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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5250934 No.5250934 [Reply] [Original]

Heads up, XMR just start mooning 10 minutes ago, thought you guys should know it just jumped 10% in 10 minutes:

>> No.5250997

Finally a green spot in my portfolio dripping with blood

>> No.5251001


Delete this.

>> No.5251164
File: 6 KB, 258x195, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized Monero is the only real coin in this whole crypto circus

Been trading all my BTC since July, my stash is now100% XMR

>> No.5251239

Thank you for making this thread OP. Any eurofags all in on XMR. Massive download spike in Germany, Russia, China, yesterday.


>> No.5251300

i'm all in. it's immune to the great JUSTings

>> No.5251331

Pondering whether I should sell XVG for XMR. No biased answers please

>> No.5251359

Just unironically bought 200 after seeing the price hit 0.0275 on up bit (Korean bittrex, not on coinmarketcap)

>> No.5251385

Nice private coin, FBI here. Gonna track the #1 rich list. Just bought 100k

>> No.5251411

>massive insider trading goes on
>few people make hundreds of millions of dollars
>they send it to the one and only truly private crypto
That's why I'm thinking we are seeing this nice surge.

Either way, being 80% in XMR is truly /comfy/

>> No.5251437

Mind the Bull Trap. Good spot for a dump before another runup tomorrow..

>> No.5251459


Everybody thinks this will happen, so it probably won't happen.

>> No.5251524

Been doin this longer than you been alive.

>> No.5251557

I think this is the true monero moon guys, what I've learned from ripple and similar is that we get sick top 10 moons now and i am not selling early again.

>> No.5251571

too bad i can't fucking withdraw my XMR from chinknance


>> No.5251579

>he thinks crypto acts like stocks

>> No.5251630

Been doing Crypto since you were in Junior high. Oh wait. I see you still are.

>> No.5251655

Xvg to crypto is what true religion is to penny stocks

>> No.5251699
File: 222 KB, 404x623, Image uploaded from iOS (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad I dumped a huge amount of money into this coin when it was $100.

Everyone thought I was weird and crazy when I talked about how it had a legit chance of making you really rich, and now it's 4x without even being listed on major exchanges.

Looking at the logarithmic growth, the trendline is so insanely consistent since November 2016:

Literally everyone on the darknet wants to use this coin:

Pinching myself. This is it.

>> No.5251777

I said I wanted real answers you fucking clown

>> No.5251784

Welp. I'm dumping and going to bed. Made 10K today. Good enough. I learned long ago not to sleep on the precipice of an ATH looking down at The Abyss. To all a Good Night, and Good Luck. I will buy back in when I awake.

>> No.5251799

same situation

>> No.5251830

Its headed to 1000 one way or another. I think this BTC dip proved the robustness of its value.

That said, be prepped for volatility.

>> No.5251862

All I know about verge is that it's block chain is public. That should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.5251894


I just bought am I gonna get dumped on?

>> No.5251951

It might swing down to 0.022, but dont stress it. No big dump, that was a couple of days ago. Oldfag said buy under 800. Also called the BTC dip yesterday. that guy is a fucker.

>> No.5251959

Hardly, if it dips just hold, this is one of the few coins that has actual practical use: money laundering and dark markets

>> No.5251996


Fuck I shouldn't have done this. I keep going all in on coins for moon missions. about to go broke, if someone's planning dumping let me know so I can get out

>> No.5251999

Yeah. I just dumped on you. But I will be back to pump it toward $800. Tomorrow. I warned you all way ahead of time I was dumping.

>> No.5252055


I was holding cloak earlier now I feel like a traitor. Please tell me monero is the future.

>> No.5252088


Checked, if that was the dump I'm not worried. OP if you pump to 800 i will be eternally grateful.

>> No.5252105


Trips followed by double dubs. Yeah I'm feeling okay now

>> No.5252110

Eventually everyone that's been in crypto a while realizes Monero is the one

>> No.5252117

Jesus fuck. He's not the OP he's some larper. You're gonna end up losing money if you blindy believe everyone.

