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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52502828 No.52502828 [Reply] [Original]

Caroline really was *special* wasn't she...

>> No.52502844


>> No.52502847

Still talking about this dumb whore
Buy her only fans or smth and stop shitting this board

>> No.52502912

and I thought I was a bad trader...

>> No.52502990

She be grippin

>> No.52502998

but then how did they actually lose the money lol

>> No.52503008

They spent it on drugs and other stuff

>> No.52503132

HAHAHA can't get liquidated and still lost billons. HAHAHAHAHA I can't wait until is revealed she was as dumb as she was ugly and the only reason she was in her position was because it was the only pussy those nerds at FTX ever had access to.

>> No.52503143

Well a small personal loan of 1 billion to Sam must've been a part of it. Or was that 300 million?

>> No.52503175

when fuckign sex video i wanna see some giant autist dick spreading that little squssy

>> No.52503188

You try closing a trade with -$2 Billion PnL

>> No.52503190

I hope the people who fell for that are tourists. If you believe that shit is real I have shitcoins to sell you

>> No.52503234

You just don't understand what it's like to chase the weasel

>> No.52503245

>it was the only pussy

she was grippy though

>> No.52503294

What the fuck does a grippy pussy mean/feel like though

>> No.52503318

eat shit you faggot leftist. we will hunt down democrats and make them suffer and pay for their sins.

>> No.52503331

STEM genius

>> No.52503342

There's a difference between falling for it and wanting it to be real. I know it's fake but still want to see the weasel get PINNED.

>> No.52503345

they also could see all orders too.

They had god mode on and lost

>> No.52503352

it literally holds on to your penis when you pull out, inside out like a reverse tentacle

>> No.52503364

>but then how did they actually lose the money lol

i think its a matter that the, like every other shitcoin, the whole house is built on a foundation of an issued token that is not collateralized, its just an "open market".

This is the ultimate talmund magic...

They did give a billion dollars to sfb, 600 million each to several execs, and according to that filing doc, bascially it was personal slush fund that was dolled out based on a chat/IM channel where people would ask for cars/houses/whatever and shit just got bought.

that doc says "there is not even an HR database of employees". They literally can't tell who works there...

fucking kek.

>> No.52503415

if we pool together some monero how expensive is it to get some legit porn house to make a imitation of this
i too now want to see a weasel get pinned by a goblin in a beanbag fort surrounded by chanting robed figures eyes wide shut style

>> No.52503435

Im in a van outside your house. We have on you.

>> No.52503459

It actually makes perfect sense. When you have small obstacles in your way, you learn from the experience of encountering those obstacles and you become more resilient. When you remove obstacles, you keep persisting in error until finally you meet the obstacle that is too large for you to overcome because you have no built up resilience.

It is expected that those who cheat, cheat themselves in the end.

>> No.52503591

damn must be nice to be a kike

>> No.52503677

Reddit is down the hall

>> No.52503706


>> No.52504920
File: 4 KB, 250x206, qt32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They funded something in the Usa Administration you retards
You would deposit crypto, they would sell it instantly to get the dollar our
You would deposit dollar and buy bitcoin, they would keep the dollar and leave you paper bitcoin
You would trade, you would get countertraded

>> No.52505021

this. you can turn off the gay ass story line bots now. we get your story.

>> No.52505052

they also had privileged API to front-run literally everyone
but i still remember SBF interview claiming Alameda was a totally separated entity using public API...

>> No.52505138

The whole inner circle used it as a personal slush fund. They didn't even keep records.

>> No.52506234

Effective altruism is the most based philosophy. Me becoming super rich and indulging in hedonistic fetishes is fully justified because it means I can donate more to (((abstract))) causes.

>> No.52506502

eat shit you faggot /pol/migrant.
moving to someone else's homeland because it has better prospects without learning their culture is immoral, learn some shit or you're no better than a mexican who doesn't learn english crossing the rio.

>> No.52506565

*alternatively just bring over enough /pol/chuds that you can eradicate /biz/ culture like you're allowing the mexicans to eradicate american culture even though you care so much to stop it
Thanks for the laugh

>> No.52506644

Well, the necessary money to keep their positions open has to come from somewhere...

>> No.52506826

BIG grippin nigga.

>> No.52509131

Sounds more like an issue with you not being able to get a woman properly wet than it does something to be sought after. Wet pussy does not grip anything.

>> No.52510310

tight pussy basically