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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52501854 No.52501854 [Reply] [Original]

I solded in December, why didn't you?

>> No.52502041

aryan chad

>> No.52502114

your from the future?
tell us what happens?

>> No.52502563

December hasn’t happened yet dumbass. But yes, tell us what you know.

>> No.52502694
File: 32 KB, 764x645, C59BCDA8-7289-4ED3-A6C4-42404D600096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course i did im not retarded. but i also recently bought again

>> No.52502959

Touhou Library Survivors,OP

>> No.52502973

In my country you have to hold 12 months+ for tax free gains. In December I had 3 months left.. I thiought I would stick it out. But when everything started crashing I fugured I might aswell hold. Oh well.. still six figures right now but lost like 390k so far. Fucking hell.

>> No.52502992 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 907x1280, photo_2022-11-18 13.06.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look guys DINOLFG

They bought a domain http://dextools.com and automatically takes you to the chart.
The team is about to reveal itself soon. It's someone from a larger project from 2020-2021

>> No.52503013

I fell for the "lengthening cycles" / "we haven't had a blow off top yet" memes like a fucking retard, then I coped as it crashed, and after it already crashed so much I figured there wasn't much point selling (though I should have because it kept going lower)

>> No.52503094

Well i didnt solded, what i did in fact was that i SELLED not solded. Learn english correctly

>> No.52503152 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting ur money anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair Bitcoins games.
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair

>> No.52503157

>Lengthening Cycles & Diminishing Returns
Listening to cowen and his bullshit made me hold until 30k

>> No.52503578

Because I needed the markets to pump just a little more to reach the goal I had set. I should have sold the second I heard that faggot word omicron, and if not then, when the Bogs died.

>> No.52503593

Im dumb, newfag, and didn't learn to read charts yet

>> No.52503711

Same here German Bro. But I got rekt even harder

>> No.52503948

I lost ~$14,000

i'm done with trying to get rich I think

>> No.52504115

I sold november last year made bank. Buying in january and starting DCA for all of 2023 again because every penny counts.

>> No.52504127

Turned 2k into 180k - by January it was worth 10k. Then my neetbux got cut off and I already have nothing left.

>> No.52504184

Because I thought were were going to $100k

>> No.52504242
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I sold in January

>> No.52505729

jeez bro..good luck next run, we'll make it eventually.

>> No.52505853

I soldered in November got bored and lost 80 % lev trading ( i was mostly short too kek)

>> No.52506011

>nooooo I dont want to pay 30% tax
>instead I will hold and lose 80%

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.52506461
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I also solded December 1rdst but only like 15% of my stack lol im stoopy
live and learn

>> No.52506586

I believe we all have learned our lesson to always take profit whenever we see it and probably have good assets and risk management skills. I sold 80% of my stack following the crisis between Ukraine and Russia. I'm glad It was a good acumen, but I bought at some point, and the terra USD and FTX debacle screwed everything.

>> No.52506654
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I'm not an homosexual.

Just bought more $ZOO (ZooDAO) by the way thanks for the buy reminder.

>> No.52506675
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Definitely, but not all will make it. I mean projects. I believe those building and innovating will show high resilience. I think we might likely see a further decline in price. What do you think?

>> No.52506677

Not going to sell at a massive loss. I either keep buying more during these trying times to sell like a champ if next cycle actually materializes or I'll die with my shit by my side.

>> No.52506679

>zoodao: greater purpose for nfts
>not a homosexual
i think you are lying to yourself here anon

>> No.52506684
File: 130 KB, 1062x1062, Anon Todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont fuckin know op leave me the fuck alone

>> No.52506688

Stay poor faggot

>> No.52506912

Buy the rumor sell the jews
always take profits, and set selling points that you adhere to no matter how euphoric you may be
We are at the perfect range to begin DCA'ing in my opinion, stuff that I thought I was priced out of in 2020-2021 I can now buy multiple make it stacks of, chilling hard

>> No.52507529

>i also recently bought again
you are retarded

>> No.52507556

Its still November, retard.

>> No.52507560

>We are at the perfect range to begin DCA'ing in my opinion, stuff that I thought I was priced out of in 2020-2021 I can now buy multiple make it stacks of, chilling hard
this is how they get your money back
there's no more bullrun coming. you're just throwing your money away lol

>> No.52507763

>this time it's different
who are you trying to fool, kike
you are literally a living bottom signal

>> No.52507786

yes yes
everyone who disagrees with you is a "bottom signal"
le crypto cycle will continue forever because it just has to!
continue to throw your money away lol

>> No.52507847
File: 106 KB, 640x775, 1665771809604870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your first post was calling someone retarded for buying
to claim that there will never be another bullrun ever is to claim that crypto is dead and inevitably going to zero
Now after all the implosions and black swan events crypto still seems to be holding up around the ATH levels in 2017,
$500B mcap doesn't seem dead to me
go back to gargling peter schiffs golden nutsack or something
Glad you're more concerned of what I do with my money than I a, very thoughtful anoni

>> No.52508000
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I only play the markets during bull runs and laugh at the pink wojaks during bear markets.

>> No.52508038

>We are at the perfect range to begin DCA'ing in my opinion
Of course we are. This is what I'm doing with a few alts: dot, eth, geeq, and dydx. If btc hits 12k, I will go fully in, but as it is, eth remains my top pick, and if it happens that it goes below sub-1k, which I definitely know is possible, I will still have a decent stack.
with the shill centered on link and hbar. I don't think I'd want to look into that now pending when I feel it is best to flow with the wave.

>> No.52508079
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If I were not here in the last bear market, I would practically fall for your retarded view and thoughts of things. No doubt, this season might be prolonged. The amount I have in the space is nothing compared to what I have outside running for me. Be smart, son.

>> No.52508144

I'm glad we have smart individuals who know what is up for grabs. Despite the clampdown in price as a result of the saga, innovation and improvement in existing tech are not halted. There has been a massive flow of innovative concepts spanning utility from DeFi to real-life application. I believe that with time, many organizations and enterprises will find DLT useful because of the edge it has over conventional EDI. The space is just getting started and getting better, and I wouldn't want Jeet in this biz to fool anybody.

>> No.52509576

That sucks bro, sorry for your loss but hopefully at least you learn for next time that sometimes you just gotta take it where you can get it.