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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 720x547, credit_score_web_history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52468722 No.52468722 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.52468752
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1632929244334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a burger. So what's the difference between the US credit score & the Chinese social credit score?

>> No.52468754
File: 53 KB, 960x637, 1622142130262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethan rotberg

>> No.52468769

>watch straight porn
>credit score goes down
>watch tranny, gay and cuck porn
>credit score goes up
Is this how it will work?

>> No.52468772

Muh Freedom

>> No.52468781

You're simplifying a lot, but basically, yes.

>> No.52468794

For now it's only based on your record of paying back your debts (or not). It's not based on your political views and so on.

>> No.52468813

im gonna make it afterall

>> No.52469177

well, at least its not the other way around

>> No.52469206

Wouldn't normal people who dont go into debt have 0 score then?
Isn't this just a system just to track which niggers can pay and which cant then?

>> No.52469222

What if you use a VPN? And someone will develop an extension or something that auto browses “safe” sites anyways. Although now that I think about it, a lot of lefty devs, including FF devs and the Mozilla foundation, will probably be ok with this.

>> No.52469245

>What if you use a VPN
Bad for your score, what are you hiding?

>> No.52469313

Even things as simple as making payments on an electricity bill factor in to your score. I wouldn't say it's a good system, but it is functional.

>> No.52469340

Yes, it is actually a measurement of how good of a goy you are. You can get a pretty good score by keeping a small amount of debt and just paying off credit cards every month to avoid interest, but to get the highest score possible (useless btw) you have to be currently forking over monthly interest payments in large amounts.

>> No.52469386
File: 2.88 MB, 406x720, 1668615607774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it unconstitutional ?

>> No.52469635

BIPOC are unaffected so no

>> No.52469888

Remember to make fun of china's social credit score

>> No.52469991


>> No.52470395
File: 34 KB, 960x600, 1640657113553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US Credit score is based on $$$ history only.
Ching Chong Social Credit score is based on a lot more.
DYOR on a well know infographic.

>It's only just begun

>> No.52470934
File: 860 KB, 307x283, 1582017852747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love little girls, and my goal in life is to be a slave owner.
Can I join the elite now?

>> No.52470977

you're gonna get gassed, faggot

>> No.52472846

>watch cunny
>Bill Clinton personally congratulates you

>> No.52472922

>4 people live in a house
>1 IP address
you cant correlate history to a PERSON unless they are using their own phone and on their own dataplan
anyone who looks at bad shit uses a PC or a non-personalized device anyway.

>> No.52472979

>Install Linux
Not my problem.

>> No.52473034

The western credit score rewards you for spending more than you make.

>> No.52474318

Your ISP doesnt care what OS you are using

>> No.52474400

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.52474448
File: 90 KB, 445x689, Vb6yNTDIcGmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you get dubs

>> No.52474477

This "article" (screencap) is like 100 years old. /pol/ crossposters must be having a slow news week and going back to the archives to find rage bait to post.

>> No.52474495
File: 353 KB, 1544x1267, 6B177DA0-F616-45F8-B74F-6E6856A3DE52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not Fckn over, ape small caps on uniswap before they blow up. That’s how people made money with shib in 2021 and with tsuka in 2022.
The purple doggo is up next.

>> No.52474580

Normal people go into debt anon. Whether it’s student loans, a mortgage or simply having a credit card.

>> No.52474609

Roberg is a Dutch nigger last name. Same thing I guess.

>> No.52474628

>a poor's outlook on credit

>> No.52474642

It doesn't effect much besides whether you can get loans or not in the US. In China it affects all kinds of things like whether you can use transportation.

>> No.52475050

How do they get past the captcha

>> No.52475104

>have multi layered all encompassing surveillance system on a person for taking loans
>making a person show up personally and show an ID to vote is fascism and racism
explain amerikeks

>> No.52475161
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1629053461936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Good goys go into debt anon.

>> No.52475174

Source: My ass

>> No.52475176
File: 127 KB, 635x750, 1668549818279035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not living in Europe

>> No.52475558

It affects whether you can qualify for renting an apartment. You can literally end up homeless because your credit score is lacking.

>> No.52475586

If white people weren't so fucking opposed to Statism we wouldn't have had to do this shit in the first place.

>> No.52475641

d-does shemale on female count? asking for a friend

>> No.52475668

if they do shit like this i'll just max out all my cards and leave the country. this is literally china tier.

>> No.52475669

who else can hear this webm?

>> No.52475699

Can also bar you from employment. It's worse than the Chink system

>> No.52475737

Sweet. I’ll set up a cheap laptop with a vm and it’s sole purpose will be to automate a bunch of video playing and web surfing while I’m not around.

>> No.52476576

don't pretend you're not going to watch faggot

>> No.52478295

You guys been posting this article for years at this point, and it's never even the actual article just the ragebait headline

>> No.52478307

Yes but nobody cares unfortunately
Since the Patriot Act there is no such thing as the Constitution anymore.

>> No.52478310

I use startpage
How do they wanna figure it out if my browser and search engine is safe

>> No.52478339

>niggers look shocked
>"Honey, I told you your moderate views and sympathy for working class white people were nothing but trouble!"
Also fuck jews

>> No.52478401


>> No.52478413
File: 12 KB, 578x170, YouWillHaveNoPrivacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Privacy against the American government is an extremist act. You will have no privacy. You will be happy.

>> No.52478447

AHAHAHAHAHA. You think your VPN isn't backdoored.

>> No.52478488

>anyone who looks at bad shit uses a PC or a non-personalized device anyway.
IP addresses are one of MANY ways to deanonymize the end user. Read the whonix documentation for data collection techniques.

>> No.52478517
File: 622 KB, 674x768, Bigsip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not think credit scores are a bad thing, but i think having interest for people who have shown they can already be trusted with making payments is garbage.

>> No.52478533

Way too straight for you cucky, now go and look at some dudes ass

>> No.52478544
File: 103 KB, 500x353, igor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52478754

sauce or fake news