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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52454131 No.52454131 [Reply] [Original]

umm pissbros? 180k canisters. are they preparing for the behemoth btc integration that will consume all?

>> No.52454204


>> No.52454241

Explain what I’m looking at like I’m fucking braindead retarded like I am.

>> No.52454261

180k canisters that can't even do 500 tps.

>> No.52454274
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What good is it to assemble a bunch of Juggalos? What the fuck do Juggalos know about business or finance?

>> No.52454398
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6k tps holy shit get BTFOD. blowing any L1 out the water.

>> No.52454479
File: 16 KB, 680x447, what Megamind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't an ICP DEX crash recently because it couldn't handle 500 tps?

>> No.52454546

The dex couldn't handle the load. This was probably because of the way that they coded the dapp. They were hitting some kind of limit, but the dex is back up again. Each subnet is only capable of doing a certain number of TPS. The internet computer is infinitely scaling linearly. So each subnet that gets added increases the IC's max TPS, but a single subnet might have trouble with an active dapp. I believe that the struggles that the lighthouse dex had could be resolved with more robust coding, but IDK.

>> No.52454570

you mean an icp shitdex. icdex is a literal pajeet tier made dex and is getting shilled by pajeets. idk why dominic is marketing scams on his own chain. if you can't code or don't top up your canister you get shit performance. your canisters need to be optimized to scale all those transactions. that's why these pajeets added a fee now for order cancellations within 24 hours. wait till Terabethia goes live and people finally can start to bridge their eth over to icp. Sonic dex will blow up same with icpswap and infinityswap.

>> No.52454584

Okay seriously is ICP worth my time. I feel like VCs are just dumping hard into it the tech itself seems too good to be true

>> No.52454765
File: 144 KB, 316x435, ICP Pleiadian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a DEX coded by white men will scale to infinity?

>> No.52454801

It’s the best tech you will find in blockchain. To many people overlook it because sbf fucked up the chart so people just think “price go down icp bad”. No other chain is even close in terms of capabilities.

>> No.52454821

im in it for the tech, thats why im all in internet computer. i dont care about the heckin price at all

>> No.52454822

>Okay seriously is ICP worth my time.
I'd look into it if I were you. Check out their youtube page. Check out the ecosystem. If you're a developer check out how easy it is to deploy a web page. Websites that are made on the IC directly interface with smart contracts on the back end. It's pretty crazy.

Some eco to check out:

>> No.52454841
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trust pissbro. trust. it's inevitable.

>> No.52454858

My brothers in piss we are quickly losing time to accumulate under $100. This shit is going to rubber band snack back up into the triple digits quicker than anything ever seen in crypto since king Bitcoin himself.
Sam the icp shorting tranny is in prison for his crimes against us. Redemption is coming my brothers in piss.
-posted from my internet computer

>> No.52454948

Maybe I can stop threatening to rape Indians soon

>> No.52455055
File: 731 KB, 800x900, 1643343251810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> icp is inflationary
> cycle cost is constant
> ????
> 2k EOY pissbros

at this rate of adoption, icp will bottom in 2 years

>> No.52455085

Hi Raj, how's the bum

>> No.52455129

Are you telling me that Amazon Web Services with a token they gave to all their insider friends is more scalable than blockchains in general? O:

>> No.52455209

Technologically? Unironically, yes
As a person just looking for a bull-run 100x coin that they have no patience to sit on for a couple years? No

>> No.52455248

The tech is good?

It's literally a bunch of warehouses for nodes. It's literally amazon web services. What about that is good tech? lool

>> No.52455282

Can you spend less time repeating lies on the internet and more time lubricating your asshole? Thanks champ.

>> No.52455286


This is why other chains are only capable of being a ledger for shitcoins.

>> No.52455398

> Are you telling me that Amazon Web Services with a token they gave to all their insider friends is more scalable than blockchains in general?
ICP is a protocol that allows anyone with the muscle to create a meaningful node to contribute their capacity to the network. It is a distributed cloud.

>> No.52455935

>What about that is good tech? lool
The tech is the protocol that allows those warehouses to cooperate permissionlessly to form one big Internet Computer.

>> No.52458089

The retards here can’t even understand this

>> No.52459779

If you want to wait long enough then hands down yes.
Its hard to put in perspective how insane it is what they’ve done.

They’ve literally created a new protocol on top of the internet protocol suite. Like imagine if you could invest in Tim-Berners-Lee’s world wide web. It doesn’t make sense at first because its like so different that its difficult to abstract/conceptualize..

Also, the team behind ICP looks like on paper a team that would be required to build something like the world wide web.

>> No.52460313
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>> No.52460361

So is 300 pees enough bros?

>> No.52460386

maximise your exposure as low as possible.

>> No.52460387

is 300 eth enough?

>> No.52461774

More canisters means they will need to add more nodes which increases the inflation rate right?


>> No.52462581

The opposite. Will require more burn

>> No.52462613

This is patently false. They need to add more nodes to run more canisters and assuming nobody uses them that will oncrease the inflation rate.


>> No.52462621

Will ICP and HEX make me rich?

>> No.52462629

Can I stir my icy pee?

>> No.52462633

Would just like to add, FUCK i wanna be rich! i love the idea of being rich! so much that I will do anything to become rich!

>> No.52462642

>It's literally amazon web services.
that's the selling point dumbass

>> No.52462819

dont send people to dscvr. theyre requiring email addresses for accounts and phone numbers for nfts

>> No.52462862

>email addresses for accounts
RIP I didn't know this. Thanks.

>> No.52462918

You're an idiot. If no one uses the canisters they expire. If they are used, then cycles (created by burning icp) are required to keep them topped up.

>> No.52462934

Funny I have both accounts and nfts on there without giving away my email, phone number or any other details. Wtf are you on about.

>> No.52463040
File: 1.15 MB, 1023x1022, Duck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. "3c" still graces us with his presence. What terrible fud are you trying on this time?

>> No.52463214

Can people please reply to this post with "3c" to quell the ICPfags belief that one person is responsible for spamming their threads with 3c and it isn't because this whole board is laughing at them for being dumped on by VCs.

>> No.52463306


>> No.52463510
File: 52 KB, 286x198, 3Pees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.52463527
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3c is what you pay your jeet farm per post

>> No.52463544

Daily reminder VCs bought ICP at 3 cents which is all it's worth.

>> No.52463562

daily reminder ETH and BTC fags bought at $0.03 and VCs bought in at $0.63 and $4.50

>> No.52463683

> I will do anything to become rich