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52514865 No.52514865 [Reply] [Original]

>I didn't buy the BTC dip because I thought it would plunge to ~8k
Really hating myself right now for being such a stupid investor.
Goddamn, I'm a moron. This is even stupider than when I bought Monero at $300
NGMI, thinking about quitting

>> No.52514898


>> No.52515896

So this whore is proud of knowing super basic excel stuff. Speaks volume about women's intellect

>> No.52515902

lol childless roastie

>> No.52515913
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Lmao what a specific situation

>> No.52515923

I spend all day on spreadsheets like this and write little vba macros to make it that much easier.
It stops me from wanting to kill myself desu.

>> No.52515930

>And after she’s finished, she goes home to Chad who is ready to FUCK.

>> No.52516291

what is HDR key?

>> No.52516305

>export to csv
>use python to sort data
>export to csv
>import back into excel

Not learning excel, don't care

>> No.52516321

how many cats do you think she owns?

>> No.52516336

they're keyboard shortcuts, look at the icons that pop up when you hit alt

>> No.52516338

imagine being proud of knowing the most basic Excel features

>> No.52516364

I don’t ever use keyboard shortcuts except control F

>> No.52516484

kek based

>> No.52516520

There was unironically a female on a forum I used to post on who would constantly try to refer to her Excel skills in a casual way like it was this massive achievement that she was competent with it. You just know she got promoted over like 5 guys who knew it just as good or better than her aswell. Jfc women have it so easy.

>> No.52516584

>All she did was delete blank rows
>And show the boss that it takes seconds, ruining it for everyone

>> No.52516594

>read 15 pandas question on stack overflow in the process

>> No.52516621

>I didn't buy the BTC dip because I thought it would plunge to ~8k
Huh? what's the problem exactly? If you think it won't go down any further, just buy the BTC dip now. It's not like it pumped and you're priced out, it's still down at the current bottom at around 16.6k.

>> No.52517546

It's like 3-4 lines of code with openpyxl
>there's always a package for it in Python

>> No.52517558

Imagine pushing alcohol into this picture, if you think drinking makes you "alpha" you're ngmi

>> No.52517570
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i hate women so much it's unbelievable.

>> No.52517581

Imagine being proud of knowing any excel features

>> No.52517647

its a meme to be cringe on tiktok right? like they’re doing it on purpose ironically? right?

>> No.52517710

Imagine if there are actual office workers in charge of serious shit like government tier stuff manually shifting thru the 20k lines

>> No.52517724


I worked data entry and I can guaran fucking tee you that happens a lot more than it's comfortable to admit

>> No.52517745
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whats up with all this excel shit on social media recently, i keep getting crap like this recommended on instagram almost daily

>> No.52517759

Imagine being 90-105 IQ. What's challenging to them is what is obvious to anyone with an IQ of 110+. So they learn a few tricks that help them tackle a few projects (see: they learn hotkeys that help with formatting) and get congratulated. Now that they have the reward mechanism and the feedback loop, they seek it more and more.

Now couple that with being mildly attractive and a having bubbly personality. Most of corporate America are bitter, jaded, fat, and uninteresting. So Ms. Bubblegum getting excited over formatting really triggers a circuit in her bosses brain, one that hasn't been activated in over a decade. Ms. Bubblegum is the golden dew in a sea gray corporate sludge. "Here's your promotion you adorable retard. You made me smile in this Hellhole."

And now it's confirmed to their feeble minds: 'I'm fucking smart as Hell!' So they post on tik-tok about how great they are, and everyone on there agrees, because they want to cum down her dumbass giraffe-phenotype throat.

>> No.52517777

hello incel. i can smell your dorito breath

>> No.52517788

>t. bitter jaded fat uninteresting tiktoker

>> No.52517904

I did an internship and there were engineers with master's degrees that were manually copy and pasting through thousands of excel tables because they didn't know how to make macros
Its insane how little ppl know about basic excel stuff and they have no willingness to learn
Made for an easy summer for me

>> No.52517995

They have excel courses in college.
I was in college and mandatory was an excel class.
It costs 3,500 and we covered only things I already knew in excel.

