waffenschein) or of a hunting license do not need a Weapons Acquisition Permit in order to acquire a handgun.

> A hunting license authorizes its bearer to carry hunting weapons and handguns.

> Firearms and ammunition, as well as swords and knives, may not be sold to minors under the age of 18 years.

> Whoever carries a firearm outside of his dwelling, his place of employment, his place of business, or his fenced property must have on his person a Weapons Permit (Waffenschein). A permit is not required, however, for carrying a firearm for use at a police-approved shooting range.

> A permit to acquire a handgun or to carry firearms may only be issued to persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a permit. In particular, a permit may not be issued to:

> 1. persons under the age of 18 years;
> 2. legally incompetent or mentally retarded persons;
> 3. Gypsies or vagabonds;
> 4. persons under mandatory police supervision (i.e., on parole) or otherwise temporarily without civil rights;
> 5. persons convicted of treason or high treason or known to be engaged in activities hostile to the state;
> 6. persons who for assault, trespass, a breach of the peace, resistance to authority, a criminal offense or misdemeanor, or a hunting or fishing violation, were legally sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than two weeks, if three years have not passed since the term of imprisonment.

>> No.52522560

>ideology continues to die out
this is hilarious as the number of libertarians in the USA has only grown over the pasts 10 years and an ancap is going to become the president of argintina next year.

>> No.52522561
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> The manufacture, sale, carrying, possession, and import of the following are prohibited:

> 1. “trick” firearms, designed so as to conceal their function (e.g., cane guns and belt-buckle pistols);
> 2. any firearm equipped with a silencer and any rifle equipped with a spotlight;
> 3. cartridges with .22 caliber, hollow-point bullets.

That is the essence. Numerous other provisions of the law relate to firearms manufacturers, importers, and dealers; to acquisition and carrying of firearms by police, military, and other official personnel; to the maximum fees which can be charged for permits (3 Reichsmarks); to tourists bringing firearms into Germany; and to the fines and other penalties to be levied for violations. (A full text and translation of these German gun laws was published by Dr. Pierce in a booklet entitled Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945.

The requirements of “trustworthiness” and of proof of need when obtaining a permit are troubling, but it should be noted that they were simply carried over from the 1928 law: they were not formulated by the Nationalsocialists. Under the Nationalsocialists, these requirements were interpreted liberally: a person who did not fall into one of the prohibited categories listed above was considered trustworthy, and a statement such as, "I often carry sums of money," was accepted as proof of need.

The prohibitions of spotlight-equipped rifles and hollow-point .22 caliber ammunition were based on considerations that the former were unsporting when used for hunting, and the latter were inhumane.

It was not until 1945, when the communist and democratic victors of the Second World War had installed occupation governments to rule over the conquered Germans that German citizens were denied the right to armed self-defense.

>> No.52522566

you’re a lying niggerjew and you have no soul
>business was so hard that economy was flourishing and even during war effort it was way more decentralized than “workers’ union of degenerates”

>> No.52522571

Stop debating lolspergs and wasting your time

>> No.52522576
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Despite these facts, there are a number of people among those who support Second Amendment rights who have fallen for the Jewish trick of associating gun-grabbing with Hitler and the Nationalsocialists. These people sometimes make such statements as, "The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was round up all the guns." Such statements are demonstrably false, and when they are made by a person who genuinely supports Second Amendment rights they reveal the person’s ignorance or dishonesty.

>> No.52522581

Not for any ideological reasons, at least. Despite what this website will tell you, government control of the economy was of central importance to the National Socialists. A powerful economic class is incompatible with the unified national will that Fascism tries to create / channel.

>> No.52522583


>you’re a lying niggerjew and you have no soul
Cry more you lying manbaby.
>economy was flourishing
The economy wasn't flourishing, it was a keynesian inflationary bubble that would have collapsed if the war never happened. These bubbles have existed many times. Ever hear of the roaring 20s?
Also it wasn't a good economy either, there was food rationing during peace time and people on average worked 50 hour weeks.

>> No.52522594

retard tier. I suppose you think Augustus was a communist too

>> No.52522596

You failures ALWAYS lose against us.
This is /biz/, we hate central banks and collectivist cunts like yourself.

>> No.52522609

yes, the NSDAP created cryptography as we know it today.

>> No.52522611

>*pees* look *farts* at the form *coughs* not the *starts his pants* substance *tries to taste it*
that’s how retarded your take is npc

>> No.52522615

bruh, crypto right now has transformed into a literal ponzi scheme where all but the most well connected investors come out on top. You have to be a huge tard to be a right wing lobert in 2022.

>> No.52522617
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>The whole point of Natsoc economics is to minimize usury
>to minimize usury
That explains why the JlDF agent in this thread is so upset and kvetching so hard.

>> No.52522619

I'll read your literal jewish communist book.

There is a reason that the third Reich was opposed to business models reliant on globalism though. The health of the nation is more important than the expansion of the economy

>> No.52522631

All the ponzis were centralized tradfi scams masquerading as crypto.

