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52487172 No.52487172 [Reply] [Original]

what are some alternative drinks to coffee that will make me alert and make good business decisions

>> No.52487177


>> No.52487181

Just take phenibut

>> No.52487183


>> No.52487189

no amount of stims will make you trade better. just look at sbf

>> No.52487197
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Matcha. Look no further.

It helped me with intense coding for several years until I went completely caffeine-free.

>> No.52487208

Water and proper sleep will make you alert enough to last a normal day

>> No.52487230

vape nicotine.

>> No.52487232

I clicked to suggest this
Matcha can still give quite a kick but is healthy for your gut
Need to build the right guy biome

>> No.52487234

i started drinking decaf recently and i cant even tell the difference

>> No.52487251
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>> No.52487252
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>> No.52487271

Homemade kefir is god-tier, highly recommend.

>> No.52487311

Yerba mate

>> No.52487328

why not coffee? if you get jitters balance it out with nicotine

>> No.52487351

just drink coffee you fucking faggot. god damn is this shithole overrun with mixed race 85 IQ teenage retards who are incapable of acting like normal human beings.

>> No.52487421

v8 energy is pretty good. Not carbonated. It’s mostly tea though

>> No.52487438

Yerba mate

>> No.52487538

Monster Nitro

>> No.52487577

Sudafed and Green Tea (slows metabolism of psuedoephedrine so it lasts all day)

>> No.52487596

coffee is good for you

>> No.52487611

Green tea

>> No.52487685


EC stack was S tier til I built a tolerance

>> No.52487739

onions milk with no sugar added or a little.

>> No.52487752

yea yesterday was crash day I have to do it like once every 8-9 days, I just slept all day, still can get 10-12 hours of work done on the other days so good if you own a business

>> No.52487755

onions milk*

>> No.52487800

piss (search for urotheraphy)

>> No.52487809

are you retarded?

>> No.52487813

One more try you got this my nigger.

>> No.52487830

Yeah because kefir contains 2% alcohol if homemade, ofc it relaxes you lmao

>> No.52487835

Gabapentin/phenibut act like a stimulant as well but it's a bad one also it will cause mental breakdowns when you withdrawal
>t. had a mental breakdown getting off gabapentin cold turkey last month and traded away my net worth in a mental state of uncontrollable decisions.
Careful with the pills kikes.

>> No.52487871 [DELETED] 

Well, you're stupid af! Try Bspin. it is easy even for ya.
>Online Casino with BTC main currency.
>Players deposit, play and withdraw BTC without any additional conversion.
>Many different deposit methods

>> No.52487879

No drugs/porn

>> No.52487899

That sounds gross

>> No.52487925
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>> No.52487929

Yeah ive been on it for 2 months straight, not looking forward to coming off

>> No.52487958
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nobody has suggested kratom yet?

>> No.52487965

The trick with caffeine is to use it at least an hour after you wake up, it prevents you from crashing. Basically your body produces a chemical that wakes you up during the first hours of your morning, drinking coffee will stop this process if you drink it as soon as you wake up.

>> No.52487969

Wean off it slowly I had to get back on it because I almost killed myself going cold turkey.
I had a week long neverending mental breakdown and felt like my blood was poisoned and traded everything away literally down to 30 dollars until I got back on the gabapentin and it stopped.
I'm not fucking happy with the doctors who put me on this shit instead of painkillers, yes doctors gave a terminally ill man nerve medication instead of pain medication which is killing my organs and made me lose my mind.
It's fine in small amounts but don't overdue it they had me taking heroic doses and didn't know.

>> No.52487979


>> No.52488015

2 cups of coffee + fasting = natural adderal

>> No.52488023

That sounds rough. I'm not on gabapentin though, just small amounts of phenibut each day. I've been off it before and it's just increased anxiety for a couple of days for me.

>> No.52488027

i take pregabalin for anxiety up to 200mg a day max dose is 600 am i fucked?

>> No.52488074

I had an easier time coming off a similar dose of lyrica vs when I was on gabapentin
Lyrica is stronger but they prescribe neurontin in higher dosage

>> No.52488088

caffeine tablet dissolved in your beverage of choice

>> No.52488674

Nobody is fucked it's harder for me since the gabapentin allowed me to be kinda happy/work while I'm dying but it's worse because when I get off it it's like all my pain and anxiety comes out and doesn't go away until I take more.
I'm also on 900mg a day which is way too fucking much.

But no nobodies fucked I got off oxycontin and amphetamines at 21 after being hopelessly addicted and being sober for about a year will bring your normalcy back

>> No.52488808

coffee is the one with the least weird side effects, just take a break from it.

Alternatively, just get enough sleep and eat healthy.

>> No.52488812

Kratom might help with the gaba withdrawals
Otherwise maybe drinking beers before bed will take the edge off
I know gaba receptors and alcohol can have similar effects

>> No.52489146

that shit is bad for you nogga.

>> No.52489187

Kratom made me very sick and I didn't like the very mild analgesic effects for such large doses it made no sense.
Maybe some people enjoy it but made my body and head feel like shit.

>> No.52489200

My previous boss gave me some grains to make homemade kefir, kept up with it for a few months before I started to forget about it fermenting at the back of the fridge. Kinda miss it, store-bought kefir is completely different

>> No.52490647

and amphetamines arent? pussy