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52519857 No.52519857 [Reply] [Original]

>once in a generation high inflation
>once in a decade US stock bear market
>once in 100 years end of cycle
>extreme blowoff top asset bubble that pumped SPACs and monkey pictures
>all the conditions for prices to pump are reversing
>money supply is being deleted
>people are losing jobs left and right
Repeat after me: “buy the dip”

>> No.52519896

>>once in a generation high inflation

This is a relatively normal amount of inflation, the rare occurrence was a decade of near 0% inflation.

If you buy right now, you're just fighting the fed. Don't fight the fed.

>> No.52519900

what if it is not once
and what if, there is no going back ?

>> No.52521280
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>almost double digit """official""" inflation
>actual inflation so high that governments had to actively suppress real numbers from getting out there
>relatively normal

>> No.52521357

Read history, the economy didn't start in 1990

>> No.52521560

>Read history
Sure, point me to a couple economic crisis all happening within a generation that sent inflation into double digits world wide.
If it's such a 'relatively normal' occurrence and you know so much there must be a bunch of them for you to post. Go ahead, I'll gladly read them.

>> No.52523451

>Sure, point me to a couple economic crisis all happening within a generation that sent inflation into double digits world wide.

The oil crisis of the 70's was exactly like this. Both world wars caused double digit inflation in the immediate aftermath since all the participants racked up massive debt. Same with the Napoleonic wars (the Danish state went bankrupt in 1813 because of it). Any event that causes simultaneous deficit spending by most of the world's major governments does exactly what we're seeing now, it's just that historically that's mostly been global wars.

>> No.52523499

>So you think we might have put a few people out of business today. That its all for naught. You've been doing that everyday for almost forty years Sam. And if this is all for naught then so is everything out there. Its just money; its made up. Pieces of paper with pictures on it so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat. It's not wrong. And it's certainly no different today than its ever been. 1637, 1797, 1819, 37, 57, 84, 1901, 07, 29, 1937, 1974, 1987-Jesus, didn't that fuck up me up good-92, 97, 2000 and whatever we want to call this. It's all just the same thing over and over; we can't help ourselves. And you and I can't control it, or stop it, or even slow it. Or even ever-so-slightly alter it. We just react. And we make a lot money if we get it right. And we get left by the side of the side of the road if we get it wrong. And there have always been and there always will be the same percentage of winners and losers. Happy foxes and sad sacks. Fat cats and starving dogs in this world. Yeah, there may be more of us today than there's ever been. But the percentages-they stay exactly the same.

Imagine not knowing about economic cycles kekmao.

>> No.52523593

>Imagine not knowing about economic cycles kekmao.

These fucking zoomers seem to think globalization and international banking were invented in 1995, before which we were all noble people of the land subsistence farming in peace.

>> No.52523620

stocks are based relative to expected future cash flows. those cash flows became worth less due to increased cost of capital and expectations around long-term inflation. they won't rebound.

>> No.52523629

>can only name four events
>one of them fro 200 years ago
>the world wars were both in different generations thus making each one of them their respective "once in a generation" event
>same goes for the oil crisis
Are you sure what 'normal' means or that you understand what OP said?

>> No.52523655

If it happens once in a lifetime then that's normal bro

>> No.52523664
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Based OP. I bought the dip in SQQQ and UVIX.

>> No.52523669

>three events
>in the span of 100 years
Just admit that you said something dumb and move on. Double digit inflation is not even remotely normal. Period.

>> No.52523723

And yet it's happened so many times before you were even a concept in your father's nutsack.

>> No.52523792

>so many times/normal event
>can't even mention 5 events despite having acces to the internet to look for 'so many events' that are 'totally normal'
>the ones mentioned only reinforce what OP said because they were, in fact, a once in a generation event
>yet you still don't seem to understand what OP means, somehow
I feel sorry for your caretaker.

>> No.52523793

and what was the debt to gdp level in the 70s?

>> No.52523810

Oh, it's another one of those navel gazer zoomers who think they have it all figured it out due to some minor "gotcha" detail. Many such cases. Very autistic.

>> No.52523882

>buy the dip
>before major riot happens
>riots that are 100% going to happen, promoted by the financial tribe to create the bottom
The advice is blood in the streets, not wagies crying on the internet

>> No.52523908

>Double digit inflation is not even remotely normal
*cries in Argentinean*

>> No.52524132

>Sure, point me to a couple economic crisis
>shows you four
>t-those don't count! Now admit you're wrong

Fuck off.

>> No.52524204

>I oversimplified what actually happened so that makes me right
a lot of triggered sad individuals today
also, not an argument

>> No.52524397

Jesus, you are insufferable. This is exactly why females do not consider you as a potential mate, by the way. Your lack of life experience is completely on display here.

>> No.52524425

>weirdly specific projection out of the blue
Everything good?

>> No.52525600

Not dip, the bottom, faggot.

>> No.52526022

bear market? stocks are still at historic highs X1000

>> No.52526182

All I know is this
>Groceries are retarded expensive
>Fuel is retarded expensive
>Literally every major retailer is signaling recession
>Crypto markets could legitimately collapse at any moment
>Department of Defense is even bearish seeking an end to the war in Ukraine
It's not looking good. I work in the insurance end of the contracting business. It is has become exponentially harder and takes much longer to pry any money from them than it has in the previous 15 years I have done this. Hurricane claims in Florida also apparently have been put out exclusively for bid. This is not normal, as the contract (policy) is structured as incurred cost (not the lowest bid). Citizen's Insurance/Florida Peninsula insurance and their subsidiaries are bankrupt. Most of these insurance companies are also banks.

>> No.52526358

Why does Brad Pitt always play little sobbing bitch secondary (non-primary) characters?

Like Louis in interview w/ the vampire. He actually got passed over for the role of Lestat because Tom Cruise cucked him with superior acting ability during auditions.

Brad has nothing but his looks.

>> No.52526588

>puts Fight Club dvd in your player