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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 225x225, kadena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52499264 No.52499264 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you are mining kadena right now?

why this shitty miner costs 7k?

>> No.52499356

>why this shitty miner costs 7k?
Too stupid to learn English or understand ROI I see. Most miners are happy to break even within 3 years.

>> No.52499477

imagine mining this pump and dump scam LOOK AT THE CHART HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I'm pissed I missed out on the gains dont get me wrong but ffs guys may as well go buy d0gbat or some other old shitcoin trash, no different

>> No.52499491


Our team tried to integrate with Kadena and after DD we learned that half the team is full of retards and retreads

>> No.52501226

I was wrong about the future of kadena, when making assumptions about what the ecosystem will look like in the next years I assumed we would get the same amount of talent that other, less technically advanced networks have gotten, it seemed like the norm, from garbage like solana to interesting ideas like cosmos and every scam in between the quality of talent was the same. Every website, dapp and every wallet had an excellent user experience and generally was on the cutting edge of what is considered to be status quo when it comes to developing frontends for layer one networks.
The incorrect assumption was that this would apply to kadena. Now to be fair there wasn't a reason why it should be different, if every chain under the sun had great talent working in the ecosystem then why should it be different here, working with multiple chains is really just an incremental step from existing cross chain wallets and dapps anyway.
Yet somehow the only people kadena managed to attract were the most incompetent buffoons in all of crypto and I am not confident that this will change anytime soon. Even worse, the people or person in charge of finding and funding talent have historically been doing their best to prevent ecosystem growth by literally refusing to fund competent developers and instead favoring their friends and cronies to bring us projects like kadcex and lago (which got hacked again for the second time if anyone didn't know).
The biggest dex and wallet on kadena are the most unusable pieces of shit in all crypto and it is beyond me how they could fuck something up that should be elementary to anyone who used crypto once. It really seems like they outsourced all the work to moldavian spice extraction farmers that have never used the internet before.
Not to end on a depressing note though, there are new wallets about to release that might fix most things, and I'm sure the core devs are doing cute things, such as wallet connect. Maybe we will make it after all.

>> No.52501795
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t-thanx for the kindness and sentiments. i only funpost to escape my fears of the void. i’m sorry if it may seem to be narcissism or attention whoring at times.
without unfiltered criticism, ecosystem and development process would be worse. i really doubt fundamental engineering flaws can be ignored as they eventually resurface in some form when not detrimental to growth, user experience or adoption by skillful devs. investors with significant fundings neither read 4ch*n.
with due respect to kadena developers and funposters, ecosystem is a reflection of the underwhelming platform design / implementation and bigoted actors within community. these aren’t separated issues.

>> No.52501805


>> No.52501816

>ecosystem bad because someone holding kda is bad

>> No.52502248
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toxic peer pressure ostracizes love and creativity

>> No.52502282

Yes I'm sure that is the reason behind lago getting hacked and xwallet being borderline non-functioning

>> No.52502545
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community was aware of vulnerability behind the first lago hack but it didn’t get communicated to them because of such antagonizing dichotomous mentality. collectives are more efficient when individuals work together.
also that’s beside the point, toxicity is simply repulsive to helpful contributors. the most skilled ones are free to move out onto any other platform since their success is less tied with local reputation or social inertia.

>> No.52502570

I think it got communicated to them, but they didn't care. Stop trying to make your favorite narratives hold up just because you want a thing to be that way. 9 times out of 10 it's incompetence

>> No.52502599

Is it you Asuka anon?

>> No.52502626
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>> No.52502814

Bear markets are the time for building. Not much promising stuff going on with Kadena? What will Kadena have to show for itself once the next bull comes around? The Kaddex Situation seems tragic.

>> No.52502846

Bear markets are the time for building. Not much promising stuff going on with Kadena? What will Kadena have to show for itself once the next bull comes around?

>> No.52502873

But I am also sick of hearing from Kaddex all the time. There must be something else coming? Something promising?

