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File: 134 KB, 594x497, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52485332 No.52485332 [Reply] [Original]

Literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.52485342

stop noticing things

>> No.52485343
File: 281 KB, 1322x501, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52485366

Hueheuehu DNC getting burned

>> No.52485801

Source what is this from?

>> No.52485826
File: 31 KB, 512x512, matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bybit remains the most transparent cex out there.

stay safe kings.

>> No.52486339

Oh, so that’s why Caroline thought stoplosses were bad

>> No.52486355

fkn kek

>> No.52486407

She sais there arent an effective tool, of fucking course not when CANT get liquidated

>> No.52486445

"w-wait let me think of another risk management tool... uh... sorry guys, can't think of any right now tehehehe!"

>> No.52486485

Brainlet here. What does this mean?
I mean specifically what does this mean. I’m aware that at a high level it just means “fleece the goys” but how are they doing it in this instance?

>> No.52486520

>customers make bad bet
>system automatically liquidates them
>customer loses money

>alameda makes bad bet
>tee hee system ignores position
>finds customers to sell position to
>customers buy contracts
>contracts get liquidated

>> No.52486541

They let Almeda take risky bets on their platform but only let them take profits, no losses

>> No.52486546

When trading with leverage you canget liquidated if the position moves against you
Say you go long BTC at 20k using 100x leverage
Obviously you would make way more money if the price of BTC increases than if you just bought spot. However the leverage is effectively a loan from the exchange, so they protect themselves by automatically closing (liquidating) your position if the price starts dropping to ensure that they dont lose the money they loaned you
It looks like FTX coded it so that Alameda literally couldnt get liquidated when trading with leverage on FTX so it was impossible for them to lose money on trades. Just go long BTC at 20k with 100x leverage and they wouldnt get liquidated even if it dropped to 15k
Instead - they used the money goyim had deposited to cover those loans

>> No.52487023

So they basically were running a bank illegally?

>> No.52487073

>Steven Dogetoshi
and yet The Block were falling over themselves to suck SBF and others at FTX off up until a couple of weeks ago

>> No.52487099


>> No.52487108

Literally fucking retarded. Unbelievable amount of proof of wrongdoing. If we have anything resembling a functioning government they'll all go to jail.

>> No.52487186

No need for a stop loss if you're just stealing client money and saying you can't lose.
How the fuck was this able to go on for so long? Why are so many retards speculating on fake internet money?
Maybe biz will go back to normal kek

>> No.52487254

Good read

>> No.52487273

>One of the most pervasive failures of the FTX.com business in particular is the absence of lasting records of decision-making. Mr. Bankman-Fried often communicated using applications that were set to auto-delete after a short period of time, and encouraged employees to do the same.
This is the man who spent years lobbying for regulation lmao

>> No.52487286

>Mr. Bankman-Fried, whose connections and financial holdings in the Bahamas remain unclear to me, recently stated to a reporter on Twitter: “F*** regulators they make everything worse”

>> No.52487293

What were they using telegram?

>> No.52487321

Around 3 months ago there was a guy on this board asking why people didn’t trust Samtx, and couldn’t comprehend how they actually made money as an exchange. Wonder if he killed himself yet

>> No.52487330

You don't have a real government. It's a mask off kleptocracy that everyone obeys out of fear.

>> No.52487337

I hope so

>> No.52487357
File: 238 KB, 1080x1471, Personal (((loans))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking retarded I can't

>> No.52487535

Why aren’t these stupid kikes in prison

>> No.52487548

You answered your own question, goy

>> No.52487620
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x1066, 1667143393858376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I told you.

>> No.52487672

“Auto liquidation protocol” has got to be the most Jewish thing I have ever heard

>> No.52487711

90% sbf, 10% wang
so what did caroline get in the end nothing but greasy loads from sam to swallow

>> No.52487808

Stupid /pol/ tourist.

>> No.52487832

Tbh I think Sam is just using her as a fallguy. She became CEO of Alameada in August.

>> No.52487867

if anything sam is a cuck and had to lick her feet while bahamian chads railed her.

>> No.52487980

>If we have anything resembling a functioning government
>back2back stolen elections
But you don't.

>> No.52488067

Why does the kike get 90% but the chink only 10%? That’s not very diverse and inclusive.

