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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52500992 No.52500992 [Reply] [Original]

Short men make less money.

>> No.52501029

Kek, one you can control one you can't. Life on easy mode.

>> No.52501030
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Yet this man is 5'1" and he has billions

>> No.52501053


There are outliers, but the vast majority of short men make less money than their taller counterparts.

>> No.52501057

IQ correlates much more with earnings than height.

>> No.52501065

men looking like eldery women with skin conditions heading for jail also make less money

>> No.52501073

>tall men earn more than short men
Every man knows this but nobody advocates for it. I blame feminists.

>> No.52501084

I’m gonna make 6 figures a year working at Subway because I’m 6’2.

>> No.52501099

Maybe poorer people eat shittier goyslop instead of actual food, so they weigh more on average than those who make more money? Employers don’t force women onto scales and deduct money for fatties.

>> No.52501106


If there are two men of equal intelligence and knowledge, both working at the same company, statistics say the probability of that short man being passed over for promotion in favor of his taller counterpart, is definitely significant.

Hell, even if the taller man was of lesser intelligence, statistics says he will still be favored for promotion over the short man.

And the taller man will have more mating opportunities than shorter men and overall a better life because he will be treated better.

>> No.52501112

>Shop at whole foods
>Most people are white and thin
>Go to Walmart
>Everyone is fat and black

>> No.52501123

Whole Foods whites are usually onions infused libtards tho who rather would have Goy Slop but Artificial Meat

>> No.52501139
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How can short men overcome this income disparity?

>> No.52501149

>Man, it's almost like they want attractive people to make more money.
Ah, duh.

>> No.52501158

Not in my town. It's mostly whites and blacks.

>> No.52501164

Next time learn proper posture and lift heavy weights BEFORE puberty.

>> No.52501166

Tom cruise
Daniel Radcliffe

>> No.52501174

> Hell, even if the taller man was of lesser intelligence, statistics says he will still be favored for promotion over the short man.
no you cannot prove this. I agree with you if they have the same intelligence but you cannot get outcompetet by smarter competition
> And the taller man will have more mating opportunities than shorter men and overall a better life because he will be treated better.
better life if it comes to hedonistic degeneracy, worse life if it comes to health

>> No.52501178

>worse life if it comes to health
Chad can easily out run you and lift more than you.

>> No.52501274

guys I have theory
women don’t want tall men (just) because they are more attractive
they want tall men because of other people; a shorter man gets called short and women get insecure having a short man
women have less power in this world, that’s why they hide ugliness behind makeup and cute dresses, show skin to get attention and choose tall man to appear more powerful

>> No.52501298
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>you can lose weight
>but can't get taller

>> No.52501303

>>worse life if it comes to health
>Chad can easily out run you and lift more than you.
enjoy dying <70yo with cardiovascular issues

>> No.52501365
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>but can't get taller

Considering you get paid more the taller you are, the surgery will pay for itself by increased wages.

>> No.52501506

Ah yeah unlike those based obese negros at Walmart, amirite?

>> No.52501527

If you look deeply into the research, you'll find that earnings are not controlled by height as a fully grown adult, but are more strongly determined by height at age 15. The implication being that men who were tall as teenagers developed a strong sense of self-confidence and became natural leaders.

>> No.52501679

It’s more this really. Those guys earning more are in better jobs because of self confidence and eagerness to participate in the rat race. They suffered much less trauma than smaller, weaker men who’ve already been jaded by the insincerity and cruelty of humanity so they aim lower. Short guys can earn a lot if they have intelligence and confidence, but it’s rarer among them for obvious reasons.

>> No.52501758

1000$ per cm is not much.

>> No.52502007
File: 142 KB, 740x1063, 740full-warwick-davis-3675629558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beautiful man is 3'6" and makes more than all of /biz/ and /tv/ combined

>> No.52502020


>> No.52502980

>just break your legs bro

>> No.52503149

That's a well formed little nigga!