>> No.52502876
File: 419 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com - 27376 azumanga_daioh kasuga_ayumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kadena BABENA

>> No.52502896

eh, nice double post. thats what this price action has done to me

>> No.52502927
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Assuming the wallets that are about to release will be good. Assuming a functioning wallet connect and intelisend feature sees the light of day. Assuming a team forks kadcex and improves on it. Assuming pact core will bring much needed improvements to pact. I can say the future might be rather bright.
The problem is just that, historically, this was not the case, and it might be that we will get disappointed again. Clearly kadena eco isn't bringing in the correct talent. Clearly most projects that the core team worked on have been left on ice. And Clearly there are problems with bringing in people that know what they are doing and are not here just to scam anons out of money.
I think it will change but I'm biased because I never sold my bag (still in profit btw).

>> No.52503099

those are a lot of assumes for a 'might be bright'. Im gonna finish a certain stack size now that we are this low over the next months and forget about it..

>> No.52503176

Why hasnt Kevin changed his opinion on KDA yet. Is he just not informed about the ecosystems situation? Does he believe in the unique core architecture and their solution for the trilemma that much?

>> No.52503205
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He is informed, not as detailed as you and me, but he knows about the kaddex situation. He talked about it too indicating that kaddex has not tried to get back to them about anything they wanted to work on and have yet to explain to cm what happened with the fraud. They seem to be too incompetent to do any of that.
He thinks the chain itself makes more sense than other chains, but only because of the things he has been told about the scaling and the fact that he likes PoW over PoS. He doesn't actually know why sharding is better hub-and-spoke or DHTs, if that was your question.
I doubt he is worried about the ecosystem because he knows that over time people will want to build on solid tech.

>> No.52503221

>is better than* hub-and-spoke

>> No.52503251

He's so based

>> No.52505010
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your missing the point and projecting. cherry-picking unpleasant projects in the ecosystem without seeing the overall picture is disingenuous. nobody's preventing anyone from deploying high quality dapps. yet skillful web3 developers don't, and most would rather still work on other platforms for many reasons orthogonal to kadenya neko / kaddex / lago.
the community is constantly hostile to contributors just because they don't make numbers go up fast enough, it's ridiculous. whereas the current implementation of chainweb and pact just isn't substancially superior to alternatives nor perfect. technologically competent actors can see past the social reputation of leadership. i'm not saying kadena devs won't make it, but there is still a lot of work to do. even the most qualified engineers need time to learn and grow on a completely new problem field such as web3.

>> No.52505060

Can you greentext the part where he is projecting please.

>> No.52505247

People aren’t hostile to Kaddex and Lago for not making number go up. Arguably people are maybe too nice to help number go up more.

>> No.52505420
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DNA might be good, what else is there? I'm not cherry picking you are cherry coping.
>nobody's preventing anyone from deploying high quality dapps
Agree, and I'm not definitively saying there is black magic preventing people from doing that, I'm saying for some reason it seems like there is black magic preventing people from doing that.
>the community is constantly hostile to contributors just because they don't make numbers go up fast enough, it's ridiculous.
No the community is hostile because people keep making scams. Is this a chicken and egg? no because if people stopped making scams the community wouldn't be hostile.
And if you mean your kind of hostile that is made up, and you should stop deluding yourself into thinking people dislike you.
>there is still a lot of work to do.
You agree with me and most of what I'm saying.

>> No.52505504

I like kdswap

>> No.52505551

Its great were it not for the token fiasco

>> No.52505555

>why this shitty miner costs 7k?
Because the mining rewards are worth the 7k.

>> No.52505636

its no longer profitable to mine unless you have insanely cheap energy.

>> No.52506394
File: 169 KB, 678x838, 31BE523B-3D8D-406B-B3D1-34B6DE042A7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop trying to make your favorite narratives hold up
in summary, point is that kaddex and lago are symptoms, far off on the chain of causality.
otherwise kadena eco may be more fundamental. i have a hard time seeing any significant amount of bridge liquidity on lago considering how many time it has been hacked. this is seriously impactful to the reputation of kadena and pact, since the dapp is marketed by the devs themselves. but even then the infinite potentials of web3 should inevitably bloom on any proper foundations. if it doesn’t happen, then it isn’t exclusively a matter of grants.
maybe cherry-picking isn’t the right word, but you are nitpicking on “bad actors” rather than trying to understand the system as a whole.
>the community is hostile because people keep making scams
there is no such thing as harmful intents. you said it yourself on the xcm thread. even in a relative sense, incompetence isn’t fraud.
>your kind of hostile
calling out bullying isn’t hostility
>You agree with me and most of what I'm saying.
this is a redundant issue with posts here. i agree with everyone about everything, but most people mistakenly assume criticism is equivalent to opposition or negation.

