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52475887 No.52475887 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the SOL army? Seriously. I thought we were stronger together why is everyone giving up

>> No.52475935

>I don't care that the network is down
>will we make it?
damn reddit jeets are sad

>> No.52475937

How is it 2022 and there are still "people" who think there are "friends" in finance? Hey 4chan parasite newsflash: greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, backstabbing, conflict, exploitation, slavery and war are the name of your game. It is called capitalism and it is cancer (and i mean it literally, not metaphorically, capitalisms shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell)

I would feel sad for you if it werent for the fact that you literally created a new thread in 4chan

>> No.52476011

SOL is one of the shittiest of shitcoins. If you bought any at any point you're retarded, if you still held it after the blockchain starting going down every week you honestly need to just sell all your crypto and leave forever for your own good because you're too retarded to not completely financially castrate yourself.

>> No.52476051

i bought at 15. watched it go to 250 and back. sold at 23 the other day.

>> No.52476085


>> No.52476120

hello i buy crypto SOL at 53 . i buy more but keep go down . any hope price go up ? when will price go up, this year 250 $ ?

>> No.52476154


>> No.52476191
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I remember fags on here talking about buying at 200 lmao. Sol is dead and youre next matic pajeets.

>> No.52476214

didn't read

>> No.52476225

As shit as SOL is, I still think it's the third best L1 bet after ETH and AVAX. That's how shit everything else is

>> No.52476254

I 5xed on SOL, one of my best bets. Well most of it I sold at 5x, a little bit is left. In the bull market you gotta go where the money goes, no matter how retarded that money is

>> No.52476312

I think they all SOLd
Sounds like he's the SOLe holder now

>> No.52476889

>my best bet

>> No.52477211

There is a lot of disconnect between normie baggies and those that understand the tech. I've seen this over and over
>wow Cardano does 10000tps Charles says so

>> No.52477286

>Where is the SOL army?

>> No.52477314

didn't even bother reading anything related to solana after polygon flipped it in market cap, only focusing on matic that's rising all the way to the top 3 sitting next to btc and eth

>> No.52477559

ETH>AVAX=FTM=Polygon>Every Other L1>Cardano>SOL
At least the other L1s run. Solana is and always has been dogshit. Ever looked at the validator requirements? It will always be a centralised scam.

>> No.52477619

Poor guy just wants to save his money, I feel unironically bad for him

>> No.52477717

Well then you will be relieved to learn that post is fake. The poster started off with pretty bad grammer to insinuate he is a dumb thirdworlder but over did it in the last paragraph. Plus the mentions of red dildos and VC coin all but guarantees that the post was made by a biztard.

>> No.52477763

>it's only because they wnt to drive down the price more and buy
He unironically believes in this, kek.

>> No.52477807

Well, that's the joke: it's a VC ponzi. He should give a fuck about "centralized crap" because it is that same crap that the markets are in turmoil these days.
Nobody is gonna buy that shitcoin when they can just turn off the entire chain and call it "an outage," or knowing the foundation has free will to freeze your assets or arbitrarily restake your stake even if you didn't want to in order to keep things "normal."

>> No.52477820

Oh, right: and without VC money (in this case FTX,) that means no more projects working on it since there's no monetary interest.

>> No.52477910

>go into the thread expecting to see people ridiculing op
>nothing but copium and "buy the dip!!"
Why do so many crypto communities turn into cults?

>> No.52479148
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People are here, we just don't know what the fuck to make of it. I personally think SOL will survive, but they lost their thug bodyguard FTX. Was fun to own a coin that got super pumped by "any means necessary."

I may buy back when the dust settles. We'll see. People forget about their relationship with Circle/Goldman/Black Rock. Way too early to write Solana off.

If you're an FTX political conspiracy theorist, then you have to also acknowledge that SOL is part of this high caste.

>> No.52479160

Because that cult made people tons of cash

>> No.52479180

kek, im OP and surprised as well. fucking hilarious how many baggies this mini black swan created

>> No.52479221

It's had its run this past cycle. It would be the time to accumulate when it goes lower but with impending regulation, I would just sell it altogether.

>> No.52479271

Baggie rage is hilarious to watch. These people just hold their bags no matter what and just ride the market elevator straight to hell.

>> No.52479411
File: 63 KB, 937x555, MEV-Watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik fucked up majorly when he rejected switching to Avalanche Consensus, also fucked up when he stuck with slashing. Thanks to his retarded design decisions ETH is now centralized via Lido and Coinbase validators and transactions almost fully controlled by censorial MEV kikes.

>> No.52479468

SBF donated money to my Monkey NFT Pizza Shop and we're about to open but we can't find out how to sell the FTX pizza NFTs of the pizzas we make and he hasn't been communicating with me on the TG since last week. What happened?