>> No.52518007

>tfw you will never have a cute 7/10 office slut do nude microsoft excel tik tok dances in front of you

>> No.52518029

u dont need any of those packages this can all be done with vanilla python

>> No.52518033

>learn to excel
Having excel skills is unironically better than knowing how to do almost anything.
People that are excel bosses are incredibly productive and valuable.
If you don't realize this, you've guaranteed never done anything at all with high volumes.

>> No.52518062

I remember learning hot keys in 6th grade playing Age of Empires.
Where some people get interested in computers in elementary school, people like OP’s roastie don’t actually sit down in front of a computer to get something done until they’re in the workplace (the year or two of college is spend getting wasted and banged).
So you have to have a little bit of understanding when you see a mid 30’s woman bragging about some basic excel function. To her, it’s just as magical as learning hot keys was to me in 6th grade.

>> No.52518073

hey faggot i need this data cleaned up and summarized by invoice date
asap, i'm presenting in 30 minutes
>o-okay hold on
>this should be simple in python....
*5 minutes later*
hey retard are you fucking done yet?
>y-yeah, almost!!!!!!
>imjusthavingsometrouble importing the file into python.....
holy shit never mind you fucking sperg
*opens the file in excel*
*TRIM(), CLEAN(), etc.*
*pivot table in literally 10 seconds*
you're fired btw

>> No.52518095

i get paid $40/hour to press enter repeatedly because we havent figured out how to automate this shit government billing that gets stalled every weekly billing

among other things. one stuff i set up auto hotkey and just leave it for half hour since it's literally thar braindead repetitive. until some idiot at work was asking fucking IT for help using it and ruined it for everyone (no thirdparty programs allowed for security as if autohotkey wasnt what microsoft uses in windows itself)

>> No.52518106

>I did an internship and there were engineers with master's degrees that were manually copy and pasting through thousands of excel tables because they didn't know how to make macros
That's me.

>> No.52518144

i'm pretty sure the picture is saying that people obsessed with alpha shit (not real its cope for cowards that don't want to bathe and socialize without saying cringe shit) instead being a "real alpha" who just lives their life and wins.

>> No.52518152

I’ve made a career of fixing situations for governments so they aren’t doing exactly that.

>> No.52518164
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So cringe.

>> No.52518199


That's pretty impressive considering you clearly can't speak or write in the English language

>> No.52518246

go away normalnigger

>> No.52518276

If I turned on the blacklight, would it be your lover's cum on your chin or your own?

>> No.52518290

And she gets median household income to learn those hotkeys

>> No.52518300

>See You Tomorrow
Terrible way to do it.
Now everyone will see you as the Excel genius and dump Excel tasks on you on top of your normal workload.

Instead she should've pretend to work on it for the next day or 2 without actually doing any actual work.

>> No.52518324
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Women without tails are NGMI

>> No.52518381

lmao tryhard

>> No.52518422


I don't need to try hard to point out that you're stupid, you brown skinned animal. Maybe you should've learned to read and write before you learned how to make spreadsheets, fuckin' dumb subhuman!!!

>> No.52518503

Why do they do this overexaggerated facial expressions thing? It's like every "influencer" thinks they're the main character in a pixar movie. Very off putting. Do normies really like this?

>> No.52518514

>Instead she should've pretend to work on it for the next day or 2 without actually doing any actual work.
I've been on /biz/ quite awhile and in real business much longer.
Is this a meme?
And do wagies really?
It's no wonder they are all poor.

Despite popular opinion, being more productive does get you raises and does advance your career.
I pay a lot of people between $14 and $16 an hour that spend lots of time doing nothing.
The ones that turn the nothing time into productive tasks get raises and never get let go.

It's like it's a meme, but I think people are serious.
I have one girl that has been at $14/h for 3-4 years.
And another that moved from $14-$16 within a year.

I get not working your ass off for someone else, but realize it has consequences and your life is far worse because of it.

>> No.52518523

My first internship I finished all my work way before they thought so they handed me this stack of like 1000 business cards and had me manually enter them into this data system. I twas fucking HELL. I spend like 6 hours of the day just entering data from business cards for 3 weeks.