>> No.52503212

So much short fag copium hahahaha

>> No.52503313

Imagine being a tiny little bit of a man. You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed. You almost roll off and fall to your death. Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is. You climb down. Now you see an ant. The giant brute lumbering toward you. The smell of tiny man meat intoxicating the insect. You run, or more like you hop, towards the safety of a small crack in the wall not even the ant can fit in. Take a moment to rejoice and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You're so small you can see every individual ray of light. Hungry from your morning adventure you decide to eat. Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you. You eat barely a third of a neutron and you're stuffed. That's when you notice you've accidentally begun to fall through the very fabric of existence. You grasp out but everything is too big to hold onto. You fall into the abyss.

It'd suck being a midge.

>> No.52503392

/biz/, home of the creative writer and potential fetishist

>> No.52503403

Weight you can change easily, height you can't change at all. The world is a nice and fair place.

>> No.52503416
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>> No.52503431

based take

>> No.52503432

But IQ and height also correlate.

>> No.52503442

heads of state are usually short though it seems

>> No.52503538

>no you cannot prove this. I agree with you if they have the same intelligence but you cannot get outcompetet by smarter competition

lmao you've never been in sales before have you

>> No.52503655

>machine learning
>daily mail

>> No.52503686

$1000 is not very much money

>> No.52503710


>> No.52503936
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fucking kek

>> No.52504646

as if an extra $1000 makes all the difference, get the fuck out of here

>> No.52504820
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So where's my money then

>> No.52507025
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>> No.52507083

The trick is to get a wfh job and position your camera low, hr roasties treat me like a chad since instarted doing this

>> No.52507135

Not sure about money but supposedly taller guys have bigger dicks *on average* and after learning this my 5'9" ass is eternally blackpilled

>> No.52507156


I’m a 5’4 turbo manlet making 300k

>> No.52507216


Hmm I don’t think this is true, I’m not huge but a solid 7x5.5, despite being in the bottom 2% of height

>> No.52507223

Taller men usually ate more and healthier food during childhood and got exercise, which correlates with the parents having means, which correlates with better education and Healthcare overall. Think about a white kid that went to private school vs a Hispanic immigrant, which one is likely to be taller and which was one is likely to have a better job?

>> No.52507371

Why would you use machine learning to statistically analyse 1,000 data points LMAO, it would literally be faster to do it by hand.

>> No.52507423

You're missing the point, of course there are outliers
My point is that women believe tall men have bigger cocks thus selecting their mate accordingly
Maybe in your bloodline the men walked around with their above-average penises exposed so it didn't matter how tall they were

>> No.52507485

LM fucking AO

>> No.52508210

we are not talking about exceptions

>> No.52508252

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

>Casino with BTC main currency
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>Up to 20% CashBack bonus and the best benefits

>> No.52508412

*buys shoes larger than my foot size*
*puts comfy insoles so I'm comfy & taller*
Its that easy

>> No.52508428

If women have to lose weight to earn more than you need to grow taller to earn more. Fair is fair.

>> No.52508436

i dont get why tall men make fun of manlets, thats literally woman behavior.. they should treat their fellow kings well..

>> No.52508461

This is old but I forgot about it and its hilarious

>> No.52508486


>in your bloodline

Lol the weird thing is my extended family are all normal height, my dad was an even bigger turbo manlet than me though, being even shorter than his sister by a few inches. My uncles, cousins, grandparents are all normal height, dad was a super manlet and he gave me the manlet genes. Genetically it makes no sense, I almost think my grandmother cheated with a manlet or something

>> No.52508496

That copy pasta is from /tv/.

