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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 225x225, 1667864079595862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52497178 No.52497178 [Reply] [Original]

I've just about had it with /gme/ general. Literally nothing of substance in that general. It's gone beyond being a schizo general. At this point the people in there are literal zombies. I'd like to propose that we start 404ing /gme/ threads. Other generals I think warrant getting 404-ed are


Rocks discussion? On a /biz/ board? Come on. Who the fuck cares about boomer rocks. Take that shit to /out/,/an/, or /pol/

>/tlcg/ - Terra

This general is going to get the feds to raid this board. Ban them asap.


>> No.52497192

Ban all crypto posts

>> No.52497211

Ban all shiny rock dweebs that want to ban crypto

>> No.52497241

rock and stock general can stay crypto need to be kicked out of /biz/.

>> No.52497244

Dear janitorial assistants, please wordfilter Jew to white and kike to honkey. Then maybe /pol/tards will go back to their containment board.

>> No.52497296 [DELETED] 
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>Dear janitorial assistants, please wordfilter Jew to white and kike to honkey. Then maybe /pol/tards will go back to their containment board.

>> No.52497300
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You could just. You know. Filter the general name. You know.

>> No.52497302


>> No.52497406 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1014x866, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that jannies are trannies

>> No.52497413

Allow more /g/ technical overlap for money making schemes ie technical proficiency threads for mining, how to make a crypto, how to make yr own blockchain etc. Also how tos on increasing income for things like trades etc

>> No.52497451

You're actually retarded. You want to ban three threads on the entire board, while all day every day there are posts like
>how to profit from fuck prostitute
>pee pee poo poo
>why don't girls like me
And they're all frog posters. Even now there's a frog thread
>Sometimes I worry that I am speaking out loud instead of talking in my head and i've been getting into the habit of chewing gum so that if the gum falls out I know I was talking

And as of late there are the 50 ftx threads active at once time, only 5 of which might have a business related question with them. The Caroline Sam sex tape has nothing to do with business & finance. Whether or not the two have been arrested has nothing to do with business & finance. Whether or not Sam is a psychopath has nothing to do with business & finance.

This board is so polluted with non-business shit I don't understand how people even complain about the crypto spam, let alone the gme, pmg, terra shit.


>> No.52497456

you idiots are living in some fantasy dream world where the crypto posts would be replaced with loads of novel money making schemes and small business ideas that somehow can't exist now because of the big bad mean crypto threads

>> No.52497515

Don’t forget the /GME/ fags living in la la land.

>> No.52497535

Thread quality improves in a bear market because there’s actual discussion about how to make money instead of crypto faggots splooging over their gambling addiction. Right now the board is good, but agree why is there still a general for gme and terra. I’m ok w pmg at least it’s more than a fad. Frog posters are a necessary evil

>> No.52497603

You realize all the Degen shit is what makes this place /biz/? I agree sometimes it can be too much but having shitposting is what makes this place different than Bloomberg news or even reddit.

Fags like you make me want to bbc post

>> No.52497641

Shitposting related to business & finance is what makes it /biz/. Unrelated shitposting is what makes it /b/. I've been here since the end of '16 and it was nothing like this until the WSB exodus. If you want this shit go to /b/ or back to redshit fucking faggot

>> No.52497672
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>One meta thread allowed per board, Hiro's rules

>> No.52497711

normie take

>> No.52497756

Generals are great because they help contain all the retards in one place. Why the fuck you even going in them if you don't like what you see?

>> No.52497779

>Obvious frogposter can't come to terms with his faggotry

>> No.52497796

/Cry/ crypto containment thred

>> No.52497824

Even though I think lunc is a good gamble I agree with all your suggestions for removing the generals. Tclg is just delusional schizo baggies who are bagholdibg from 0.0003-0.0004 claiming they bought 10s of millions for beer money in May. There's no actual conversation to be had its just low iq poors talking about $1 eoy and ridiculous amounts of racism and trying to get people to kill alex/harass some of these people irl.

Get to work tranny jannies

>> No.52497827

This. Easy to filter out generals.

