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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52489719 No.52489719 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have a real discussion of the nature and reasons for the long-standing WEF and SWIFT connections? Or will the fudders prevent it by spraying their brain-dead diarrhea everywhere?

>> No.52489821

i wondered where you guys were

>> No.52489830

Oh sweet, a schizo thread

>> No.52489853
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not so fast linkie

>> No.52489886

no because they dont want more 4chan people to buy link and eventually earn passive income

>> No.52489927

>nothing but fetid shit
As expected.

>> No.52490081

wef "partners" with everything that they deem in some way profitable for their agenda, swift does probably 100s of poc every year, that chainlink labs is still actively working with them is a good sign, but nothing more

>> No.52490105

>swift does probably 100s of poc every year
Source or fuck off

>wef "partners" with everything that they deem in some way profitable for their agenda
Bullshit, the nature of Chainlink's partnership is way too intimate and Klaus even mentioned Smartcontract.com in his 2017 book

>> No.52490134
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they thought by collapsing the global economy they could shake us out lmao

>> No.52490174



not who you replied to, but he is correct that WEF has at least a dozen proof of concepts year after year. Though he is correct too that it’s a good sign Chainlink is still working with them year after year to demo bond payments, etc.

>> No.52490217

>*shits in your thread*
Janjan I've got a present for you

>> No.52490222

Its all a joke. I dont understand why link is worth less than shib, less than the dead s(cam)olana, less than the xrp-ripple funding scam...
I feel dead inside

>> No.52490231

He said SWIFT proof of concepts and claimed there are probably hundreds. Where are they? Oh right, they don't exist.

>> No.52490248

>more diarrhea

>> No.52490258

I just sent you links that had two in there to show you that yes there are other proof of concepts. And I’m sure the guy was exaggerating the number, cause you know people have a sense of humor.

Why so hostile?

>> No.52490266
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the wef was "partnered" with the ponzi jew. You crypto cultist completely misunderstand the relationships. In the real world companies "partner" all the time and when one partner fucks up it gets scrubbed. Same goes for swift and pocs, just google it, too many to name from dlt over cloud to other fin tech.

>> No.52490278

>pretends not to know the difference between SWIFT and the WEF
>why so hostile
Because you're full of shit

>> No.52490304

>second commenter in a row conflates SWIFT and WEF
Oh boy, all the shit really does flow from the same anus

>> No.52490341
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>> No.52490350




again WE/SWIFT work on proof of concepts. Don’t know why you’re so hostile and or stubborn

>> No.52490387

take your meds bot
>swift pocs that are not chainlink
like really just check the page of swift
and about wef, they partner with everything

>> No.52490391
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>let's have a real discussion, none of the usual braindead shit that passes for discussion on /biz/
>let's find breadcrumbs and share gigabrain assblaster thoughts like it's 2017 again anon
>let's make a thread that actually finds the next Link
>let's all get rich like the old /biz/ when every post was full of thoughtful discussion and nobody shilled rugpulls to dump on the board
you first OP
seriously, nobody ever started a legendary /biz/ thread by saying "okay guys, let's stop with the shitty posts and actually talk about the great ideas that we all have. It is now safe to post good threads!"
Fucking share what you have first. Good threads attract good replies. Deeper into bear we get, the slower the board, and the more *potential* for good discussion
But fucking bring something to the table
What are you even talking about? What are YOUR thoughts on the WEF-SWIFT-CL Labs relationship?

>> No.52490457

Basically, you have to be an aggressive dick to get any results on /biz/.
It's not really in my nature. I'm just a humble lurker who's frustrated at not having any good threads to lurk on.

>> No.52490519

no you are an obvious larper which was clear after your second post. if you look for inculsion simulator, gtfo

>> No.52490561

A lot of the answers to these questions of association are strictly regarding the legitimacy of certain entities long standing involvement with CL Labs, which is technically undeniable at this point.

My thoughts go to the noetic contradictions between the fundamental values of blockchain smart contract on the ideal side, whereas it stands to reason just the same that you are essentially invested in the great reset/4ir/own-nothing-be-happy narratives. The villain Schwab stands before the G20 and many gawk in rage, but isn't it more confirmation bias fuel that the stack of institutions and technology is in fact inevitable?

This tech is a double edged sword. The best way to steer it towards liberty and dignity is to be a part of it. If not just to save yourself.

>> No.52490567

>making a thread on biz is larping
fucking kek

>> No.52490600

your role is a larp

>> No.52490615
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>> No.52490622

The question really is about how Chainlink didn't get into bed with the powers that be, but was apparently born in that bed.
All these useless morons downplay this and keep repeating
>but others had POCs too!!!!
as if that makes any difference to the point. How many projects is Eric Schmidt advising again?

>> No.52490626

there doesn’t need to be any good threads on Chainlink. December is less than two weeks away, literally.

also don’t put too much stock in WEF/SWIFT information. not saying it’s a nothingburger but that would take time for something with Chainlink to play out.

>> No.52490659

>the wef was "partnered" with the ponzi jew.
and he played his role exactly as he was asked to do. if you think globohomo cares about money you're retarded. money is just a means to and for these people. what they care about is control over human perception. exactly why sbf was used the way he was is not fully clear at this point, but keep an eye out for what the consequences are as a result of his actions; those consequences were the purpose all along. my guess is this push towards (((citizen journalism))) is part of it, crypto regulations will be another.

>> No.52490673


>> No.52490682

so this board is entierly larpers one cant take serious playing captain obvious with a /pol/ twist. fucking nuke this cancer hub

>> No.52490684
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I am losing my mind waiting.
They won't be able to hide this connection for a lot longer than the end of next year.

