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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52510104 No.52510104 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52510163

Every tech company is doing big layoffs anyways. This jeet wasn’t doing anything special, people have always bitched about Twitter.

>> No.52510259

Overrated. The only reason, why you notice Indians, is because it's so many of them.

The same crap is going on in Germany - there are really good Indian engineers, but nobody notices great amount of mediocre pajeets.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.52512324

The Jews are about to scapegoat the jeets hard when they crash the market, aren't they?

How do they all know what to do and when to do it at the same time? Like 911 - I doubt Mossad told Silverstein to stay home that day...but he picked up on the signals. How do they do it?

>> No.52512559

tech bubble when?
its really not that hard to make a functioning social media platform.
if you stop people from saying stuff or posting stuff its already failed the main function of a social media platform
its not rocket science, maybe to these indian faggots that had to teach their parents how to use a toilet

>> No.52512807

Shut the fuck up. Ur just mad that white women like indian dick more now. Cope.

>> No.52512860

seethe wh*te incel

>> No.52512951

Indian men will die and be reincarnated infinite times before catching a whiff of the scent of pussy, if an Indian man manages to have sex in one of his lifetimes, Samsara ends

>> No.52512987

Damn, how have I been having sex with your mom and girlfriend every day now? lmao white dicklets are seething.

>> No.52512995

They scam their way into first world countries by taking advantage of the cultural weakness and corporate greed, then they slowly replicate India in their communities, just as dirty, corrupt, nepotistic as their homeland. Ethnicities are like species of animal, with set mass average behaviors amd parameters.

>> No.52513037

You have the smallest dick on average in the entire world lmao.
The only way you will ever come close to a white vagina in your life is if you drone grind your entire life and get hired by your uncle who weaseled his way into an HR manager position with his fake cheated certificiate from mumbai sirs college.
You get mad at people who have been selected through generations of love and competence and superior religion while your entire bloodline is the result of cheating, arranged marriage, and resource based relations. Please talk more about your frustrations so I can destroy what little self confidence you have in your shit awful soul.

>> No.52513079
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>> No.52513083
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loooooooool, whitey can't even run twitter while we're smoothly running corporations 1000x more complex and now we're fucking your women too. Keep seething or rope, no one gives a shit, your bloodline ends this generation regardless.

>> No.52513092
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>> No.52513133

The only direction you're running them is directly into the ground. There isn't a single noteable service or product being created by companies under Pajeet leadership, all I see is existing large companies being sucked dry in a similar way hyenas run around a dead corpse. And look how its always the same shit with you and other jeets over and over "we will fuck your women" LOL, its because you know even touching white genetics will vastly improve your trash caste. Now the kicker here is that this isn't even 1970 1980 1990s era white chicks and most are fat and gross as a result of goyslop and trash globalistic """culture""" amd this is the only level of white woman you will ever attain, certainly not top of the line sluts kek - as interesting as it is they always single out jeets as the unfuckable caste of the world in private conversations.

>> No.52513246
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kindly do the needful sir

>> No.52513279

Jews will still be the ultimate scapegoats. Do you think those retards really got where they are by intelligence and nepotism alone? They've been allowed there so they can take the fall. Indians are like another layer in front of them. Both groups so unlikeable they make the perfect scapegoats. All the dead weight of society gives us a good buffer for the tough times that are coming. Like the first thing we can do is use ethanol corn for food. Then Africa can starve. Then we can send the Indians away. Then we can kick the Jews and start running things efficiently. The obese, gays, disabled and old will also die first when things get tough. The vaxxed are also primed to go. Everything's lined up. All these people are like our first stage rocket boosters that will fall away once they've done their job.

>> No.52513362

You would think a country with more English speakers than all the white men in the world would have more to show for itself, honestly.

>> No.52513442

Indians only slash workers and get rid of useful redundancy.
They make the workers who stay slave away as the work is all put on them. So they save the company money for a year or 2. Then the smart ones don't put up with it and the company loses talent and MASSIVE profits in the future as potential projects aren't even considered anymore because they're incapable of handling more than they're already doing.

>> No.52513475

>Indian talent
>Work for medical manufacturing company
>Street shitter comes to me every hour asking for my help
>"What is this problem being?"
>"Oh my goodness"
>"How do you call this problem?"
>"Oh my goodness"
>"Oh my goodness"
>"Puhlease sir, he-elp"
My company may as have well paid me to work their job too.

>> No.52513531


Elon Musk is not white

>> No.52513681

they are all diversity hires hoping they will somehow link their third world shithole so they can make even more profit

>> No.52513698

I once had to deal with a pajeet structural engineer who designed welds thicker than the material being welded, impossible to do and we had to physically show him until he understood how stupid his pajeet design was

>> No.52514569

Great at suppressing white collar wages. That's about it. Organize or get fucked.

>> No.52514624

I like how they are either very light skinned by India's standards or just actual white people with a tan.

>> No.52514700

>"former CEO"
seems like a trend now

>> No.52514932
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whiteoid cope is my favourite flavour of cope. Rishi Sunak was just the beginning. It's the brown century, and you're just living in it!

>> No.52515052

Prized white vaginas are getting pounded by black bulls while beta white males seethe and dilate in mom's basement.