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52482186 No.52482186 [Reply] [Original]

There is a direct relationship between happiness and depression, and level of wealth.

The richer you are the happier you are, all things being equal.

>> No.52482246

wealth removes a lot of day to day concerns and gives you more time to pursue happiness, but on its own it does very little to produce happiness past the honeymoon phase where you spend like a drunk sailor just because you can. when that phase passes, you better pray you have something meaningful in your life besides your money because otherwise you are falling back into the same depressive state that you were in when you were a poorfag

>> No.52482278

I just became addicted to drugs and driving aimlessly at night. But its easier to cry in a car than on the bus

>> No.52482903

These oldfags who posted a constant sell pressure needed to be squeezed

>> No.52482917

No shit

>> No.52482924

Seems like bullshit to me. 23 mil gets you like $2M a year without touching the principle.

>> No.52482936

No it equates to intelligence like that fucking retard. Your post literally proves wealth doesn't help, a rich idiot still blows any chance of happiness.

>> No.52482952

>knows how to fly an aircraft, doesn't get a job

>> No.52482993

can't believe picrel people exist. didn't deserve to be rich (at any point in time).
world not fair.

>> No.52483056

that’s the biggest danger. money and depression is a scary combination because you have the means to afford an endless amount of alcohol or drugs to fill the hole inside you

>> No.52483079


Not if you put the 23 million in FTX lmao

>> No.52483105

if it makes you feel better according to neoliberal economics he's essentially been a walking stimulus check for everyone he met.
retards spending all their money like this is technically good for the economy

>> No.52483113

you don't need really need much money to do all the drugs u could ever want. right now i can pick up an ounce of coke for either $1100 or $1400 and sell it fast enough and at enough profit that i can basically do 4grams a day for the rest of my life for free.

>> No.52483128

A fool's heart is in the house of pleasure.

>> No.52483172

i concur

>> No.52483294

This was a hard lesson I had to learn in my 30s. I was much more idealistic about things in my 20s. Money doesn’t buy happiness, life is about experience and what you can do with it, give out joy and gratitude and you will receive it back in greater amounts.

No, life is about freedom with what you do with your time and how much control you have over it. You being the sole controller of your own time and activities does not guarantee happiness, but it is the foundation from which meaning, happiness, and fulfillment start. Money is everything is this world and I’ve seen people go through absolute brutal, awful, disgusting lengths to get it. I didn’t ask to be thrown into an existence with people like this. I’d really prefer it wasn’t like this, but the way society is now people will try and shred you any chance they get if it’s a benefit to them. It wasn’t always like this in America but it is now, everyone learned to stop sticking their necks out for each other. No sense of community anymore. This place isn’t the same.

>> No.52483317

No shit.

>> No.52483335

that's why they're so glad on giving out lotteries cause they know most normies will just spend it again.

the key is to not wage, to have freedom, you don't need luxury to be happy, but you need free time without the burden of having to exchange your time for the right to eat, have shelter and other basic necessities.

>> No.52483551

How do you blow through 23 million? If this isn't bs, its a perfect example of someone who just got lucky and never should have been rich in the first place

>> No.52483587

What a loser.
My ath was $26M and I just continued living on $17k/year. My main way to spend free time was watching anime.
I'm going to be financially independent for the next 60 years.

>> No.52483652

It's most likely bullshit but let's say it isn't for arguments sake. The retard probably had the cash sitting in a regular bank account, not investing in anything.

>> No.52483704
File: 220 KB, 896x987, cantkill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I bought Chainlink I felt my soul slowly leave my body. I'm like a person who is no longer sapient, nothing more than a collection of meat and preprogrammed directives. I'm no longer capable of making decisions, it's strange.. and it's like it comes from somewhere else. For example: something happens and I just act, I no longer think what's "right" or "wrong". Interestingly, I don't even believe in right or wrong anymore only better and worse.

It's like what happened to Phineas Gage. Possibly part of my prefrontal cortex has been irreparably damaged from trauma. My entire personality has changed since buying Link and becoming a marine. I am no longer the same person, my hopes, dreams, and wishes have all vanished. Now I only care about stress minimization and avoiding conflict.

