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52461915 No.52461915 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think the markets are going to respond well to this.

>> No.52461949

>And here's why that's a good thing.

>> No.52461984

If he really wanted to overturn election results he would have just called the national guard in and gunned down the opposition.

>> No.52462011

Are you a retard?

>> No.52462020

I have such horrific, traumatic memories of January 6th. It was like another Holocaust or 9/11 but actually worse as democracy was nearly vanquished by these thugs who carried no weapons on them. oy vey.

>> No.52462022

He had good relations with Russia, didn't he? Why wouldn't this be bullish

>> No.52462028

That editorialization tho

>> No.52462043

He is Putin's cock holster.

>> No.52462121
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>US Army
gutless fucking cowards aren't gonna fight for you

>> No.52462145
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>your tax dollars fund this 'journalism'

>> No.52462182

>riot instead of insurrection
kek looks like that finally dropped that talking point

>> No.52462185


At this point I don’t think he’s going to win the primary. Conservatives are tired of trump, even most MAGAs

>> No.52462198


I voted for him twice. I almost would want Biden to win against him if he were the nominee

>> No.52462225
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It’s DeSantis or nothing. Trump didn’t get anything meaningful done and radicalized the left in an accelerationist way. They’ll easily steal it again if he’s the nominee

>> No.52462242

kek, did CNN or MSNBC tell you that?

>> No.52462243

I was in the guard and I would have done it.

>> No.52462245

futures are up 300 points you stupid tranny

>> No.52462251

more like LPR amirite

>> No.52462262

isn't that Biden

>> No.52462264

What you on about? The Don's the markets' best friend. He's gonna fire that Gensler nigger on the double

>> No.52462273

If you didn’t believe the election tampering memes before you best believe Russia will spend a ton on Trump to get the US away from aiding Ukraine. This election cycle will be incredible.

>> No.52462279
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Presidency? More like Memency!

I love the memes this retard produces, vote for him again fucking burgers

>> No.52462288

Listen shitlord, we're tired of your sarcasm about our most lethal terrorist insurrection ever.
One of those lunatics had a heckin pedestal, for fuck's sake!

>> No.52462293

Why do I have to pay for that propaganda media?

>> No.52462636
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Imagine still supporting this worthless loser. Get off the dick of a 78-year-old corpse.

>> No.52462648

Nothing they said was a lie.

>> No.52462658


>> No.52462665

No. In fact, there's nothing more that CNN and MSNBC want than a Trump campaign. As much as MAGAtards keep trying to purity test who supports DeSantis, apparently the entire mainstream media boosting Trump and egging him on doesn't register that Trump is a fucking Dem shill.

>> No.52462672
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>> No.52462689

Yes, I am. When the ability to push back against awful leftist policies is being held back by literally one deranged clown, I am seething. Trump dying tomorrow would benefit literally everybody.

>> No.52462693

It is terrible I agree.

With that being said the best thing for USA’s continuity and longevity is for Trump to lose in 2024 and MAGA to die with it. I’m not saying some of the concerns of MAGA aren’t legitimate but looking at the bigger picture I want stability and MAGA serves as a destabilizing force.

>> No.52462735

Absolutely seething! So unbiased! So impartial! Editorialize much?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.52462743

They're trying way too hard here. How do you "overthrow" election results? Election results aren't a person in power

>> No.52462745

The US is in a steady decline. Not sure if you can see it from the inside, but it really is. US politicians know this and are looting the country before it goes down. Trump is the only force against giving up. Everyone else at the top knows China will take over but doesn't want the inevitable world war that follows it.

Look at US cities. They are unlivable. Everyone is asleep at the wheel. Each year it gets worse than the last. this isn't normal.

>> No.52462757

> oh noes he actually did something, we can’t have that, we don’t want to upset the left!

>> No.52462760

Journalism, ladies and gents. What the FUCK happened to NPR? I used to listen to it 10 years ago

>> No.52462788

A group of people unironically supporting a stupid, visionless, grifting idiot is what's not normal. He single-handedly led thousands of his own supporters to rot for years in DC jails, never talks about them again, and still there are people that unironically think this orange cunt will save them.

>> No.52462791

Plus we can’t let him get his finger on the button amirite?