>> No.52506528

stupidass kadena idiotfaces hahahaha HAHAHA!

>> No.52506607

>but most people mistakenly assume criticism
Well, you word your posts to appear and read like counterpoints when the content in them is mostly saying I agree using different words. I'm really not sure how you were able to use the word "disingenuous" in a post where the next few sentences were completely in alignment with what I was saying. Maybe that explains it.
>there is no such thing as harmful intents.
People are making NFT projects with the sole intent to rug.
People are making projects with the sole intent to get IDO/ICO money. (timpi etc)
People are double-dipping their own sale with the sole intent to dump on you.
There is a line between harmful intent and incompetence.
>trying to make your favorite narratives hold up
About this, again it was communicated to them, in fact the guy who rugged the money went to lago to get a bug bounty but lago refused so he just rugged them out of the bug bounty he would have gotten, used their own bridge to get it to ETH and left the rest. Lago being retarded is not a symptom of anything other than brain damage.

>> No.52506609

>>>And if you mean your kind of hostile that is made up
>>your kind of hostile
>calling out bullying isn’t hostility
The mind sees what it wants to see...

>> No.52506779
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your points aren’t fully aligned with mine. you’re too sloppy with how you make sense of others opinion
projection, or incomplete perspective. these bullies have been constantly harassing and mocking everyone until i called them out.

>> No.52506798

I am saying you completely misread the sentence.

>> No.52506803

>until i called them out.
Thank you for your service.

>> No.52506829

>thanos abandoned
>emily arrested
>popejoy suicided
>kevin mia
>martino wanted
kda is dead

>> No.52507078
File: 49 KB, 719x719, 6736081F-AD43-40B6-94EA-9DB191B42EF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean obviously a large portion of 4ch*n isn’t necessarily the most respectful, racism on /p*l/ is kind of hopeless. /biz/ is the only board where communities are strongly tied to real world projects, and especially kadena and coinmetro. i legitimately feel the right social inertia is relevant to long-term success and usefulness.
i’m retraded and i still don’t get it

>> No.52507122

Anon referred to "your kind of hostile [hostility]" as in your definition of what is hostile and you quoted "your hostile" and assumed anon said you are being hostile.
It's really a non-issue, I just found it interesting you somehow quoted it to mean something completely different when all context was removed hence "the mind sees what it wants to see".

>> No.52507127

>interesting ideas like cosmos
tendermint consensus was created with the help of Emin Gun Sirer
the cosmos founder was literally a student of Emins and turns to him for advice on everything about his protocol
Their tech is interesting.. but certainly not Avalanche.. pay no attention to their entirely new consensus mechanism and revolutionary tech
Funny around this time last year you said every single other protocol would be rugged by now, meanwhile SOL still has value somehow and doge/shib is outperforming everything
Never put your faith in a kike for your financial wellbeing
I rember arguing with you throughout the entirety of 2021 since you were so smugly incorrect about nearly everything, and now look at you. Pathetic

>> No.52507155

>i still don’t get it
Yeah she's right you did misread it, It was supposed to imply "not the kind of "hostile" you keep using in your posts"
>/biz/ is the only board where communities are strongly tied to real world projects
I honestly think we are some kind of anomaly, /biz/ is not really the place that comes to mind when I think about strong communities, most projects are a free for all and people generally just want to dump on their fellow anons, try entering a single thread about any shitcoin posted here and see what the vibe is like. If you like xcm/kda threads thats because we made them comfy.
Fuck off

>> No.52507168

Turkish doublespend shitchain

>> No.52507192 [DELETED] 

Fellas, a few words about the Bspin, that comes to us from heaven:

>Licensed BTC Casino
>Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool
>Safe, secure, with a wide variety of provably fair BTCs games

>> No.52507199
File: 1.66 MB, 1240x1754, 24e44522240df834958e47d821e7035ae7a525d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most projects are a free for all and people generally just want to dump on their fellow anons

>> No.52507206

Ah it's you, sorry I read the first line and thought you were a bot.
That post you're replying to is bait, I am right about everything I said about avax. It's one of the funniest scams in crypto because it really doesn't do anything interesting instead trying to scam people into thinking it's some kind of innovation simply because it's "fast", lol lmao.
It's architecture is 2015 era blockchain thinking and I'm not sure how you fell for it since you clearly are able to string words together which I think is the only thing that stands before avax holders and not understanding how shit their chain is.
post dark skin girls

>> No.52507271
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>right about everything
heh, you said it would be $0 at this time
cosmos is a inferior copy paste of avax yet you praise it, curious!