I have nobody to blame but myself, although I'm no longer capable of blame as I can no longer think for myself. And the worst part? I actually like it. I mean, I didn't choose to, I was programmed to, and somehow it worked...

>> No.52483741

what did you buy?

>> No.52483783

he's a loser and you're a loser you both are losers

>> No.52483882

>doing things you can even imagine?
Wow, things I CAN imagine? Damn that's crazy

>> No.52484088

sorry but if you fuck up this bad you dont deserve money anyway

reminds me of that garbage man that won 20million and a year later was back being a garbage man

>> No.52484245

Retards like OP's pic are poorfags by birthright. It's their purpose in life to funnel the wealth they accrue, whenever by hard work or dumb luck, to people who know what to do with it. Casts are real.

>> No.52484441

>I was here since 2008
Typical /pol/tard larp.

>> No.52484473

Here's the thing.
IQ is correlated more than anything with having money.
So what's the real factor here?
The guy in OP is a stupid poor.
They ALWAYS revert to mean.

>> No.52486532

Go look at what happens to lottery winners. Most people end up pissing it all away on themselves and the vultures that surround them.

>> No.52486608

Pretty much this, when I was wealthy I wouldn't have to worry about rent, bills, healthcare, groceries budget or planning ahead.
Gave way more place to new experiences and avoiding chores/being worried.

>> No.52486734

>23 million
>Lives like someone with 230 million

A fool and his money are soon parted, just like low IQ chattle who win the lottery. He blew through 23 million in 4 years. That is footballnigger tier financial mismanagement

>> No.52486877

Nations are dead and it's a good thing because everyone can stop larping about the motherland and romanticizing about inbred tribalism.

>> No.52486921

>retards spending all their money like this is technically good for the economy
No it isn't, they money is spent on businesses that cater to retards.
It is sophisticated demand that drives industry growth.

>> No.52486992

Its impossible to lose that much money unless you are absolutely retarded and degenerate.

>> No.52487160

Let's say he was a retared investor and only got a 4% return on that 23 million. That is still over 900k a year.
Let's take this a step further. He threw everything into VOO and only lived off of the dividends. He would still be making around 370k a year.
This guy should kys if he blows away 23 million.

>> No.52487190

that is a gay ID

>> No.52487395

you can have mine for a low price of 23 million smackeroos

>> No.52487492


>> No.52487526

Flying a small personal plane isn’t the same as a cargo or passenger plane
And I wouldn’t want someone with suicidal ideation flying a fucking plane

>> No.52487545

You just grew up and realized the tenuous control over society our collective beliefs have.

>> No.52487556

it’s not correlated with simply having money at all, it is correlated with getting more complex jobs. the complexity of a job doesn’t mean it pays more, and there are plenty of high iq smart people in mountains of debt

>> No.52487592

but he is 75% of the way there. Literally could call up an airline tell them he can fly small aircraft and just need X number more hours of flight time to fly 737 or whatever. I promise to work for you 10 years or whatever. BLAME he has a 100k job.

>> No.52487602

Hey gang it's me (>>52487160
here with my new ID. I'm still gay. It wasn't worth it.

>> No.52487615
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1629340867403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bold of you to assume a worthless Neetcuck would actually work.

>> No.52487637

you are right. I am assuming to much

>> No.52487641

Even though this is certainly a larp, this would be probably the worst thing that could happen to someone without losing your health.
No matter what, you'll never get back to the amount of freedom and happiness you once enjoyed.
Nothing short of a miracle will get you back to that level, and you'd spend your entire life haunted by the fact that you were free and willingly put yourself back into the slavery of regular life.

>> No.52487670

>Even though this is certainly a larp, this would be probably the worst thing that could happen to someone without losing your health.
No it's great, retard neets like the OP's pic deserve to suffer.

>> No.52487681

Sounds fake as fuck.
How do you get 23 million and not fucking invest a portion of it into bonds or dividend paying stocks to provide you with an income you can live off?

