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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52515951 No.52515951 [Reply] [Original]

I've met a couple of billionaries. I know what it takes to be a billionarie. But I'm too scared, too shy to do waht it gets to be insanely rich.
Help me /biz/, should I or should I not?
Just .... Just fuck you all.

>> No.52515958

Those are men

>> No.52515967

great point

>> No.52515968

Take some psilocybin mushrooms, then drop acid a couple of weeks later.

>> No.52515973

That webm makes me want to kms. ffs

>> No.52515995

can you shut the fuck up faggot this meme was never funny and it's been like 3 years

>> No.52516017

society shouldn't allow whores to congregate on open fields

>> No.52516024

fuck off, tranny.

>> No.52516033

Anyone have the gif of the flapper girl dancing at the party where the guy downs his drink in the background? It's like the same moves.

>> No.52516045

it's hard to fathom that there are grown men on this board that find these creatures attractive, and some are even willing to go so far as to risk life in prison just for a kiss on the cheek.

>> No.52516046

Don't do it anon, don't rape children, it's not worth the riches

>> No.52516050
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>> No.52516052

Just make sacrifices to Gods/Godesses that don't abuse children, simple.

>> No.52516090

Why? Cute girls doing cute things make you depressed?

>> No.52516106

>I've met a couple of billionaries
>I know what it takes to be a billionarie

srsly fuck you.

>> No.52516109

And so the meme continues
Showing it has done it's job
3 years later, and you're still mad
This is how memes become timeless zoomers take notes

>> No.52516118
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>> No.52516129


>> No.52516146

i want to have sex with a girl so bad

>> No.52516147


>> No.52516148

I know what it takes
I want to fucking kill myself because of this

>> No.52516197

We need to clone them to save low fertility rates. Pls gib qt cheerleader

>> No.52516201

these men all personally owe me sex

>> No.52516209

ok... so what does it take. you havent told us anything just cussed a bunch and said I can do it I know how! Now im curious what you learned. I hang in a crypto whale discord and ive met some seriously crypto rich... what'd the billionaires say?

>> No.52516228

You have to sell out to Satan, yeah we know, not everyone believes it though, I'm guessing you found out for real.

>> No.52516232

I'm going to reveal whati it take to be a billionaire, just because you asked.
Just because you asked.
There hasn't been a worthwhile thread in /biz/ in several months.
I'm going to give you the goods
It's obvious and stupid and simple as you'd think. Here goes:

>> No.52516238
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>on Discord

>> No.52516244

is the captcha mods, glowies, or AI joking us?
you know what im talking about.

>> No.52516250

>just heckin frick you, the truth is so dark!
very cool underaged esl larp

>> No.52516313

Yes. Satan is a big part of it.
Given that satan is only an idiology:
1. You have to cut every tie to any human relation you have. Either your mother, wife, brother... anything. Just kill it. That's why you see Elon taking her mother everywhere. He doesn't care, but the last remnants of his soul comes up in that relatiojship.
2. Stop caring about anything human or humane. That is the way. Profit is the only value you should have.
3. Be reckless. Any sort of security is an obstacle on the way. If you want security or be safe, you'll never reach the billionaire level
4. Be aware of your mortality. Everything and anything you do has to be in order to avoid mortality. Every second of your life you have to be aware you're gonna die
5. Be thirsty. Either for cunt, cars or alcohol. The closer you're to physical needs, the better. Rational and intectual needs won't make anything for you. You need to become an animal.
6. Stop caring about anything else but yourselg.

That's it. That's satan. That's moloch. That's darkseid. Fuck me, fuck you. That's it. This thread it's going to get lost in the scholp.
I wouldn't take it any other way
/biz/ —as any other board, or media or place— has a human-centric bias.
I hate it. Fuck you.Fuck me. Whatever. I give up.

>> No.52516345

Ok, and this was news to you somehow?

>> No.52516357

Some people really don't know or believe Satan is real.

>> No.52516376

I've seen it in practice.
If you have to hurr durr, 'I knew it before you did', you have no idea. Seriously. You'll posting here in 10 year.
Let me guess, you're 22 to 31 y/o.
You know nothing

>> No.52516381


>> No.52516398

We must stop Thanos before he gathers all the infinity hoes!

>> No.52516422

Psalm 46?
You know nothing son. Nothing.
If you believe on the christian god... good for you. But then, you got nothing to do in this board. Richness is not for you.

>> No.52516433

The rose-cross was given to us as a path to salvation for those not strong enough to follow Christs teachings.

>> No.52516439

"with God all things are possible"

>> No.52516453

>wah wah my worldview has shifted im so emotional when that happens
>now i dont know if I becoming an animal psychopath is worth the bigger stack of gold

>> No.52516466

Ah moloch again.. jeez that guy keeps showing up on my radar alot lately

>> No.52516475

Honestly billionaire is wrong target.

You should aim for 10-100M tier. That gives you enough money for any normal desire. Women, cars, foods etc...

And dodges all the responsibility and attention that bieng a billionaire brings.

>> No.52516478

Are you drunk right now Anon?

>> No.52516494

Yeah dude, whatever. You're so great and poignant. You must've been an incredibly fine specimen on highschool.
But you know nothing. And you know it.

>> No.52516507

Yep. I am.
I just came back from one of the richest counties in america. And no, it's not in the USA. Just talked to a billionaire, after teaching their childrens about... stuff.

>> No.52516508

That’s the easy way. Do it honest or it doesn’t count

>> No.52516525

Get right with God and his Son now that you Know.

>> No.52516536

And be thankful you didn't actually meet the devil.

>> No.52516542
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>Three years

>> No.52516589

You christ cucks are insane. Satan is a pregnant woman dying on a rainy afternoon. Satan is having your best friend bleeding out on the sidewalk. Satan is feeling guilty about being yourself in front of everyone who hates you.
You, american fat pigs, you american middle class cucks, you think satan is what your christian priest has told you. You think the good life is growing old in a humble house, doing humble things. Because humillity is the best you can achieve.
You're so wrong. So, so wrong. PTSD is not a sickness of the mind, it is a sickness of the environment.
Just give up. You're wrong. So wrong

>> No.52516624
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I started out as an occultist and a luciferian and learned to my dismay that Satan is pure evil. I became a luciferian because after a certain level of intelligence it becomes obvious Satan is real and the God of the material existence. I turned to God after learning the truth about the devil and now I'm trying to seek redemption.
You know how AI can generate life like audio and video now? Well most media including video games are created instantaneously by higher intelligence's and passed off as human creations.

As an example, check out this anime about the occult and Satanic nature of finance. The episodes are on youtube. Satans magic is all about money in the end.


>> No.52516636

every tiktok i see fuels my hatred for women

>> No.52516659

Based. If you don’t do religion you immediately have an advantage over the various godcucks.

>> No.52516674
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Ha, atheism is the opiate of the masses. You've turned science into a religion with no God or creed and no answers. You don't really even know what science is.

>> No.52516750
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If you haven't blasphemed the holy spirit, you can redeem yourself. seek the rose cross.

>> No.52516840

Those cheerleaders are racist. Just saying.

>> No.52516857

this is basically being a sociopath and prisons are full of them
pretty sure we are missing something here