>> No.52497837
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A dead board is better than a bot board. Almost all crypto posts are bots or paid shills on the cent. Its actually hilarious how many people clearly feel for these scams & now lost their life savings.

kek baggie.

>> No.52497856

I know /biz/ was created to keep crypto posts from /g/. But why not just create a /crypto/ board and have /biz/ for actual business stuff.

>> No.52497862

I don’t know how to use filters

>> No.52497943

That's how /b/, /v/ and /pol/ died, shitposters. Twitter is now shitpost friendly, go there

>> No.52497961

Thread full of retarded trannies.
This site needs more frogposting to trigger these useless faggots to finally leave.

>> No.52498083

/pmg/ has seniority and are mostly unobtrusive so I don't see a problem
/gme/ is an embarrassment full of obnoxious retards and a monument to the worst thing to ever happen to this board so yes I agree it should be 404'd

>> No.52498137
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>I've just about had it with /gme/ general.

>> No.52498142

Lets keep the meta chatter on topic. Say something good about Mark Zuckerburg everyone. I think he's kinda cool and based. I think meta stock will come out in top in the end.

>> No.52498258
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>Harmless general exists and never bleeds out into anything else
>People screech loudly and angrily about it because they can't make it go away
>N-no we want the containment gotten rid of so they can just be in ALL of our boards talking about GME
Do it, free us. Let us roam in your halls and feast at your tables. Sounds like a fun time.

>> No.52498292

>t. retards
>But why not just create a /crypto/ board
because this IS the crypto board
there's 0 reason to have them seperated and if they are to be seperated it will be the stock fags that should be forced out

>> No.52498299 [DELETED] 
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Got this days ago. Nowhere near the shit others have posted.

>> No.52498327

Fuck off Alex.

>> No.52498379

Bullish for gme, pm's and terra

>> No.52498418 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1447x531, KIKEJANNIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz is ded
4chan is ded

>> No.52499862 [DELETED] 

It's ok.
I'll keep calling you juden, then

>> No.52499889

I was banned for saying jannies were behind the /pol/chud posting
The reason "racism"
I didn't even used slurs.

What a fags

>> No.52500044
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>Rocks discussion? On a /biz/ board? Come on. Who the fuck cares about boomer rocks. Take that shit to /out/,/an/, or /pol/

>> No.52500072

>post deluded /pol/ shit
>get banned
You retards demonstrate why /pol/ is a cancer, and that stormcucks are infinitely more cancerous than horsefuckers.

>> No.52500097
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>> No.52500155 [DELETED] 

We should kill Jews, for fun and profit.

>> No.52500166

you forgot the dumbest general we have: /xmr/. it is just the same first 10 copypasta posts together with totally organic circlejerk.

>> No.52500194


>> No.52500202

Flags like in /pol/ and /sp/

>> No.52500213

did you know the person who bakes all the threads for GME general is a jantior?
they should have long been banned from /biz/ permanently but that fat tranny keeps propping it up

>> No.52500224

I move to put forth the motion that /biz/ is not schizophrenic enough. All in favor say AY.

>> No.52500225

No! Ser no flag ser! How will I giv useful advice to not redem so vilege may redem first to eating ser!

>> No.52500229

God I miss the dog with bat generals.

Fuck those were cool.

Also 50b EOY

>> No.52500244
File: 1.54 MB, 845x1200, 1633371880681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waaaaah i hate there's a containment general

>> No.52500246

Retarded newfag. This board was LITERALLY MADE to keep all the btc spam/posts from /g/ in one contained board.

>> No.52500268

you will never, ever be welcome on 4chan reddit faggot
also an avatar faggot
kill yourself

>> No.52500291
File: 81 KB, 362x263, 1641846182139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah just alot of GME memes have him in it, sorry you just live in a world where a containment general made to protect your thin skin somehow has enough draw to it that it lives rent free in your tiny little skulll.

>> No.52500319

kill yourself reddit faggot
you will never be welcome here

>> No.52500333
File: 147 KB, 750x522, 1633102481745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.t pure raw autism from /smg/

>> No.52500379

emajuuuuun being a pooskin SO upset that he makes a thread BEGGING the janny to 404 a simple PS1 discussion general that occasionally talks about the stock market.