>> No.52518549
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Fug, I'm a devops engineer, what are you getting me to do this for anyway? Fuck it I'll just take severance and get a new job.

>> No.52518621

Also, obligatory excel video


>> No.52518624

looking at this i initially asumed that the boss meant to go through the document and correct errors where the wrong client is at the wrong account or some dates are inputted in the wrong format or something, you know real human work requirements

but no apparently there are jobs out there that get paid good wages to use excel automated functions
how do companies survive like this

>> No.52518652

try working in a big environment where you boss changes every year and some fag you never seen before actually makes the raise/firing decisions
you are a total fool to excel there as the only way up is to either lie about your previous role to a new company until they buy it or the suck someone elses high up cock enough
but no matter how productive you are in todays economy nobody is above being fired for a new outsourced higher at significant lower wagies

>> No.52518661

>but no apparently there are jobs out there that get paid good wages to use excel automated functions
because that's not their job. their job is to analyze business/financial data. excel is a tool that makes their life easier. it's like me saying that there are jobs out there that get paid good wages to use python standard library functions. well, yeah, but it's just a tool. they're paid to use that tool to do much more important things.

>> No.52518670
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1668868566539..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being more productive does get you raises and does advance your career.
>t. an actual boss
This is an actual boss talking.
People in management don't realize, but their point-of-view can be considered deluded compared to the real world.
pic related

The person in the office who does 80% of the work isn't the one who gets their career the furthest, rather it's actually the one who jumps to a new company every 3 years with a much higher pay.
The raise given by bosses for "being a hard worker" is barely anything compared to the salary increase of a different offer with a higher position.
Meanwhile, every "hard worker" I've known that has all the workload dumped on them is still in the same position years later, usually not even promoted, because they're indispensable in that position.
>The ones that turn the nothing time into productive tasks get raises and never get let go.
>never get let go.
Yeah and that is why they're gonna be there forever and not actually advance their career.

>> No.52518703

i'm an accountant. at my last job i turned an 8 hour process into a 20 minute process with some clever excel formulas and basic VBA. this also vastly reduced the number of errors in the process, due to less human intervention.

i also fixed and improved a lot of BI reports to provide better/more valuable/more accurate data. i understood our cash posting system (~$100M/month in collections) better than anyone else in accounting. there were a lot of things that i did better than anyone else in the company. i was denied a promotion for the second year in a row and given a 3% raise. i have decent social skills. i'm not an autistic sperg or an unlikable dipshit, like you may be thinking.

i ended up quitting for a 30% raise, a title promotion, and 100% remote at another company. the moral of the story is that hard work means fuck all in most jobs, because shekelstein doesn't care.

>> No.52518705

I would say it is possible to advance in some companies, but not through actually doing more work, but through taking more credit for everything without the people who actually did the work challenging you.

>> No.52518727

>The raise given by bosses for "being a hard worker" is barely anything compared to the salary increase of a different offer with a higher position.

also consider that promotional raises are fuck all, and you're expected to be a high performer from day 1. if i had been promoted at my old job >>52518703 it would have been a 10-15% raise max. this is pretty standard at most companies. i hopped for a 30% raise and the standard for my first 6 months were pretty low.

there's a reason why people who job hop every few years earn considerably more money over their waging career than people who wage at the same place for decades.

>> No.52518733

It's called having a mercenary attitude.You go into company see how they leverage their tech stack and add it to your tool box. Steal the source code as reference material and move to another company with a 30% increase in wage. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.52518764

Not sure if you are implying that I'm not an actual boss?
I have 15 employees. Up to $30/h but I'm in a very rural area.

Yes, you can move away from all your friends and family and get more money. kek
I think most of your guys' problem is not communicating to the boss that you have improved things.
Showing a "manager" of course gets you nowhere.
But someone cares about the bottom line. The owner. You gotta work on communicating that work and showing the results.
The boss is very busy. You have to tell him about it.

>> No.52518780

Unfathomably based

>> No.52518853


>Yes, you can move away from all your friends and family and get more money

I did exactly that And so did most of my friends, and I'm from a rural area. It's a brain drain effect I suppose.

