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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 200x200, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5250615 No.5250615 [Reply] [Original]

Through all the drama, all the BCH pumps, the clear winner remains. It should be clear as day. Its still affordable. Its your favorite coin. The coin of the people.

Dont miss the buy of 2018

>> No.5250717

while pondering on the intricacies of litecoin i myself have arrived at the conclusion that it is indeed the coin of choice for me and i will be investing 300 coins for mighty gains. it is certain that in my mindspace i am thinking, for your good will, that i hope you purchased at the moment of dipping, anonymous user.


>> No.5250764


Yes anon,


>> No.5250856
File: 165 KB, 1600x1200, muh whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5250862

missed 300 drop good buy now at 330?

>> No.5250901

Wait for it to dip at 312-5. It was at 288 today and I didn't get a chance to get it at work.

Fucking Coinbase disabled my dcard.

>> No.5250915

i like litecoin because its /biz/ threads are always so positive compared to bitter pump and dumpers in the penny-stock coins

>> No.5250948

True. And it's the most stable out of all of them.

>> No.5250993

Why is LTC shilled so hard compared to other coins?

>> No.5251012

Comfy as fk with bzc

>> No.5251049

Still holding my 257coins i got at 4€

>> No.5251053

>1000 BCH threads today alone
>1 LTC thread
Fuck off

>> No.5251055

LTC superior coin. Even after the chaos of BCH it managed to return to its previous price and steadily increase.

>> No.5251062

i cant bring myself to buy any after buying only one at $86 and selling at 96 to see if it would work....

>> No.5251068

>He doesn't look in catalog
Dude everything is about BTC and BTH. If it's not about those two, it's about other shitcoins and Ethereum.

LTC is most stable in growth

>> No.5251095

fucking kek

>> No.5251103
File: 46 KB, 500x750, 293E5AE7-A33A-4521-84B9-59DEA8415076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman, I concur.

Despite the masses blindly investing their salaries on the coin of the commonwealth, I ponder about regarding litecoin... enigmatic....unprovoked....innocuous appearing coin.
I should suspect exponential growth in the old portfolio lads, in no less a fortnight shall the cheque accounts become full of the queens pounds.

Thread theme

>> No.5251104

t. fiscally retarded

>> No.5251117


>> No.5251148

The one post saying that LTC is superior coin ends up rolling dubs. Thats a sign from the crypto-gods.

>> No.5251149
File: 46 KB, 500x667, IMG_6200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy now. It's going uppppp

>> No.5251158

you're right I should have predicted the 300% increase

>> No.5251169

comfy with a hint of fedora tipping

>> No.5251201

you mightve missed out on the 300% increase of the past. But dont miss out on the future boyo

>> No.5251222
File: 13 KB, 200x192, IMG_6886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering it happened after BTC hit its moon train within the same month. Yeah you should've. But all of us should've as well. Now we have a chance with LTC.

>> No.5251243

shit needs to dip more, this growth is <2 weeks

>> No.5251266

Coin by the people for the people

>> No.5251322

its time it goes back to 350 and rests !

>> No.5251867
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>> No.5253248

It keeps taking little dips then immediately jumping back up to ~$325

>> No.5253340
File: 37 KB, 420x279, 420_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9iYTk2YTUwNzQ5ZDA3NjAyZmNkNWRiNGM4NWM3YzkyMC5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm HODL'n

>> No.5253401

Dubs confirms the Superior coin

>> No.5253472

last three digits are price by christmas

>> No.5253821

>actually probable

>> No.5254148

Not bad

>> No.5254557

Damn Anon, may be verified if big

>> No.5254649
File: 24 KB, 450x600, mongler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GIRUGAMESH! whats up oldfag. Thats right fagots, Im Charlie motherfucking Lee, I browse 4chan too

>> No.5254781

GTFO while you can!

>> No.5255919


gib mi some lite coin faggot, or it never happened.


>> No.5256007


Its going to be close to $700. just think of all the normies going onto cuckbase over the holidays

>Bitcoin is really expensive
>jesus, so is bcash
>Etherium, is that a coin?
>Lite coin, cool name, ok i'll buy 1 litecoin and hodl

>> No.5256153

I'm embarrassed to say, that this is precisely why I got into lite coin in the first place. I only found out about the technology afterwards, which gave me confidence in the coin. If an idiot like me thinks like this, then others will as well.

>> No.5256557


Me too anon, i think everyone does.

>> No.5256570

Prove it;) im broke college kid :( LfyAau2j4NFGHoVg8RTLu7KP81FuS64stv

>> No.5256688

The fact that Charlie is not a scammer and strongly believe in ltc Will take us to the Moon, prepare for a glorious 2018

>> No.5256922
File: 246 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC 1500 in 11 days

>> No.5256951


LTC is undergoing controlled demolition starting today. The founder of LTC just sold all of his LTC.


>> No.5257015

Yep, done

>> No.5257155

And donated them to the litecoin foundation for further developement and optimization

>> No.5257268

But do you think that normies will read something else the headline?

>> No.5257271


I'd shit the bed

>> No.5257280

Hope colee getting out isn't a problem

>> No.5257325



>Please don’t ask me how many coins I sold or at what price. I can tell you that the amount of coins was a small percentage of GDAX’s daily volume and it did not crash the market.

>UPDATE: I wrote the above before the recent Bcash on GDAX/Coinbase fiasco. As you can see, some people even think I’m pumping Bcash for my personal benefit. It seems like I just can’t win.

it will only increase in price.

>> No.5257371

A bunch of these normies are virtue signaling snowflakes, unless he said all his LTC went to Wikileaks, this is a positive news.

>> No.5257373

I don't care how they see it, it's a good move for the long run, he isn't going to speculate on his own creation and Can focus on developement