>> No.52507282
File: 262 KB, 1000x1412, 430b06bc95148446c6e940aa40e2831f58fc42cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post dark skin girls
Don't take this the wrong way, but I could only find 3 dark skinned girl photos on my desktop and 2 of them were best girl.

>> No.52507299
File: 1.35 MB, 1581x2337, 314a5ad43e039ce28583078bd2155c031b856bfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should set up a shared folder between my desktop and laptop for all my anime photos and start using a proper tag system and not just naming folders like "fate" or "fingers_together".

>> No.52507343
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u-uh even if linguistic isn’t a mathematically constructed language, ownership of characteristics is implied by generalization.
they may be comfy if one pretends the constant bullying isn’t there. i don’t enjoy xcm threads, but to much autism to not argue about everything

>> No.52507385
File: 155 KB, 539x649, 1647941389818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed /biz/ for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless /biz/ anons.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.52507463

>you said it would be $0
>his time last year you said every single other protocol would be rugged by now
I highly doubt I said that. Chains never die just look at iota. Since I can't remember and don't really care I'll just agree with you that I said it.

>cosmos is a inferior copy paste of avax
Alright let's get into this, it's not very complicated and after a year of thinking about it, I feel like I can put it into just a few sentences.
Avax is a low bandwidth single chain EVM layer one. Scaling a single chain is a dead end, so they want to go with something they call subnets, subnets in their example don't carry the security of the main chain and vary wildly from subnet to subnet. It's like what bitcoin wanted to do a decade ago with side chains. Therefore, it's inferior to a chain architecture that doesn't have a hub or a limit on how many chains can exist and be secure at the same time.
Since we're in a bear market and fees on ETH and her L2s are coming down there isn't a use for avax, until the bull market comes back and grifters are in need of funds to pay for lavish events where they waste money on the most outrages things while not spending a second thinking about all the bag holders they had to dump on that allowed them to be there. Any further discussion about avax is a waste of time I think.
Just had to figure out which anon you are. Good post
Tasty word soup
>if one pretends the constant bullying isn’t there
I was hoping not to get into this again, bottom line is that you wouldn't be bullied if you didn't bully people.
Everything pedoanon said is correct.

>> No.52507535

forgot to reply to this
>yet you praise it,
I praise cosmos because it's not a huge VC scam that uses the evm

>> No.52507834
File: 487 KB, 3840x2160, 2A1DC77F-4945-4B5F-996F-E9E8D6203ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wouldn't be bullied if you didn't bully
your substantially dishonest. xcm posters have been wishing my suicide for a long time, while harassing various projects, before i gave up and just called them “fools” or equivalent. you’re pretending i would be a bully on the premise the tasteless behaviors should’ve been perpetuated.
the fundamental issue with bullies is that they believe someone, anyone, somewhat deserves to be bullied, this is false. they don’t understand what constitutes bullying because they are chads with no such experience, and they have a very biased memory of their own behaviors. you won’t see the difference between a group of people constantly harassing various targets, or a single entity stating its independent opinion.
also most of the time i called out the foolishness of anyone, i thought it were funny or lighthearted
in contrast your still copy-pasting my posts (and others) on xcm threads in order to mock them, calling it “tasty word soup”, or whatever. not that i care.

>> No.52507867
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>> No.52507879

plural, agian.
> i thought it were funny or lighthearted
>, calling it “tasty word soup”,
well i thought it were funny or lighthearted

Again, see the last sentence in the post you are replying to and re-read his posts.