I don't want to be doing some "dunking" thing, but my last employer had 15,000 employees, at that scale things are much different, you get internal power struggles between directors, politics on a much different level. You'll never meet your "boss" (which in a public company are your bondholders, shareholders, etc)

It's just a different environment and can get you jaded.

You make valid points, but my experience differs

>> No.52518885

how big is your company?
once you exceed a certain size there is no 'owner' and nobody that cares about the 'bottom' line, the ownership and stewardship structure is so delude that nobody controls it and everyone with real decision capacity just cheeses the numbers so he can get the bonus long term profits or survival be damned
most of modern corporate guidance can be summarized by the board/execs scamming the shareholders while whipping the middle managers to exploit the actual wagies

>> No.52518904

God I can’t even imagine the level of onions that men who work as a spreadsheet dolly like these women do, your hands must be soft and estrogen features all over you

>> No.52518947

Wild idea.
And I understand you'd make less money. But ever consider finding a small private firm and making a real difference?
Small business is one of the only things standing in the way of total globohomo.
I don't make that much considering my revenues (working on it). I could easily make more by waging because I'm high end. Currently anyway.
But I (delusionally or not) as in a war.
I need help anons.

I am a good person and happy to spread the spoils.

>> No.52518959

>But I (delusionally or not) as in a war.
*see myself as in a war

>> No.52518973

I'd actually say at public companies the top employees have more skin in the game because their comp is mostly stock. At private companies, yeah you can have shitty compensation structures and no one gives a fuck about the company in the end beyond how it affects them.

>> No.52518981

i used to do hard, physical labor in a factory. working with your hands, unless it's for your own benefit, is retarded.

>> No.52519041

anon we are on biz to escape the cage not to make our own even more demanding cage
starting up a new small firm is terrible work to reward ratio and even with the 2021 bullrun being as shit as it was there is now nothing in the realm of labour that i can do that will make enough of a dent in my stack to matter for the effort involved
i did my time in big corp to get my initial investment and i am never going back to that

yes but thats only for the short term, they are actually incentivized to goose the numbers to their unsustainable max right at the point their bonus is unlocked for free trading and the gains from this are far in excess from staying on and getting next years wage, so again the short term optimization long term be damned i referred to earlier

>> No.52519986

>>And after she’s finished, she goes home to Tyrone who is ready to FUCK.

>> No.52520262

>hey faggot i need this data cleaned up and summarized by invoice date
>hey faggot, you must have me confused with HR.

>> No.52520295

>not dumping the excel sheet on a SQL database and working on that with python commands

>> No.52520340

And me lel

>> No.52520367

i like her eye brows

>> No.52520493

There is literally no situation where this happen and you haven't royally fucked up simply by being there.
People know about data presentations weeks in advance. This is what this actually looks like
>"Hey anon, I need you to clean some data for a review Friday"
>Sure thing, can do
>Next day
>"Hey anon, how's that data cleaning look?"
>Haven't gotten to it yet
>Repeat until it's Friday morning
>"Hey anon, the presentation's today, do you have the data ready?"
>Uh, no not yet.
>"Okay, have it ready by the time the meeting starts."
>O-okay, I will
>Can't import it into Python
>"That's ok anon, I did it on my own"
>You get pipped the next week and fired a month later.

>> No.52520544

It's actually fun and rewarding building your own business.
Far more than "trading" and "making money."
You feel smart briefly after a profitable trade, but it's pretty hollow compared to actually building something.
Someone needs your help and you could great things.
Nex time you see a company you like, think has a legit good product, and is privately owned, at least consider you could join in.

But you aren't really the person I'm talking to. I'm talking to people in a corporate job they hate, but are talented, and have another 20 years of that bullshit to look forward to.
Make a leap and build something. Someone needs your expertise. A real person needs your help and you can actually make a difference in the world.
All "yous" are generalized. I hate saying "one could..."

For instance. I do 3 million in revenue but I do ALL even remotely technical things myself.
I can't afford to pay $120,000 of course.
But I know someone that makes $120,000 year and is talented enough to do so could probably take me to 10 million in a few short years given the expertise and freeing up my time.
Make a deal.
Wagies, at almost every level, lack this one thing. They don't know how to make a deal.