>> No.52488172

Tabasco and the others who quit a couple of months ago will get away with it even if the current team gets prosecuted

>> No.52488272

They mentioned personalized emojis so I’m thinking snapchat lmao

>> No.52488314

many on biz, me among them posted that tabasco leaving and caroline becoming ceo was rats leaving the ship and appointing a dumbfuck spacegoat to take the fall
all the while all of CT said that tabasco was so galaxy brained he could build his own firm even bigger

>> No.52488684

you know how everyone went crazy over gamestop stock because some retard bet against more than the entire available stock and so when anons noticed and did a counter bet they auto-won and then his hedgefund had to pay out billions of dollars? Well, if that scenario happened in FTX the hedgefund wouldnt have had to pay, instead it would find others to pay :^)

>> No.52488767

please stop using phrases like these you sound like a robot

>oy vey
i hate jews and i wish nothing but misery on all of them but posting "stop noticing things" and "goy" every 2 seconds on every thread is faggot zoomer rumination behavior

>> No.52488864


>> No.52488891
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>> No.52488893

This. Cool it with the anti semetism.

>> No.52488994

Telegram has custom emojis

>> No.52489101

No. That's not what he said you stupid fucking cunt

>> No.52489123

> i hate jews
Reported. Stop noticing things, goy.

>> No.52489256

He didn't say it outright but that's essentially what he is doing.

>> No.52491052

And still not in jail, hah. How much more proof do you need that this state is corrupt.

>> No.52491140

Uh yeah sweaty, jews deserve your money to bail them out when they snort too many drugs and make bad bets.
>What are you, an anti-semite?

>> No.52491187


>> No.52491240

>effective altruism
>literally just scamming money of goyim, openly coding in illegal and immoral failsafes, stealing client money to cover your losses and giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the democratic party and associated left-wing NGOs all while calling for more regulation

>> No.52491269


>> No.52491319

Remember: they will try to memoryhole as soon and as hard as possible and NOTHING will happen to the scummy jew despite all the shit that is coming out. NOTHING.

>> No.52491335

I don't think it was "coded" they literally just gave Alameda customer money and are just calling it a "margin loan"

>> No.52491348

I don't understand any of this where do I learn more

>> No.52491427
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How did you know, Chu- I mean, Chad <3 ??

>> No.52491469
File: 101 KB, 1200x708, elite jew jewfest 2022 New York Times SBF Zelensky Zuckerberg Yellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were ALSO running a bank illegally
but what that guy described is much worse

>>52491348 >>52487023
leverage trading (going long) in 4 steps
>1. i have $1k
>2. i put those $ as collateral to borrow $10k worth of stock/crypto (not truly mine, but in my custody)
>3. if the stock goes up, i repay my initially $10k loan and keep the difference as profit
>4. if the stock falls down in price below $9k (10k - 1k) my collateral is automatically confiscated to protect the lender, plus i lose custody of the stock

FTX skipped that last part for alameda
they allowed them to keep custody of the crypto AND not be liquidated
infinite risk gambling, but the losses are covered by the rest of their reserves (the funds of the goyim)
when it comes to jews, laws do not exist

>> No.52491522

Remember those Tabasco 'outdoors' twits?
>'Currently at July 25 10:44am I'm very far (229.7km) from the office. There's no possible way I make it there on this day whasotever. Completeley incommunicated too. Having a great time :)

>> No.52491587

They should hang.
Honestly if you ruin the life of tens of thousands people in a malicious way you should get the death penalty.

>> No.52491604

its more like FTX transfered customer money to Alameda as a "margin loam," and FTX reserved some massive amounts of FTT and other shitcoins they create as "Alameda's collateral" which of course they could never sell evrn if they wanted.

>> No.52491873

>I notice too, fellow goyim
>so let's not talk about it too much, shall we?

>> No.52491889

Would be deserved, and imagine the kvetching, oh my

>> No.52491969
File: 616 KB, 611x594, foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did they lose so much money with a setup like this? literally how?

>> No.52491976

4chan has always had the cringy bastards that just espoused meme phrases
You vill own nozzing and you vill be happy, amirite?! xD

>> No.52492002

Because they're genuinely stupid, driven by ideology and were tweaked out of their fucking skulls the entire time.

>> No.52492252

Essentially Alameda made a bet on a team winning a specific sports event, but instead of paying up when they lost the bet, they could just wait until that team wins literally any game at all and collect winnings then instead

>> No.52492254

This is what happens when you let nerds play wall st

>> No.52492326

Because they all thought they were smarter than everyone else and untouchable. They were so accustomed to easy money, VC backing, stealing user funds, other down right illegal mechanisms, and their DC connections they thought the gravy train would never end.
Honestly you can thank Jerome Powell for pulling the plug on this entire fucking mess by raising interest rates to the point where liquidity dried up and exposed everyone and CZ for simply pointing out what everyone already knew.

>> No.52492372

I mean, she did get to be at the top of the Imperial Chinese Harem. It is a great honor to serve under the Son of Heaven so long as he keeps the Mandate