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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 1594x527, lcxvolume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52499621 No.52499621 [Reply] [Original]

volume is starting to explode. is this the time a regulated exchange run by one scammer and pajeets out of a crack den takes over the euro market for good?

>> No.52499662
File: 44 KB, 1577x517, xcmvolume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinmetro volume for comparison... dead exchange hasnt seen a day over 5m volume since may

why are pajeets always finishing on top bros?

>> No.52499669
File: 160 KB, 2910x532, LCX dot com don't waste time log on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are wash trading. You can't buy more than a couple of hundred dollars without getting rekt by low liquidity

>> No.52499675
File: 456 KB, 1603x1553, 1668439689981288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52499690

reminder that Monty is a certified scammer

>> No.52499693

one word: cope

>> No.52499704
File: 96 KB, 1824x408, 1000x better liquidity than LCX and still not very good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really shouldn't be bringing attention to how an exchange with less volume has better liquidity. It makes LCX look like a scam

>> No.52499717

The Pajeet who writes your blog posts agrees with me. In their own words from four days ago:
>2. Liquidity – Liquidity is another important factor to evaluate before deciding on the right exchange. An exchange with good liquidity will have many users/traders who are frequently trading. The liquidity in a crypto exchange can also be determined by looking at trading volume. The higher the volume of trade, the better the results.

>> No.52499718

it literally is a scam i agree. its just a more successful scam than coinmetro is what im getting at. have you seen their office bros? its a scam shop

>> No.52499726

Oh okay. Glad we could clear that up.

>> No.52499741

are you a slow learner or did u just comment with a frenzied haste without reading my post?

>> No.52499754

I agreed with you. You are very confrontational anon.

>> No.52499775

thats crazy i was agreeing with you from before you even posted. i just appreciate the bumps so i may continue comparing the charts at the top of this thread.

one picture really does tell 1000 scams

>> No.52499799

K, keep me posted.

>> No.52499827

I sure will. Currently it seems LCX has been pulling more volume than coinmetro since about september which is CRAZY considering the nature of LCX has a scam with indian ties and a dusty crackhouse of an office... im not sure where that leaves coinmetro but it must be someplace below even a crackhouse scam organization which is really hard to believe.

ill let u know if anything changes but its not looking good for coinmetro holders as of the current time currently

>> No.52499834

If lcx is such a scam why do you people make threads about it every day? There's a fuckload of fake and gay scams in the top 1k, why is this one so worth talking about all the time?

>> No.52499843

i have no idea but i wouldnt give it too much thought or precious brainpower

>> No.52499883

Why didn't you just make a Coinmetro thread if it is clearly what you want to talk about?

>> No.52499914

i think coinmetro is a scam as the volume graphs at the top of this post reflect. this suggests that LCX being a scam and run out of a dirty crack shed would mean coinmetro is literally worse than even that....

im not sure how that is even possible given LCX is fudded so much on this board but I believe coinmetro is dead for good

>> No.52500005

this is a crazy image of LCX being indian and a scam. im guessing you not only wrote the LCX fud in the thread but also created the image to create the illusion that multiple anons all share the view you have crafted?

>> No.52500599

so can anyone explain why LCX has more volume than CoinMetro??

>> No.52500614
File: 183 KB, 317x699, OP-His-Thread-His-Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52500765

that seems to be the number of people trading on coinmetro over the last few months... what happened???/

>> No.52500768


>> No.52500807

yes as per my post, this is correct

>> No.52501238
File: 182 KB, 960x1280, photo_2022-06-09_23-09-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>volume is starting to explode.
It's all fake

>> No.52501314
File: 304 KB, 779x1383, lcx lying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the image you schizo.
>which is CRAZY
Wash trading is perfectly normal for a scam, there is nothing crazy about it, it would be crazy if they did not fake the volume.
>more successful scam than coinmetro
Faking volume has nothing to do with success anon
> I believe coinmetro is dead for good
> not looking good for coinmetro holders
I can buy 1 million worth of eth on coinmetro and barely impact the book, it's looking very good for coinmetro.

>> No.52502153
File: 218 KB, 1120x796, bananas.jpg.8c3e8d0fceabc819f8f773df76c5d9c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCX has elite WEF Illuminatti and Lichtenstein aristocracy making select trades worth many millions on their bespoke Lichtenstein platform. They are located in the strategic, economic and regulatory powerhouse that is Lichtenstein. They have many important contacts- their CEO, Monty, has written a letter to the Prince of Lichtenstein and been in the same building as Klaus Schwab, possibly at the same time. They are also the chosen Lichtenstein payment gateway for Quant (the future of CBDCs), pioneers in the tokenisation of diamonds held in secure Lichtenstein vaults, and are based in Lichtenstein.

Coinmetro has Europoors and /biz/ bagholders who trade ten euros of lowcaps and watch all of Kevin Murcko's amas. They do not have a significant presence within the cryptocurrency trading activities of the Lichtenstein aristocracy. Their main selling points are staking programs for assets no-one wants; regulatory compliance and understanding (but not Lichtenstein regulations); low trading fees; and not trading against, stealing from, or otherwise rugpulling their users. They are not based in Lichtenstein.

There's simply no worthwhile comparison to be had

>> No.52502158
File: 230 KB, 1080x1464, 1668438719008495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LCX has elite WEF Illuminatti

>> No.52502200

>Klaus brought SBF close so he could infiltrate FTX from the inside and destroy them- removing the only possible competition for Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchange, based in Liechtenstein

>> No.52502277

You are even sadder for staying here

>> No.52502934

you could buy 1 million worth of eth on coinmetro and literally double the daily volume KEK
>wash trading
this is baseless cope and its sad to see!

>> No.52502971
File: 60 KB, 1121x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is baseless cope
are you legaly blind? do you use a screen reader? do I need to type it out for you

>> No.52503022

does this explain why coinmetro only receives $1m (and declining) daily volume? KEK

>> No.52503032

No why would it explain that?

>> No.52503070

well its just a bit shocking that an exchange you heavily invested into (and now must hold whether you like it or not) cannot even hold 1/5th of the volume of an illiquid scam exchange.... even after being developed for years longer.... KEK baggie

>> No.52503090
File: 268 KB, 600x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot even hold 1/5th of the volume
Hold? You mean reach, right?
> of the volume of an illiquid scam exchang
Again, the volume numbers are made up so there is no comparison here, coinmetro has real volume and massive liquidity. I'm not sure how you are managing to make yourself think that $2 liquidity and fake volume is a good thing.

>> No.52503141

i mean retain, as in you are routinely slipping under $1m volume. soon this will be $800k, then $500k..... then.. KEK

>> No.52503156

coinmetro has real volume and massive liquidity.

>> No.52503165


>> No.52503168

What's funny about that?