>> No.52520545

>deleting empty rows is a potentially daunting task for this analyst that likely makes nearly a 6 figure salary
This really just speaks to how tech illiterate the average person is.

>> No.52520581

There are those being paid 6 figs a year just doing this shit

>> No.52520634

To be less verbose.
A guy like me with a very big upside could be convinced to give up a portion of the business on a performance basis.
Write up a contract.
I'd pay 50k a year and profit share based on results or even give up a percentage.
But of course I can't do that on speculation. Hence the lower salary and contract.
Make a deal and FUCK these corporations.

>> No.52520877


I'd do that, but I made enough money of speculation the last years I've been tempted to stay my own small business, ignoring the %90 fall rate.

Best to you, and to me I hope.

>> No.52520931

I am 35 years old and I have no idea how to do anything in excel.

>> No.52520932


>> No.52520969

A lot of that fail rate is probably people who make an LLC, do absolutely nothing with it and then just stop renewing it.
I bet if you only looked at people who had real intent not just fucking around with an etsy store or selling herbal cleanses or whatever the fail rate would be a lot lower

>> No.52520986

>t. the guy on the right

>> No.52521027

if you need a mouse to work with Excel you're a fucking pleb

t. IB analyst

>> No.52521087

>imagine working in a “high volume” company storing things in spreadsheets

What are you? A mechanical engineer?

>> No.52521157

She found all blanks in one column of her table, then deleted all those lines. Not only is this basic, it's dangerously neglectful.
What if there was important data in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th column of a row with a blank 1st cell?

She should've copied the blanks out and backed them up, but instead she mindlessly deleted them all.
2nd roastie was correct to fear this job, possibly she would have done it to a higher standard.

>> No.52521783

>hey faggot, you must have me confused with HR.
no, i don't. and if you talk back again i'm going to CC your boss's boss.
quickly analyzing data and presenting it in a summary format happens all the time, and i work at a bloated fortune 50 megacorporation.

>> No.52521864

>hello incel. i can smell your dorito breath


>> No.52523056

This is true, but also every single high position boomer job equates to manually doing dumb shit like this. I got fired from my first job because when I came into office I saw all the dumb shit they were doing and just made a bunch of VB scripts that automated it away. They'd come to me asking why the fuck I wasn't doing work and I'd show them I already did the entire week's work in a single fucking day. I told them I could just give them my scripts and they can do it themselves too. We were a small section of a larger company so I assume they realized if all their shit is automated away then the company literally has no need for the 30 employees in that office. I was let go because my state doesn't require any reason to fire anyone.

Learned my lesson from that shit and just keep my scripts to myself. Genuinely thought I was going to help them out and increase efficiency by automating their retarded shit away. But tuns out they prefer spending hours manually entering data and never utilizing a single formula in their cells. Now that I'm "work from home" my entire gig is literally checking morning emails for dumb shit and letting my scripts run the rest of the day. I know promotions and raises aren't realistic so why would I bother doing anything more than that?

>> No.52523500

>asks for suggestions, hopes there are none
>wants employees t work work on weekends and cancel vacations
>dress up friday
boss here. this guy is a fag

>> No.52523551


Why the fuck are you even talking to me. I make more than you. Stop wasting valuable company resources on your little power trip before I report you, silly little low grade manager.

>> No.52524568

I'm an IT director and the first thing I do when I get a new engineer is assign them Excel training. Every one of them scoffs at the idea, and every one of them comes back a week later like "how the fuck did I make it this far without this knowledge?"

>> No.52524653

hey IT bitch i said fix my email and fix it now

>> No.52524687

BTC sits on two giant time bombs
tether and michael saylor.

The saylor one will go off on its own with the new high interest rates
while the tether thing got a glass jaw.

Listen everybody here knows that tether doesn't have 5% of the money
they printed it is FTX on steroids.

One leak, a bit of media attention or one judicious prosecutor and the thing is wide open.

>> No.52524894

she looks jewish

>> No.52525021
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>have masters in engineering
>connect 6figs for mindless c&p