>> No.52507950
File: 75 KB, 643x820, whoa nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn'tn't'st've read'nt as you cannot admit your wrongs hence useless discussion as usual

>> No.52508016

See you next year after avax goes to $0

>> No.52508065
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that anon says a lot of things correct, a lot which are completely wrong, and a lot being completely irrelevant to reality outside some convenient narrative one subscribe to in order to justify own’s behaviors. in contrast, you barely try understand my posts, perspective, or the structure of social systems.
what i’ve learned about this is to never expect bullies to improve their minds if one doesn’t want to become the new target. i should’ve just left silently.

>> No.52508223
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>a lot which are completely wrong, and a lot being completely irrelevant
Yet you seem to not make any effort to explain how he's wrong and how his points are irrelevant. Therefore, I cannot take anything you say seriously even if I want to. And to be very clear there is nothing I want more than for everyone to be frens with one another and one day you'll know why. But you simply cannot insult people for asking you to explain yourself with clear sentences. It's outrages if you really think about it. Anon not just asks, but offers to listen to your explanation with the only requirement being that you word your post in ways that make sense to him, such as food analogies. Yet you offend everyone by essentially refusing in the most insulting way possible. Saying "fuck you" to him asking you what exchanges have a natural value would be lest disrespectful than what you did.
I'm writing this not to bully you, but because I know that we all unable to leave this place and the only way to live happily in comfy threads is if we respect one another.

>> No.52508224
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>that anon says a lot of things correct, a lot which are completely wrong
Statement satirizes itself, projection
>you barely try understand my posts
see >>52506609, projection
>what i’ve learned about this is to never expect bullies to improve their minds
this is a weird statement given you are attacking the very same people who are defending you and asking that you tone down insulting them
>your substantially dishonest. xcm posters have been wishing my suicide for a long time
1person, your dishonesty claim is projection here as well.
>the fundamental issue with bullies is that they believe someone, anyone, somewhat deserves to be bullied, this is false
You are doing this very thing too lately so I don't think you're being very fair. projection.

>> No.52508341

anyone got source code for building shitcoin on pact? on bnb it was barely a 5 minute job.

>> No.52508397

here is the source code for the kda coin, copy it and there you go https://kadena-community.github.io/kadena-tools/docs/code-viewer.html

>> No.52508409

(create-shitcoin (shitcoin))

>> No.52508598



Anyone using Bitmain KA3 miner? How much KDA per day is reward?

Bitmain shows out of stock, but in stock on other websites. I don't want to scammed.

>> No.52508697
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s-sorry but i don’t see any hope of middle understanding. not saying this in a rude way (and never did) but there are to many fallacious assumptions about these claims or views. i’m not attacking anyone, i’ve only been trying to conceptually share my perspective, but considering how detached yours are, it always seems hopeless. i’m only asking you to observe the social structure instead of a “me vs you” argument.
>You are doing this very thing
never did. please mention the exact posts you believe to be bullying so we can have a better view about it.
i wasn’t only talking about this. the whole xcm community here is very harsh with the rest of these board and any opinion they disagree with. there are literally threads on alt-chans complaining about your behaviors.
>this is a weird statement given you are attacking
not sure what your talking about. if you believe to belong in any group, that’s a problem in itself. i’m not talking about anyone in particular, or generalizing . sorry if it looked like it. i’m just mentioning existing issues you should be investigating.
>you simply cannot insult people
never insulted anyone. if you believe being called out a fool is triggering, then this is a personal problem of yours which will have to be dealt with sooner or later. i legitimately believe this is helpful to you.
>food analogies
i try really hard to to make my posts simple. idea that food analogies are easier to understand is just an assumption. your nitpicking on meaningless things to avoid trying to understand me.
>than what you did
what the bunny did i do? i’m actually shocked you found any of my posts disrespectful to that degree. it would explain why you treat me so badly if you had such assumptions about me.
>only way to live happily in comfy threads
if “comfy” is held by bloody bullying, it was never comfy. this is the fundamental mistake i’m calling out. but i should’ve just left silently, my bad.

>> No.52508716

>i’m not attacking anyone, i’ve only been trying to conceptually share my perspective, but considering how detached yours are, it always seems hopeless
stopped reading.