>> No.52522634
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>roaring 20’s
>Germany’s economic miracle after Great Depression
so you’re a clueless npc regurgitating to us like an excited boy what your cool friends told you on r*ddit

>> No.52522643

lolbertarianism doesn't even exist out of 4chan and some obscure reddit/twitter echo chambers

>> No.52522644

>we’re WINNING shouts the libertarian as whites embrace fascism, and all of his ideological pillars have been debunked by reality
>y-you’re leftists! I just reject the historic perennial traditions of humanity for my revolutionary materialist ideology so corporations can enslave the goyim for profit

>> No.52522651
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>> No.52522657

commies who start revolutions are always bourgeoise historically illiterate retard

>> No.52522681

>barely a communist
So he had barely a brain
>words mean whatever I want them to mean
we know jewish shart
>hitler murdered 13 millions of German citizens

>> No.52522687

They actively created monopolies that were interconnected, but not controlled by the state. See IG Farben as a probe example

>> No.52522711

You have no arguments but lies and argument from jewish authority. You literally have nothing to say but lies.
>I’m a subhuman so that’s what I would do, damn the evidence
Back to /biz/ lolbert
Oh wait this is /biz/ kek I guess r*ddit is your city now

>> No.52522739

two more weeks
That’s why you’ve been kicked out of /pol/ eh? kek
Just like christkikes lolberts are a former group of useful idiot shabbosgoys for jews. In a way they are bagholders to the token they bought 2000 and 200 years ago respectively.

>> No.52522747

Ew gaytheist faggot
Fascism embraces Christianity

>> No.52522777

Can't you retarded /pol/ cunts fuck off to your own board?

Stormcucks are unironically worse than horsefuckers in spamming their nonsense

>> No.52522784
File: 453 KB, 1080x1431, D30466F3-FFB1-4CF7-AB90-EB353D33CDF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you’re not larping as a christkike while allowing females to rule over you then you’re an atheitard sjw
>I enjoy cherry picking and presenting it as a black and white version of events rather than the truth that Hitler and Nazis used christianity to gain support while clearly promoting a more pre-abrahamic volkish way of living
you’re a shitskin subhuman and you won’t go to heaven if you help jews destroy the world

>> No.52522805
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Sorry, fag. This is our board and has been since 2017

>> No.52522811

That would be christians in Roman Empire
>reject family and state over religion
>acts of terrorism and attempts at revolutions (dead apostles)
>pathological altruism
>political agenda
>purity spiral in form of heresies
>Maoist cultural revolution
>lack of tolerance for any non jewish faith
>instituted dark ages

>> No.52522895
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"Fascism" maybe but we were talking about Natsoc, not Fascism which is strictly Mussolini's.
>inb4 Fasicsm and Natsoc are the same thing
Not at all. See this video for massive redpills about "Fascism": https://files.catbox.moe/jarrlm.webm

>> No.52522934
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>> No.52522948

Sorry fags it’s back to
>>>/r/eddit with you and your lolsperg friend!
Actual fascists/third positionists embrace Christianity

>> No.52522984
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Post proof of foreskin with timestamp.

>> No.52522990

I’m sure you’ll find plenty here

>> No.52523002
File: 624 KB, 792x1684, 1651780582887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were ritually circumcised as a baby. A smelly rabbi sucked you baby dick blood.

>> No.52523019

Very unlikely but these fantasies of yours are as unhealthy as lolsperg delusions

>> No.52523020
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>> No.52523035
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>> No.52523052
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>> No.52523078
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Also Dr. William Pierce:
>A more concise study of the difference between the Christian world view and ours
>the difference between the Christian world view and ours

>> No.52523083

Yes. He would be bullish on LINK.

>> No.52523093
File: 3.80 MB, 1296x8600, 1653666726324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Himmler 1937:
> "I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: You're usually so un-Christian..."
> "The whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism."
Full speech in English: https://archive.is/JlkBd
Full speech in German: https://files.catbox.moe/5v3ypy.pdf

>> No.52523121
File: 973 KB, 640x2500, 1658591113660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der Ewige Jude (dubbed): https://files.catbox.moe/obkj4d.mp4
Relevant timestamp: 45:45 to 47:07

Backup (subbed): https://ia801009.us.archive.org/19/items/video_2019-09-07_10-06-24/video_2019-09-07_10-06-24.mp4

>> No.52523144

The nazi leadership was foolish to publicly denounce Christianity. 2000 years of tradition cannot be undone within a generation. They should have emphasized the importance of aryan tradition and let the people naturally return to the old beliefs over time

>> No.52523151
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> scene from a Nationalsocialist German film from 1935:

> Nationalsocialist documentary from 1938/39 about Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and the science, technology and culture of pre-christian Europe. It challenges and destroys the (((idea))) that European greatness came from the Middle East:

> Extremely positive Pro-European Nationalsocialist film from 1937 full of Native European Pagan symbolism and motifs, about the Native European spirit triumphing over and surviving in spite of the tyranny of christianity:

>> No.52523256
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>publicly denounce
They did not.
>by the time the NSDAP took power Germans had had jewish traditions for 2000
No. In spite of the judaization of Germanic Europe kicking off in high gear by the late 800s (the South was judaized hundreds of years earlier), it wasn't until hundreds of years later that people had mostly forgotten their Native traditions and beliefs. But our values and morality remained dominantly Native European, despite the judaization of society and the loss of Native religious institutions (temples, sages, ceremonies, initiations, etc).