>> No.52508539

Nah, bizcels are fucking dumb. Just regurgitating the smart stuff form other boards. The only thing we have here is pink wojaks, mumu and bobo

>> No.52508555

Kek no way this is true

>> No.52508615

>blatantly obvious sociology factors exist

>> No.52508648
File: 235 KB, 750x420, FC9AE9F0-2FB1-47EB-953A-6FE31DD40E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>machine learning
>it’s just a weighted least squares fit


>> No.52508679

Per cm tho so the difference between someone who's 5'8 and 6'0 is $10,000

That being said since I got hired during the worker shortage of 21 and I know how to haggle I make 7k more than a chap about 10 cm taller than me even though he arguably does more work. He even has a masters degree LMAO

>> No.52508681

>obese women
Well... that's obviously wrong

>> No.52508728

>women care more about penis size than the obvious advantage of being bigger/having a longer reach/ being harder to hit in the head/can run faster etc

This is your young mind on porn

>> No.52509739

I imagine this is heavily skewed by "CEO class" men having being raised reasonably well and as such tending to reach 6'0 where they would have been 5'10 as a middle class normie, or 5'8 as poor gutter trash.

Being of considerable mass does automatically earn you some baseline "respect" among men, but probably makes you a target for effeminate male sociopaths, and if you're ugly it works against you in the modern female dominated workplace. Being large can also "shoehorn" you into a role of "big dumb retarded gorilla nigger" in people's collective perception

>> No.52509800

>implying women are capable of thinking about anything besides base level desires on a moment to moment basis
Nice try my summer friend

>> No.52510804
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>> No.52511552
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>be attractive
>don't be unnatractive

>> No.52513063

> Taller men usually ate more and healthier food during childhood and got exercise
Height is almost entirely genetic. As long as you’re not severely malnourished, then you’ll likely reach your genetic potential.

>> No.52513119

the system works!

>> No.52513275
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never understood why men below 6' don't just off themselves when they realize their growth period is over. why live a life of pure suffering when you know nobody will ever have any respect for you?

>> No.52513284

Foot size is a better indicator of dick size.

>> No.52513327

But at least height correlates to intelligence. Controlling for race and brain mass I imagine the difference is much smaller.

Controlling for attractiveness I'm sure it disappears almost entirely since being short makes you less attractive, regardless of facial features and fitness

>> No.52513386

But anon...I simply don't give a fuck.

>> No.52513392

I'm over 6' and wish I was 5'11

>> No.52513404
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>But anon...I simply don't give a fuck.
>wish i was shorter!!
LMAO. dream on larping midget.

>> No.52513435

Are most poors not severely malnourished?

>> No.52513451

I don't see why a human should have to be over 6' just sorta unique and monstrous at that point.

>> No.52513470

His dad is a good indicator too.

>> No.52513496

>wtf being respected, earning more money and having hot women soak their panties by just looking at your height alone in just monstrous!!!

midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget

>> No.52513521

I wish I was cute and short. I see lots of short guys with gfs, maybe last gen thought tall is hot but more and more femboys are popping up in grain fed society. You must be old.

>> No.52513567

"turbo" comes from the 300k or from the whining sound you make when excited?

>> No.52513568

Short and fat people should pay me money to have to be around them.

>> No.52513637

6 foot 2 as well. It has helped me get laid a lot. Other than that however much money I make is on me

>> No.52513942

>implying women know that and dont just care about dick size to body ratio

>> No.52514072

No it's on your height. You make money because you're tall. It's not your IQ or your hard work. And that's totally fine.

>> No.52514094
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>richest men in the world are short
>"well yeah, there are outliers"

>> No.52514104

Holy shit what a bunch of manlets.

>> No.52514156

It’s kind of like “rich men have hot wives” which is generally true but then you list the top 5 and show their ugly wives.

Also I think there is some psychology going on. An alpha who is also a manlet is going to be supremely motivated in business and have some killer instincts.

>> No.52514160

Also the retarded love affair with athletics
If people stopped caring about sports freak shows it’d be less of a problem

>> No.52514192
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Why is everyone on the internet either 6'1 chad or a 5'8 goblin. (t. 5'11 king of manlets)

>> No.52514204

>Why is everyone on the internet either 6'1 chad or a 5'8 goblin
Hence why the average male height is about 5'10.

