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File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1511503979294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5246370 No.5246370 [Reply] [Original]

BCH is about to explode

>> No.5246409
File: 126 KB, 900x900, frederique-constant-worldtimer-silver-dial-men_s-gmt-watch-fc-718kw4h6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies are coming, bch trend on twiiter but keep hating money anon.

>> No.5246463

Just buy market trends, it's easy to predict it will pump at least to 0.25 tonight.
Easy money if you put limits.

>> No.5246659
File: 45 KB, 702x672, derpdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put sell order 0.265. Too greedy??

>> No.5246683

it does look like there is some serious sideways accumulation going on here

i expect one more pump before GDAX goes live and then it will dump into oblivion

>> No.5246690
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Roger Ver can you at least change the image on your bots? It's like a gross blot on the catalog

>> No.5246712

Nah. On NormieBase you still can't buy it I don't think. Sales are disabled still. I'm thinking once it goes live it will explode.

>> No.5246723

Kill yourself corecuck.

>> No.5246741
File: 256 KB, 380x469, prease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then should i be more greedy?

>> No.5246782

Maybe sell half just to be safe. I missed selling at 5k because I was too greedy

>> No.5246785
File: 214 KB, 404x411, 1508189109735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says I'm holding btc? The bots and armies are obvious

>> No.5246830

bought in at 4k am I gonna make it?

>> No.5246833


doubtful. expect a 30% lose

>> No.5246839


It's all disabled until 9am PST tomorrow.

>> No.5246871

I forgot about my BCH... Do I sell, hold, I don't even fucking know any more, this is a shit show. I'll sell tomorrow, it's already up 40%, I'm sure normies will go crazy. I already sold my BitCoin. Jesus guys, when will this end? JUST GIVE ME THE BITCOIN DIP AND ALL ALTCOIN DIP SO I CAN BUY AGAIN!

>> No.5246881

Quick, how much do I need to buy to make an easy $10k gain minimum within a month or two?

>> No.5246893

There might be another mini moon, forming a double top pattern, but I won't bet on it. FOMO buying back in after making gains is just as bad as buying ATH.

>> No.5246895

I dumped this shit at a loss because FUCK that manipulation.

Bunch of fucking faggots. Crypto is a joke. dont expect to make money day trading when its just fucken a bunch of rich faggots and people with milions of coins manipulating everything, and you're not on the inside.

Fucking fags

>> No.5246905

hodl till 1 million usd

>> No.5246907

same going crazy here idk what to do

>> No.5246909

thank you so much op, this has saved my financial future. :)

>> No.5246912

Pshhh you got it easy, i bought in at $9,500 from coinbase thinking BTC had dropped that low. I didnt understand why there were two bitcoins so i called customer support. im on hold on my third call right now.... this isnt looking good, its their fault, i cant lose all this money right now, i literally cleaned out my bank account on BCH @ like $9,487

They arnt working with me, i just want to return the coins. i havent even touched them yet.

>> No.5246925


Pretty much this.

>> No.5246928

go back to stocks you fucking pathetic bugman

>> No.5246938

Trading literally adds no value to society.

Fuck off you useless ape.

>> No.5246947

dont bother with crypto dude

this shit is dead and manipulated as fuck. waste of fucken time. 99% of these coins are worthless and will just be cloned by corps leaving their core versions fucken worthless.


>> No.5246962
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i spotted thenormie

>> No.5246975

pls explain? i would be extremely grateful anon. :)

>> No.5246979

I'm so fucking worried about going to sleep and got work in 5 hours if I should sell at a loss or not

>> No.5247002
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I am so fucking scared

>> No.5247012

All trades that got filled on Coinbase are being cancelled you tards.

>> No.5247014

Just hold. It'll get back the price you buy in at eventually.

>> No.5247030


>> No.5247032

i'm not gonna tell you what to do with your money

I lost 25% of my stack because binance fucking lags so hard you cant do anything, so bots just eat up all the orders both ways

and meanwhile the entire fucking thing was a pnd extraordinaire

I don't even care if it goes back to 4k+ now but I doubt it. just another SHITCOIN. FUCK THIS COIN

>> No.5247062

what does that mean?

>> No.5247070

my buy order got filled on binance way too high and i couldnt sell because the entire scenario was lagged out. i couldnt fucking do a goddamn thing but watch myself buy trash at retarded PnD levels and watch the price plummet below it seconds later.

Coinbase isnt fucking covering that and neither is binance. Fuck this bullshit

I'm sitting my non-shitcoins in wallets and leaving this whole realm for a year

>> No.5247074

Binance lag is nothing compared to trex lag. I've been using the Binance windows app on a Surface touchscreen, comfy as fuck.

>> No.5247083

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5247089

just bought in, gonna sell at ATH

>> No.5247111

Go outside get off the computer

>> No.5247114

binance is literal trash on desktop when volume is up. the definitoin of unusable trash.

>> No.5247115

What about ones that were filled right after bch launch,but had nothing to do with bch?