>> No.52500382

>actual business stuff
Without degen gambling we would only be left with discussing shrimp farming here.

>> No.52500397

It reeks of desperation.

>> No.52500403

nah we have ps1 nostalgia currently in the jimmies thread and it's based. garloid and shrimp farming are a close second though when not writing caroline x sam eroticas about weasel pinning.
>tfw megaman legends, legend of dragoon, and jade cocoon
you know?

>> No.52500413

They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.52500648
File: 305 KB, 365x559, Stop Stacking Wojack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rocks discussion? On a /biz/ board? Come on. Who the fuck cares about boomer rocks. Take that shit to /out/,/an/, or /pol/

Oh look, it's you again. You must really hate people stacking wealth which is why I made this gif of you.

>> No.52500677

yeah we need a crypto general. the answer is more generals, not less

>> No.52500811

Generals are one of the cancers that killed pre-2015 4chan. /gme/ is very silly, no idea why it’s still ongoing. I’d suggest that if /smg/ were not around you’d get more threads about stocks and a more interesting variety.

A more /biz/ specific issue is the pornposting. Jannies have a better handle on it than in past times. I don’t mind vulgarity and racism of course

>> No.52500824

Go back to Israel you fucking oven-dodging shit.

>> No.52500833

Shalom fellow Jew

>> No.52501004
File: 3.55 MB, 1366x9999, Crypto Threads Spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go onto the catalog page right now and count how many crypto threads there are in comparison to others. Crypto easily occupies two thirds of it non stop. Crypto needs its own board, period as it drowns out all the other business threads.

>> No.52501016 [DELETED] 

Uhh you're retarded it's mostly being spammed by the same 2 faggots with off topic bullshit from their iphones.
Infact the most talked about crypto on /biz/ right now is a rugpull and another rugpull.

>> No.52501033

You're just reinforcing the point that crypto needs its own board call /crypt/.

>> No.52501412

We buying facebook?

>> No.52501519
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>> No.52501548
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>post truth
>noooooo don't do that

>> No.52501648


>> No.52501683
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 1668697859878549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine talking shit about the gamestocks when you are down 80% from last year and they pumping again

kinda cringe desu

>> No.52501732
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It's funny because screaming about removing a containment general that keeps to itself is peak head occupancy. They don't just live there, they paid in full. They own him.

>> No.52501765


>> No.52502044
File: 3.19 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20221104_125625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL cucks, so how much did you make this year?

>> No.52502087 [DELETED] 

fellas, throw away yar ideas. They're shit. take part in Bspin.

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency.
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool.
> Fast deposits with variety ways

>> No.52502547
File: 1.15 MB, 2402x674, 1649834596784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 decade bear market
Nice PM gains.

>> No.52502587

Check silver prices over the past year, faggot.

>> No.52502634
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>5 years for 25% gains
lmao, even.

>> No.52502647
File: 77 KB, 768x833, 1665835114570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait I forgot you pay 20% extra when you buy and get 20% less when you sell so it's even worse.

>> No.52502704

You're conflating the paper and physical prices. Even dealers don't buy back at paper spot these days.

>> No.52502816
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, 1667426243411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not, if I went to try and sell any of my physical silver right now I would get 20% less than spot minimum. Meanwhile I can sell my crypto at the price it actually is.

>> No.52502832 [DELETED] 

Fellas, a few words about the Bspin, that comes to us from heaven:

>Licensed Bitcoin Casino
>Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool.
>Safe, secure, with a wide variety of provably fair Bitcoins games.

>> No.52502904

Yeah, for your shitty no name reddit meme coins maybe. If you sold normal stuff like ASEs they'd pay you $10+ over spot. C
For cheap shit like Maples they still give you $6 over spot. If you bought just two months ago you'd already be mabing profit if you sold now.
You'd have to be a colossal retard with your money if you bought silver last year and lost money.

>> No.52502954
File: 110 KB, 1124x1072, 1643183238314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for your shitty no name reddit meme coins maybe
>reddit meme coins
I literally bought these coins from a vendor that originated in /pmg/.