>> No.52481104

I know nothing about Solana,can somebody explain to me why it was so affected by the FTX crash?

>> No.52481131

FTX owns a lot of SOL they will have to liquidate in the bankruptcy proceedings

>> No.52481169

me either

>> No.52482198

>wow cardano is superior to eth in every way!!!!!

>> No.52483308

This is one of the most retarded posts I've ever read. I'm genuinely angry that you thought it was acceptable to write such utter fucking tripe

>> No.52483337

It's Ethereum except somehow worse. It was controlled by SBF, the same goblin that controlled FTX. He used to pump it so he could dump his bags on retail. He also used to fund all of the projects using Solana so he could dump bags of those on retail too. The entire thing was basically a way to transfer money from plebs to jews and the Democrat Party.

>> No.52483342

>will sol ever more go to ath many investors, influencers say never more
didn't know poe was alive and well

>> No.52483372

>t. SOL outperformed my portfolio

>> No.52483473


mind explaining your reasoning behind sol being "shitty"? do you actually know anything technical at all about the coin or do you just dislike its color scheme and think its reeee centralized because the reddit faggots all think so?

sure, solana had some problems with the network a while ago and it would go down from time to time, who gives a fuck?

solana is fucking great to build on, the conmunity is for the most part great. they arent whiny fags so maybe thats why you didnt like it. Now that jewish nigher sbf is gone solana will flourish soon as people like you start realizing its not going to die.

you morons are fucking annoying, learn something for a change and stop hating coins because other people do/the color of their fucking logo.

i was fucking with solana back when it was 1.50$, all the way up till it was $244 dollars anon and made a lot of fucking money. and if you arent a stupid retard you'd be accumulating because it aint gonna collapse like you ree muh centralization kids think

all i fucking ask is you pay attention to the devs who are putting out quality work and keeping their heads down pushing builds with important improvements even when it seems nobody gives a fuck for the love of god almight

who am i kidding you'd probably rather go get scammed on the latest insert shibametsmuskniggershitscamcoin here

>> No.52483489


jesus fucking christ you're so fucking retarded you have literally no fucking idea and just like to talk to hear yourself speak

i can tell you've spent about 0 minutes actual research and even less time actually using sol

larp the fuck more and also see above post im so sick of you fucking morons its unreal.

fuck off and kys

>> No.52483540

t. pajeet poonini

this, I'm not even a bitcoin cultist but Solana is absolutely vile and an insult to everything the space is about. Comparing it to centralized services doesn't even feel right because, sure, it's similar to PayPal in a few ways but it's also a literal fucking VC scam that barely even pretended not to be

>> No.52483566

SOL is a scam and Bankman is a scammer.

>> No.52483571 [DELETED] 

The only ecosystem I'm using right now is Bspin. cuz:

>Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency.
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Huge amount of games, slots, LIVE, spins etc.

>> No.52483608


you kys too you dumb narrative spreading shitstain

solana will survive if you'd paid attention to literally anything, theres thousands of projects on sol still out there building and making shit happen and working on overcoming and becoming stronger which is fucking to be expected

no crypto can start off perfect is what you stupid fucks dont seem to realize. it takes time to flesh out and lots of fucking work and which ill remind you happens entirely behind the scenes while whiny bitches like you just sit here on social media crying reeeeee muj vc dumpers reeee while having probably never even been invested nor cared to do a minute of their own research

just like the other faggots, fuck off and kys please

>> No.52483643


yes bankman is a scammer holy shit thanks for this fucking stunning piece of information anon wow

you'd be glad to know solana basically has no ties to scam fagman fried anymore and arent actually going to collapse like you underwear on head shitkids try every day to make happen seem to think so

>sol is a scam

yea solana has made me hundreds if thousands you know why? because i can think for myself unlike you fucking morons. if you got scammed its because youre fucking dumb and ngmi

>> No.52483646

go back to r3dd1t and post with the other faggots in that thread claiming that SOL will go to $800 in 2024, just fucking KEK

>> No.52483685

The VCs, yeah

>> No.52483695

>t. Hebrew Shekelstein

>> No.52483714

What vitriol lmao. Losing confidence on the red end of a dump? it's a bit late for that. Will the mega epic "Solana Phone" save the billions in vaporized retail money? What about a horseshit nft market that gets restarted weekly? What a great investment. I heard some moonboy podcasters admit that support is probably under $5, which was actually hilarious and a little sad, but I genuinely wouldn't touch SOL after the FTX debacle. It's going to get regulated. I don't know if the price bleed-out or securities litigation will come first, but it's also an enormous piece of shit from a technical perspective, so it's looking pretty bleak regardless.