>> No.52487690

>all things being equal
That's a pretty colossal stipulation, retard

>> No.52487705

>Nations are dead and this is a good thing
Okay, what are you going to replace this feeling of belonging and advancement with before global economic collapse and the complete destruction of our interdependant society? Better be quick, you've probably got no more than five or ten years. Everyone is already checking out because their work is no longer used to benefit themselves and people like them.

>> No.52487746

>23 million
>doesn't put 10 million in properties

average cryptocuck

>> No.52487849

>stress minimization and avoiding conflict.
you have been buck broken

>> No.52487864

lol dude ok. let the suicidal guy that despises employment work for your airline

>> No.52487890

23 million and I could build a fucking empire and invest some sick ass technologies. god damnit why am I stuck in this forsaken hell hole with one of the highest property taxes in the world and cost of living. I just want to escape.

>> No.52487905

*invent. i'm so cold I can't type right. please turn my heat on.

>> No.52487968

>I could build a fucking empire
You couldn't you dumbass goy

>> No.52487976

>Put all of your money in illiquid properties
retard spotted

>> No.52487977

what would u invent, bud

>> No.52487986

>Nations are dead and it's a good thing
Shalom rabbi

>> No.52488011

I'm pretty sure no one will stop you from migrating out

>> No.52488025
File: 118 KB, 750x750, 1df2e14bf3c45c0cd6582a4a2b9b0bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said invest, you ass

>> No.52488048


sir? >>52487905

>> No.52488119

4 percent save return a year is fucking good you larping broke fuck

>> No.52488159

new ways to grow food, just need the land to do so. want to experiment with particular cross breeding, nutrient drips using natural plant waste. I want to cause rapid genetic mutations of certain plants using certain chemicals and try to increase yields by a random stroke of luck, or even see if they'll adapt to vertical farming with genetic mutations. use refraction techniques for vertical farming and try fresnel lenses for underground and dark greenhouses. see which plants can be best adapted to gibberellic acid. I can't grow anything in my shit box basement apartment though. Less than a year away from being able to purchase land.

>> No.52488196

>The richer you are the happier you are, all things being equal.
Nowhere in that faggots post did he mention happiness or fulfillment. The whole thing implies he blew his wealth in a vain attempt to fill the void of his soul with vapid and hedonistic pursuits.
Real contentment and fulfilment comes from within. It's this sick jew society telling you you're not happy living a modest life.

>> No.52488255

Nothing to do with neoliberal economics, always been the case

>> No.52488421

Poor fag, go to Christ cuck. Christ will give you the inner freedom to find the time to peruse your passions in your dreams.

>> No.52488447

>t. actual retard

>> No.52488497

>My main way to spend free time was watching anime
Mine is to play board games on Gamestar+. I only watch anime mostly when I'm alone and bored.

>> No.52488498

You cannot suffer in Spain.

>> No.52488580

My guess is that he was early on SHIB and some other meme tokens. He was smart to get out early before this shit show started. I hope to retire in the next bull as I have already started to make plans on how to slurp up low caps like AZERO, GSTAR, TSUkA, and POLYX.

>> No.52488583

You guys are all nuts, not joking. I am a poor man, always will be, even with my gains. Played this like an RPG, having literally 0 to start with (parents were both scumbags). Happiness like all things are time passing, and I've been blessed with love, kids, family, trust and the worth while to move away from my childhood trauma. And it wasn't money that did that, money was just a means to an end. I am sitting with my babies, my oldest in school right now, it's snowing, and we're watching Godzilla. This isn't happiness, but it's a worthy endeavor, love, having to sacrifice, and endure.

>> No.52488607 [DELETED] 

friends, throw away your ideas. They're shit. join Bspin.

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
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> Fast deposits with variety ways.

>> No.52488756


He clearly spent like a Billionaire - Rooftop parties , tennis courts , private islands and flying your own planes

23m will run out quick if you’re spending it all

>> No.52488868

sounds very interesting anon. i hope things go well for you. i'll keep you in mind when i'm eating a mutant asparagus in 20 years time