>You'd have to be a colossal retard with your money if you bought silver last year and lost money.
No you don't, unless you bought in the last 30 days you're down on your investment and even then buy and sell premiums takes you negative.

>> No.52502976

>delete /GME/
Would improve the board but not going to happen. The baker of that thread is a jannie, so for some reason they don’t have to follow any rules

>> No.52503387
File: 444 KB, 816x684, 1616454638153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek based fuck the brainstop baggies

>> No.52504252

Fuck you crypto kike niggerfaggot kys ban crypto threads.

>> No.52504549
File: 786 KB, 2290x2313, IMG_20220411_185404~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.52504650

/Biz/ is the new /b/

>> No.52504673

Where can I get this?

>> No.52504722
File: 782 KB, 498x498, 1665294933591455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This general is going to get the feds to raid this board. Ban them asap.
why I thought the shorts closed.....
whats the problem ?
is there something their hiding ?
everything is going fine no problem

>> No.52504895

He's talking about the morons trying to resurrect Terra in that bit, not you morons two years late for a short squeeze.

>> No.52505133

>killed a thread for this
404 your life

>> No.52505225

Prices have been going up all year. If you're at a loss you bought 2020-21 when silver plateaued at $30 for a while during peak scamdemic. Anyway, if you actually bought nothing but meme coins you should be able to sell at a nice pofit or at the very least break even. They sell for what, $50 and you can sell them off, what, maybe double that to some meme coin collector.

>> No.52505608
File: 173 KB, 2048x2048, E1E58598-F73F-4500-BABC-CDC3F15E5D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you really went to the trouble of making that image. You missed a few threads.

Breaking up the non-crypto generals would result in more individual threads being made for those topics, such that they comprise a larger percentage of the catalog. The board speed would increase. A solution in the opposite direction would be to make a few crypto generals, but I think that would make the board worse. /biz/ is entertaining because all financial subjects get mashed up against each other. Generals are walled gardens.

>> No.52505673

Ban /smg/ and crypto too.

>> No.52505714

>Wow you really went to the trouble of making that image. You missed a few threads.

Because it reinforces the case that crypto threads flood all other discussion out. No one has to do their own research to see if it's the truth, just one glace at that image is all you need to know it's that bad.

>> No.52505724


>> No.52505826

ban /biz/

>> No.52505851

This is a crypto board. It was created to contain the crypto spam.

>> No.52505861

You can’t read

>> No.52505866

Ken griffins shills getting desperate if they want /gme/ banned!
Moass in just two more weeks!!!

>> No.52505877
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>> No.52505901


>> No.52505915

Gigabased, possibly too based for this board to handle

>> No.52505934

Buy 1 (one) share of GME and become a multimillionaire after taxes

>> No.52505938


>> No.52505951

Would like to see more technical threads around creating trading bots, whether crypto or stocks. Tweaking them, the code, good frameworks, simple strategies, etc. Perhaps I will start one myself

>> No.52505957

>/biz/ meta thread
>2016+ fags whining about off topic /pol/shit being deleted while demanding actually board topic relevant threads be banned
Pottery. Go to /v/ if you want moderation that allows you to replace the username and board topic with politics and racial strife.

>> No.52505959

Just 2 more weeks

>> No.52505961

Do you understand the concept of a containment thread? The topics you don't like don't cease to exist without a general, but the board actually has less threads dedicated to them.

>> No.52505971

Funny enough if you’ve been buying GME in the last 4 months your portfolio would be green instead of being a pathetic crypto baggie

>> No.52505977

When people seethe about the existence of a general it's because they're here to manipulate sentiment and don't want new users seeing it on page one. One of the people asshurt about /ptg/ on /pol/ actually admitted this a few weeks ago.

>> No.52505983

GME baker is a jannie
Sadly GME will never leave

>> No.52506001

Flags would be based

>> No.52506044

Based Norwegian autist

>> No.52506161

I posted a Filecoin thread and jannies deleted it because they are gay

>> No.52506188

>sadly gme will never leave
Until cohen dilutes/sells and they all rope