>> No.5247125

Shit like this is basically natural selection stopping stupid people from having money.

>> No.5247130
File: 1.06 MB, 4175x3635, 1502194421267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking nuts. Can I just mass email people and tell them to PayPal me money to save time? I like money, but I want off this ride. I swear man, when this all tanks it's going to be a huge mess.

I don't even know, it's free money, I mean, it's not like I'll lose anything, but I want free money. It's like the house just is going around handing out free chips, do I bet or cash out? I don't know, I'm scared.

>> No.5247155

hold me anon

>> No.5247175

How much BCH do I need to buy right now for an easy $10k gain minimum? anyone have any idea?

>> No.5247184
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>> No.5247185

Post proof. Maybe someone will take pity and help you.

>> No.5247201
File: 214 KB, 826x667, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 8.59.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prepair ANUS BCASH faggots.

>> No.5247220


>> No.5247240
File: 485 KB, 1278x1052, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Stop bullying my wallet!

>> No.5247247

1 bch will be 1 million USD in 10 years

>> No.5247256

His dad and grandfather can fuck off.

>> No.5247313

BitBean has bigger blocks. why should i use Btrash?

>> No.5247343

>people itt think this post is real
You are the normies

>> No.5247350


>> No.5247428

why not calling it bbean? seems you are so retarded that may confuse yourself

>> No.5247437

topkek larp

>> No.5247441

Yeah I was on bittrex for this one. It was fucked. Glitched fucking hard and dropped .12 sats in like 3 seconds. Thaaaaaannkkss Biittrreexxxx.

>> No.5247502
File: 268 KB, 1296x730, back-to-the-future-marty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on??? DO I SELL MY BCH I JIST FOUND? HOLD? OR BUY?

This is heavy.

>> No.5247533

Was it a market order? Sounds like that was your own fucking fault

>> No.5247538


t. bcrashies

>> No.5247558


>> No.5247568
File: 359 KB, 1018x728, dog gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently $2800 in the red on this shit because I'm a retard

Please normalfags you've done everything you can to make my life shit you owe me to at least let me make it out of this even

>> No.5247615

It's powering up for sure. We're going stratospheric here.

>> No.5247638

If I want to set a take profit strategy for BCH, what's the difference between opening a sell order for 0.3btc( now ) and setting a sell order to be opened at price>=0.3btc for 0.3btc?

>> No.5247647

lol its on coinbase, faggots. you better be buying this shit RIGHT NOW

>> No.5247662
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>> No.5247690

its dropping like a stone. just watch

>> No.5247699

I know the fucking moment I sell it's gonna shoot up again

>> No.5247702

When they tell you not to be an emotional trader, this is the example that they should use. Do not be this guy.

>> No.5247736

Ive bought and sold 3 times now tonight. for a loss each time

>> No.5247740

I'm gonna instant transmission out of here, I'll watch the tournament of power from the stands, I made profit so my universe is safe, I win either way, good luck normie universes.

>> No.5247752

sell please sirs

thank u much,,

>> No.5247766


why would it explode tho? wont it dump when everyone who doesnt believe in bch but suddenly has lots of it just dumps it for free satoshis?

>> No.5247772

It's going to overall, but it's so all over the place no one fucking knows what the fuck is going on, this is a shit show.

>> No.5247777

this desu

is it gonna go fucking ballistic at 9pst?

>> No.5247783

It's not going to do shit. I'll dump and BTC will continue to 20-25k *yawn*

>> No.5247799

For no other reason that normies seeing a new coin and buying it

>> No.5247836

Fuck your pos coin I'm moving all my BTC to Litecoin

>> No.5247892
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>> No.5248012

is it time?

>> No.5248049

what spirit bomb? bitcoin is the super saying while bcash is the turd slinging monkey doing fuck all.

>> No.5248059


will that be enough to counteract the effects of what i just mentioned though? like for a lot of people they just see free bitcoin and will slang it asap

>> No.5248089

HMMM this seems like a good time to buy BTC

>> No.5248108

normies are going to be so confused by this.

It will scare them off bcash, and the shadyness of having another coin on coinbase with "bitcoin" in the name will turn them off of crypto in general.

fuck all the bcash supporters, they are literally ruining it for everyone in their delusion.

>> No.5248132

Move into Ethereum, keep 50/50 BTC/ETH
It's the most undervalued out of the big 3 and has been the most stable today
With 50/50 BTC/ETH you're also protected against a flippening

>> No.5248213

BCH is at 50% right now man, BitCoin is down over 10%, both are moving in that direction. I sold my BitCoin, I'm out, this is literally free money for me and I have no fucking idea what to do, this is nuts.

>> No.5248412
File: 29 KB, 1505x1259, bitcoincash-white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pbc says buy bitcoin cash up to 9500

>> No.5248474

Am I mistaken or is this literally the freest money of our fucking lives? Holy shit keep fudding guys

>> No.5248540

>post only mode tomorrow on gdax
>in post only mode you're not allowed to add a limit sell order unless it's higher than the current price
i wonder what will happen to the price of BCH tomorrow hmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.5248549

Guaranteed mass dump when GDAX enables selling.
After that, maybe moon?

