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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52462203 No.52462203 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, real talk. What the fuck is Vitalik's problem with Chainlink? First he proposes that Uniswap become an oracle network and now he's developing Proof of Reserve with CZ. Why does he hate Sergey so much?

>> No.52462212

Cause chainlink will devalue eth

>> No.52462407

Pedalik just the rest of crypto retail isn't aware of chainlink's capabilities, thanks to sirgays fantastic marketing strategy

>> No.52462603

probably doesnt even know what chainlink is cause the team sucks at putting it out there.

>> No.52462634

Chainlink completely fucks up the value proposition for centralized exchanges and even for blockchains like ETH because of off-chain computation. People paying huge premiums for data about token movements alone, are about to pay the cheapest possible price for decentralized truth about shit that matters in real life.

>> No.52462686

It's funny. Because link is both run like garbage, but also CLL as a company prints so much money that having a piece of its ownership would be incredible, despite how poorly its ran.
Yet the token itself doesn't expose holders to the upside. Most of that goes directly to CLL.
The potential is there. The reality is just sad(unless you have a direct stake in CLL).

>> No.52462713

>actively tries to undermine LINK
>thinks it's not worth the $32M ICO
>proposes UNI to become an oracle token
>is currently working with CZ to build a Proof of Reservation
notice a pattern, retards?

>> No.52463524

fucking pedo freak

>> No.52463808

Because LINK and CCIP will take a lot of revenue from ETH as I understand it. Its more profitable for ETH to exist with it's current shitty system.

>> No.52463985

Link is the MEV mafia killer
Vitalik runs with the MEV mafia
Thats all there is to it
Remember vitalik praising MEV when ari juels was saying it was plain theft

TLDR vitalik is a faggot who created a fale narrative for himself just like sbf (ans thats why he defends him)

>> No.52464004

the real question is who even likes Chainlink at this point
nobody talks about it, nobody promotes it, nobody references it
it's fucking dead

>> No.52464009

holy shit imagine holding a json parser token in 2022 after seeing Sergey get publicly humiliated by schmidt

>> No.52464040
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I know no one will remember this, but there was once a conference where Vitalik was on stage and Sergey was grilling him with questions and basically saying that the development on ETH was to slow (think about at least 4 years ago). Think they both got angry with eachother.

>> No.52464047

>Sergey was grilling him with questions and basically saying that the development on ETH was to slow
lol, how the tables have turned

>> No.52464074

Post it if you can find it

>> No.52464081

Because its an anagram for China Link. A code word to link with CZ.

>> No.52464188

interesting part around 33 minutes

>> No.52464206
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i like Chainlink

>> No.52465069
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MEV is a big reason but their feud goes back many years. It started in WoW according to legend

>> No.52465681

My nigga right here gets it

>> No.52466375

Chainlink had a diversity meeting and likes the WEF

>> No.52466399

Crypto just isn't big enough for two Russian bvlls. One of them has to go and they both know it.

>> No.52466895

As much as I like Chainlink, we all know that evil always win in real life, specially when there's a bunch of money and power behind it. So Chainlink is dead... still not selling though

>> No.52466908

>Link is the MEV mafia killer
>Vitalik runs with the MEV mafia
>Thats all there is to it

>> No.52466943

Vitalik is on SBF’s side with everything that’s happened to FTX. Why would anyone trust him?

>> No.52467000

There are other chains, that vitalik actually likes that are gasless(free) and can pull data from web 2 into web 3. No one uses chainlink and no one everywill. Chainlink was and always has been a middle step in evolution- it will be a side note to history. Not to mention when we talk about chainlink we need to talk about the protocol or the token, they are totally different and one isn’t even needed if adopted, which it won’t be adopted

>> No.52467022

>There are other chains, that vitalik actually likes that are gasless(free) and can pull data from web 2 into web 3.
There are 0 (zero) projects that can trustlessly pull off-chain data with the same security guarantees as Chainlink. If you think the problem is trivial you don't understand the problem.

>> No.52467033

Nope, I don’t- go ahead and spell it out for me, just sounds like vitalik understand how useless and over valued link is.

>> No.52467078

I fully understand link, so does vitalik. It’s not important and never has been and never will be. Oracles will spring up everywhere and you’ll still be saying bbbbbut muh verified data guys??!!’
You link faggots have to stop thinking you’re the smartest people in the room, it’s annoying, it’s untrue and you’re all a bunch of midwits

>> No.52467114

Solvency is the difference between life and death of a protocol. To say this is not important is completely moronic.

>> No.52467137

>Oracles will spring up everywhere
2 more weeks?

>> No.52467585

Are these “Oracles springing up everywhere” in the room with us now? Kek.
How many integrations do it’s competitors have?

>> No.52467662
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WTF why would he post this??

>> No.52467876

Charlie Mungers strategy for being a traffic controller in the airforce was to ask "how can I kill these pilots" if he knew how to kill them he also knew exactly what to do to not kill them. I think some people who are declared gifted or geniuses just naturally think in terms of reverse engineering combined with problem solving

>> No.52468009
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I concur

>> No.52468085

The real reason is they are both brothers of the WEF competing for daddy Schwab's approval and affection.

>> No.52468142

arbitrum has a kike as part owner. i dont trust kikes and neither should you

>> No.52468160

Presale anon here. After /biz/ overloaded the pre-sale pools, chainlink had a small ico where basically nobody could get in. Redditors complained calling it a scam ico. Vitalik, being a redditor, likely saw those posts before making his 32m is too much post. Keep in mind this was when complaining about overvalued icos was a hot topic. People were also using an old vitalik post about smartcontract.com to shill link. That seemed to piss him off.

Vitalik link hate is exaggerated, but he did spend a lot of time promoting shit like auger over it.

>> No.52468474


>> No.52468790

>There are other chains
>fails to name a single one
Many such cases

>> No.52468814

I don't think he hates chainlink, I think he hates us. linkies are a different breed of autism than the kind vialik has.

>> No.52468859

>Vitalik link hate is exaggerated, but he did spend a lot of time promoting shit like auger over it.
He was fucking on stage with Sergey when he promoted Auger just to piss Sergey off. He promoted Uniswap creating their own oracle because he seethes that Chainlink is creating a monopoly all must use to enter web3.