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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52465818 No.52465818 [Reply] [Original]

Triple halving? Hello???

>> No.52465824
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Eth's over

>> No.52465828

reminder that more than half of supply is locked in staking

>> No.52465837
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>> No.52465899
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2m eth left the exchange the last week, in fact since merge eth liquidity on exchanges has only went down, but so many retards are still buying at 1170 and selling at 1280.

Once we move above that we moon hard and they get left behind.

>> No.52465906
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Also all eth stablecoins combined marketcap now have almost 80% of eth marketcap all it would take is one click on uniswap from whales to pump this to 3k but they are accumulating and staking even more the madmen.

>> No.52465917

500 is programmed

>> No.52465941
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>> No.52465963 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52465964

1m eth being staked per day, 2m leaving exchanges per week, only 19.9m eth remaining on exchanges.

>> No.52465968
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>Also all eth stablecoins combined marketcap now have almost 80% of eth marketcap
doesn that make those contracts technically insolvent? if everyone redeem those stable contracts, they won't have the ETH collateral

>> No.52465977

No refunds

>> No.52465987

Tether and USDC collateral is off-chain. It's in cash, treasuries etc. tradfi.

>> No.52466110

Only DAI has some eth as collateral all other stables I mention busd, gemini usd, usdc and tether have offchain collateral

>> No.52466203

>Tether and USDC collateral is off-chain. It's in cash, treasuries etc. tradfi.

>> No.52466233
File: 527 KB, 1058x619, 3FBEF08B-9147-482F-B169-6A34BC89CE2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hasn’t BTC mooned yet? Hello??? Halving???

>> No.52466365

I have been hearing those retarded arguments since ETH's absolute top. Funny how despite everything and all of the bullshit narratives and all the funds opting out of BTC and instead focusing mainly on ETH - all of this shit failed to lead to the ETH/BTC pair reaching the ATH from the previous cycle, let alone break it.

The most painful move would not be to the upside, but to the downside. Jump Crypto for example have notoriously heavy ETH bags, the recent FTX hacker is also now one of the biggest ETH holders. You can cope with your midwit arguments all you want - ETH has been a very very overcrowded trade for some time now.

>> No.52466507
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Merge was barely two months ago tough, before that eth had more inflation than dogecoin.

>> No.52466517


>> No.52466547

Stop writing like a woman on twitter, OP.

>> No.52466560

beautiful peach pie pussy

>> No.52466572
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ETH will decouple with Polygon's support. Being bullish on lightning network is like being bullish on fax in 2022. maxis will seeth.

>> No.52466629
File: 158 KB, 424x310, hhaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the on-chain stables have more market cap than Ethereum itself then loans cannot be liquidated

>> No.52466645

The family split up shortly after that image. The wife had been getting raw dogged by the neighbor while the husband was in the trenches.

>> No.52466656

Changing the the protocol to make "ultra sound money" is an oxymoron.

>> No.52467460

They spit before, they just forced them to take this picture. I think he was last POW from vietnam. Problem is she lived from his cash, thats why she divorced after she heard hes alive. Also court declared she takes basically everything and also alimony from him till rest of her days.

>> No.52467768

>from the previous cycle
And in 2030 you will still measure in 2017
At some point 2017 is irrelevant

>> No.52467825

>Triple halving?
That's just the right word to use in situations like these cause wtf is wrong with the excessive price downturn. I bought at 1500, say 1/6th of a unit and used for liquidity provision on Uniswap for sylo staking and also for retroactive aerdraps.

>> No.52469536
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Vitalik is dumping you retards.

>> No.52470171

>vitalik endorses SBF and pedophilia
>investors dump
Charles wins in the nd.

>> No.52472307

pedochain spaghetti code

>> No.52472316


>> No.52472373

bitcoin will die before eth does. bitcoin literally can't handle a dip below 13k because the PoW system fails to be profitable below that. and the system itself can't adjust fast enough so miners literally have to mine in the red just to keep the lights on.

Eth doesn't have those problems anymore. the value of eth can drop to a penny and the network nodes will keep on going.

>> No.52472754

Imagine being this incredibly retarded. I don’t know shit about crypto but I do know that after 2130 mining won’t be a thing for Bitcoin and that is built into the system. Miners aren’t what “keeps the lights on”.