>> No.5248609

here we go

>> No.5248663

>enables selling
you mean trading?

>> No.5248947

HF trader here......emotional much faggot.

Been calling this since the newyork agreement where the one-side got to "keep" the name "Bitcoin" and mutilated the code with multiple future updates to speed up the chain....

....vs BCH which said fuck it larger block size....problem solved.


>> No.5248959
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Buy the dip now!!!

>> No.5249098

well yeah if you care at all about the overall health of the crypto space this shit is terrible.

BCH is fine on it's own. However the people behind it like Ver and extreme shadyness of today and using the name "bitcoin" is really bad for perception.

I'm no HF trader, but I am in marketing. And this is a really bad image issue. It's going to be hard to get people's trust back, not just for exchanges, but for for btc and bch as a whole.

>> No.5249135


By having zero liquidity on GDAX. Actual market value was always around $3.3k

>> No.5249137


>> No.5249213


Because BTC is shit, it can't transfer and it's expensive as fuck.

Keep it as a souvenir.

>> No.5249277


I'm just telling you the actual reason BCH went up that high on one exchange. No need to get so butthurt about it

>> No.5249355
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I'm staying this one tonight, should be some easy gain

>> No.5249392


Be more specific.
These are not times to be unclear , friend.

>> No.5249412


This Faggot gets it

>> No.5249417

just woke up, how many hours ago was the price ATH?

>> No.5249439

it lasted a few mins before crashing from 9500 to 3500

>> No.5249456


It was at 3:30 it's 8:30 now BUT

We are recovering strong.

All fucking in BCH.


3500 is cheap next to 16000 for a coin with the same name LOL.

Normies won't understand shit and buy this up to 10k

>> No.5249472

Feels scummy. Doesnt it?

Everything tanks in the afternoon. BTC drops. Then all of a sudden BCH comes out on Coinbase, coinbase and binance freeze up after everyone buys in. It goes up moon style then slams shut. Coinbase has some incredibly wrong number up on the site too. $8XXX or whatever it was, but wouldnt let anyone buy, alluding to the fact that it was an "expected" value, or something, temporarily pumping it up on the exhanges. Fucking pissed off. I couldnt sell on the dip after the first rise because everything was frozen or slow as fuck. Pissed.

>> No.5249483
File: 15 KB, 600x383, bitcoincashfailiure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very strong like the last 6 times, coming up 7!

how many months/years do we need to wait for it to flip?

>> No.5249497


>> No.5249499
File: 158 KB, 906x932, 1364786920588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiz play this scenario with me.
>coinbase normies coming home for christmas
>shilling their normie relatives coinbase
btc,ltc, eth, bch, outlooks green if you ask me

>> No.5249511
File: 15 KB, 600x376, bitcoincashfailiure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres it again

>> No.5249515
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>> No.5249535

It adds liquidity to the market and is promotes price discovery, get fucked commie cuck

>> No.5249538

euro fags still can't buy BCC on GDAX

>> No.5249539


Don't be mad man.

Hate the game not the playas
This is insane in every aspect of the word.
Be strong and move your money around smart.

There is obvious foul play here but i think Dragonslayer is for real.

10k - 10k battle of the giants.

BTC is unfortunately useless at the moment and no merchants are using it anymore. This will kill the bitcoin.

>> No.5249542

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.5249610
File: 89 KB, 331x250, 1512718248821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a crypto noob and just realized I get free bitcoin cash without giving up my bitcoin

I love this shit. Hope the other forks go somewhere too.

>> No.5249752


this won't kill btc.

dragonslayer might be a real idea, but it's not strong enough the kill btc.

but that doesn't mean bch won't have a massive rally for me to make easy money. but it won't last. don't hold for too long.

btc is still and always will be king.

>> No.5249767

Buy now sell an hour before gdax opens again

>> No.5249772

>he thinks kings live forever
>he thinks the first mover lives forever

>> No.5249888

People want Ver to chill and play nice for the "health of the community"....your parents should've done you a favor years ago and thrown out your participation trophies years ago.

You need fires to clear brush
Lets the strong trees grow taller.

We survived Mt Gox, and the true bitcoin will survive this civil war.

You want training wheels, stay in BTC as its limited by 10% circuit breakers at the CME & CBOE Sunday 4pm-Friday4pm

The chinks love gambling.
They will move to the coin that "is what Bitcoin was". Fast, cheap transactions, NOT limited by some circuit breakers in the US, and now one of 3 coins US can buy directly with dollars, no brainer here.

Market feels like an institutional whale is tring to defend their BTC long, they probably levered up but the clearing houses that allow trading will probably up the margins. Shortly the risk managers will step in and give them "the tap" and they will have to derisk and sell the additional longs they purchased tonight.

>> No.5249951

found the crazy libertarian guys

>> No.5249997

>derp....one of four