>> No.52508777
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>there are literally threads on alt-chans complaining about your behaviors.
Highly highly dishonest. Genuinely baffling that you are still repeating this even though we discussed this, same with "posters" instead of "poster"
>i’m actually shocked you found any of my posts disrespectful to that degree
If I ask you something simple, and you do not reply to my question instead going off about something else that vaguely relates to the question, then that's very fucked up and I would rather have you reply with copypastas about lolis than that.
>bloody bullying
It's like you're not even reading anything we post.

>> No.52508938
File: 109 KB, 913x720, F7EDB6BD-20C9-4582-9639-561C36754CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write simple constructive criticism about coinmetro
>kewon’s cult get triggered and harass you again again
>tell them they dumbdumb
you simply don’t have infinite intelligence nor a perfect view of reality. me neither but i never got mad about it.
your over-confidence is a problem of your own, which is why i didn’t mind calling it out. i believe being triggering sometimes can be insightful. if it looked too insulting to you, i’m sorry. maybe i’m just autistic and over-rationalizing. i definitely should’ve just stayed alone forever.

>> No.52509043 [DELETED] 

Waste of 500 character.
Stop thinking in 4D, this is very simple, anon asked a question and you replied with vaporwave. I call this insulting because that's what it is (bullying in your dictionary).
The solution is simple, be respectful to people's wishes, it is in your best interest to do that because if you don't, you'll be stuck in an infinite loop of arguing about arguing and it even comes with benefits such as people enjoying to have you around. You say cult gets trigger yet Pedo anon is probably the anon that loves to have arguments the most on this board, and I bet your criticism would be welcome, what is not welcome is if you post your criticism then insult everyone by not replying to their replies instead keeping the (you)s and wasting our time then turining around and calling people low int because they just don't understand your vaporwave.

See >>52448627 >>52449322

>> No.52509080

Waste of 500 characters.
Stop thinking in 4D, this is very simple, anon asked a question, and you replied with vaporwave. I call this insulting because that's what it is (bullying in your dictionary).
The solution is simple, be respectful to people's wishes, it is in your best interest to do that because if you don't, you'll be stuck in an infinite loop of arguing about arguing, and it even comes with benefits such as people enjoying having you around. You say cult gets trigger yet pedo anon is probably the anon that loves to have arguments the most on this board, and I bet your criticism would be welcome, what is not welcome is if you post your criticism then insult everyone by not replying to their replies instead keeping the (you)s and wasting our time then turning around and calling people low int because they just don't understand your vaporwave replies.

See >>52448627 >>52449322

>> No.52509158
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>people take suicideposting as legitimate
this anon has been cringe suicideposting for over a year in these threads, it's annoying as fuck
entire threads get derailed due to "muh feelings"
bitch shut the fuck up and go cry to your nonexistent father or something
go hit the gym or kys yourself already fucking loser

>> No.52509182

>entire threads get derailed due to "muh feelings"
If you think this is unintentional then you are mistaken.

>> No.52509244

Re-reading >>52419573, and it seems like I was pretty much spot on here >>52509080

It's more like
>write simple constructive criticism about coinmetro
>kewon cult asks you question
>tell them actual nonsense
>tell them they dumbdumb
I hope you're seeing what I'm seeing here

>> No.52510091

tongue my anus

>> No.52510160
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n-not vaporware. the question itself is wrong. my replies were as honest and helpful as i could, but i understand why you would think they were nonsense. they. if you want a direct food-related answer, imagine the infinite fractal of a brocoli's shape. https://www.salon.com/2021/02/09/what-makes-romanesco-broccoli-so-mathematically-perfect/ governments and corporations are layered on top of each others, but there is no begining nor end, and the mechanism is always identical. reasoning around "what creates what" is misleading in and of itself.
if you want to bully me with out-of-context screencaps, do whatever, you will be happy nevertheless. w-whatever bye.
will never call out toxicity again, learned the hard way. sorry. bye.

>> No.52510211 [DELETED] 

You learned nothing

>the question itself is wrong.
The question which exchange has a natural value is wrong?
The only answer is "none" or "exchange X" what is wrong about that.