>> No.52472818

its no fake lel, he sold 3M usd of eth at 1250, check his wallet

>> No.52472850

your either a shill or a literal fucking retarded person.

>> No.52472888

i assume it's because either Tether is about to explode or investigations related to the ICO will be announced

>> No.52473003

if eth drops 30-50% everything inside the chain unpegs, look at solana, fantom, harmony one etc. In fact, when matic droped to 3 cents everything unpegged briefly
also, if btc drops in price, miners capitulate and close, and hasrate goes dow, the difficulty adjust and fixes itself, its a free capitalist market, sustainable.

>> No.52473039

Only complete and total midwit parakeet NPCs talk about Ethereum anymore because everyone else, even the retards, knows it's dead. ETHfags can be safely disregarded as cultists at this point

>> No.52473190

>if eth drops 30-50%
wont happen because unlike buttcoin, eth is actually being used. now you can argue about tokens being scams or whatever. but the fact remains no one is building jack shit on bitcoin, no one is using LN, it is NOT digital gold or being used as money. It is not being accepted anywhere by anyone of any importance. Bitcoin is western union 2.0 and nothing more.

>> No.52473246

Money skelly sold 3K ETH because once it's labeled a security, which it will be, it will be worthless. Everyone that willfully locked their ETH already lost.

>> No.52473259

>wont happen because

the price is not dictated by wathever on chain copium you read about, the price is dictated by the market markers. an the moment they see no bids in 1200 area, the 800 area is next.

>no one is building jack shit on bitcoin, no one is using LN, it is NOT digital gold or being used as money. It is not being accepted anywhere by anyone of any importance.
there is absolutely, literally, 0 places you can spend your eth on. And i am not even memeing. at least with bitcoin you can travel and use it everywhere.

>> No.52473281

Why would he sold at 1250 when he can do when it was 4k?

>> No.52473312

vitalik has a tendency to sell the bottom, while the eth foundation sells the top kek, and being honest, there is the chance that we unironically enter the fabled crypto winter, imagine btc doing nothing for another 2 years, just moving between 10k and 20k being unable to break it like in 2019-2020

>> No.52473320
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>Money skelly sold 3K ETH because once it's labeled a security, which it will be, it will be worthless. Everyone that willfully locked their ETH already lost.
kek this.

>> No.52473337

Because it is effectively over with regulation. Sell now or lose? Easy choice...

>> No.52473360

Eth is used for everything on the ethereum network. you have to use it to do business on ethereum. and that forced use case in turn gives it value.

Pretty soon you butters are going to learn a hard lesson. the "muh first crypto" cult your in wont last forever. they are quickly running out of tricks to pull to get people to buy in.

>> No.52473424

>Eth is used for everything on the ethereum network. you have to use it to do business on ethereum. and that forced use case in turn gives it value.
anon, 99.99% of the defi protocols volume is considered "toxic inflows", which means is just arbitrage bots extracting from the LP as few $ because the price changed in CEXes, there is no real organic volume happening in any of those platforms. unless circle, usdt and busd becomes fiat on ramps on chain allowing mint and burns on real time when people hop on and off the chain, this will never change.

>> No.52473437

>do business

There is no real world value being generated, it's just the same money slushing around. With PoW you have investments in energy infrasctructure and a way to sell energy regardless of time and location

>> No.52473456
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>he's never read the whitepaper

>> No.52473475

Memes saside, i do admint NFts are pretty damn cool, but all the institutions are adapting MATIC / POLYGON for their NFTs needs instead of eth lmao, shit like disney, meta and reddit jumped on matic because of the near 0 fees. despite matic having only 4 validators in fucking india.

>> No.52473492

kekked, saved.

>> No.52473500

>Triple halving
priced in

>> No.52473544

>muh ultrasound money
>muh triple halving
gonna have fun slurping this shit at 800

>> No.52474008

btw, 70% of the eth aave loans liquidate at $389-440

>> No.52474119

It's not his wallet. The screenshot is user tagged name.

>> No.52474275

oof imagine... I can only get so errect

>> No.52474828

it's buy the rumor sell the news. Whenever planned event happens, it usually dumps, sometimes catastrophically

>> No.52474893

I’m not even invested in BTC but this is common knowledge.