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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52467142 No.52467142 [Reply] [Original]

>entry level job
>asks for experience in related field
>pays shit wage
why do fucking bomers gatekeep good jobs? don´t they realise this only benefits 40 yo pajeets looking for an h1b1?

>> No.52467373

Boomers hate white people

>> No.52467393

Yes it's why a middle class family can't survive on a manufacturing job that only required a high school diploma anymore. They're replacing all service industry jobs with h1b1.

>> No.52467412

just apply anyway, if it doesn't require security clearance you can even forge your experience and nobody will even check or look for phone numbers to references

>> No.52467434

Boomers want young people to be miserable and suffer. They are one of the worst generations to have ever existed.

>> No.52467455

my best friend lied about having an Associates degree and now he works from home doing Purchasing for small CM

>> No.52467469

>Who would perform the job better, the unexperienced little white boy or the jeet who spent the last 5 years doing the same job back in India
Makes you wonder desu

>> No.52467507

Not the jeet, I know that much

>> No.52467555

turns out employers don't like repeating the same thing 5 times because they can't understand your thicker than curry accent

>> No.52467616


That's why they do it. dummy.


>Doesn't ask for a raise
>Doesn't complain
>Doesn't form/join unions with other workers
>Will gladly work harder for free to be the boss's favorite
>Can be gotten rid of at a moments notice, and essentially be back on a plane to India the next day (or re-rolled into another Jew-mer company)

Boomers will gladly import millions of Sanjay's and Danjeets. It means they meet bullshit diversity quotas, and can easily skate around many labor laws with good ol' H1B "Yes, Effendi!" slaves.

Jews and boomers started this bullshit roughly 15 years ago, and they ramped it up once they realized what a gravy train it was. And of course the government went along for the ride. Now millennials and zoomers get to eat shit and watch the people who shouted the loudest about American patriotism in the 90s sell the same country and their children's future off to the lowest bidder.

>> No.52467650

Jeets can't code worth shit, you have to hire a senior dev to fix everything the poo team writes.

>> No.52467651

>ranjeesh will accept lower pay for the privilege of living in the US
>ranjeesh knows that if he quits or gets fired he will have to leave
>ranjeesh will tolerate lower pay and more BS treatment than whitey will if he can stay here where the bobs walk freely in the streets

>> No.52467671

The issue is the business people don't see the spaghetti code that's impossible to maintain, all they know is the product "works" (kind of, but not really)

>> No.52467708

This. Kids don’t realize that when it comes down to a business your countrymen interests mean jack shit.
>verification not required

>> No.52467765

complete meme. i bet if i showed you some code, you wouldnt be able to tell who wrote it.

its just code. it doesn't matter who writes it. thats as retarded as claiming you can taste the difference in a coffee made by a woman or made by a man, its just copes

>> No.52467811

>who can copy paste this excel sheet better
fuck off most "jobs" are easy af. they are even easier once you consider new generations have higher iq than older ones. Plus, how the fuck does the experience in a 3 world africa-tier shithole just translate to the 1 world? it doesn't
you are just making excuses for being a fucking jew b00mer

>> No.52467965
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>new generations have higher iq than older ones

>> No.52468005

Case on point.

>> No.52468022


>> No.52468037
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>> No.52468756

>Can be gotten rid of at a moments notice
See, I just don't understand how people can kiss boss's ass and put up with so much bullshit for a company when they know their boss is just going to work them into the ground and replace them at a moment's notice. Why would anyone want to work for a company like that? Why does anyone buy into this employment scam?

>> No.52468949
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>> No.52469038

Because it's better than living in India.

>> No.52471218

>t. never worked with pajeets

Pajeets will do everything the can to undermine managers, and as soon as one gets into any senior position, he will do everything to hire and promote more and more if them, until it inevitable implodes because of sub-90 IQ incompetence.

>muh pajeet tech/maths/money whizzes!
A meme, all they can do is spout what they learned by rote without any understanding, and their qualifications are almost always fraudulant.

>> No.52473551

They just want to have reasons to disqualify you if they don't like you.
You need to have anything to get a job. Have you ever worked with people or looked at whos in a government?

>> No.52473561


>> No.52473568
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