>> No.52510267 [DELETED] 

deleted because I feel like I don't really care

>> No.52510399
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thanx for the negativity. i definitely learned a lot of things about psychology. i just hope xcmies don't hate me too much, kadena and coinmetro have been my fav projects.
>The question which exchange has a natural value is wrong
i wasn't talking about this question but the one about governments
if you also want a direct response to this one, my previous posts were discussing coinmetro in a conceptual sense, not relatively to other exchanges. of course every exchanges is trying to maximize valuation in more or less honest ways. i said i didn't want to fud, but it was implied price floors simply aren't honest, even if it might be less worse than competitor, and how xcmies have no governmental value, nor legal or smart-contract financial bindings protecting their meanings. please explore the idea i'm sharing instead of going into a "me vs you" arguments. i don't share this mindset at all.
a-as you wish. bye. have fun being happy.

>> No.52510683
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Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude. I don't think anyone hates you, even anon said he just finds you annoying and that's probably as bad as it gets, anyone who does hate you is mentally ill I think.
I just hope you understood my explanation about why people got mad and started dissecting you. I would like to note the absurdity of multiple anons writing essays about this to probably the only anon on this board that can't real with it due to the high anxiety levels that you have. Still I'm not trying to defend you, they are right.
>the one about governments
Can't recall this.
>i said i didn't want to fud
You could, just actually reply to the exact things people ask you about instead of ranting
Because in the end..
>price floors simply aren't honest
..I think no one would disagree with you about this.

Anyway, see ya tomorrow.

>> No.52510748

>bigoted actors
why are you here again?

>> No.52510925

Ah, Asuka finally realised kadena is scamdena.

>> No.52511015

she didn't sell
like the rest of us she fell for her own bullshit
its funny in a way

>> No.52512185 [DELETED] 
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>I just hope you understood my explanation
honestly, i do. i merely called you out for being toxic with people and projects outside xcmies circle (i.e. non-constructvely mocking arguments for pos or against pow, mocking projects with non-white workers, mocking anyone who disagree with you in general, aproving the behavior of anons harassing others to suicide, etc), and it may seem toxic to you. this is true for your perspective, since in the end it's entirely relative. you're right about one thing though, it's a never ending loop of toxicity and i took the bait. i should've ignored such behaviors from the start. at the beginning i had lots of hope and expection in you, and really thought i could help you bootstrap some introspective understandings, but it turned out disapointing very quickly. i'm sorry, i was foolish. i will just completely ignore social things from now on, and only talk about pure abstraction.
>they are right
it's a belief. maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. you simply don't know. if you think you do, you know even less.
>see ya tomorrow
no... bye.
i like to talk about web3, but everytime i forget that people are annoyed by my presence
i've always been extremly critical about kadena, if not one of the biggest fudbot. i like this project, but not in a technological nor financial way.

>> No.52512393 [DELETED] 

>projects with non-white worker
> harassing others to suicide
Stopped reading, labeling me as a racist and all in general bad person, when I've been nothing but nice and humoring your every post, fucking outrageous. You are really some sort of self sabotaging machine.
Speed running every possible run to get people to dislike you.

>> No.52512660 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 1253x1770, F579A6F1-8ADE-4E5D-B108-B219B7AD654D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sorry didn’t want to say anything detrimental to anyone’s reputation, but you haven’t been nice to me at all. literally making fun of me with your xcmies friends every time i post anything, or trying to vilify me so that everyone hates me and disregard everything i say. i really don’t want to play that game of mutual destruction but you beg for it and it’s such a simple and convenient way to get (you)s

>> No.52512982
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>I think no one would disagree with you about this
which is why it only needed to be implied. you’ve been literally making fun of me for being too obscure, with a misleading screencap and all, and now you believe the answer is obvious. give me a break.

whatever, thanx for the (you)s. i only invested intellectual efforts into social systems with you, because you seem to have a good leadership charisma and intentions, as a moderator of few communities. i thought everything i used to post where helpful, either constructively or connectively, even if they were poorly formatted due to mental illness. i was wrong. it backfired really hard and nothing improved. i’m not saying it’s your fault, i’m really bad at expressing anything and still learning how to interact with human constructs. looks like it’s really not my thing. bye.

>> No.52513841

> with due respect to kadena developers and funposters, ecosystem is a reflection of the underwhelming platform design / implementation and bigoted actors within community. these aren’t separated issues
> angry trannies/identity politics fanatics can’t code
Oooh the gloves are off