>> No.52514230

Now control for race.

>> No.52514254

6'1" here and I have noticed people just listen to me even when I don't know what I'm talking about.

It got me into a leadership role in tech and I make a good income doing not much.

>> No.52514292
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the real answer is a lot of minorities are shorter than whites on average. Whites will make the most money because of population density and many have higher IQs and good business/family connections.

It makes sense that Bezos (formerly richest) is like 5’7” so he cucks out and divorces his wife giving her half his fortune. Musk (6’2”) is autistic enough to have a kid with Grimes but at least casually impregnates coworkers. His father is the ultra Chad tho grooming his step daughter into having kids with him. Nice.

>> No.52514448

5'6 prettyboy here. taller men will always use their height to get what they want over you. chads will cuck you but at the same time find you cute and adorable. women taller than you will either treat you like a child or bully you (yes, bully). its rare to ever get bullied by another guy if you are a prettyboy i was only ever bullied by stacies growing up. nobody ever validates your masculinity, nobody will ever respect you. you deal with alot of sexual frustration from men and women who will find you attractive but hate that you are short and then hate themselves for wanting you. In terms of sexual relationships you can have casual sex with many different kinds of women tall or short but when it comes to lasting relationships they wont want to be with you.

The outside world was not built for prettyboys. it is built for chads and normies which is why i spend almost all of my time online where my height makes no difference. ive made thought provoking posts on here before that people have screencapped which gives me validation that im not as stupid or dumb like everybody assumes. I knew from a pretty young age that i would never be able to succeed in that outside world and if i had any chance at finding success in life it would be a place like here where my height didnt matter.

>> No.52514937
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>more evidence for physiognomy
And yet (((scientists))) still deny the reality of divination.

>> No.52515360

manlet trolling. go look at /fit/ sometime. This board is already pretty shit sometimes we don't need more shit report this thread

>> No.52515377

I can confirm, I do contract work for dozens of F500s and i'm average height at 6'2".

>> No.52515384
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where are all the 7ft billionaires at. oh wait *ACK

>> No.52515656
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Fat women may make less money but they have more sex
>be fat woman
>seen as a easier to fuck because you're ugly
>more people fuck you
See? Simple as. Life as manlet = no sex and less money
Life as a fat woman means more sex and more money. Even fat hr roasters that look like picrel get paid more than me, a 5'4 gentleman because of a few inches of height. Sad!

>> No.52515728

Does it though? If I remember correctly they might both have been around 0.2 but I could be wrong. I suspect that they're both correlated with overall healthy genetics and health is the thing that really matters

>> No.52516680


>> No.52516693

How come every druglord kin pin is a manlet then?
Lanklets in the mud

>> No.52516899

Based I'm 6'1

>> No.52516926

billions in illiquid assets is not billions

>> No.52516946

And this is wrong because why? I don’t mind if fatties and manlets open their own company where they only employ their kind. We’ll see who does better kek.

>> No.52517190

Yet most of the billionaires are short men

>> No.52517196


>> No.52517335

i know plenty of short drs, lawyers, programmers, and entrepreneurs who are filthy rich. this is a retarded demoralizing post by a lanktard.

>> No.52519052
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>> No.52519250

>Be woman
>Stay on any shape that isn't an amorphous blob and you are guaranteed a good salary and a decent man, and if you get fit you can even high ranking men and better salaries
>Be man
>Have to be minimally fit to be noticeable, and good luck if you are manlet because you'll get paid less and the only "viable" option to cure that involves pain, the possibility of being cripple and a shit ton of money that you don't have because of your lower salary to begin with
At this rate and with the help of feminists the average woman will live not on easy mode but cinematic Sony experience mode.

Out of those on the list half of them are very well on their late 70s-early 80s. In fact only the Zucc is the only one on the list who hasn't reached his 40s.
And notice how none of them are smaller than 1.70. By normie standards 1.75 is not considered short (in theory at least,subconciously they all fucking lie to the manlets around that height)