>> No.52483722

Yeah it literally just seemed like a shitty discount version of eth.

>> No.52483758

Pajeet hands wrote that didn't it? is SOL full of pajeet scammers? I wonder..

>> No.52483777
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>> No.52483942

>Doesn't refute anything
Your bags aren't coming back you paki faggot

>> No.52485455

Is this retarded?
or this:

>> No.52485519

Didnt they literally turn off the blockchain and restart it

>> No.52485989

Everything about the coin is a scam. Every VC who funded it dumped on retail. Their tech is proven dog shit.

How the fuck are you still drinking the Kool aide? You're either a massive bag holder or truly retarded, or both. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.52486026

>hen it was 1.50$, all the way up till it was $244 dollars
>it aint gonna collapse
It already collapsed dumbfuck

>> No.52486046

reddit spacing faggot fuck off back to your safespace.

>> No.52486630
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>I 5xed on SOL, one of my best bets

>> No.52486646


>> No.52486740

Talk about the retarded pot calling the kettle retarded

>> No.52486960

Solana is fantastic tech to replace the stock exchange with, the only blockchain that can perform the part. Nearly 1 million transactions per SECOND on the last tests. I never bought in because of SBF and Alameda involvement. Now that the kikes are gone I'm waiting for a market turn around to jump in.

>> No.52487664

>Solana is fantastic tech to replace the stock exchange with
You think a stock exchange will be built on a blockchain that has had to be stopped and restarted what, 5 times now? 7? I've lost count at this point.

Keep dreaming. If a stock exchange will ever be built on a blockchain, there are plenty of far more stable options available. Solana's speed is compromised by its reliability.

>> No.52487728

Yes. It is. Go call your pajeet friends on your solana phone and ask them to buy

>> No.52488106

SOL is the EOS of this cycle. Both sacrificed decentralization for high performance, and both were ultimately controlled by shady politically connected entities who toss them aside once they're ready to move on to the next scam.

>> No.52488721

Do you think Circle/USDC is a pajeet scam? I don't know SOL's future, but you have to look at the larger picture before you declare it dead. Calling it a "pajeet scam" is low level pussy analysis. At least say something like "Circle laid off 10% of its workforce," or "Goldman now views SOL as a liability" something. Some one us are actually trying to figure out where this shit is going.

Goldman Sachs-backed crypto payments group Circle aims to become a full-reserve national digital bank

>> No.52488805


Solana is perfect for gaming for though. Star Atlas already has Solana wallets integrated into Unreal Engine 5, not much gameplay yet but the demos have been cool. As long as game developers design things well, an occasional outage isn't the end of the world. SOL has already been upgraded a lot, I'm expecting the trend to continue. I use Solana every day because it's fast and cheap as hell and there's good projects on it.

>> No.52488850

>I've lost count at this point.
That's why they test it out before scaling it insanely high. It could fail 10 more times before they get it right. Whether you like or not, the financial industry is very interested in SOL and its Proof of History.

I'm not saying SOL will go anywhere. But if its novel utility helps the industry with efficiencie$$$, no one will give a fuck about FTX.

>> No.52489928
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solana will continue be hit the hardest. they worked with FTX directly, and gave sam all the wrapped bitcoin by putting it on an FTX controlled wallet. look at the price of their onions btc (sollet/sobtc). it's barely holding on to $1,300 probably on the hopes that solana will make good and be able to unwrap them and refund the real bitcoin to users. this wont happen, solana will go bankrupt trying to give back people's wrapped bitcoins because they don't have them. you can say "well it's not that much it's only about 16k bitcoin they can find a way to make good on that", no they can't, all their money was either on FTX on various wallets that wont be recovered or tied up in salaries and they would have to fire 90% of their workers just to keep the "ecosystem" from collapsing and losing all trust. it's just a matter of days.

>> No.52490002

my friend said he moved all his savings into solana in april of this year. i'm not kidding. dude was trying to sell me on how it's the next big coin, etc.. all the shit he probably got from a youtube vid. how fucked is he? he's been noticeably solemn the past couple weeks

>> No.52490204

question about Solana for non moonbois

is it true that Solana is centralized in a sense that it does not reach decentralized consensus like the other chains?
From this video he says that they use consensus to pick a leader but then he votes but that is not a decentralized consensus because he can vote in whatever way he can
here's the vid

>> No.52490591

arguments against your coin
>100% centralized
>the network is down
>devs act in shady ways
>solana was based on currenty-crumbling FTX

arguments for your coin
>i don't give a fuck about everything
>why is everyone so toxic? why so negative?
>if we start being in mindless positive denial the price will go up by itself!