>> No.52462811

How old is Trump now?

>> No.52462839

Pull NPR's funding.

>> No.52462848

>the entire world agrees trump was a good president
>US very citizens seethe over him because he hurts feelings
>lets some old man with lower capacity than a retard win afterwards
You guys had it right and fucking blew it.

>> No.52462852

He was born in June 1946, would be 79-83 in his next term if he somehow won. I watched his announcement today, first time watching him since he was president and he was noticably older. Far less energy. Desantis was born in 1978. 32 years younger. I'll be voting for Desantis in primary and honestly any republican in general but Trump would get crushed

>> No.52462854

There aren't many choices out there. It's either between tranny story time HIV loving dems or the do nothing establishment Republicans. Then there's Trump. A 3rd option.

>> No.52462863

Yes, that’s my point. The USA is declining and Trump serves as a destabilizing force. You really think he can fix things? He had a chance and didn’t. I’m not some histrionic leftist, his policies were OK for the most part but he’s an incompetent moron, he isn’t saving us.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow but for this decline to not be horrific we need some sort of stability. I’m not idolizing those in power they fucking suck but your not going to vote yourself out of this. Trump won’t save you and it’s for the best that he loses (and he will).

>> No.52462873
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I don't think I can deal with two whole years of crying lefties, they are already ITT being retarded faggots

>> No.52462881

>t. glownigger

>> No.52462899

I agree

>> No.52462904

What the fuck was his record of pushing back against the left again? The country accelerated leftwards like never before. Do nothing establishment Republicans? The only thing that was done in the last decade was by McConnell, who engineered the situation for the Supreme Court picks. What did Trump achieve in four years?

>> No.52462927

The futures were down pretty far but now it's up to positive 66.

>> No.52462935

He killed the TPP which was based for my country.

>> No.52462938

The decline of America is unstoppable. It's cultural, economic, societal, moral, and political collapse cannot be stopped and has been falling for a while. Trump can't stop it. US will be Brazil 2.0 when they look back at it, then it'll break into smaller countries. First based on ideology, then based on region.

>> No.52462979
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this would be bearish for my oil stocks

>> No.52462982

you mean that faggot that put forth 50694 votes to repeal Obamacare but was only for show, wasting everyone's time? Then didn't put it up for a vote when GOP had power? That McConnell? Or the McConnell that funded ISIS in Syria? Fuck off.

>> No.52463001

Yes, that’s my point is goes far beyond who gets voted into office in the current year. Our decline is baked into the cake, that being said I’d like that decline to be as smooth as possible. I get MAGA peoples anger and resentment quite a bit of it is legitimate but trump isn’t saving them and will actually only make things worse long term.

When it comes to how this decline will play out long term I won’t make guesses like you, who knows.

>> No.52463012

>tfw I was a high level technocrat in the Trump admin
>tfw I’ve actually met and talked to him
>tfw he’s much smarter than the media makes him out to be
>tfw his biggest problem is that he’s a mediocre judge of character who ended up surrounded by incompetent loyalists like kris Kobach and effective traitors like his daughter.
>tfw the only person there who was loyal and got shit done was the blood sucking jew (Miller)
I want him to run again if only to spite the libs.
He should have won re-election and the extremist liberal fever might have broken but as it happened, it was like watching an exorcism spiral out of control half way and backfire.
I don’t Trust Desantis but it’s hard to argue with his policy and electoral victories.
But he won’t be able to beat Trump and he’d be wasted on the vice presidency.

>> No.52463018

>here are McConnell's faults and that's why he's awful and terrible and needs to go
>here are Trump's faults and that's why he's awesome and great and the only person to save the country or something or other
Trump supporters have been trained well over the years to respond instinctively like this. Just deflect to anything else even though Trump is guilty of the exact same things.
Liz Cheney 100% needed to go because she kept attacking the party. Trump spends every waking moment of his life attacking every single Republican star? No biggy.

>> No.52463057

Same. Our democracy is ran by infantilized and radicalized jewish faggots.
Its time to stop.

>> No.52463058

DeSantis is already polling ahead of Trump. And this is before DeSantis brings up Trump spending the entire campaign season of 2022 grifting donations for Senate races where the default split is 95% him and 5% the candidate.

