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52521670 No.52521670 [Reply] [Original]

Im 29, been working minimum wage for 9 years in the midwest, i need a new career, unfortunately i feel all the jobs in my city dried up, what should i do during the bear market.
Ive got:
>6 Eth
>and 6k regular stocks.
need to do something but nothing is available, should i move?

>> No.52521729

>working minimum wage for 9 years
what in the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.52521748

im a college dropout

>> No.52521814

rather than get a job in a factory or a warehouse for $15-20/hour, you instead worked for literal $8/hour minimum wage for NINE YEARS? why? what is wrong with you?

>> No.52522435

bro i know people who dont even speak english who came in a fucking boat from cuba making 50$ an hour after 2 years of job hopping, i legit dont have any idea what you have been doing these years.

>> No.52522539

You need to job hop a lot more. Also, I know some friends in small Midwest towns and those towns suck because there are so few employers in them. Move. There are peeps in warehouses making 25$/hr. Also I don’t believe that guy saying there a noneglish speakers making 50/hr. Just demoralization bs.

>> No.52522563

its in the east coast bitch!

>> No.52522616

Join the military. Pick a job that has some equivalent in the civilian world and then do that when you get out. Finish your degree with online courses during your down time while you're in.
>But I don't want to because blah blah and I feel like I'd rather be doing x, y and x and...
Bro don't even start with that shit. If you're minimum wagieing at 29 you don't have the answers. You need a hard reset, and this is the simplest way to do that. If everything goes according to plan you could be 33 with some cash saved up, a degree, veteran status and a career path.

>> No.52522692

Another option is becoming an Air Traffic Controller. You need to be 30 or under and the application is once a year in June I think so you should be good if you apply during the next cycle. I've heard they make great money for a wagie field that doesn't require a degree.

>> No.52522797

do you glowies just go from board to board recruiting and shit? ive seem so many of you recruiters recently lmao

>> No.52522841

What difference would it make?
>Heh...not gonna fall for your scam Mr. Glowie Man....
You're already getting fucked hard by the "system" if you're working for minimum wage. Might as well make some moves to be somewhat less fucked.

>> No.52522853

Ahhh the ol' "we're the lesser evil" a true statesman!

>> No.52522898

Cisco certificates

>> No.52522955

Who gives a shit about the relative morality of manning a cash register vs mopping shit up in a barracks for a few years? The point of this is to give OP suggestions so he isn't stuck serving french fries at 35.

>> No.52523028

i must admint that the way he admitted it is kind of based, kek, but still, they glow so fucking hard is surreal lol

>> No.52523128

I wasn't talking about the morality of the job, that's you're conscience kicking in, muddying the communicae, I was talking about being subjected to wagecucking as being evil in general.
Yeah twas

>> No.52523189

>I was talking about being subjected to wagecucking as being evil in general.
Well OP asked about a new career so unless you have some amazing business idea he can execute for like $10K I'm not sure what his alternative to wagecucking would be.

>> No.52523211

good morning sir

>> No.52523239
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Sorry anon you never stood a chance. Low wages and shit quality of life

>> No.52523732

why are you pretending the "before" picture is somewhat soulful? its goyslop, the country was already suberted then, look at the cigs ads.

>> No.52525788

if a move is needed where should i go? >>52522616
aint joining the military, worked with veterans, they all hate that shit.
thanks anon, this is interesting.

>> No.52525804
File: 473 KB, 344x283, konasip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheat and coffee futures.

>> No.52526018

move out of the midwest. move to seattle, be homeless and network with the tech bros who work at amazon on the soccer field at cap hill. or join coast guard and ge gi bill and put it into flight training

>> No.52526326

I have no idea how the fuck they do that unless they already had experience beforehand
In other countries they actually teach people trades at a young age so that's probably why unlike in America where the elite try to make the masses retarded. My uncle for instance was trained as a mechanic at about age 10. Those kind of opportunities don't exist in shitmerica. It's like third worlders have better education. The thing is they have less financial opportunities. On the flip side there are more financial opportunities in shitmerica, but less proper education (and I don't mean trade school. I did that and it's a load of shit compared to hands on experience).