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52473663 No.52473663 [Reply] [Original]

The Fourth Industrial Resolution. That's why your shitcoins haven't mooned yet.

>> No.52473722

Cool bait. I'd rather eat out of a dumpster and/or steal than be a part of your kike robot future. Have fun.

>> No.52473812
File: 18 KB, 208x312, 1640850414720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wages of fear

>> No.52473877

linkies investment relies on the beast system constructed within the next 10 years

>> No.52473911

I just want a trust minimized panopticon. Idealists think that there's a possible non-panopticon future, they don't realize the spectrum is just from complete authoritarian panoptiicon at one end, to trust minimized panopticon at the other.
We are the good guys.

>> No.52474055

I agree with you, but many linkies don't understand that and buy link as a bet on full biometric monetary system unironically
which I think is disgusting and demonic

>> No.52474137
File: 191 KB, 800x754, 1667145252317674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-vaxxers are the most embarrassing group of people I've ever seen
>lost their jobs
>lost their relationships
>lost custody of their kids
>had their bank accounts frozen
>beaten up in public
>demonized and harassed online and in person
Yet they still think they accomplished anything.

>> No.52474480

when you don't have anything to brag about you have to find contrarian ways like that kek.

>> No.52474729

Its not that im anti vaxxer , i was just not up to date with the news and everything , being busy with work . And when i tried just recently to get the proper protection i was told that they dont give the jab to people under 30 anymore in my country because of risks of myocarditis ..

>> No.52474824

>i took the experimental vax
>im literally just like superman!
Kek no refunds

>> No.52474949

being steadfast after
>lost their jobs
>lost their relationships
>lost custody of their kids
>had their bank accounts frozen
>beaten up in public
>demonized and harassed online and in person
happened and holding onto your cubes is based and redpilled

>> No.52475051

>you will be based and redpilled and you will own nothing

>> No.52475082

Lost my job and couldn't be happier to stand on principle.
Lost some shit friends who wanted to force vaccinate everyone.
None of these other things happened.

>> No.52475146

>you will die from a toxic vaccine laden with heavy metals
and you will be happy

>> No.52475193
File: 479 KB, 493x342, 1663586844205226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, after all the deaths and Pfizer admitting fraud. All of the doctors saying the vax was a failure and the fucking video of The head of the WHO saying he wasn't vaxxed you monkey still exist.
I am so glad you too faggots got vaxxed up because you need to die. I would say kys but you already have, how stupid are you to even make this fucking statement.
Vaxxed sheep are the most embarrassing group I have ever seen.
Hurrr Durrr let me take a Vax that doesn't keep the illness away because celebs and politicians told me so.
If a celebrity or a doctor told you to stuff a hot poker up your ass to improve your life would you?
Top fucking kek, I bet you think that trans women are women right? And that men can get pregnant right?
Holy shit are you people the epitome of retarded peasants, you are exactly what Klaus Schwab describes as "useless eaters"

>> No.52475233

Uh oh, stinky linkies.

>> No.52476431

the fact that you bothered writing all of this goes to show that you tie a lot of your identity to not being vaxxed which just makes my statement true.

I think transgenderism is a mental issue. I'm not gonna bother checking if people have a hole or penis down there unless I plan to fuck.

anyways, cya around in 2030 when you're still talking about the vax unless there's something new you can tie your useless identity to.

>> No.52477085
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1664289560438846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antivax is our identity
Yawn nigger, stay triggered.
Being vaxxed is your identity and what you don't understand is that it really is your new identity moving forward. Screen shot this so you can remember how fucking stupid you were in the past.
Guess what, I will make it to 2030 and your dumb vaxxed ass will be dead and long gone.
Good riddance though as we have way too many people on the planet and you vaxxies dying is way better than any ESG program out there.

>> No.52477095

Cry more trumptard

>> No.52477100

>Wow, after all the deaths and Pfizer admitting fraud. All of the doctors saying the vax was a failure and the fucking video of The head of the WHO saying he wasn't vaxxed you monkey still exist.
Yeah I'm gonna need a source on literally all of those pseudoscientific dogshit claims.

>> No.52477163

what does trump have to do with vaccines?

>> No.52477204

Trump is heckin thanos trying to make people afraid of freaking SCIENCE

>> No.52477247

dumb tranny doesn't remember Trump was the first to push for being a vaxxie and still pisses off his supporters pushing for the jab.