>> No.52463073

Liz Cheney was trying to do everything she could to save the GOP. Any sort of principled respectability with died with McCain.

>> No.52463087

>tfw he's much smarter than the media makes him out to be
>implying the retard who argued for negative rates at one point is even remotely intelligent
do americans really?

>> No.52463110
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lmao they can't even say incited or led anymore

>> No.52463113

I was ambivalent about the Trump re-election announcement and I assumed that the cadre of conservative nut jobs I’ve accumulated as friends over the years would feel likewise.
But I just went on fb and this cute Christian 20-something Korean girl I used to work with was absolutely ecstatic.
Not only does Desantis need to win (I know he’s polling very well in Florida. If you have data about the Carolinas and Texas I’d be interested to see what it says), he needs to do so in a way that doesn’t lump Trump and his supporters in the same bucket.
He needs to point out Trump’s policy and electoral failures without calling Trump supporters failures.
He needs to do all this without being branded “controlled opposition”
Maybe it’s possible. It’s more likely after Nov8 than it was before but it’s still an uphill climb

>> No.52463115

I think they forget just how narrowly Trump really won in 2016. He is insanely unpopular outside of his base and let’s not forget that PA elected a literal retard over the MAGA candidate.

>> No.52463145

PA is pozzed, Philly and Pitt are junkie shitholes that drag the state down

>> No.52463156

Hey I agree.

Fag jew liar

Extra fag liar. Oh wow I can't wait for Jeb Bush bros!

You are retarded. He's the one who brought so much shit to light. So much bullshit opposition as well. Fag judges, fag Pelosi, and Jewmer. Whole retard Gotham cities.

Bros. Trump is the greatest dude for this shit. DeSantis will be pressured or bought. I like him but Trump is the whole concept that motivated this revolution against Jews and bullshit corruption, evil media and the fags.

>> No.52463168

>It’s a bitter pill to swallow but for this decline to not be horrific we need some sort of stability
its a game of chicken. we're all so fat comfortable we'll never risk bringing it all down on our heads because we wish to preserve the project; they do not.

>> No.52463178

Yeah but isn’t that true of every state?
The reward for making a state a nice place to live, is having shitlibs and minorities show up and devour it like locusts, and then vote the other party into power.
It’s like watching the second law of thermodynamics manifest as a political phenomenon.
How do you even avoid this process?

>> No.52463187

>I’d like that decline to be as smooth as possible
well unfortunately for everyone, smooth isnt as profitable as a never-ending series of disasters real and imagined.

>> No.52463236

Is this a combo of Adolf and Benito?

>> No.52463278

It’s just giga chad Hitler I believe.

>> No.52463289
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>> No.52463452

> He should have won re-election and the extremist liberal fever might have broken but as it happened, it was like watching an exorcism spiral out of control half way and backfire
Perfectly captured. That’s exactly how it was.

>> No.52463467

We're not voting our way out of this anon

>> No.52463472

ya. I hate how people play up Jan 6th. its was just a protest. I wish it was a riot and going after our corrupt officials, all of them. Make them feel fear again and what its like to be a little guy again... in Minecraft of course

>> No.52463474

>people trusted her with billions

>> No.52463481

thats the longest of these two comma interjections I've seen yet

>> No.52463490

Trump has no chance. The Republican Party is about to radically change in the future. There’s no place for that old petulant child, and only boomers care about him.

>> No.52463533

Ugh... how can this happen!? Donald Trump was few minutes away from going to the Capitole and requires every jews to be exterminated through public hangings, public lynching or just stabbed to death until, especially effective altruists like SBF. He should never be allowed to run again!