>> No.5252130

True. Been using the darkweb since 2013 which also helps the understanding

>> No.5252179

same hey

>> No.5252398
File: 23 KB, 678x258, 微信截图_20171220161142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No supply limit

I don't think I even need to explain myself.

>> No.5252430

How far will it dip

>> No.5252432
File: 162 KB, 906x569, VICTOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted any shit out of (you), I would squeeze your head. SIT DOWN!

>> No.5252532

See, like I said, larper.
Go squeeze your microdick.

>> No.5252544

Cant you just hold Oldfag. I sold XMR now but its such a comfy hold. I don't know what to jump into next.

>> No.5252656

There is a holding group who is capable of tanking this 60%. That makes my sleep restless. I will be back, and we will be headed for $800. It looks like the Koreans will keep this around $400 plus or minus 30 bucks for the night. If another Bcashie decided to cash out of Bcash ahead of the Feds and Interpol, you may see a $60 dollar spike, but it will return to 400 support when they cash out of Monero to fiat or gold.

>> No.5252716

>I don't think I even need to explain myself.
Yeah, we all know that you were going to say that that feature helps make it a viable currency.

>> No.5252739

Played like a fine viola. Well done, Lad.

>> No.5252834
File: 199 KB, 723x1024, 1511499333114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's my play? I'm holding 60% XMR, 20% BTC, and 20% LTC. I missed out on converting the LTC->XMR when it was practically 1:1 yesterday. Do I keep my minor positions and wait until the exchange is more favorable or do I convert to XMR right away? (Albeit at ATH). At this point I'm not sure if I even want to hedge with anything but that might just be the FOMO talking.

>> No.5252859

either way you're doing well

>> No.5252925

Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.

>> No.5252970

Well, Monero is taking a bit of a nasty downturn on Bithumb right now, which is what I expected, and why I dumped. It would be safer to buy back in tomorrow. You may miss out on 5 to 8% gains, but you will not risk a 60% dump tonight. Reality is, it will probably do what I said before. Sideways plus or minus 30 bucks, unless another Bcashie runs.

>> No.5253007
File: 53 KB, 398x329, YOUCANTCASHOUTSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fomo in to a shitcoin at ATH at this time of night? Shiil your Mongolian dogshit soup somewhere else.

>> No.5253011

Hmm.. Ok then. I feel like betting on greed right now so I hope that group is as greedy as the BCH whale and wont dump until it reaches higher. I have a buy order at 0.02420001 at bittrex. Is it too high? Am I beeing an impatient fag?

>> No.5253016

What group do you think controls 60%?

>> No.5253079

I think they already did their dump. But I am being overly cautious like an Old Buck with a Boon and Crockett Rack to think about. And I still have my rack.

>> No.5253083

Thanks for the insight. Whichever way it turns out with my other holdings, I'm not going to let go of this coin for a while and plan on making it the primary, if not sole, feature cryptocurrency section of my portfolio.

>> No.5253105

*Groups. ftfy. A cart with wheels.

>> No.5253140

Ok, what cartel can tank it by 60%?

The devs?

>> No.5253152


The flight to safety meme has finally become true. Monero is the asset that gains when everything else is dropping like the Japanese Yen or the Swissy

>> No.5253240

I understand Oldfag, I am still a small fry waiting to molt. I have to risk it all to make a dent in the ocean. My buyorder filled and I will ride this wave tommorow and beyond. Thank you for your wisdom.

>> No.5253497




it is even more inspiring when overlaid with the the Inception theme:


>> No.5253822

Jesus christ anon. I am never selling again

>> No.5253956

Guys, what IS happening with the binance wallet? I have a uneasy feeling that they are being put under pressure by regulators. Could my 13 xmr just disappear one day?

>> No.5253980
File: 234 KB, 665x800, 1513719871611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw added to coinbase tomorrow

>> No.5254002

They are probably putting the wallet under maintenance, happens all the time.

If you gonna hold longterm take them of the exchange.

>> No.5254082
File: 72 KB, 480x640, IMG_2989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5254920

If you plan to hold you should pull it out next opportunity. Or if you're scared convert it to something with a low Tx and send to Bittrex then rebuy and extract there.