>> No.52490687

fair, hope to see you in a genuinely useful thread this time next year lurker fren

what OP and a lot of us want to discuss are the specifics of that legitimacy, anon. The details

I like the way you put the rest but that's a question we all have to answer on our own. Nobody is going to make it off of "/biz/ writes a treatise on what WEF and Chainlink mean for individual liberty"

the extent of our "being a part of it" is going to be holding and staking, maybe some of us will run nodes. Other than that, we're fighting the inevitable on our own time

>> No.52490705

you can put anything in a positive light, lol

>> No.52490713

We know a lot about Sergey's mannerisms, but little about his parents who taught him to program or how he want from a decent school in NYC to being in from of SWIFT before anyone knew about the "blockchain problem", much less the oracle problem.

It could very well be that he is a true philosopher CEO. I personally couldn't be happier in his ability to remain disengaged from clout seeking and VC drama. Guy has a truly principled thought process that translates into his actions. Why else would Eric Schmidt be admonishing and praising him on stage, like a hopeful protege?

>> No.52490742

>How many projects is Eric Schmidt advising again?
this. arianna huffington, a globohomo stooge, randomly hosting a fireside chat at smartcon is never talked about either. like why was she even there?

>> No.52490748

>humble lurker
>11 pbtid
go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.52490755

One issue is that Link being too deeply in bed with the powers that be is that it entirely defeats the purpose and ethos of crypto.
Conversely, why would the powers that be be so supportive of a technology that's a threat to them?

>> No.52490794

because all new technologies start as the key and end as the cage. these people think on longer timescales than most goyim.

>> No.52490847

SBF and FTX could have been an ambition for regulatory dominance shared by the highest ranking officials and 'entities', and you have to stop yourself to consider that the most likely outcomes may be legitimate enough to suspend some suspicion that failing was the plan, either way.

Not everything is 8d chess mastermind failures disguised as intents, but complex actions will always have contingency plans for if something DOES go wrong. If FTX had "won", they would still be going after the "legitimacy" of the rest of the industry - FTX losing has the same effect though.

The timing of the FTX crash, Uk and US announcements of CBDC and Digital Dollar respectively are understandably conspicuous. This doesn't mean FTX was intended to fail, just that it ultimately won't make a difference in the outcome.

Smartcon22 headline speakers, Proof of Reserve, Proof of Liability and Token Standards are also having their awareness elevated by Sergey and Ari, again conspicuous timing.

For some people, the legitimacy clicked in 2017 - it was about really understanding and absorbing what SWIFT was combined with the prospect of tokenizing value from the quadrillion dollar derivatives market.

>> No.52490854

We don't really know much about Sergey pre chainlink.
Is there anything about New York University being a recruiting center for any powerful interests?
sir, please place your poo in the loo. thank you.
Do you believe that Sergey believes that he's building a cage?

>> No.52490875

100% convinced these posters are bots, not humans

>> No.52490972

the one wildcard in all of this for me is sergey. i legitimately can't figure it what his role is. it's part of the reason i invested in link; i couldn't find anything else in crypto that wasn't pandering to degenerate retards. links purpose is to either provide linkies the financial means to resist what's coming or to pacify us with wealth.

>> No.52491170

The anti-hype nature of Link has been very curious. I remember seeing an interview where some "expert" went through the crypto space and all the niches for Raul Paul. He was quite detailed.. except for one thing. He didn't mention Chainlink at all. It's like he was painting a vivid and detailed picture that had a chainlink shaped hole in it. It was bizarre.

>> No.52491379

he is a philosopher ceo. he has also remained neutral, personally with regard to the "narratives".

>> No.52491467

yeah the entire (((influencer))) and (((media))) sphere is very obviously under a gag order. they go out of their way to keep the word "chainlink" out of their, to an almost comedic extent. like this whole thing with proof of reserve trending and yet somehow CT influencers are oblivious to the fact Chainlink has offered this for years.

>ctrl +f chainlink
>0 results

>> No.52491489

*out of their mouth

>> No.52491574

i wont lie
i dont think we're going to make it
i no longer expect LINK to go 1k EOY or above

>> No.52491678

shills only say what they've been paid to say, which means they haven't been paid, for one reason or other

>> No.52491726

Swift has been working with Sergey for years, and Klaus mentioned smartcontract.com in his book. Take your schizo shit somewhere else.

>> No.52491744

SBF fucked the whole market up. Who knows when we'll get a new ATH now.

>> No.52491837

ppl just need to realize quality link zealots / technically competent link commenters have mostly forsaken this place. you will too, if you ever become noble or competent.

those times are over!

>> No.52491892

If I ever become competent I'll let you know.

>> No.52491952

thank you sir

>> No.52492215
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kek fuck jannies

>> No.52492697

haha /biz/ jannies are such fucking faggots. They get paid for this shit. They need to supplement their meagre janny wages somehow.

>> No.52493759


>> No.52493990


LINK ends up soaking up a large part of the trusted third party market. That's 10% of the economy that LINK reduces in cost. Maybe it keeps 2% of that, 3% never comes along, the other 5% get siphoned off to oligarchs and more wealth is created because (trust)lessness is less expensive and novel economic activity can happen.


Web3 is a sousveillance net that turns us all into crabs in a bucket so that we can retain the privilege of converting legacy food stamp currencies into the regional and global currencies that luxuries and the means of production will be priced in.

There will be a currency speculation attack from old currencies into new ones that will strand old debts in an old system and give rise a new world order where you'll endure social isolation and destitution for maintaining an aberrant digital and fiscal footprint.

LINK is the digital track that will keep the kludgy, half-implemented, graft-ridden version of the above running.

Either way.