>> No.52463541

>who tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep himself in power
journalism is a joke

>> No.52463584

After protestors tried to stop Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh from being sworn in as Supreme Court justices and the media called it “righteous anger”.
After a year of the media telling us that arson and looting were “mostly peaceful protest”
After a year of the media telling us that protest isn’t meant to make people feel comfortable
After a year of the media telling us that thugs burning federal buildings is ok because “voting has failed them”
After all that, the media turns around decides that a fucking unguided tour of the capitol is the greatest affront to our democracy.
That, acktchually protests that make people feel uncomfortable are Not OK.
That protestors following Kirsten Sinema into the shitter is well within the bounds of civil discourse but protesting the capitol is not.
That looting a foot locker and stealing from people who have done nothing to you is part of the social compact but actually protesting politicians where they work isn’t.
And then, after all those reversals, the media went back to telling us that protest anywhere and everywhere is fine again after Roe V Wade was overturned, only now, not only were you allowed to protest the Supreme Court building, you could picket the justices’ houses.
In the end the rule is: the ends justify the means if you’re a liberal and otherwise your means and ends are never justifiable.
This being the case, just ignore the media until after the civil war when we go house to house and drag them into rape dungeons to skin them alive end rape their flayed corpses in front of their screaming children

>> No.52463590

McConnell did everything he could to block anything meaningful. He only let the court picks go through because the heritage foundation basically does the selection. Trumps main mistake was trying to work with him to pass some tax cuts no one really cared about. What Trump could get done was very good. The remain in Mexico policy was huge. It is also extremely reasonable and an obvious example that the Biden administration wants illegal immigration.

>> No.52463596
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I don't think Bitcoin is going to respond well to this.

>> No.52463602
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>> No.52463604

Peacefully protesting is nothing comparable to an insurrectionist mob storming the capitol to commit treason.

>> No.52463617 [DELETED] 

guys, throw away ur ideas. They're trash. take part in Bspin

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency.
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool.
> Fast deposits with variety ways

>> No.52463623

Good bait. 6/10

>> No.52463626

I feel bad for you if you feel fear looking at >>52463289

>> No.52463638
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Trump needs to go. He can not win since covid changed voting procedures to make mail in ballots popular and acceptable, hence all the apolitical retards that hear orange man bad from the tv will fill out a ballot if it is mailed to them, but would never show up to a voting booth. It sucks, but keeping the country united is a higher priority because the only way the USA loses to China is if the USA has a civil war. The USA has problems, but China has even bigger problems and if the USA can hang on for 30 years, we will once again see dominant American hegemony for another 100 years where the dollar is king, foreign wives can be imported for the white men cheaply, and subtle colonization keeps marching on.

It all depends whether you are a pleb and have to work alongside and possibly have your children be nonwhite or if you are professional class and can have children and pure whiteness. Also depends whether you think bleaching the world is a good thing or not. Before you decide think about it the other way around, China wins and you get to watch as all the Chinese party members of the united communist states of america have harems while you work 12 hours 7 days a week in a factory.

>> No.52463657

>I've seen him, walking around with his glasses on, trying to look smart - DJT
He was fucking hilarious as far as government representatives go.

I honestly think I could have negotiated better trade between the US and UK with him no problems. For instance, there's still essentially a stealth (double) tax on US imports since parcel force adds a surcharge onto the tax. So it's considerably more expensive to buy stuff from mom and pop / small, medium enterprises in the US. That needs to go.

>> No.52463722
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>> No.52463743

I'd like to employ the strategy of trying to win voters back instead of insulting and giving up on them. But apparently the Trump brand is to make enemies with as many groups of people as possible, and that apparently wins elections.

>> No.52463752

This guys on the right track. Wish I shared your optimism for the long term future but you get the general idea

>> No.52463775

>McConnell did everything he could to block anything meaningful...
Alternatively, Trump is a shit leader that can't convince people to come together and work as a team. But somehow an older, weaker, more divisive, more hated Trump will get things done? You're just making the case NOT to support him.

>> No.52463814

Get away with what? The alphabet agencies raided his home and it was totally fine. Fuck me, all these dead memes that have no actual foundation underneath them is cringe. Trump is so insanely weak.

>> No.52463822

Not sure trump would change a thing, but I think it would be funny so here's hoping he returns

>> No.52464096


>> No.52464272

You reckon Sleepy Joe got 80 million legitimate votes?

>> No.52464408

The only person that died was a woman that was shot by cops that let people in and even took tiktok videos with them.

>> No.52464440

not him but yes I do

>> No.52464576

NPR is taxpayer funded

>> No.52464761

Which is how you can be sure it is impartial.

>> No.52464816

it's literally true though