>> No.52523270

hitler was pretty clear about how he felt about people who made money out of thin air without producing anything. he said this was a job for a certain unwanted group of people.

>> No.52523358
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Because our morality and values arise out of our race, from our blood, from our ancestral memory.
Which is what the Natsocs recognized. They said Christianity had with time molded itself TO our Native values etc. Not that our values etc come from it

>our morality is rooted in race, not catholicism or protestantism or muslimism

So they did not intend to eliminate "christian values" (rather only jewish values) as many of those values etc are Native European values and not actually (((christian))) at all. What they wanted to do was strengthen and revive our Native worldview, our native traditions and make the people realize all the positive values etc which people mistakenly associate with being "christian" are actually just Germanic. So thereby Christianity becomes logically pointless and hence there's no need to worship Yahweh and Yeshua or to think of jews as sacred etc.

>> No.52523415
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>years of tradition
If we're talking traditions (as in Jul, Ostara, etc) specifically, then the "Christian traditions" are of course not actually Christian at all and have no jewish origin whatsoever, but are all based on Native European traditions. The names simply changed and the content and meaning of the traditions altered and corrupted.

This is a very redpilled book on this topic.

>> No.52523427

Actually, I think yes. Hitler is a crazy fellow who wanted to dominate the world and commit genocide. He has his more impressive side, like caring deeply for animals or developing his country's economy (Volkswagen is a product of Hitler's Germany). Maybe he would have supported crypto payments, so that the other countries won't have control over the currency. The world is progressing, nonetheless. Lugano Plan B now makes it easy for the citizens to use cryptocurrencies in real life.

>> No.52524323

>libertarianism is when cryptocurrency
this is your brain on lefttardism/neetsoc ideology

>I'll read your literal jewish communist book.
Good, you may learn something.
>There is a reason that the third Reich was opposed to business models reliant on globalism though.
Imagine defending white small business owners from being fucked over.

>The health of the nation
Don't you mean the state? The state is not the people, it's diametically opposed to the people.

>so you’re a clueless npc regurgitating to us like an excited boy what your cool friends told you on r*ddit
Nigger, where is your argument on inflationary bubbles?
Eat shit faggot.

lmfao it's the third largest political party in the USA and Argentina will soon have an ancap president.

>t. brainlet

>Back to /biz/ lolbert
KEK I'm glad you admitted this isn't your board.
Go back to /pol/ nigger.

>That’s why you’ve been kicked out of /pol/ eh?
/pol/ is filled with actual bootlicking retards that are wrong about everything

/biz/ is a Libertarian board
cry about it

>> No.52524344

>Volkswagen is a product of Hitler's Germany
kek is that why they're such trash cars?

>> No.52524362

lmao imagine being a fascist bootlicker
do you ENJOY wageslaving? Why? Do you get off on it sexually?

>whites embrace fascism
This is what /pol/sharts actually believe.

>> No.52524378

Neetsocs ACTUALLY believe calling someone a jew counts as an argument HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.52524546

It truly is bizarre how /pol/cucks worship Hitler given the majority of them aren't white, and even disregarding that he'd consider them degenerate losers

>> No.52525843

its called state capitalism. the state gives privateers full control but they behave more or less state owned. the moment the privateers become to greedy or turn against the state they get fucked up and lose everything. china does the same.

>> No.52525927
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hitler was a national socialist. thats what the nazi stands for. so what do u think OP? u think patriotic socialists like crypto to hide money from govt?

>> No.52525974

If he arrived early, giving him an edge, probably yes. Otherwise, I don't think so.

>> No.52527554 [DELETED] 

Libertarianism cannot work outside of a white ethnostate. There is no moral consensus in a multicultural shithole like the USA and that's why you have no traction and you get btfo by woke SJW commie niggercrats. We need Hitler now, and not Ron Paul (I voted for him, btw), because we need bullets in the heads of leftists yesterday. Leftfags don't give a shit about your principles, only the rightwing (authoritarian right included) pays you any mind, so you should honestly play ball if you have any interest in seeing your ideals manifest one day. Unless you're not white, then kys.
Some of us are actually white (pure 100% Bavarian phenotype-tier). My grandparents were SS-men and one of my grandmas was in the Hitler Youth. Cope, darkie.

>> No.52527764

>Socialist centrally planned economy
Not compatible with decentralized cryptocurrencies, he would have used some CBDC

>> No.52527934

Reminder that racism outside of /b/ is against the rules.