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52513765 No.52513765 [Reply] [Original]

>my grocery bill two months ago: $200
>my grocery bill today: $300

>> No.52513797

the jews won
we all have to go vegan by force

>> No.52513826
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Crypto can solve this

>> No.52513844

invest in physical peanuts and salad dressing

>> No.52513867
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>> No.52513907

Why isn't there rioting in the streets already
They're gonna keep slow boiling us while we remain obedient
People rioted for a dead nigger junkie but they're happily letting this slide
And if they start burning down banks, MSM who claims inflation is 'only 5%'and' good for poor people 'will label you fascists

>> No.52514174

Riots don't create political change as much as they reveal it.

>> No.52514202

I'm with you, at least I'm in Europe where we have nationalist parties that do something even if the jews keep them out of government as much as they can (less and less). Alternatively, there is the street. Unfortunately your People are completely enthralled by the jew. I hope you find likeminded men and organize.

>> No.52516116

>Why isn't there rioting in the streets already
Modern westerners are the most submissive people in history. The Romans burned down their cities all the time for basically no reason.

>> No.52516123

Stop falling to "vegan diet" & "free-range chicken" & "organic something" bullshit

>> No.52516135

At least I'm not Russian

>> No.52516171
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Well, Not everyone knows this, but, every tyrant in history FIRST cultivates a culture of crime and stupidity in their people before enacting unjust laws and systems. They do this because criminals and stupid people naturally ENJOY and TAKE PRIDE in living in FILTH, because a criminals natural home is prison.

So the FIRST thing they attack is culture, so that once everything goes to shit the people themselves will be so shit they won't even notice or care.

>> No.52516181

Case in point, thug culture has gotten so popular people take immense pride in living in the worst possible conditions. The poorer and less safe you are, the more "hard" you are.
Total failure is now cool.

>> No.52516187

Soon it will be "balling" and "pimpin" to get an RFID ID tag tattood to your arm. They already made it cool to spy on yourself with social media apps, trust me they'll make eating whit from their assholes the next "hardcore" "pimpin" "badass" thing to do. And everybody will all do it.

>> No.52516191

>my grocery bill two months ago: fuck knows
>my grocery bill today: fuck knows
Fucking poorfag

>> No.52516206

Targets earnings report revealed that shoplifting was up by 50% in 2022. Will probably get a lot worse before it gets better

>> No.52516213

It's not going to get better.
The surveillance industrial industry made radical tyrannical incompetence in government so easy and appealing that we will never have another government capable of non-corruption and thus able to maintain a functional economy.

It's to easy to be a comic book villain now that everyone is sinking the ship as soon as they get power.

>> No.52516218

>The surveillance industrial industry
The surveillance industrial *complex*.

>> No.52516234

$100 is literally what I make every second

>> No.52516700

Divide and conquer. They made an alliance between shitskins and upper middle class people. Middle to lower class whites are marked as their enemy.

>> No.52516735

The beyond meat shit is even more expensive. Id eat the bugs if they were affordable but we are getting the worst of both worlds. Shitty vegan food that costs an arm and a leg.

>> No.52516747

Sup Jordan. Based btw.

>> No.52516782

You've spent $100 in 2 months on food.

>> No.52518291
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Well you voted for him so who's fault is that?

>> No.52518357

Do you know how much bread you can make with an $8 25lb bag of flour
Become self sufficient and your grocery bills will get so much smaller

>> No.52519015

impossible, cpi is only 9% as our great president said

>> No.52520580

I spend like 80£ a week and I eat steak and other meat products every single day. So what the fuck are you guys talking about?

Maybe don't fucking buy sirloin or expensive cuts.. but rump and other cheap cuts are just as good.

>> No.52520946
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>ur moms grocery bill